What is the worst title for a video game you've ever seen?

What is the worst title for a video game you've ever seen?

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Kingdom Hearts 300 something days.

infinite undiscovery

Smash bros ultimate. It's not even ultimate unless you suck Ninty's cock more and pay them the extra $25. And that's if they don't make more passes.

What does that even mean? Luke is dead in-universe and Leia is actually dead irl, are they gonna make Rey a Skywalker now?

Kylo is a Skywalker

Sounds like it. Or a shitty attempt at a Kylo redemption.

Maybe Skywalker will be a title that honors Luke?
Idk I'm reaching


Sheev is a Skywalker, that's how he was so powerful

The ball robot is Luke's son

they shoyuld just call it: the sky walkers

They're titling it like this to bring in everyone that disliked TLJ by saying "Luke's gonna rise up in this one and do stuff!"
It'll probably be superficially better but still cynical and stupid.

I don't really care about the title. It's not like it's the first less-than-stellar title. "The Phantom Menace" is a horrible title.

My issue is that the teaser was underwhelming and almost amateurish. Much worse than the teasers for VII and VIII.

>Last Jedi is a great title
>The actual movie is an embarrassing disaster
Fucking Disney

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It annoys me to no end how the dumbest criticisms of TLJ get all the attention while the actually legitimate ones don't.
Disney will learn all the wrong lessons from TLJ, I wouldn't be surprised if it's much worse.

>It annoys me to no end how the dumbest criticisms of TLJ get all the attention while the actually legitimate ones don't.

Because Disney paid journalists choose what gets coverage and what doesn't

here's your onions shake

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what the fuck i hate Yea Forums now

The Last Jedi sounded like shit. Whenever they used a proper noun in the titles there would be a verb to kind of hype it up, i.e.

even TFA followed that, but it still sounded dumb because, you know, the force wasn't asleep or anything.

I'm pretty sure there were others but off the top of my head...

Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness

>defending nustar wars with local memes you don't understand
epic shilling there pajeet.

wasn't there a game called "shit"?
>Final fantasy
>there's 16 of them

>Luke Skywalker tried to murder his autistic nephew, abandoned his friends for years and left a map they could use to find him despite not wanting to be found
>Not a disaster

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I'm going to ignore A New Hope because I'm pretty sure that subtitle was made up long after the movie was released, but what about The Phantom Menace?

>Darth Plagueis put the force inside the belly of Anakin's mom
>Sheev meanwhile put his fat nut inside while she was asleep
Is there a more based character than Palpatine?

hope and menace aren't proper nouns. when they're not proper nouns (usually first film in the trilogy), they have an adjective building up the noun. It kind of makes The Last Jedi imply that Jedi isn't a proper noun.

Japan seriously needs to knock it off with this sort of shit.

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The Return of Sheev would've been a lot better

What criticisms?

Liking or defending TLJ is a dead giveaway of being a true blue cuck drowning in soye

Worst or best?
"Summertime High School: A Young Man's Notes—How a New Exchange Student Like Myself Ran Into His Childhood Friend on the School Tour, Then for Some Reason Became Super-Popular with the Girls for His Daily Scoops on the School Photography Club Even Though He Only Takes Panty Shots, and What He Thinks as He Goes on Dates During His Summer of Island School Life."

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+Sheev is back

-That fucking Title

-Kathleen Kennedy still at the helm

yeah fuck that.


You're not allowed to talk about Star Wars if you can't see the OBJECTIVE flaws and errors in TLJ. They didn't even understand how hyperdrive works in a MAINLINE movie lol

Even Adam Driver came forward and said they fucked up both films.

We live in a galaxy

star wars hasn't been good for literally over three decades why are we shocked the new one looks bad?

>even adam driver came forward and said they fucked up both films
Source? I'd love to see that.

This. They should've quit after ROTJ.

but RotS was peak star wars

>Sheev will never be your uncle
>he will never sit down, hand you a werthers, and tell you interesting stories like the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise

>Sheev is back
They won't actually have him come back. Just something about his legacy somehow. In canon they explicitly state (Even if it's not justifiable) that ALL SITH EVERYWHERE WERE PERMANENTLY DELETED AND CAN NEVER RETURN ANYWAY WHATSOEVER so as to make the prophecy of the Sith being defeated forever accurate.

Only...they needed to amend what the prophecy means because there are COUNTLESS Sith temples and artifacts strewn all over the damn galaxy and the Force being alive and doing its own thing (including the dark side) means that's just not a feasible belief within Star Wars, that nobody will ever find any of the probably THOUSANDS of Sith artifacts/temples laying around everywhere. Just doesn't work.

But whatever, nu wars is pants on head retarded. But, if they DID shit all over that and brought back Palpatine somehow that would be amazing and officially open up more Sith returning in some manner. Which I think is frankly necessary according to Lucas' own view of the selfless/selfish paradigm of Star Wars. I'm not even a fan of the Sith, but having them magically disappear can't even be explained away with the Force. It's nonsense.


