Did your Dad play any games?

Did your Dad play any games?

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What would you do if you had this face, Yea Forums?

become Robocop

Play videogames and be a recluse,oh wait i already do that

Damn, what happened to my boy? Looks like a burn victim. At least he looks a happy boomer.

Yeah he played Doom, Resident Evil, and Mario Golf.

Shoot someone in broad daylight for smoking and then go jump off a tall building

SNES. Was a big fan of Star Fox. He had a home theater system at the time and he'd put the sound really loud because he loved the shit out of the music. God those were good times

My dad tried to play games with me when I was a kid but I don't think he really enjoyed it and anything past the Genesis was too complicated for him.

yes before he left for drugs
he liked goldeneye007

He played stuff like Diablo and Half Life before he had kids, still played games up to Fallout 3 and he thought the ending to that was dumb. One time he was playing Sly 2, said if he died he was gonna shave his head. Little did I know he was balding.
I'm 20 btw

I used to watch my dad play the original Descent, that was it

He played a lot of Driver 2 and Crash Bandicoot 3.Now he only watched a lot of soccer.

no, but my mom was addicted to super mario bross (NES), she would stay playing until like 4 am, then she had a CVA and stoped playing video games, among other stuff

Exploit fags that feel bad about me.

Wizardry and A Bard's Tale series. Some of the early Close Combat games. First person non-turn based games like Doom gives him motion sickness, so he never progressed much more with games.

yeah. he died when i was 6. thanks for reminding me.

Yes, he loved the tomb raider series up until he wouldn't upgrade our computer to play last revelation. He taught me to read by reading back walkthroughs to him. Called me his tomb reader once, it's his birthday next week actually.

He liked DOOM, Duke Nukem, GTA and Wolfenstein. He commited suicide 10 years ago. Im 29.

Probably just kill self, honestly. What’s even the point of going on? My life would literally just be consuming vidya and anime nonstop as a means of coping with my bitter reality.

....Wait a second...

You can change that at any time. You just don't wanna. Which is okay, but just letting you know you can change.

Pretty sure my dad still plays minecraft with some boomer friends of him, before that he played warcraft 3

I introduced my father to piracy and skyrim modding

In turned my computer illiterate father into a fucking video game hoarding addict

yeah he played all sorts of super nintendo games and n64 games with my siblings and i. a lot of the time we would watch him play snes game because it was comfy to just watch and just all spend time and hang out together. i loved watching him play super mario rpg in particular
then when we got an n64 we played a lot of 4 player vidya together, my brother, my sister, my dad, and i. it was great. especially the mario party games man and the split screen goldeneye. i miss those days a lot actually. my brother doesnt talk to us anymore and hasnt for like 4 years now, my sister lives half way across the earth, and i dont visit my parents nearly as often as i should.
damn i should go visit my parents

Craft and wear masks, become the 'artsy guy' in the town.

Attached: il_340x270.1472601534_izeo.jpg (340x270, 15K)

No. But he likes to take heroin.

wear an iron mask and butcher people

my dad used to play this game where he'd see how many times he could hit me and my brother until we cried

He bought Cabela's on the Wii and played it like three times, if that

We still play board games from time to time, used to play CIV III and some puzzle games together in the past.

dress like a ninja all day

Exactly, and become a motivational speaker that says shit like "Just B Urself" and "Courage and other BS."

I recall my Dad and I played some Resident Evil together. He was a great Dad


where's Clarence Boddicker???

Do Mahjong counts?