Apparently black holes look like the Darksign

Apparently black holes look like the Darksign

What did from mean by this?

Attached: first_black_hole_imaged_200.jpg (200x140, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

A black hole can't be seen because it is literally a pocket of space so dense that light cannot escape it. This "photo" is just some retarded bullshit that only dumb normies believe in. If it was really a picture of a black hole the light surrounding it shouldn't even be there.

>femoid took a photo of it
Yeah it's fake

>no light escapes
>take a picture of it

Attached: __hoto_cocoa_gochuumon_wa_usagi_desu_ka_drawn_by_bluebrute__cda1e4520270d427e0d7a435ce172ce2.jpg (1447x2047, 313K)

If you're baiting let me tell you, that's too class.

Pretending to be a brainlet isn't funny and was never funny. Fuck off.

Have sex

Considering this board is made of Americans mostly, I believe some of these might be true.

This is the real life casual filter.
It's practically the greatest achievement in recent history, and a bunch of retards are still screeching that the Earth is flat and that some rednecks with a webcam are more authentic than the combined forces of scientists all over the world equipped with the peak of technology.

Don't even try post a bait reply, I can see through all your brainlet bluff.

If you actually believe that, you’re more retarded than the people you believe to be

this deserves a soijack

So how did they take the picture anyway?
I believe it's real but the "not even light escapes it" thing also is real as far as I know

It's an image complied from radio waves and turned into a composite image, not a real picture taken with a camera. But normalfaggots are idiots and think black holes are actually visible to the naked eye

Obviously untrue otherwise people wouldn't do it.

8 Observatories across the world stared at m87 for however long as the earth rotated. What you see is the plasma circling the black hole.

Why should I care?

Everything that has a gravitational pull also has a limit to it's pull. The visible light is what is just outside the point of no return in it's gravitational pull. The big dark area isn't even the black hole itself. The outer edge of it is called the Event Horizon, and that is the point where it's gravity can no longer be escaped. The black hole itself is a singularity in the center of the dark region.

You first

Define a "real image taken with a camera".

So the picture is just a picture of the outline of a black hole?

She cute

All the renowned scientists in this specific thread huh

A warning about the jews, jews fear the jap, because the jews haven’t stolen jap genes yet to shapeshift as a jap.



The outline of the limits of it's inescapable gravity. There is still a pull beyond it, but it's no longer powerful enough to overcome the speed of light.

In super retard terms
>For A to happen B must be happening upon it

Because he stole it from Lorenz.
>how did Lorenz fucking know this shit by scribbling on a board
I unno. Ancient aliens I suppose.

yes. light can't escape the event horizon of the black hole, so what we see is the stuff orbiting around it plus the gravitational lensing of the light "behind" it from our perspective.

nigga smart as fuck


U dum

he watched all seasons of rick and morty

>If it was really a picture of a black hole the light surrounding it shouldn't even be there.
The dark bit in the middle is the black hole, along with a little extra space where unstable orbiting matter falls in.
The light is the accretion disc, matter in a stable orbit around the hole.

You should know firsthand the power of autism Yea Forums

cuz he smart af
It gives me great faith in humanity that we can stare into the abyss a trillion trillion miles away from us, gaze upon its ability to shatter a billion worlds in an instant, and want to have sex with it.

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big incest energy


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He had a eureka moment when he looked at his own butthole in the mirror

Rule 34: if it exists, there is porn of it. Rule 35 if there isn't porn there will be

living is the real curse

How can men compete?

Attached: katie.png (2500x1827, 3.56M)

>There is a possibility that in the future humanity will reach the stars
>Someone will try to fuck a real black hole
This brings tears to my eyes.

Yes retard you can't see the event horizon and shit, but what of the things that orbit around it?
That's what the picture is showing.

Poor girl. She's being completely swept up by the media's political bullshit.

Quite redpilled to be honest desu

Gwyn did nothing wrong

This. Why can´t people just enjoy her discovery without forcing their personla agenda into it?