How is it the rise of Skywalker when all the Skywalkers are dead? Jesus, how is anyone even remotely hyped for this? How are people STILL returning to this franchise like battered housewives? You fucks have the shortest memory imaginable. 22k likes on the trailer alone on YouTube. Fuck's sake.

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>sheev is back
All bets or off for this not being the best movie since 2004 in SW


Kylo technically

Am I stupid for thinking the subtitles were gonna make a sentence? I mean the title sucks on its own but I'm genuinely a bit dissapointed it didn't finish a sentence.

The force awakens the last jedi THE RISE OF SKYWALKER. Eh.

>seeing normies crying over how this is the end of star wars, as if star wars didn't truly end years ago

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The problem is that they will still give Disney money for this

I still can't believe the prequels started to look good at this point. Then again, Episode 3 was legitimately one of the best SW movies

They've officially said many times it's not actually the end of Star Wars and that they'll keep making more movies.

It's just the end of the "Skywalker Saga" just like how DMC5 was the end of the "Sons of Sparda" storyline.

Even if you didn't like the prequels, there's no denying the fact that their reign had some of the best games come out, i.e. battlefront, republic commando, kotor, so on. Now, we just have nothing. zip.

Genuinely asking, what did you like about Episode 3? I just don't see it.

Prequels are super hit or miss in many areas, they probably didn't need to happen but perhaps its nostalgia for my youth (watched original trilogy as a young kid then Ep.1 came out when I was 8 years old so I at least kind of remember a pre-prequel world) but the era of all Star Wars media during the prequel days (so from like 99-08ish) was probably the most kino for Star Wars in all regards
>iffy but popular movies so the franchise is at least on everyones lips
>fun TV spin off
>kino video games everywhere even if there are some stinkers
This era of Star Wars feels like the most forgettable and kind of pointless
>flaccid movies
>NO games what so ever sans one of the biggest flops in modern gaming
>forgettable extended media
It feels like such a sad cash grab that I just don't know how people are going to look back on this
Am I crazy? I'm not saying the prequels are anywhere near as good as the originals but they aren't the worst things ever and the era surrounding them was WAY stronger for Star Wars media presence than what we have now

>Father you conquered the galaxy, destroyed the Jedi, killed innocent people and you are pretty much a dick but I still believe in you.
>Nephew I sense bad things inside of you so I'll kill you.
Whoever wrote this shit deserves to get fired.

This, it's weird that people like that film and defend it. It's just trash like the other two prequels.

"B-buh you see Darth Vader's emergence!" is all I hear in defense of it and it's garbage since they did a TERRIBLE job showing how he becomes Vader, it's rushed and just awful. They needed to be showing this in the second film, having him experimenting with the dark side and being tempted.

Clone Wars helped A LITTLE but didn't do enough.

Soundtrack, visual aesthetic (venators, clones, robes, ships, everything just looked so... good). That, and seeing a story where the reigning good guys actually lose was unique, the mustafar duel was arguably the best in the saga, and order 66 was done excellently. Focusing for a cameo-amount-of-time on specific jedi that we've been grown to like from the EU was actually really sad.
Naturally, it wasn't perfect. The romance was shit just like in episode 2, and the fact that everything revolved around that was a problem to say the least. That still couldn't destroy the movie for me.

That's not what happened.

Also it was the idea of stopping someone beforehand where as Vader ALREADY did all of that and Luke was in the forgiveness stage.

AND Luke nearly kills Vader just like he nearly kills Ben but he stops himself both times.

Not him but I think the general positive reactions you might see towards Ep3 over the years are because despite all the prequel flaws, whats the point of the prequels, to show us the rise and fall and rebirth of Anakin into Darth Vader right?
The first movie (though its a goofy piece of nostalgia for some) is a mess and almost doesn't need to exist, 2 takes way to long to pick up exposition wise, has some neat moments but again, could almost easily not exist, 3 is where everything finally happens though and even if some of its goofy its got some strong moments that answer questions, even if they maybe didn't need to be answered
I think looking back they have the same issues the nu-Hobbit movies did
The story could EASILY have been told over 2 films but instead it got dragged into 3
It just happens that in the case of the prequels Ep.3 is probably the most watchable and in the case of the hobbit, Five Armies is probably one of the worst films I've ever had the displeasure of sitting through


>They needed to be showing this in the second film, having him experimenting with the dark side and being tempted.
They literally did that in the second movie though, hello?

"rise" in the title


What? If anything the problem with Anakin in the movies is that he was hardly an heroic paragon before falling. You can see him hotheaded and tapping into negative emotions as soon as we get his older self. Episode 2 has Anakin killing an entire tribe and talking about how he'll eliminate death.

No, they didn't. All he did was get angry and kill people. That's not at all experimenting with the darkside and being tempted, that was an act of rage. The Dark Side is more than just RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I guess I forgot all the times Vader screached in rage and anguish as his main essence in the OT.

