Does this apply in a world of post-launch updates?

Does this apply in a world of post-launch updates?
Is it really possible for a game to overcome a bad launch and recover its reputation?

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imo yes it does, when a game releases its at peak hype, full steam ahead. If that game comes out and sucks ass shit it can be fixed later but the scar left when it was a shitty game is still there.


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>a delayed game is eventually good

what is duke nukem forever, faggot.

No Man's Sky

Seriously though. It's actually pretty good now.


a post-update game will cost the company more in the long run.

Not my favorite fighter this generation, but it has improved. I'll pop it on for quick games with friends. Still frustrating though since Capcom takes one step forward and then a few back. Absolutely nothing on this season after such great communication last time.

thank you

Yes even more so. Nowadays if you fuck up your launch, a million other games will come eat your lunch. Nobody is going back to PUBG.

I have never seen a game go from shit to good due to updates.

Yes. Not everyone has internet. Not everyone who has internet has fast enough internet to even bother with updates. Not everyone with fast enough internet has a large enough data cap to download updates. Twenty years from now when all the update servers are down, whatever version is on the physical disc is what people are gonna be stuck with.

People requote this this but they're forgetting Sturgeons Law:
90% of everything is trash.

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A rushed game that happens to share the same name as a famous repeatedly delayed game. The DNF that we got is NOT the DNF that we've always heard about.

Never. Actual quality though, it's not impossible but it's not bloody common.

No Man's Sky

Even if it's in a playable state now, the damage at launch dealt a very heavy blow to its reputation and it still hasn't recovered from the crash and burn from pre-release hype. It might as well be "bad forever" due to its rushed release even if it's "good now".

>Miyamoto thinks Crackdown 3 is good
No wonder this hack killed Paper Mario.

Patches and DLC says hello.

It's not really true in the real world. Any game that's been delayed a bunch of times is most likely the result of things being a mess behind the scenes. So yeah, if I hear of a game getting delayed more than once I assume it's shit.

See: Mass Effect Andromeda, Crackdown 3, Might No. 9, Duke Nukem Forever, and so on.

how hard is it to understand the word "eventually"?

You only get one chance to make a good first impression.

And with Miyamoto's influence, Paper Mario is bad forever. Fuck this guy.

This is why I was sad but understanding when MP4 was delayed
They probably thought
“Man this is shit, fuck it let’s delay it and try harder”

This was before MN9 or whatever it was called, right?

It applies even more than it used to because now damn near EVERY game is shit at launch. That effectively means games are ALL getting delayed. There's a release date and a "finally good date."

When infinitely smaller games like Goat simulator cuck AAA titles that launched in a fucked up broken state the industry is more cut throat than ever.

in a world of post-launch updates:

a delayed game is eventually good. a bad game is bad when the media hype is at critical mass, and even if it's fixed with later patches people won't forget. Nevermind that in a few years when the servers go down it'll go back to square one as the bad game it always was at its core.

FFXIV seemed to have bounced back pretty well
nobody even remembers the garbage launch version

>goat simulater cucked AAA titles?
which ones?

He’s an industry legend but he’s not perfect
Believes heavily in
Gameplay > Literally anything else
Games for younger audiences should be easier than a 2$ whore with bosses that feel like 3$ whores
Dude is just old now a days
He’s gonna be 67 this year

oh trust me i do

i also remember the garbage current version

mmofags are a different breed

There are some games that are just fundamentally flawed and upon being delayed can still just be not that good

But it is definitely better to actually finish and polish your damn game instead of releasing a buggy broken one and fixing it post-launch

Yes because you can always ignore the game and get it later with all updates at half the cost, which means each dollar is worth more than the plebs paid at release for a better experience.

launching on consoles as well was a mistake.
if they sped up the game and made it an actual world instead of INSTANCE: the game it would be GOTYAY

Wrong, rainbow six siege is a bad game that became a good game.

Metal gear V and infamous second son were considered huge disappointments

I kinda put Capcom fighters on the shelf for now. SFV is shaky at best, and marvel infinite sucked ass so I'm very skeptical. It seems they traded the gods and got good single player games again but in return the fighters are all shit.

I still remember Final Fantasy 4.0

Never been an MMO guy and never played either version but isn't ARR such a drastic overhaul that it's more or less not even the same game?

sure they were ass but cucked by goat simulator?
i always assumed that was a zoomer trash game

I own it specifically to entertain younger cousins. o of them is 7, the other 12. It's mindless fun that a kid can play, and there isn't a way to lose. People can shit on it all they want, but it's great for getting children out of your hair.

>And with Miyamoto's influence, Paper Mario is bad forever. Fuck this guy.
Wasn't this revealed to be a false rumor? Why do people keep acting like this is a fact

Because stating facts would go against established biases.

Skyward Sword and it's in-depth toilet flushing mechanics says hi

Yes, it still does. First impressions are extremely important.

Also, the opposite can occur now. A game can launch amazingly. But then the devs can fuck it all up by "fixing" things with patches and updates.