Attached: baitt.png (1280x672, 893K)

Through dick, unity

>he jumps out of the ship. A piece of shit one-seat spacecraft, but he just needed it to get there
>he slowly approaches the black hole
>he has spent years practicing his timing, in seconds he will be close enough that he'll be unable to escape
>right before he hits the event horizon, he tears the lower half of his space suit off. He'll probably die in minutes without it, but he no longer cares
>he thrusts himself dick first ever clsoer to the black hole
>his dick crosses the event horizon moments before he does
>and for one brief moment, that man experienced the most powerful succ the laws of physics can muster
>in that moment, he experienced pure bliss before the rest of him was pulled into the event horizon, his body crushed into the singularity
>and history will forever remember him as the man brave enough to fuck a black hole

Actually, a bunch of Jews took a photo of it. Which makes me extremely skeptical.

Severe mental illness is killing humanity. She contributed to a team of 50 odd people to get this done and they're trying to turn her into the figure head for no reason other than
>She's got a vagina quick!
She deserves credit where credit is due of course, but she was part of a team of people.

It merely stands to reason that if a sufficiently massive object can affect the path of light, that you could conceivably have an object so massive that light cannot escape it. Mathematicians and astronomers theorized they existed before Einsteins time, Einstein just discovered mathematical formulae that prove they could exist, now we've proven rather conclusively that they actually do.


Leftists wont stop pushing their agenda until all whites are dead.

>Time dilation forever etches the brave man thrusting into the black hole
You only truly die when everything you have done is forgotten.

The main problem with this is that, from your own perspective, you can never reach a black hole.
The black hole is defined as the parts of space from which light can no longer reach you.
But you can always reach yourself.
Due to time dilation, you can't reach the singularity from your own point of view, so the black hole is always too far away to touch.
What you WILL see is the rest of the universe recede away from you further and further, travelling away from you so fast that you can never go back and reach it
But also be in a position where you can never reach the black hole either.

There's a lesson in there about not chasing your obsessions.
You CAN fuck the accretion disc though. That you can do.

>being this brainlet

Attached: eyes.jpg (680x661, 50K)


Attached: gargantua.jpg (640x480, 75K)

>it’s impossible to take pictures of shadows

Attached: is-this-bait-19556929.png (500x410, 18K)

It's funny though; how a slim, well groomed and cute woman without rainbow colored hair is the one who is actually getting shit done.

cause he got a big brain part.

It really is. I tried to take a _____ of one and the _____ just came out blank.

Attached: nothing.jpg (760x1104, 93K)

>what is accretion disk and gravitational lensing?

Attached: IQ'd.jpg (478x523, 105K)

>getting shit done
Don't exaggerate what she's done. You're just making shit worse.

His dick would experience spaghettification, where it would be pulled apart until it stretched out atom to atom

>a slim, well groomed and cute woman without rainbow colored hair

Attached: clown costume.jpg (539x573, 32K)

If it exists, someone wants to fuck it.

>You're part of a 100+ personnel effort across the globe in order to be the first to capture a black hole
>One of your colleagues writes most of the code needed
>The media rushes to prop you in a pedestal, just because you have a vagina
I wonder if she feels terribly about that, she's already tried to defuse it by correctly stating it was a team effort, but you try to tell the media that.

That's not actually the pure image of a black hole. It's filled with CGI garbage since a picture of nothing wouldn't take off

There's one missing. That monster girl version that got posted in the last thread.

I love singularity-chan.

Attached: 1549775973957.jpg (680x817, 70K)

Not true. I'm yet to meet a SINGLE PERSON who wants to fuck that smelly friendless Noire from Hyperdimension Neptunia.

But I exists

>my dick got thiiiis long

I mean I'd do, it, but only to prove you wrong.

This list of fanart of M87* is Incomplete. You can help by expanding it.
M87* is incomplete. You can help by expanding it.