Oh wait...I didn't because he never did that. Getting angry and killing the Sand People and their children was obviously showing the weakness in his character, but that alone doesn't properly show how he becomes Vader. It's merely the first step, and instead it's literally just like two steps according to the PT. What a short and terribly developed walk lol

Also somehow Anakin was NEVER educated about the Sith in the Jedi Temple. That makes NO sense.

Fucking hell I was hoping we'd be done with the Skywalkers after what The Last Jedi did. They just keep bringing them back, let em die already jesus christ

>Luke Skywalker tried to murder his autistic nephew, abandoned his friends for years and left a map they could use to find him despite not wanting to be found
Not only that, the concept of leaving behind a map is fucking RETARDED since it leaves a TRAIL. If he were to leave anything behind for other people to find him, he'd leave behind coordinates.

theyre goint to use dark midichlorians to turn luke into a force zombie

BB8 is the long lost child of Padme. Now with Luke and Leia dead he will rise to claim the throne and take over the galaxy as the new emperor.

I would argue Vader's backstory could've been told in 1 film personally. If they did that, and executed it better than TPM, AOTC and ROTS I would've really liked it.
I will admit ROTS is the least worst prequel, and had a few good scenes. I think what you said about the romance was probably my main complaint about it. I think Vader turning evil over it was not a good decision to begin with.

Undead Darth Vader. He rises from his space-urn like an ashy ghost.

>Luke nearly kills Vader
Because Vader taunts him by threatening to go after Leia.


this is your modern star wars fan

Yes, and Luke is motivated by protecting the greater galaxy when thinking about killing Ben.

Both times though he relents.


It's not claiming it's the "ultimate" title, it's just a name, that's all. Besides, the real name is Smash Bros. Special.

Why are star wars fans like this? I can't think of any other fanbase that gets so needlessly emotional at a trailer.

They'll make more passes, they said the planned to support the game for many years with characters as it's intended to be the final smash bros for a very, very long time.



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It's good to see star wars finally breaking new grounds


Twitter is confirmed fucking retarded, though. Most likes are given by robots and you only get to stay there if you inject copious amounts of corporate cock.

>kills the EU
>makes poorly done copies of EU stories anyway

I will never not be mad.

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Haha yeah!
Just like when they brought back Han Solo, Leia, Luke and Chewie, and they were like
>we're home :^)
That made the last two movies so good! Haha!


I am so glad Leia is coming back to save the day

Whens Disney gonna buy GW so we can get some 40K movie

I was gonna say something else but this is fucking awful

Most Japanese games
They have titles that are just meaningless word salad.
>shadows die twice

>The biggest issue people have with Rogue 1 is that the characters were disposable
>Still 100 times more memorable and entertaining than Rey, Finn and nu-Leia despite going on their third fucking movie


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Play the game and you'll understand the title.

>Vocal minority

No, it was hated by a HUGE amount of the people that watched it.

Pryzm Chapter 1: the Dark Unicorn

Take a guess why it never got past episode 1

Breath of the Wild
I hate that there is nothing in game that corresponds to the subtitle
Its more like a codename for development than a subtitle
Why not TLoZ: The Five Champions? or TLoZ: The Divine Beasts? or TLoZ: The Blight of Calamity?

My issue with rogue 1 is that it's basically a marvel superhero flick pretending to be Star Wars. Please tell me why Mr Snarky droid even exists without using HK-47 as an example

Smash Bros

Pop quiz: What's the name of, and motivations of these 6 characters?

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Jackie Chan
Superior Rey
The MC of the tie-in video game
Player 2 in the tie-in video game
Rasheed, the Engineer

Why are the new characters in the sequels so bland and boring?

this niggas theory is pretty good. if only Disney weren't a bunch of cucks

It means
>focus researched title among more than 1000 groups of people in order to achieve maximum appeal title version

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Mike sounds very excited.

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sounds like a jav title
>rey still isn't a nudist

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army

Under Night In Birth
great game though

not like the /vpol/ baiters in this thread have played it.

>everyone hyped about this shit
>even the people that know the last two movies were terrible

More people need to note this. It's obviously corporate baiting.

because these movies are focus tested products

>Me gusta
Back to 9gag my man

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That's a parody title.

Decent game though.

That's every star wars movie after the Disney buyout.

Kylo Ren is a Solo, not a Skywalker.

how to achieve qt succubus gf?

Since Luke was the last trained jedi, one theory is that Skywalker may be the new title for jedi. So any force user there-onward is a "skywalker"

>naked and belligerent
Literally me.

His mommy was a Skywalker

She wouldn't need to assault me if you catch my drift.

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>look this up
>assumed his boyfriend would be chad
>it's this fatass

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That sounds as dumb as the title does. It's absolutely gonna happen.

They wouldn't would they?

Her eyes are creepy as fuck.


He didn’t try to kill him. That implies that he went through with his decision to kill him but failed. He had a moment of weakness but didn’t ACTUALLY go through with it, because he realized how fucked up it was.

