Even the start menu is pure KINO, and they probably spent 10 minutes designing it

Even the start menu is pure KINO, and they probably spent 10 minutes designing it

Attached: 663e24bc42ba8049fa3f8e5afbf74966.jpg (1024x768, 23K)

They actually just copied it from Cuphead.

Attached: Cuphead Reference.png (1920x1080, 3.08M)

Attached: fcd.jpg (750x742, 52K)

uh ff7 came out like 20 years before cuphead

Lol no

lol Cuphead is a 2D game it's from like the 80s

It is pretty nice. Though I never really stopped to think about what's keeping the sword standing up. Would have turned an 8/10 scene to a 10/10 if it was sticking into the ground/floor.

have sex

Cuphead was animated in the 30s retard

Thats hard

user I...

>uh ff7 came out like 20 years before cuphead
Look at the artstyle, that shit is strait out of the 30s

Cuphead was made in the 30s

Attached: D19aot-X0AENhuP.jpg (828x337, 32K)

Pure kino.

Attached: Continue_SSB_(Kirby).png (520x371, 307K)

FF13 has the best main menu

For me it's those games where the main menu just transitions straight into gameplay on a new save.

Cuphead is some like silent film for was made back ninteen 20 or 30 ann you think final fancy was made was beofre 20 year? cuphead is much wt older and if oy don;t think ucphead from more 20 year go then you don tknow because final fansty was from affer when cuphead came

>yfw seeing the shimmer of an item or chest
>that comfy satisfying feeling of collecting it

is this the rare and elusive double bait?

Attached: 1506405359379.jpg (330x340, 57K)

does that mean ff8 came in 3000 since it has flying school?

Did this thread go how you thought it was going to, OP?

What the fuck are you trying to say?

>Press start
>Character says the name of the game

I love when you start a game up for the first time and you can tell, right from the start menu, that you're in for something truly special.

Attached: wonderful 101 thanks for playing.jpg (1280x720, 171K)