Broke the news on Bioware/EA's incompetency and got them to remove Frostbite from their future games

>broke the news on Bioware/EA's incompetency and got them to remove Frostbite from their future games

Is Jason Schreier /ourguy/?

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Other urls found in this thread:

i dont like how he looks

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get trolled lol

just because a journalist does his job doesnt mean his /ourguy/, he should be the standard for what video game journalism is instead of the exception

This. He seems like an adequate journalist and all, but let's not suck his dick as if this shouldn't be the standard all journalists are held to.

It's kind of sad that the only good games journalist, also happen to be a massive shitlord of a horrible person.

>remove frostbite from future games

Fucking citation needed?

Also he’s probably the only good games journo out there even if he’s a jew

I can't ever take him seriously after the Dragon's Crown episode. It's more like a broken clock kind of thing than a standard.

I lost all hope for a good DA game after DA2 but this still fucking sucks with how they described DA4 was gonna be and how they learned from the mistakes of 3. They were gonna lower the scope and create an actual dynamic narrative this time around only to get fucked by fucking Mass Effect and Anthem. Fuck me senpai i didnt know i could be disappointed and angry at a video game again but man reading that autistic shit makes me hope for the death of all those Boomer faggots managing at EA. Still I guess this shit has been going on for a long time now and Bioware is just the next studio that is kill.

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Isn't that Buster Bluth?

Fuck off Prism

All you got to do is ignore his personal opinions.

No 9/10 he's a corporate cock sucker
1/10 the inside news he has is too juicy he can't resist jewing them out

his personal opinions are based though

This doesn't make sense, since his shitty opinion on Dragon Quest is the outlier in this scenario

He doesnt even play games and hes a kike so no.

*Dragon's Crown i'm retarded

He has some utterly garbage opinions but he's one of the very few games "journalists" who does actual journalism

he's been shilled all over leddit for the past several weeks

The Anthem/BioWare article is the only good article he's ever written. I'll give credit where credit is due, but overall he still sucks.

Jason is unironically a good journalist, which is something you pretty much can't say about anyone else in "games journalism." Pretty much no one else is able to crank out an 11,000 word expose

upstanding journalist. Exposing unsavory work conditions and fighting for better accountability of these multi-million dollar corporations is what vidya journalism should be hammering home.

He looks like he gets fucked by black guys.

Why'd you post a picture of john oliver

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Thank you

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Imagine how powerless game developers are when they need an absolute cuck to help them out

For some reason I always remembered this as Crecente saying it, which was even funnier since he was the weeb who did spend time in japan

I don't know why, but the name Jason Schreir reminds me of this cats scrotum i ripped off once. His name was Ozzy, and he was a pure white cat, but wasn't albino. Anywho, when I was little I had this thing for holding cats and pulling on their limbs. I guess one day I held him down and pulled on his balls and off came his sack, and he ran around the house screaming with his balls hanging out and blood was everywhere. He had to be castrated because his balls became infected because he licked them to try to heal them. I don't know why but he reminds me of that cat and I'll never know why.

Beat me to it. Schreier's a high-functioning retard.

I remember when he used to have long hair. He used to look totally different. This was maybe 6 years ago I think

I mean, would it matter if they removed Frostbite at this point? Not like Bioware is gonna be around much longer anyway.

how come he looks like a different person in this pic compared to ops pic?

His Dragon's Crown episode is a reminder that he's fallible. Quite possibly the best gaming journalist today and literally the only reason to visit Kotaku. But still subjected to and promoting Western projected "values".

Any of you guys heard this guy speak?

He's got the most pathetic baby emasculated bitch voice you could imagine, it's almost comical.

holy shit, he still look young there in that profile pic
the op pic he legit went full old jewish man look
what's up with older jewish men who all end up having that look, like jerry seinfeld look not bad when he was young in his show, and now he is the typical jewish man look

He looks like John Oliver

Anyone who can write something of quality would not be a game journo

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Post video of him speaking

Dragon's Crown came out 6 years ago and I'm gonna guess that pic was taken before the game released. So it was probably taken in his 20's and he's probably somewhere in his 30's now. And jewish men age like shit.

no because he said some mean things about my japanese games >:(

He's a faggot, but less of a faggot compared to other game journos.