I swear you people didn’t even watching the fucking movie. It had a lot of dumb shit in it but Luke was fine.

Theres a degree of logic. iirc the term force user in chiss-tongue actually does translate basically to "skywalker"

I would pretend to not want sex so she would rape me.

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Are you auschwitz manlet mode? That guy is probably 6'3 and 230lbs. Looks like a late 20s hard labor chad.

The prequels were trash. Just because you saw them when you were a kid doesn’t make that fact any less true.

>Be battling a Jedi master to decide the fate of the galaxy and having the absolute time of his life.
>Is laughing so hard he has to wipe the spit off his mouth and is even laughing when holding on to a guardrail for dear life.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Because 99% of the game was about exploring the wild. The characters and plot were just a half-assed excuse to justify the setting.

>Trying to create an entire cinematic universe based solely around a a concept of Vaguely Good versus Blatantly Evil

Last Jedi wasn't terrible, just insanely frustrating with all the thematic faults and characters contradicting the message the movie was apparently trying to convey. And the only reason why I have any interest in seeing this one is to see just how much they retcon to salvage together a story because all they have left is 'Murder Kylo'.

But for the thread question: eXceed 3rd - Jade Penetrate Black Package. Or maybe that's the best.

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The title’s so stupid that it’s a perfect fit for the game


god i wish that were me

Why is it always Florida?

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Every character feels like they are there just to fill a quota and not be real characters. Kylo is the only one with anything that resembles a character arc and even then most of his backstory is skipped so it doesn’t make any real sense.


Christ, that's so possible it hurts. I dont care anymore. The series is beyond saving. Everything is beyond saving in 2019.

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Open press laws plus hot weather

The prequels are pure kino kid


>a pale goth-y qt will never rape you
Why go on living.

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From the pics she looks pretty cute.

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was this bitch drawn by kazuma kaneko or something lmao

>defending söy wars
Vader and Luke were engaged in a heated fight where the stakes were at an all time high. Luke defeated Vader and didnt even want to kill his father. He never did at any point.

Luke in TLJ literally walks into Ben's hut with the expressed reason to kill him in his sleep. He would kill a child, his own nephew too, out of fear instead of trying to help him, meanwhile he never gave up on his father, the sole reason for the galaxy being in turmoil, and was willing to walk right up and face Vader and Palpatine, the two darkest and strongest people in the galaxy, alone.

Tl;dr kill yourself

>ST is turning into a poor mans Dark Empire I

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Rebels already has a poor mans world devestator

>They're straight up going to do Jabba's Palace again
>JJ Abrams is doing another fucking soft remake like TFA


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Why did Rian feel the need to include that scene in TLJ, but not really elaborate on any of the new characters they introduced?

They said they were going to retcon something from TLJ. Now we know what: Rey's parents.

kek, the Disney era has zero positive things to it so I'm not surprised.


>Disney allowed a collection of short stories that implied the Dianoga from a New Hope was Force Sensitive
>This is more canon than Republic Commando

Just take this series behind the barn already

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Dark Souls, Bravely Default.

His father was a Solo, so he's a Solo; don't bring your jewish matrilineal descent garbage in my thread.

This desu

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This entire movie is a plothole holy shit, what a terrible writer.

Kylo Ren redemption imminent

What the fuck are you talking about? He has Skywalker blood. He's a Skywalker.

Fate/Stay Night

This isn't the end of Star Wars movies; just the Skywalker saga. Everything they make after this will not relate to Luke, Han, etc., but they said they're gonna make more spin-offs and even new trilogies with original plots.

so you're just going to ignore he got his powers from her side of the family?

The Emperor is gonna be in it, the most based villain in movies

No one is hyped about this

Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater

>Skywalker saga
>MC isn't a Skywalker
>Skywalkers are barely relevant
Skywalker saga ended in ROTJ.

Came to post this. Even if I typed it out correctly, it's abysmally nonsensical in it's pronunciation.

>MC isn't a Skywalker
You sure about that?

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A lot of those Japanese games with multiple words slammed together with no coherence.

Eg. Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st]

World of Warcraft
Apex Legends
Monster Rancher
Tom Clancy's The Division
Crusader Kings


Skywalker's grandson


He'll change his name to Anakin Skywalker near the end of the movie.

surnames don't devalue the fact he has skywalker genes


Was Finn even in that trailer? I don't remember seeing him at all.

Has any other movie completely forsaken its own lead actor like Nu Wars dropped Finn? Literally everything he does after rescuing Poe is completely inconsequential, there is zero point to his existence. Why? Was it because he was making Rey look bad by comparison? Is it because China hates him and they're the only ones still spending money on these shit movies?

China doesn't really like star wars.

Yes actually. They had Rose (The fat chinese girl) kissing Fin. An entire scene focusing on a Chinese girl kissing a black guy legitimately caused minor rioting in Chinese theaters over disgust and anger with the scene. China makes up more than 70% of your international ticket sales

There's a TON of pointless characters or of no real plot consequence in Disney Wars in general. The writers should be fired.