Yeah like I said, the most powerful succ imaginable

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You're just saying that because you want him to be wrong

Singularity-chan is FAT

the event horizon is a physically defined space. you can reach it just like you could reach anything else. you won't necessarily notice when you do, but you'll reach it nonetheless. you can theoretically reach the singularity as well, or rather the matter that was once you can. you'd be long dead by then due to being ripped apart by tidal forces.

The only thing the girl said was that she was happy to be part of the team and the media completely spins it around and uses it for clickbait.
Journalism is cancer.

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ENOUGH, this stupid reddit meme has gone on long enough

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This feeling
Is it love?

The weird thing to me is that there have already been dozens of black hole pictures taken, just not in optical light, so normalfags say they don't count.
As if shifting X-ray imaging into visible light is somehow cheating or something.

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do NOT make me want to fuck a black hole.


She should be pale, like a goth girl.

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so I heard this picture was taken in 2017, why is this only being released now?

Why is this a big deal again? What possible information about black holes will a blurry photo give us that we don't already know?

because the image wasn't an image. It was radio wave data that needed to be compiled into an image

But I've never had a waifu before. What should I do?

if they can see a black hole billions of miles away with a telescope, how come the cant use that technology to look at the surface of a planet in the solar system? why even bother with sending drones when you can just look ai the planet?

This is Dark Phoenix Jean actually.

Attached: D3zlH8HU8AACXGt.jpg (1024x1024, 90K)

It was taken in 2018.
Thing is, it's taken in wavelengths not visible to the human eye, so a computer needs to put together a picture that is represented in our visual wavelength, and that's a process that takes a fuckload of time.
Taking the picture was only a matter of a few days, it took it a year to be processed.

None beyond the confirmation that they look like we thought they would. It's confirmation that we were in the correct path.
We knew how they looked like for decades, actually.
Pic related is a picture made by a french astrophysicist back in 1979 using only an early computer and ink.

Attached: 1530258610516.png (1891x803, 1.58M)

>People investigating how much she accurately contributed to the team
>Only because the media pulled their bullshit
Man this shit sucks.

They don't want to have sex with the black hole itself, they want to have sex with the black hole drawn as a loli. Big difference.

>the event horizon is a physically defined space.
And it is defined differently depending on your point of reference.
If you were to define it as "The region of space from which light could not escape and reach -an arbitrary distance-", then we're literally in M87* now as due to the expansion of the universe, light from it (and for that matter light from US) can never reach the most distant galaxies.
Given that a point of reference is necessary to define an Event Horizon, that means you aren't fucking your own perception of M87's event horizon. You may well be fucking other people's perception of M87's event horizon and thoroughly cucking them, but from your own perspective you're sticking your dick in boring normal space.

>the matter which was once you can reach the singularity
Not in finite time from its own perspective, it can't.

the darksign is supposed to be an eclipse

>greatest achievement
>just a "photo" that makes no difference in anyone's life
>meanwhile, people going crazy with biotech stuff

Embrace her, of course.

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You got it wrong. Rule 34 is two parts, of it exists there’s porn of it and if it doesn’t YOU have to make it.

This is genuinely fascinating.

I hope someone makes a kino documentary to explain all this shit.
With all the hype going on, they could even project it in theaters.

it has more to do with the fact that the image proves that what physicists and Einstein believed about black holes actually turned out to be true.

Just to fill you in, Black holes were initially discovered because astronomers saw strange little distortions in space. Einstein believed that these distortions were caused by warping in spacetime. When applying einstein's space-time theories, it turned out that some of the distortions had really insane gravity, which led them to conclude about black holes.

But everything previously known about black holes was purely from the math and physics and making a guess based on the theory of relativity.

Now that we can image a black hole (by using the earth as a giant telescope) we can essentially prove black holes exist, AND we can prove that einstein's theory of relativity is further supported

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oh, so that's why it looks like a blurry piece of shit
either that or the jews know that they can dangle a ass wiped jpeg in front of the public calling it God's own face and they will buy it

Whoops, it's been a very long while. Thanks for correction.

