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Other urls found in this thread:


Ah, the times before hiromoot literally removed the "keep /pol/ in /pol/" rule from the rules page and told mods to allow /pol/.

Sounds reasonable.

Back when the mods were worthy of being called based.

/pol/ made this site better.

>get filtered
>cry about it on Yea Forums

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It brought a shit ton of newfags is what it fucking did

wait so is he saying that if you post /pol/ shit you are banned but calling people niggers is ok? whats with the addendum at the end

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Back when /pol/ was Jewish conspiracies and politics and not just buzzword for "you are too right wing for me".

>ResoyEra/Leddit took over the mod team

if you think /pol/ brought in newfags for the first time, then you are one of them

/g/ has a based mod.


Please reinstate this

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>cries about muh /pol/ and shifts the blame to them
>Yea Forums is still just as bad as Yea Forums when it comes to quality
Mods are fags

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you have to go back

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Based. The more like /pol/ this site is, the less it is like literally everywhere else including faggot shit sites like Resetera. Whine about free speech some more, please.

>getting mad over the n word

it was probably redwood the one who handed that ban lmao

Good times.

No, he said "if you want to get banned fot saying, go for it".

Video Game Niggers

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Let's redeem this thread.

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>not ok
despite being only 13% niggers commit 52% of all murders

It was never on this scale and it was never this awful, even the pony spam was less annoying

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there is no moderation on /g/

That's not /pol/ shit, wtf.

nigger kike spic heeb 13% 50% chink cuck

Imagine if people hid and reported off topics posts instead of blatantly feeding trolls
I swear to god if these people were around for Lanced Jack they'd have been feeding him non stop and complaining about why he's shitting up the board.

2bh the quality of discussion would probably go up if we just insta-banned /pol/ comments for being not vidya anyway
there's a large tree of discussion we won't have anymore if that happens, but it's not vidya anyway so what's the point

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Sounds to me like mods are a bunch of NIGGERS.

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absolutely based, all /pol/yps should be exterminated on sight

VERY based and redpilled posts, gentlemen

Meanwhile these are current day mod posts.
/pol/ killed itself and the rest of the site.
You're only making it worse.

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based mods

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What about saying "I hate everyone, niggers included"?


>he said something I don't like
/pol/ is not the problem (you) are.

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>twitter memes
piss off

wanna FUCK that CAT

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probably modcat who was removed for unironically typing the phrase "marginalized communities" in a ban message

kys apple fag.

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No, I am.

>bitching about nigger in 2014
>when nigger was word filtered years prior
bix nood

lots of mods are leftists

The infamous "kinomod" got fired for being a right winger several years ago.

>even the pony spam was less annoying
You're a newfag from the 2016 elections if you believe this.

"/pol/shit" is just another phrase for "I don't like that".

>>he said something I don't like
who are you quoting?
pro tip: that's called a strawman, retard

>t. wojakposting retard
Leave Yea Forums

how does it feel that reddit still keeps coming in waves and there is nothing you can do, Yea Forums gatekeeper faggot?

>who was removed
Based admins

you're part of the problem

roodypoo candyass

/mlpol/ was the best thing to ever happen to /pol/, aside from the Zimmerman trial.

why are applefags the majority on Yea Forums now? every other post on Yea Forums is an iphone filename these days?

>tfw /pol/yps got modcat, the only mod who still gave a fuck about the quality of Yea Forums, fired because he kept banning them for trying to raid and doxx random people on internet

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>stickying a meme picture that was forced by one autistic pajeet for months
don't forget to poo on your designated street, cow piss drinker


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Based mods wanting the boards to be exactly like they're supposed to be


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Why do you leftypol subhumans want an anti white safespace?

>this game doesnt feature any white males in it therefore its white genocide propaganda

He said go ahead and use nigger but don't nake everything political bullshit. For example why would I care to see anons make it seem like One Piece is jewish propaganda because of how Fishmen are treated?

That fact you are all so desperate to respond adds a lot of weight to what he claims.

where you the user that made the thread complaining about apple BTFO

why are you apple fags salty?

Terrible because millennials are an autistic generation of politic-obsessed manchildren who speak of nothing but le politics, le ebin Marvel movies and le ebin Twitter" memes".

/pol/ made sociopaths feel welcome.

Yeah Yea Forums actually has competent mods, we know.

kill yourself

Why is Yea Forums so jealous of us black me? You are white yet still a poor virgin incel jaded racist.

>You're a newfag from the 2016 elections if you believe this.
I've been here since 2010, at least the ponyfags had the decency to be funny with their shit and autism, /pol/ shitposting is just retarded.

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why do i have the gut feeling that 90% of anti/pol/ posters are trannies or related to the LGBT?

/pol/ is shit because of boomers not racism

I'll give you 5 bux if you can ctrl+f the word "nigger" on /pol/ first page and get 0 results

>tfw Gordon says nigger in the first 3 seconds of HL3

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The best ones were Yea Forums party van and is really fucking stupid

>This game has a nigger!
>It's clearly making our white chidren cucks!
>WOOOOOOOOOOW stop saying I can goto a political board to talk about politics this is fukkin Yea Forums

why are you trying to make gatekeeper an insult?

Thanks for proving my point.

fuck you nigger

Black cats with scarves are cute apparently.

What a fucking nigger.

Prune it

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/pol/ made legit psychos feel like they should not only be celebrated here but anyone who dares point out their mental illness should be banned.

poo in the loo, rashid

>politic-obsessed manchildren who speak of nothing but le politics, le ebin Marvel movies and le ebin Twitter" memes".
That's what zoomers do.

Yeah, Yea Forums is a safe space for retards and leftists.

video games haha

Same reason I get the feeling /pol/ posters are all fat Hispanics and Chinks that think they're white.

>competent mods.
>kills sakura fish.

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sociopaths always felt welcome you tourist

Fuck you

you got btfo, lol

Pretty based

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Nah, you're a worthless newfag from the 2016 elections. Also look at yourself in a mirror before you post that image, you fucking autist.

Where do you think we are?

>Calling someone a retarded wojakposter is proving anons point

>waste your time trying to stop a tsunami with your hands

because you are -this- autistc.

>he uses a phone made by gays, run by gays, pushing gay shit.

imagine being such a fag, that you gotta defends fags.

>say something utterly retarded
>haha you fell into my epic trap
fuck off

I actually tried this challenge
maybe you should raise it to 3 or less so someone can actually win it

im glad he was perma banned