Rose is vietnamese

Why the fuck was Rose even a character?

That's pretty hilarious since Rose was pretty much the "Cater to China w/ a Chinese actor for $$$ from their government" character. So fucking useless of a character.

this seems the most retarded and simultaneously most likely event

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To pander to China. Many movies pander to China subtly.

The best character in the previous movie was a chinaman so they had to balance it out by making the next asian the worst character.

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Last Jedi was an awful title.
>Return of the Jedi
>The Force Awakens
>The Last Jedi

What was worst? Last Jedi or References One? One has a dumb plot while the other one has a completely missing plot for the first hour and a half.

Rogue One is the best nu-wars movie, and genuinely feels like it could've been part of the EU with its adventerous tone and ensamble cast.

Litterally no one gives a fuck about starwars anymore.
Everyone is either a retard, a mary sue, an unironic faggot or an assfaced cryptojew.

They both are god awful but I'll say Solo

Rouge One will always have a bad taste in my mouth because it retconned out absolute chad Kyle Katarn.

Then explain the massive amount of RICED black women in Africa?

The best character before TLJ was TR-8R

There's a clear pattern to the titles as well.
>The Phantom Menace
>A New Hope
Vague description of an abstract concept.
>Attack of the Clones
>The Empire Strikes Back
Clear reference to specific events.
>Revenge of the Sith
>Return of the Jedi
Vague description of specific events.

The Force Awakens fits the pattern, The Last Jedi does not. If this new one does fit the pattern, then it's going to be even worse than I thought.

wait this is ep nine? I thought this was a videogame title.



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>The Force Awakens
The force was never fucking asleep in the movies.

>The Last Jedi does not.
There are tons of fucking jedi

>If this new one does fit the pattern, then it's going to be even worse than I thought.
The new one makes no fucking sense and is just random bullshit created to lure a completely pissed off group to the theatres.

TLJ is worse but I hate RO more because people defend that piece of shit. Donnie Yen was based af tho

the last jedi bc it failed to follow up on its ideas

>Rogue One is the best nu-wars movie
That would be Force Awakens. Rogue One is "Things are happening...I guess: The Movie".

Leia adopts rey as her daughter and then dies.

Anyone who says otherwise is a dumb nigger. Its 100% whats going to happen and disney will claim that it was a skywalker story the whole time.

>more canon than Republic Commando

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Rogue One. Last Jedi was frustrating but Rogue One was boring and pointless. Also it has people defending it with the line of "But now we finally know WHY the Death Star had such a weakness!"

Fuck you.

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rogue one is the best star wars movie, period.

Just keep empire and rogue and throw everything else

Star Warriors

TFA is an inerior clone of a pre-existing movie. Rogue One is related to that same movie while being its own story with its own characters.

The more I think about it, the more I think it would be cool if they bring back everybody to fight together in sort of big battle royale, without even having a scenario.
It would be glorious.
I hope they also bring back the ewoks and the hot beast for a cameo.

>rogue one is the best star wars movie, period.

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No matter how you look at it, this just shows that they don't know what they're doing.

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your gif doesn't even work fag

Rogue One is forgettable trash

Neither does Rogue One when it tries to stick to my memory.

that's because of all the spare chromosomes

That says more about you than the movie. Brainlet.

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user, are your parents married? Did you get your mother or your father's name? Yeah? Even if you inherited superpowers from your mom, that's not going to make you any less of a Gonzales

t. Disney shill

it's gonna be fun to watch abrams scramble to fix all the shit he had originally set up only for johnson to come in and fuck it all up.

>Guns of the Patriots

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The fact that him and Finn will never get a final showdown pisses me off to no end

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seriously how the hell could they fuck her up not only once but twice? it makes no logical sense. she's even female so you'd think they'd try even harder than normal to build her up into some threatening menacing character, but she ended up being quickly and comically taken down in both movies. is she gonna get a pie in the face in IX or something?

The same idiots who probably thought Phantom Menace explaining what makes a Jedi a Jedi was a good idea. You take away the mystery/magic, and thus lose some soul.

>Implying Abrams didn't irrevocably fuck the star wars brand harder then a phat ass blonde dyke with a rape fantasy in a black frat.

Star wars was ruined to the point of needing a full reboot starting from scratch with the force awakens user.
It's so bad that the TFA toys are STILL sitting on shelves if they haven't been taken to that massive landfill.
They've even stooped to buying their own seats and lying about how successful TLJ and RO and even Solo was.
Starwars is in every way a dead series.
It no longer prints money.

It's litterally them pushing the creepy pansexual childless ersatz debtslave who's bending over backwards for DA PATRIARCHY to prove how much of a shitty male stand in she can be.
It's fucked up and Disney has been pushing this hard throughout all of their media for nearly 20 years now.

Captain Marvel
The Frozen dyke in Frozen 2(it had almost NOW views on youtube and no one is discussing it anywhere, I bet you don't even know that there is a sequel being made do you)
It goes on like this.

