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Explain the soul in detail OP.

Old game good, new game bad

Not OP but here goes:
Jobs not holy trinity, true support jobs (bard, geo)
More than one valid party combination or style (traditional, tpburn, manaburn, pet etc)

Elaborate further.

>Old game good, new game bad
in the case of MMORPGs this is often the case simply because modern MMORPGs have convenienced themselves out of the multiplayer aspect and the RPG aspect. In the case of XI versus XIV, a quick rundown would be
>convenience of teleporting, automatic instance matching, and an extremely safe world make XIV an easy game to be antisocial in. In old MMOs dangerous worlds, inconvenient travel, and having to actually communicate to get things done would force players to interact and build bonds with each other
>Yoshida has a policy of not wanting any player to feel like they *need* to get an item. This had lead XIV items to be extremely bland and replaceable with one another, which means that old content that doesn't drop the highest raw stat pieces is effectively dead and worthless. Even today in XI you have people doing old content for certain drops. Gearing is an important aspect of RPGs, and XIV fails at that while XI and other old games succeed.

honestly . . . yeah desu

What the fuck was his problem?

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Easy solo as Puppetmaster

He had a job to do and you were interfering.

XIs jobs all felt different. XIV every mage is basically the same, every dps is basically the same, and every tank feels the same. I really just wanted XI 2.0.

He was just trying to get a little Ragnarok and Chill.

>Great story-lines
>Amazing characters
>All jobs are viable MNK need not apply
>Gear system allows for depth and makes equipment not get replaced in a month
>Rhapsodies is fucking Player Character wank material

His job was simply recruiting anything that could pick up a stick. He's the reason the Shadow Lord got his power in the first place. In Rhapsodies, it gets so fucking bad he and Alexander lay down a truce so the entire realm doesn't get annihilated.

Oh nice I didn't know that about rhapsodies. I'm currently making my way through all the expansions in chronological order and I just got to Adieu, Lilisette


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It's super worth it. It makes clearing all those story missions meaningful. Really was a perfect send-off to the game.

That looks like it would be a cool game world to explore.

That game was like a fluke in time. No one's ever going to make something that good again.

Instead of doing a mobile version of ff11 ill take a hd version that has a classic side with forced socialization and maybe a side with more modern features.

I really wanted to see Sky and Sea in a more modern look. Those zones are absolutely beautiful.

>Actual MMORPG

>mobile version
I don't think any version is coming at all. Nexon just got sold a couple months ago.

This is what bothered me about FFXIV. In FFXI the game being separated by skill types allowed for more diversity. SCH was not just WHM or BLM despite having access to both classes of magic. Its gimmick allowed it to control the flow of damage by creating Skillchains to Magic Burst off of and offering passive healing/damage and hate management. All mages could support heal if it needed to with the proper equipment builds. Fuck, I have a friend who had a BRD/SCH nuking set. All melees who have access to Great Axe Skill could debuff to an extent with the Break Weapon Skills.

Making equipment sets is one of my favorite things to do in that game.

I just wanna play Lv.75 DNC again.

Knock-off WoW, with even less effort put into it.

>ffxi release date: 2002-2003
>wow release date: 2004
>ffxi is a knockoff

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I would have thought the heartbreak would have healed after 14 years. It hasn't.

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Are the private servers for this any good? Always wanted to try it out but never got around to it.

most of the ones that attempt to be true to the 2005-2009 era just don't have the up and coming population to support new players leveling up in the way they would have in era times. there are a decent number of people at endgame on places like eden and nasomi, but the game is not really new player friendly so you've got a slog that is not reminiscent of the past to get through first.

there are some fun servers though that give you a little taste of what the game was ability/magic wise. i recently played a bit on one that had main jobs and subjobs at a 1:1 ratio which was hilariously powerful but i feel like the core game from back then is mostly dead.

You should really work on your reading comprehension

Which city is that?

La Vaule :^) :v(

It's.... Home

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You can thank Yoshi "hack-shido" P for making this a WoW clone at 2.0.

1.0 was shit engine that bogged all the ideas down, but it was in XI of terms of being able to 'create your own classes'.
THM was a sight to behold with what you could do in 1.14-1.18
Then lol here's your jobs in 1.19, brought to you by Yoshida, enjoy your DRG being the same 1-2-3 4-5-6 as MNK in 2.0 XIV.

Tanaka did nothing wrong. But Wada did (but don't tell to this to Yoshi-fags, they'll say it was the other way around, no-nevermind that Wada wanted a bonus by releasing XIV 1.0 before WoW Cataclysm).


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I still what they did to the gear in ARR. Everything is so bland.