It means intel BTFO

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But how? She's a 2D waifu and I'm 3D

And I'm sure these people who have been taught about Einstein the messiah since they were born put no bias into their little picture of a burning donut into their program

>So the picture is just a picture of the outline of a black hole?
its "the shadow." space time is so fucked up in m87 the 'light' (radio waves) coming from all directions are instead bent, warped, and then shot out of it in a circular pattern.

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That is not a barrier, user

>the darksign is supposed to be an eclipse
No. It's the sun literally bleeding it's essence: fire. It signifies the end of the age of fire, and the dawn of man.

Attached: Dark-Souls-3-Dark-Souls-фэндомы-Jan-Philipp-Eckert-4879447.jpg (1920x1077, 469K)


That's just a picture, we have seen the gravitational influence of black holes before.
Pic related is the region were Sagittarius A is, the central black hole of our galaxy.
This gif are about 20 years of footage, and you can see all the stars being disturbed by something.
The one doing that fast curve, specifically, accelerated to 2.5% of the speed of light just because it passed near the black hole.

Attached: 1550085607528.gif (792x696, 1.09M)

>then we're literally in M87* now

Attached: despair but also.png (201x160, 34K)

>Sun is made of fire
What the fuck From.

>light cannot escape so its invisible

mmm grayon

You build a catapult, you load in the projectile, based on math and physics you calculate where you think the projectile will land. You fire the catapult, and it lands where you said it would. That's a pretty big indicator that your understanding of catapult physics are correct.

The photo of the black hole confirms what their calculations said it would look like, if it looked completely different they'd know that the approach to the physics surrounding black holes was way off.

Why didn't we have pictures of this before?

I don't understand. Am I supposed to hug my monitor?

You CAN reach singularity in fineite amount of time in from your point of view, but noone else will see taht you cross event horizon. So only you will know that you fucked a black hole.

Attached: belheit.gif (500x368, 998K)

the same way columbus found america, he just stumbled on it and said it was a thing

Media doesn't give a fuck, they are in it for the money and if it means undermining years of someone's hard work or personal image for a quick buck so be it.

>who is andrew chael?

Attached: blackhole.jpg (400x233, 11K)

Kek, stumped him.

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not quite retard

Einstein and relativity are very mainstream, but in the physics world, there are people who don't like the model of relativity.

You still have physicists still trying to prove the Graviton in order to shit on Einstein, or you have the string theory people thinking they're superior because of their 10 dimensional polynomials.

Relativity was essentially Einstein's attempt at making a "theory of everything", but it turns out, a large part of his original theory didn't work out, so it was thrown out. It's the same deal with field theory; a lot of it works, but shit like the Graviton don't. We have 2 pieces of the "Theory of Everything" but no means to connect them

>tfw we're all in smash

how about someone who's skeptical of einstein's work actually review it then? if there even is such a person after he's been turned into a philosopher king by modern "science"

They can be seen, if they have an accretion disk, or there's light behind them.

Attached: 1533573574602.webm (816x460, 2.93M)

because we didnt have the technology/ engineering infrastructure in place to do it

What if the 3D information pulled past the event horizon of a black hole was actually converted into the 2D realm

Attached: 1551192365239.jpg (400x300, 42K)

Well as I see it here are your options
Want to fuck a 3dpd woman
Want to fuck a 2d woman who will never be real
Want to fuck a black hole who is both real and inevitable as over the trillions of years the matter that was once you will slowly lose energy and fall into her. It's like you're destined to be together!


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Based and spacepilled

>The center of the galaxy is a portal to anime land.

but also has a galactic bulge

Are you stupid? Many of Einstein's other major theories have been disproven, including one that he spent most of his life on and admitted was a waste of time.

This is science, not fucking politics. You brainlet.

You can if you want, but the embrace is more metaphorical

You embrace the fact that she is your waifu. You dedicate your life to her and show your love as much as possible

You collect images/items/pastebins/etc of her, post about her, possibly celebrate her birthday, everything you can.