In IX she'll turn over to the Rebels and end up being some pretty-girl underneath, instead of someone who can fuck shit up.

LMAO sounds like someone gagging on a cock


"Half Dead", that game based on the Cube movies. Such a boring title especially embarrassing when Fucking "Cube" is a better title.

I just love this meme theory, Sheev bangs Anakin's mom who runs away into deserthellhole.

A sincere threat is too much for quipshit. We have to undermine our storytelling with self-aware piss taking at every opportunity. Even Kylo has to be a joke.

Women were a mistake.

oh I never saiud TFA was good, it just cracked me up that he had set up some vision for the characters only for johnson to ruin his ideas all for the sake muh subverted expectations, and all right in the middle of a goddamned trilogy no less. nuwars has absolutely no sense of progression or focus now. IX is basically just lip service they have to pay to say they have a trilogy.

I have negative expectations and I'm still fucking let down.

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Fag, Leia will adopt Rey and die after. She will be a skywalker. Its obvious as fuck because it closes her pining for family arc, and makes it funny because her 'sibling' will be Kylo, once again stealing from the EU after throwing it out.

>Frozen is getting a sequel
>It's going to have another catchy meme song spammed everywhere
>If it doesn't then Disney will pick one and spam it anyway to prove how "popular" it is

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Every single time I'm reminded of just how much of a trainwreck this new trilogy is I feel literally like I'm about to puke. It's disgusting.

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>yfw maRey sue wrecks Sheev within two minutes of meeting him.

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You seem to be implying TLJ introduced a good character. This would be an error.

I find is amusing to imagine a mega company having board meetings and presenting their plans for the biggest IP of all time and no one in the room can say " no. these ideas do not sound good"

Disney became too big and fat of a company to be able to steer clear of icebergs, with hilarious results.

>Kylo has to be a joke.
That ass faced girl haired crypto jew faggot was always a fucking joke.
He'll never be taken seriously and no one fucking likes that piece of shit.
They litterally threw Han and Luke and Darth Vader under the bus to embiggen that cocksucking piece of shit and he's STILL not considered a thread and is seen as a massive waste of screen time.

Good, good, let the hate flow through (You)

>There will never be another Rogue Squadron, EaW, Power Battles, Outcast/Academy, SotE

Why watch it, then?

Seriously, everyone here knows this movie is going to be shit, and you're all still going to go watch it in theaters. What's wrong with you people?

>he had set up some vision for the characters
What fucking vision?
That laughable fucking nonsese that flipflopped back and forth every 20 minutes and at no point made any fucking sense and just fialed on every single level imaginable?

user this was paint by numbers designed by committee and "them" nonsense that failed on every level.

This. Rey gets adopted by leia and disney will say SEE IT WAS A SKYWALKER STORY ALL ALONG

I just want Sheev to have fun. He deserves it.

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user, it's an ersatz-male action bitch shitfest like the other ersatz-male action bitch box office bombs this year and every year before it.

This thing that Disney and hollywood has been pushing is unpopular as fuck for a reason.

Sheev's Seed & Feed (formerly Snoke's)

I haven't been to the theater in 3 years and I'm not about to start going back.

>we're not just getting a poor mans Dark Empire I but also a poor mans Battle of Uroro Station

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The prequels did what they were meant to do, they set up the world to be massively expanded on the EU and gave us the BEST content on the setting.

>the pathetic villain is pathetic
films are shit user, but come on.

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>we live in timeline where mainline Star Wars movies exist that are so bad that they actually make people look back fondly on the prequels

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I will never stop saying that Finn is probably the most wasted character in the whole franchise. We could have had a rouge nameless ex-stormtrooper finding his place in the galaxy, wielding Luke's saber without depending on the force and only using nothing but his will to survive to fight his battles, but we're stuck with the biggest and most unlikable mary sue that has ever stained this franchise. The only good moment in this whole massive turn of a new trilogy was Finn fighting for his life against Kylo because he was so fucking badass he didn't need the bullshit force ex machina Rey constantly pulled up her skinny ass to protect her.

Fuck Star Wars and fuck Disney for ruining his character, I'm so fucking pissed.

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Why do they push it?

The Raidou games have perfect titles and no amount of arguing will change that.

>Still 100 times more memorable and entertaining than Rey, Finn and nu-Leia despite going on their third fucking movie
I don't think you appreciate just how much of a low bar that is.

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>No one thought to make Phasma be the one to shout TRAITOR and fight Finn.
Are they actually retarded? No one stopped to think that? It was already canon that her armor can stop blaster shots, couldn't have her get knocked off her feet from the bow caster and just get back up again in a few seconds?

