Big into csgo in 2014

>big into csgo in 2014
>buy a 144 hz monitor
>colors suck due to it being a tn panel
>go back to a 60hz ips 1080p screen for games

i haven't really noticed a difference honestly, even in fps. are higher refresh rates a meme Yea Forums?

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great thread retard

You forgot to turn on 144hz you retard.

are you upset it's not another overwatch thread?

Time for /u/

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>it's another "I spent hundreds of dollars buying a high refresh rate monitor and didn't turn it on or use a cable with enough bandwidth" episode

Honestly I feel bad for everyone around you that has to deal with a retard of your caliber.

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>Found out after a few minutes of testing my friends 144hz monitor he forgot to click save settings and it was still 60hz
It's like ascending to a higher plane.

i did though and the difference was minimal

If you arent noticing a large difference you fucked up somewhere, it's literally double the FPS. Were you using a cable that can even carry a 144hz signal?
It definitely is. If someone tells me they didnt notice a difference they are either outright lying or just didnt get it working.

If you did not forgot to turn the option ON, it means you lack the necessary physical aptitude to apprehend the difference. I don't know in what proportions you could train that skill.

>hfw he was using HDMI

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the fps i play are basically angle-based. rainbow six siege and csgo. half the time you're holding an angle and the extra fps don't really matter.

i see 60+ refresh rate as more of a safety net than an advantage, at least in those games. if you have bad game sense and don't check corners, you can react quicker if you're not expecting something.

overwatch might be the only game where it'd be make a difference, but i got a higher rank on 60hz than i did on 144hz so go figure.

I'm pretty sure even hdmi 1.4 supports up to 1080 144, so thats not even an excuse.

>fps doesnt matter when holding angles
>but a high fps is a good safety net
>one game might benefit from high fps but another wont

Oh you're a sour grapes nigger who hasn't even tried 144 hz. Thanks for wasting my time dumbass.

Like that same night I found out I can barely see the difference between 1080p and 4k on a 55" tv, so I was pretty set to believe I wouldn't notice a higher framerate either. I couldn't have been more wrong.

Well you would be a wrong ass nigga then, doesnt have the bandwidth for above 120.

nice reading comprehension.

i'm saying that if you're playing csgo or rainbow six and you lack game sense, then it'll help. i'm sure it helps in games like league and dota, which i play but once again i don't see a difference.

i guess it's more of an equalizer for bad players than it is an advantage. does that upset you?

Give me a link, blink.

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Game sense doesnt factor in, 144 hz is objectively better than 60 fps and you're a braindead dipshit if you think it goes beyond that.
Shut up, nigger.

>can't refute any point
>drops hard r's
well i know who the 16 year old with the shitty tn panel is.

God, yuri is the most boring fetish ever.

I dont care what some ignorant faggot who thinks 60 fps is superior to 144 fps thinks, NIGGER.

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Ah it must have been 120 I'd seen. Even that's a huge jump over 60 and anyone should be able to tell.