>meth will never go back


Attached: PLOT.png (375x382, 129K)

Great, have fun believing this fashionable theory until the next picture or gravitron or whatever the fuck throws a wrench into things. Endlessly bouncing back between answers to a question as useless as "is the universe round, or cubed?" I really pity you space nerds.

ah yes thanks for reminding me I gotta watch this

Attached: file.png (664x380, 370K)

the black hole is cringe

Scientists go with the explanations that requiere the fewest assumptions.
For now, what Einstein said seems solid.
But even what he said are theories, and those need to be tested.
Not everyone is sure of everything, what we "know" is just based on what little we have tested that actually works.
Plus, a lot of Einstein's theories have been proven wrong over time, and even Einstein himself disproved his own work a couple of times.

Even Stephen Hawkings himself said that everyone, even Einstein could be wrong about black holes and that event horizons might not even exist.

Pic related

Attached: waifu.jpg (1200x900, 323K)

you can see the accretion disk dumbass


I feel so sorry for her and everybody else in the team. They've contributed so much to science and the media just sees a cute young girl and screams WOMEN IN STEM WOMEN IN STEM WOMEN IN STEM and you just know there's twenty other women that worked on this that are fully ignored.

It's disgusting on every level.

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Could've fooled me, since this stupid, useless picture apparently "proved" a 70+ year old theory. Why the fuck would science hold on to something for that long that they could not prove? Because it's not about proving things anymore is it?

>Taking the picture was only a matter of a few days, it took it a year to be processed.
The big problem with image processing is that the picture wasn't taken with a telescope.
It was taken via the -correlations between- four telescopes on opposite sides of the planet.
You can't use 1 telescope to take a picture that far away, it's too small. You need to use a telescope the size of a continent.
We don't have a telescope the size of a continent.
What we CAN do is use interferometry between two telescopes on opposite ends of a continent, and use very tiny differences in what those telescopes see in order to build a bigger picture.
Finding consistent similarities between two very noisy inputs is a bit hard.
Finding minute differences that are different -in a consistent way- between two very noisy inputs is really fucking difficult.

Does this bring me any closer to my dream of being a space pirate, and if not, why should I give a single shit

For a concept so mind fuckingly scary as a Black hole it's not particularity interesting to look at for something that supposedly absorbs the light particles that would normally allow you to "see"

Anyone is 2D if you stretch them enough.
Stop embracing your spaghetti
And embrace spaghettification.

ok so maybe post one of them instead of a collection of x-ray sources *believed to be* black holes

70 years isn't very long.

The Japanese guy who is the co-leader of the American team is blaming MIT's twitter account for creating these misleading articles on Katie since MIT did not bother fact checking with the team, before tweeting.

>A-1) Many articles implied that her algorithm from 2015 was specifically used to get the first reconstruction of a black hole when many of us generated the first images simultaneously with many different techniques; this was probably from misleading tweets by @MIT_CSAIL on 4/10
1 reply 1 retweet 4 likes
Kazu Akiyama
2h2 hours ago

>(A-2) She is not at fault for these tweets; she was not involved in these tweets and she has nothing to do with them. I believe no one in the imaging group (even me at MIT) got contacted by them for fact checks.
1 reply 1 retweet 5 likes

Basically, the Japanese guy named Kazu Akiyama blames the person running MIT CSAIL's twitter account for jumping the gun and not even once fact checking with the team members who were on campus.

Half the blame should be on MIT and the other half on the Media.

Due to MIT's aggressive PR campaign, it hurt the project and made everybody in the world think this project was just a MIT and Harvard and Caltech only project when more than 70 colleges from around the world contributed to the project.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-12 Kazu Akiyama (aka Kazunori Akiyama) - MIT Haystack Observatory.png (1000x216, 85K)

Oh okay now I understand. Thanks friend.



Can you please stop contradicting yourself in single posts and choose a topic more specific than "everything this one dude every wrote is either true or false"?

