Wah! Sekiro is too hard!

>Wah! Sekiro is too hard!
>I want an easy mode!
>It's not accessible!

I swear, were any of these mother fuckers around when we had hard as balls games like Ninja Gaiden? Hell, our normal difficult for DMC3 in the US was Japan's hard difficulty.

FromSoftware should do what Team Ninja did with Ninja Gaiden: give players an easy mode, but insult them all the way through. It would be comical to hear people complain even more because they are too afraid to git gud.

Attached: 220px-Ninja_Gaiden_(2004_video_game).png (220x266, 120K)

>Please notice me i played ninja gaiden im important!
Dead series.

I take it you're one of the baby back bitches who's clamoring for an easy mode in Sekiro.

Every day, I'm reminded of my failures.

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I take you're a faggot who can't shut up about how much he's cool because he played an old ass forgotten game.

See, it's because of niggers like you that video games in 2019 suck.

>easy mode NEVER EVER
lmao kys cuck

I replayed NGB this year and it still held up. You were probably born after the original xbox was released so I understand your frustration towards any persons that played the games pre-switch but look man thats just how it goes zoomer.

Ninja Gaiden Black > Sekiro

I feel sad that i've been trying to talk about NGB for years and advocating to people how good it is, and the only time Yea Forums wants to talk about it is exclusively out of spite, to shitpost some other game they think it's overrated.

You people really are the lowest of the low, you know that?
Sometimes i think it would be better if everyone here was banned from playing any video games, period.
At least then you'd go on to ruin some other hobby, and leave mine alone.

Attached: 0.jpg (1280x720, 176K)

Says the one who's seething because his favourite game is dead and buried.


Dude, I don't think you're the only one. I fucking love NGB, as much as the platforming frustrates me.

Also, I don't think OP was trying to shitpost on Sekiro. OP was trying to drive a point about how these little faggots are complaining about not having an easy mode obviously never played NGB or any games of that same genre.

NGB on hardest difficulty is THE hardest challenge of any ninja game ever.
The absolute amount of exploding kunais and 1hit ko combos from bosses.
Will never be topped

You know why that is? Because NGB isn’t that good

Just laugh at this high functioning fellas, they just can't handle the fact that another hard game thats not ninja gaiden exist.
It's just a mixture of them seething because the series is dead and seeking validation for their "superior taste" in action games.

Did you really not read exactly what OP was trying to say?

Beaten ninja gaiden back in the day and liked it, yet im not seething because another hard ninja game exist, in fact i rejoice unlike the faggots like you and OP lmao.









>still no decent xhueg emulator
>still no port

You missed OP's point entirely.

OP isn't ragging on Sekiro! Ffs can you not get your head of your ass for one goddamn second?

I'm replaying right now, and I feel that it has only gotten better over time. Maybe there's a bit of nostalgia going on, but there's few games before or since that have replicated the joy of gitting gud. The only drawback I feel that it has is that the beginning is a slog until you acquire techniques and additional weapons.

Playing Sigma 2 right now and the game feels extremely unbalances. Hopefully Sigma 1 will be better if it's based on black.

Yeah noticed now, sorry, all those ninja gaiden threads filled with haughty faggots sucking itagaki's cock while shitting other action games game like ninja gaiden it's the only good one conditioned to reply like this automatically.
My apologies.

I know you're younger than facebook but people were still making complaints about difficulty in Ninja Gaiden when it came out. The only real difference is that the Internet didn't occupy a large part of the social sphere at the time so it wasn't a 24/7 stream of endless whining and crying. Faggots are always going to cry about games not giving them a free win every time. Imagine the "controversy" if Ninja Gaiden came out today.

Maybe it's because they aren't actually fans and are just Shitposters

It's all good.

Dude, I've been feeling the same way OP's been feeling for some time. Like, how can you bitch about a game being too hard when we've had games like this before?

I like Sekiro and Ninja Gaiden. What now? I swear you retards think people can only buy one game ever.

what would you guys like to see in ninja gaiden 4? I liked kasumi and ayane in razor's edge so I hope they come back.

You can't get threads on any ninja gaiden, I've posted threads on the older game as well. Get buried in sub 5 replies.

Attached: based ryu.jpg (767x767, 238K)

I guess we could turn this into a Ninja Gaiden thread.
I'm pretty shit at these games but I can find fun from the challenge anyways.
How much does it usually take for a complete shitter to get good at Ninja Gaiden?

Learn to use the environment to your advantage, hopping on enemies or walking up walls is more helpful then you might think

>literally had this conversation with someone else

Go back and read what's been said ITT.

So I heard the remakes were bad?
Why is that?
Why was 3 so reviled?
Did they forget how to make a good Ninja Gaiden?
Do you guys actually want a 4 given how they seem to consistently screw up?

Lets be honest. You'd just end up with (((journalist))) who play on easy but pretend they dont and write (((think pieces))) about how it's not ok that the game insults you with no mention of ez modo

Go home ninja dog

The NES trilogy is fucking great! some of my favorite games.

Patience and persistence. For specifics, it depends on which one you're playing. For the NES ones, memorize where enemies are spawning, and be mindful of the power ups available. Most people find one ninja magic skill they like and stick with it for an entire level, but the game was designed for you to use the pickups as they come, learn what works for you. For the Xbox titles onward, learn your techniques, upgrade your weapons, and use your block. Always keep moving in a fight, and don't linger too long next to enemies that can grab you.

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For realious, is Sekiro easier than Ninja Gaiden? I find NG very challenging but not super difficult. Still on the fence about Sekiro