Hytale Thread

new hytale update

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Can't i mod minecraft for free?

nice advertising faggot

I'm excited for it.
Don't know why it isn't getting much attention, since it's basically Minecraft but better.

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Minecraft is fundamentally flawed.
The code is a spaghetti of shit piled up on top of itself over the years.
Hopefully Hytale's code is designed from the ground up to support mods.
(And since it comes with the tools to mod the game from both outside and within the game, I expect it to.)

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what is this shit

The devs seem to have their heads screwed on straight. I'm optimistic about it.
Have they said anything about a release date?

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Everyone already got burned from Minecraft
It needs to be A LOT better to make people care

Yea Forums's backlash against shills, although well-meaning, sent them to the other extreme where any real discussion about games has become "obvious shilling". That, mixed with the overall contrarian nature of the regulars, makes genuine threads impossible. So, just say fuck it and talk about what you like. Shitposters gonna shit. I think it looks promising, too, and hope it's actually good so that we can get a comfy server up and running.

i genuinely hope they rip off some of the good minecraft mods

If you're actually curious, here:

Sure hope it has VR support

No, but you can sign up for beta-testing which is speculated to start around the middle of summer.

cube world 2.0

Wow, this is a big step up from that shitty flash game I fapped to like 15 years ago

Except it's made by an actual team and has funding from Riot games.

Also Cube World always looked like shit imo


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Ehhh. I think this is doomed from the start. Minecraft has simply become too dominant - I can open my 8 year old "copy" right now and be guaranteed to have a fucktonne of servers of any kind available and a bunch of mods, whereas the only thing this game offers me is, "vanilla Minecraft but better and possibly with a dead playerbase."

I don't remember and "obvious shilling."
Did it happen the moment the trailer dropped or something?
And yeah- the extreme contrarianism of Yea Forums fucking sucks. I don't get it.

>name is high tail spelled differently
>every time I hear about it I remember the flash

I'm a degenerate but I cant be the only one, right?

it isn't even out yet, how can you say it has a dead playerbase and no mods when there isn't even a chance for it to get any, also if they really do make it super moddable we should get a few mods. I might try making some myself

time for a nostalgia nut, user

Except it's being made by the guys who made the most popular of Minecraft servers and minigames, Hypixel.
And since it comes with easy to use mod software, It wont take long for mods to be made if not made by yourself.

Also, if it becomes a superior cult classic minecraft, i'd be happy with that too.

There is no attention on Yea Forums because Yea Forums has gotten burned a billion times by wanna-be minecraft clones but this game has gotten a fuckton of attention everywhere else. CoughCubeWorldCough

That being said Hytale legitimately looks good. They are putting effort into capturing the key good parts of Minecraft, but also adding in some new features and their modding and scripting tools look top fucking notch. And I dont care what anyone says this music is way fucking better than minecraft

I swear that fucking fox is why I'm into traps now.

Nostalgia faps make me feel sad. Like I haven't grown at all. I have but I feel like I've reverted to that shitty childhood pre-human stage.


i hope its good but i can already tell a lot of people will get burned from the hype just like cube world did

honestly hope it does well, and grows a good modding scene

Please rise for the national spunk anthem


It happens with every new game honestly. If you want to talk about a new game that isn't the FOTM instead of bitching about some political or feminism bullshit you're a shill. Welcome to Yea Forums.

Minecraft has a different feeling.

Hytale is trying to capture the feeling of excitement and adventure. Exploring and fighting!
Minecraft's music captures the lonesome feeling or wandering an empty landscape trying to survive.
I will miss that aesthetic if/when minecraft dies, but Hytale is a great refresher.


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Minecraft has no feeling at all the moment they release biomes

"Obvious shilling" meaning the belief that "no way could a random person make a thread wanting to talk about an upcoming or recently released game, MUST BE DEM SHILLS AT IT AGAIN". I do remember people crying about shills when Hytale threads first cropped up after the trailer and there WERE quite a few threads getting made, but that dropped off after a day or two. Probably just people having seen the trailer and wanting to talk about it, mixed in with a couple legit shill threads here and there.

>Don't know why it isn't getting much attention
Doesn't the trailer have a ridiculous amount of views

Still disgusts me. I was expecting to fuck a fox girl, not give a cross dressing faggot a hand job. Story of my fucking life.

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Can you actually build stuff with blocks in this game or is it just voxel based in order to appeal to the Minecraft audience?

>FORTY seven million views
What the fug

what are you, ESL, he literally says he's a guy

Yeah but no one is talking about it.
Not here, not irl, not anywhere!
Is it just me or...?

Do you talk to many people irl user?

basically, the game builds upon what minecraft started. so yes you can build stuff.


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Why don't you just watch the fucking trailer?
You might learn what it's about.

I rarely pay attention to shit like that when I'm fapping with the exception of vanilla romance h-doujins

That's why I'm interested. I like comfy freeform adventure games. Minecraft was a good starting point and Terraria was and still is fantastic. Minecraft with 300% more adventure sounds good to me. And playing a game like that on launch alongside you faggots just might be, dare I say it, /fun/.


W-why would you ask someone here such an insensitive question?

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Feelings mutual user.
A fun open world adventure game is what I've always wanted to play with my friends. Minecraft, even with mods never could really satisfy that.

Hope to see you magnificent bastards there on launch!

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Not him but playing on small Yea Forums servers with some light plugins like shopping was cozy as fuck. Remember one Yea Forumsirgin had a server where we had a bunch of small villages connected via a large scale minecart system. I genuinely miss it, especially my cabin in our swamp village that sat on a hill overlooking the town. It was fucking beautiful at night too.
Also during the alpha days back when the only thing to do was build and there was no survival mode Yea Forums had the best servers. Other servers were generally just running flat maps but Yea Forumsirgins would host maps with sprawling landscapes that were really fun to build around