Space Piracy has been an option for like 40 years now, user. It's just not very lucrative so you'll have to do it for teh evulz.

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Yeah from so many light years away it kinda sucks

I'm sure it would look actually horrifying like 3-5 light years away

Science has never been about proving things, you dumbfuck; it's more about finding the best possible models of the natural systems around us and constantly refining said models to fit in accordance with any new evidence or contradictions gained. There's a reason they say that you can't prove a theory, only disprove it, brainlet.

Entire List of the 76 Institutes involved in the Event Horizon Telescope Project that were given Zero Attention and Credit by the Media:

This project was more than just a collab among just Caltech, Harvard, and MIT.

1) Aalto University
2) Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics
3) Brandeis University
4) Boston University
5) Los Alamos National Laboratory
6) California Institute of Technology
7) Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
8) Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics
9) Center for Astronomical Mega-Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
10) Centro Astronómico de Yebes, Instituto Geográfico Nacional
11) Chalmers University of Technology, Onsala Space Observatory, Department of Space, Earth and Environment
12) Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología
13) Cornell University, Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science
14) East Asian Observatory
15) Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt
16) Google Research
17) Harvard University
18) Hiroshima University, Hiroshima Astrophysical Science Center
19) Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Physics
20) Instituto de Astronomía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
21) Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
22) Institut de Radioastronomie Millimétrique
23) Instituto de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
24) Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica
25) Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica -- Istituto di Radioastronomia, Italian ALMA Regional Centre
26) Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Napoli
27) Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC (JIVE)
28) Key Laboratory for Particle Astrophysics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
29) Key Laboratory for Research in Galaxies and Cosmology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
30) Key Laboratory for the Structure and Evolution of Celestial Objects, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Attached: 1554930261910.jpg (1514x591, 574K)

They're not real.

Attached: 1548659505923.jpg (400x400, 25K)

You're 30+ and your parents are still holding onto you, so you tell me.

Ok, see you in 70 years

No you don't. Nobody is going to remember them in the end. Even I can't remember the name of the girl they're trying to give all the credit to. Maybe Pattie?

31) Key Laboratory of Radio Astron., Chinese Academy of Sciences
32) Kogakuin University of Technology Engineering
33) Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
34) Large Millimeter Telescope
35) Leiden University, Allegro / Leiden Observatory
36) Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy
37) Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik
38) MIT Haystack Observatory
39) Nanjing University, Key Laboratory of Modern Astronomy and Astrophysics / School of Astronomy and Space Science
40) National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
41) National Optical Astronomical Observatory
42) National Radio Astronomical Observatory
43) National Sun Yat-Sen University, Physics Depatment
44) National Taiwan University, Department of Physics
45) Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
46) Nederlandse Onderzoekschool voor Astronomie
47) Peking University, Department of Astronomy, School of Physics / Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics
48) Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
49) Radboud University
50) Rhodes University, Centre for Radio Astronomy Techniques and Technologies, Department of Physics and Electronics
51) Seoul National University, Department of Physics and Astronomy
52) School of Astronomy and Space Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
53) Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences
54) Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
55) Tohoku University, Astronomy Institute / Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences
56) The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), Department of Statistical Science / Department of Astronomical Science
57) The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
58) The University of Tokyo, Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science / Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe
59) Universidad de Concepción, Astronomy Department
60) Universitat de València (Departament d'Astronomia i Astrofísica / Observatori Astronòmic)

If Yea Forums is still here you will.

The black hole in the photo is such a humongous distance away and so extremely small from our perspective that you cannot even begin to fathom it. Its actually really fucking awesome humans are able to achieve such a feat, and will pave the way for more progress into understanding black holes and nature itself. But yeah, im sure the majority of people dont really appreciate that kinda thing.