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I don't remember when or where I heard it, but I recall that was actually supposed to be the original idea behind the scene

god knows why it didn't end up like that but you could say that about the entire fucking series

>is set up as a somewhat green and bumbling character who will improve and grow into a hero in future installments
>lol nope we'll keep him a bumbling idiot and have him just be led around by his nose by this fat chick who no one asked for and have him do absolutely nothing of actual value to the plot

>Sheev comes back through newfound time travel sith powers.
>He kidnaps the most powerfull force user Rey
>Impregnates her and sends her back in time thus creating Anakin Skywalker and creating the chosen one
>Rey gets gangbanged by tusken raiders and dies

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Finn was one of the few good parts of TFA, but in TLJ he's just made as lame as everyone else.

Rey is the worst character created in recent memory, in any medium.

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You know, Finn should have been the lead character of the sequel trilogy, it would've taken the story in a completely different direction.

>The force flows through everything
>The force is female

Next on the list
and nuSW fans will claim the darkside is a racist concept

I'm sure Rey isn't the worst in recent memory

Star Wars is the strangest shit and perhaps even proof that money can buy talent even if you're socially inept or insane like Lucas. Like for example why create a character who is supposed to be a hobbled, spinless cowardly piece of shit that normally is filled by some degenerate alien stereotype and give it the design of a 2 meter tall cyborg who looks like he could snap a jedi in two?

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The more I learned about Sheev the more I liked the prequels.

>Palpatine is Anakin's father
>Palpatine is back
>Palpatine is THE Skywalker

Demon['S] Souls

They're probably trying to set up a spin off, either a book, comic, or movie.


No matter what you say about the plot, the prequels had great soundtracks, excellent actors (except that one), and the best of all, the wonderful world building that gave us so much extra material over the years. Imagine not knowing how much of a faggot the whole jedi order was, or not knowing Sheev, or not having either of the clone wars.

not him, but I really can't think of anyone worse. anyone who is worse is probably meant to be a bad character, Rey is unironically meant to be this likeable relatable "hero's journey" character and falls completely flat on her face in every regard to that.

>the New Republic may be a Republic
>but Palpatine is the Senate

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>will go watch it
>have a good time
>a week later videos will come like the flood and tell me how bad it is

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Wait there's time travel now?

I'll agree with the world building. The prequels' setting was very interesting.

You sonovabitch I'm sure I woke up someone laughing too loud.

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>doesn't like star wars
>is a white supremacist
doesn't surprise me

Summer-Colored High School Adolescent Record – A Summer At School On An Island Where I Contemplate How The First Day After I Transferred, I Ran Into A Childhood Friend And Was Forced To Join The Journalism Club Where While My Days As A Paparazzi Kid With Great Scoops Made Me Rather Popular Among The Girls, But Strangely My Camera Is Full Of Panty Shots, And Where My Candid Romance Is Going. –

are they going to make drone ships to hyperspace at enemy? Literally the easiest way to win war. An A Wing could destroy a star destroyer just by kamikaze it.

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This pretty much. People who hated the prequels just tought that jedis were powerfull, perfect and wise beings instead of a crumbling order full of faggots that managed to get extinct despite existing for pretty much forever.

The fuck are you even saying with your post?

Women are easily manipulated
Women buy shit
Women will go into debt and stay in debt and work themselves to death for a fantasy of how life is without questioning it with only the tiniest bit of goading from media and academia.

The women pushed in those series are the very type of women who would have been intelligent strong(real strong not doing a bad job of being a man/mary sue strong) matriarchs of families had they not been brainwashed into homosex, penis envy, and stupidity.

I honestly didn't even detect the "Phasma is supposed to be a badass" thing, I've only heard the theory. She just comes across as as more of a douchebag boss character than anything else.

I can't remember what happened to her in VIII, I think she died. But in VII they just giggled and locked her in a garbage can. That's not exactly the comeuppance of a terrifying enemy champion.

Reading this still makes me hyperventilate.

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>New republic was probably forming a senate of their own to help control all the territories they inherited from the empire
>Sheev couldn't allow this, after all he WAS the senate
>Sheev financed Snoke and the first order from the wreck of the second death star
>When the new republic was destroyed by the FO he clouded Snokes mind and let Kylo slice him in two
>Leaving a power vacuum for Sheev to work his magic in and eventually gain control of the galaxy again
It all makes sense now

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A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one

Last Jedi was shit. This will be shit too.

But unlike the last several Star Wars films, Ian McDiarmid on screen again as Papa Palpatine is enough to get my ass in the theatre.

>prequel memes are so much more popular than the sequel movies as a whole that they bring back Sheev ushering a new era of memes
>people loving Sheev literally brought him back from the dead.
I love democracy.

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>Tombstones Rey
>Limb Bizkit starts up as the credits roll

what will they do to ruin Sheev if they bring him back in this one? they've already ruined every other legacy character, no reason he will be spared.

they'll turn him to the light side

>Flaccid movies
With the exception of Rouge One, all of the recent movies are better than the prequels. Like, there are obvious irritating flaws in the new ones: The Phantom Menace doesn't even have a main character. Attack of the Clones is entirely built around the Anakin/Pademe romance subplot, which feels like it was written by Tommy Wiseau. Revenge of the Sith literally is what happens when you finish a movie, but decide that you want to change the entire plot at the last second via re-shoots and shitty editing. (To be fair, that's also what happened with Rouge One, which is equally bad).