Lorenz got up his godddamn ass and accused Einstein of copying homework.
We still aren't sure if Einstein's discoveries are all fully his because his job is Patent Clerk. You name me one job on the planet better suited for stealing ideas than Patent Clerk.
>EA Executive
... Okay name me TWO.
He also had ideas that we've thrown in the trash. His Cosmological Constant is false*, so we don't just worship Einstein, we test if his ideas work.

*false if you consider it as scalar rather than a tensor field

>Anonymous 04/12/19(Fri)23:08:36 No.458338414▶

>Science has never been about proving things
LOL, oh my god

Based post, but let me suggest a correction: Science neither proves nor disproves. It accepts or rejects ideas based on supporting and refuting evidence, but may revise those conclusions if warranted by new evidence or perspectives.

Your first waifu is a precious experience.

Godspeed, user.

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61) University College London, Mullard Space Science Laboratory
62) University of Amsterdam, Anton Pannekoek Institute & GRAPPA
63) University of Arizona
64) University of California Berkeley, Radio Astronomy Laboratory
65) University of California Santa Barbara, Department of Physics
66) University of Chicago
67) University of Illinois, Department of Astronomy / Department of Physics
68) University of Massachusetts Amherst, Department of Astronomy
69) University of Pretoria, Department of Physics
70) University of St. Petersburg, Astronomy Institute
71) University of Science and Technology
72) University of Science and Technology of China, Astronomy Department
73) University of Toronto, Dunlap Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics
74) University of Waterloo, Waterloo Center for Astrophysics / Department of Physics and Astronomy
75) Yonsei University, Department of Astronomy
76) Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences

You're already part of great work such as EXPLODING VANS.
Why do you want more user?

I don't really care about being remembered. Fame doesn't interest me. Just pushing forward discoveries for the greater whole of humanity, no matter what it is, is all that I want. I get sick kicks out of that.

It takes sunlight 8 minutes to reach Earth. The Schwarzchlid radius of M87* is like 120 AUs. Crossing the horizon, even pointed directly downwards at a large fraction of the speed of light, would cause no noticeable change in comfort. It could be hours or days before you get close enough to the singularity to spaghettify.

It's actually just an edited picture of her buttwell

He did not write "850,000 of the 900,000" lines of code. The fuck are you on about? The dude himself said he only wrote 68,000. And he's also been congratulating Bouman.

Shut the fuck Gherman
Take your Maria waifu doll and go cry in the backyard

Entire List of the Top Members of Event Horizon Telescope Project:

A) Management

1) Director: Shep Doeleman
2) Project Scientist: Dimitrios Psaltis
3) Project Manager: Remo Tilanus

B) Science Council

1) Keiichi Asada (ASIAA)
2) Geoffrey Bower (ASIAA) - Vice Chair
3) Heino Falcke (Radboud) - Chair
4) Vincent Fish (MIT)
5) Charles Gammie (U. Illinois)
6) Ciriaco Goddi (Radboud) - Secretary
7) Thomas Krichbaum (MPIfR)
8) Sera Markoff (U. Amsterdam)
9) Dan Marrone (U. Arizona)
10) Jim Moran (SAO/CfA)
11) Feryal Ozel (U. Arizona)

C) Working Group Coordinators

1) Instrumentation

Development: Gopal Narayanan, Jonathan Weintroub
Integration and Testing: Alan Roy, Andre Young, Satoki Matsushita
Array Coordination & Readiness: Remo Tilanus, David James
Monitoring and Control: Daan van Rossum, Nimesh Patel

2) Data Collection and Processing

Proposal Coordination: Michael Johnson, Eduardo Ros, Keiichi Asada, Sera Markoff
Science Operations: Vincent Fish, Thomas Krichbaum
Correlations: Walter Alef, Geoff Crew
Synthetic Data Generation: Vincent Fish, Roger Deane
Calibration and Error Analysis: Lindy Blackburn, Ilse van Bemmel

3) Data Analysis

Imaging: Michael Johnson, Kazunori Akiyama
Scattering: Geoff Bower, Ramesh Narayan
Time Variability: Dan Marrone
Polarimetry: Monika Mościbrodzka, Ivan Martí-Vidal

4) Near Horizon Science Utilization

Parameter Definition: Heino Falcke, Keiichi Asada
Theoretical Models and Simulations: Charles Gammie, Hung-Yi Pu, Yosuke Mizuno
Model Comparison and Feature Extraction: Jason Dexter, Feryal Özel

5) Beyond Horizon Science Utilization

Multiwavelength Science: Sera Markoff, Kazuhiro Hada
Active Galactic Nuclei: Svetlana Jorstad, Thomas Krichbaum, Neil Nagar
Pulsars: Jim Cordes, Michael Kramer, Scott Ransom

6) Products and Publicatons

Software and Data Compatibility: Chi-kwan Chan, Ciriaco Goddi
Publications: Laurent Loinard, Huib van Langevelde
Outreach: Mislav Baloković, Eduardo Ros, Fumie Tazaki

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I suppose I can be content with that for now. I've done my fair share of 4chanborne shenanigans.

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Cuck. What kind of a moron uses his only life to possibly create something that people can enjoy after he's dead, but most likely will just be a colossal waste of time and effort?

Not him, but I'm more proud of my best Yea Forums posts than the work I'm doing now.

You guys ever think about how a gamma ray burst from a quasar would kill everything on this planet at any point in time and there's nothing we can do to protect ourselves or even detect that it's coming?

>horny lad steals the space equivalent of an A-10 and shoots himself dick-first towards a black hole at near light speed

Attached: file.png (1830x1500, 2.31M)

No because thats gay nerd shit
Only fags die

Physics or the whims of God taking a giant shit on us is the only reason I want to start colonizing space. It's only a matter of time.

Netflix is going to make a mini-series about this. A determined BUT OH SO POOR, GOOD HEARTED AND INNOCENT YOUNG WHITE WOMAN fights her way through FUCKING WHITE MALES and evil patriarchy that reigns over the science world.
But in the end she makes it through all the resistance thrown in her face by all the ignorant and intellectually inferior men (ugh.. men) and gets to show the world the first image of the black hole and she practically did it all by herself with a little help from her multicultural group of 3 friends - flamboyantly gay nigger woman Shanaynay, a crippled bi-sexual hispanic nerd Miguel and a 55 year old jewish tranny called Fran(k).

Life has existed for almost 5 billion years without happening and the average lifespan of a human is 70, so... Why should I care?

I bet there are space "pirates" (on the people that download shit) sense.
Given that it's just easier to get basic resources from asteroids or just create your own if you're an intergalactic level civilization, the only reason to come to a planet is to get the unique things on it, such as the creatures and most importantly, the media that any civilized society may generate.
So an "encounter" could be just a drone that wait the civilization to form a internet, then connects to it, download everything and fly the fuck away back to its owner, where they sell the data or use it.
And there's absolutely NOTHING RIAA/MPAA can do to stop it.
And DRM and encryption would not fare well at all against such advanced civilization computers.

>contradicting yourself
How am I contradicting myself?

>choose a topic more specific than "everything this one dude every wrote is either true or false"
You are saying that everyone praised him as a messiah and that everyone assumes he's right when a lot of people have proven him wrong in many things in the past.
Black holes are one of the things he was right about, that's pretty much it.

>Why the fuck would science hold on to something for that long that they could not prove?
Until it is proven false or true it stays in consideration. If it's consistent with observations over a long period of time that tend to prove other things wrong, then either it's likely to be true, or it's an antisemitic conspiracy theory (but still likely true).

The important thing is that you millennials managed to turn yet another completely apolitical stuff into something you can be offended about.
God, I can't wait for millennials to grow old, lose their energy and for this culture "war" to fade away into nothingness.

Oh god I'm a retard. My bad.

Satellites are in space so technically we're all pirating shit from space.

If the world were full of retards like you you wouldn't even have a computer to show everyone how much of an ignorant fool you are.

Remember that Sagittarius's arrow is pointing at us