In comparison, The Force Awakens is pedestrian, but watchable. The Last Jedi completely ignored the direction The Force Awakens was trying to take the series, as well as the typical tone people expect out of a Star Wars movie, but beyond that is pretty good as far as blockbusters go. Solo is a fun, but forgettable romp.

Also, this new movie is almost guaranteed to be mediocre because JJ Abrams is the Michael Bay of nerdshit, all flash and no substance. He's a hack, but a competent one, so the same retards who thought The Force Awakens was a 10/10 are going to like this one too.

Not that poster
>user makes false claim about plot of movie.
>user corrects him and says what actually happens without much opinion. He simply states a fact about the plot.
Bravo user.

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George Lucas always intended Star Wars to be a cheesy space opera and Episode 3 is the chessiest, most over dramatic SW movie out of any of them while also not being boring as fuck like Episode 1 and 2 are.

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>The Phantom Menace doesn't even have a main character
Neither does TFA.

Episode 1 and 2 are only boring if you don't know how to appreciate the finer parts of politikino, podracing and /ss/.

Double retard

At the end of the trailer they specifically say "no one is ever really gone" or some shit like that. The point is to show off that the emperor is back but going with that sentiment, and following The Last Jedi where they've gone full post+modernist, Luke being dead sounds like it's meaningless.

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I'm a fucking sucker for space political drama and don't mind it, but I don't blame people for not expecting or having liked it in Star Wars
used to hate that shit until I saw the super extended version of it on the special features of a DVD. Kinda cool how much effort they put into a fictional racing thing.
>3D /ss/
objectively shit taste desu

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For as much shit as Phantom Menace gets, I have to say the Quigon+Obi duo was my fav part of it. Shame Obi goes full retard with his Anakin decisions later on in the films.

>until I saw the super extended version of it on the special features of a DVD

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The guy that ate the evidence did the right thing. That sounds shady as fuck

I don't know if it was extended but it sure as hell felt like it, it had a commentary over it like it was an actual racing event with announcers and shit. Pretty cool.

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Still pissed that the bluray release didn't have 80% of the DVD release features.

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>you'll never be a corrupt senator on the last years of the republic getting dirty money, banging all kinds of alien sex pets while simultaneously trolling the stuck up jedi faggots

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>quigon+obi duo

They seem like they deliberately try to give each other as much shit as possible

>In IX she'll turn over to the Rebels and end up being some pretty-girl underneath
Have you seen what her actress looks like?

Obi-Wan was right about the bigger threat looming in space ever since the beginning and Qui-Gon is the massive fuck up that allowed Sheev's entire plan to happen. How?

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I still don't get why that scene made a whole hubbub on the net. Man just getting his nutrients as part of his slice-of-life routine. It's the inhabitants of the island that were god awful.

Qui-Gon honestly hated the Jedi Council and decided to fuck everything up for laughs.

Yes in one of the episode of Rebels it happends, here is a long summary:
>The remaining Ghost crew trekked to the Jedi temple on Lothal only to find that the Empire was busy trying to excavate the darn thing. And they were doing a pretty good job of it, too. Ezra had already been nudged toward the temple by the Force-connected guardians of the planet, and though he and Kanan were able to enter the temple before as a duo, he was relatively lost on how to enter it without that handy master-apprentice tag team. In getting closer to the Empire’s operation, Ezra and Sabine find artwork at the base of the temple, artwork connecting the temple to the Ones.
>It turns out that the Jedi temple on Lothal is a relic of the Ones; the art in the planet’s caves and the outside the temple are depictions of them, and also serve as a guide on how to access the temple… in a manner of speaking. Ezra figures out how to engage with the art in order to enter the temple and finds himself on a different plane altogether. It is a dark realm with portals leading to different points in space-time; Ezra hears the words of Force-users past, present, and future through the portals, and paths lead in every direction. While he’s there, he finds one portal that leads to the point in time about two years previous when Ahsoka fought Darth Vader—and he removes her from the fight before she falls. Ahsoka warns Ezra against using the realm to that purpose, and prevents him from rescuing Kanan in his master’s critical final moments. Ezra realizes that this is the reason why Kanan’s spirit wanted him to find this place; he wanted Ezra to learn that it was his duty to find the point in time when he could be most useful to those he cared for, and make his life count.
>Unfortunately, the Emperor has also been looking for this realm, and Ezra’s entry into it gives him a window on the place. Ezra and Ahsoka barely escape with their lives

>people used to hate on the prequels for being a flashy CG fest with flips and shit
>people are flipping their shit over IX but in the opposite direction despite clearly doing the exact same thing in the trailer

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Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy


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user, spics have both their father and their mother's surname, so your entire argument makes no sense. At least be consistent in your /pol/posting.

Prequels were better than the NuWars thus far because some of the games made as a result of them were fucking terrific.

Qui-Gon was a low-key grey force user.