Daily onions consumption

What happened during the YongYea interview?

Is Bioware kill or something? Did Anthem officially finish them off?

Fuck the video itself, I just searched his name and whatever came up. He sounds like a stereotypical nerd

Justin "big tits are for pedophiles" Schrier.

He's an actual journalist in a sea of passive aggressive opinion piece writers. Still a fag though

He looks like a jew.

Serious investigative reporting

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Gee (((Schreier))) isn’t enough of a hint?

You say that but I never actually heard Todd speak until Fallout 76's release. With that wide jaw and chin I fully expected him to have a pretty manly voice but fuck me it's like he's on permanent helium

It's fucking creepy how much of a gap there is between his face and his voice

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I remember reading his silly posts on ETI years ago
Can't believe he became the god of video game journalism

It's impossible when he pushes said opinions into his works.

Considering I'm the only one that has said the word 'jew' in this thread, yeah, I guess everyone else is a fucking retard.

I didn't think yETIs posted here.

This, the guy was such a fucking faggot as Prism

>EA finally got rid of Frostbite
>But they switched to Unreal
Fucking hell

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I always thought he well respected there for a time.

Massive fucking improvement, Unreal is unironically one of the best engines out there nowadays.

eti has hated him for years

He’s honestly the best out there. You can dislike his politics (I do, the Dragons Crown stuff was absurd), but he’s earned a ton of respect from me in the work he does. He’s the only guy who breaks real news instead of doing a snarky riff followed by a copy/paste of a press release. He should be writing a better outlet desu but I imagine that most companies wouldn’t want to risk their relationships with their corporate partners and would keep him from publishing stuff.

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I sure do love my encoded Tencent software!

>Wanting to give Epic money
The fuck is wrong with you?

Does he? He is just laughing on the older pic. He cut his hairline from the avatar because it was probably already shit then

A rare case of actual video game journalism

>giving a single shit what e-celebs think
Cattle deserve to be slaughtered.

Man, it never occured to me how many people look like this, Jon Oliver for one. Have you ever seen Colbert without his make up and the camera not hiding his weird ear? he looks like that too? In fact, there's a lot of motherfuckers out there who wear glasses why are so many of us having the bad eyesight?

Do you have any idea what this thread is about


Pretty spot on. The Dragon Crown moment was eternally BTFO, but it seems like every month or so he bangs out solid stuff. Def. worth of some respect

How is he wrong?

didn't he basically just publish what some insiders told him?

Apparently a jew named Jason Schreier? Why would anyone give a single shit?

>broke the news on Bioware/EA's incompetency
pretty sure anyone who hasn't been brain dead for the last 10 years has easily observed this

That's what journalists do...

Reminder that Jason has a LUE account where he calls people fags

That's not what that means at all.

Those kinds of meetings are almost universally a "promise everything, deliver nothing" affair.

Because he’s a games writer and not bet famous, much less an eceleb?

user I’m afraid you’re fucking stupid

Start injecting concentrated baby foreskins immediately

? As far as gamemaking is concerned the company that does a specific thing is completely irrelevant as to the quality of said tool, if you want good games, you're gonna need good engines, and as certain development parts get more complex, making inhouse engines gets more complicated. You know how to stop that vermin from his kikery? By rewarding the good aspects of his company and completely ignoring, financially, the bad ones. Eventually he'll be forced to stop pushing for the failed tactics and focus on what actually works. All that being said, I sure do hope another company comes with an engine as good as UE.

>large breasts
>lolicon fantasy
You tell me

Sounds like to me the EA is gonna double down on frostbite and scapegoat the issues being the devs fault. A lot of people put 100% of the blame on BioWare anyway

Whatever, he got a term mixed up. Does that mean he's wrong about the broad point?

Oh so he's a (((journalist))). It's utterly fucking hilarious that you think there is a distinction between a journalist and an e-celeb.


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Wouldn't the fact that sunderland left EA be a bigger reason?

>Jason Schreier
>is he our guy?
As long as he doesn't deeply overdose on smelling Anita & Zoe's farts so much and brag how gamers are evil goobergator-harassing wahmen for good boy points.

>broke the news on Bioware/EA's incompetency
he didn't break anything anyone with half a brain didn't already know, he's also a jewish rat parasite
>future bioware games
not gonna happen

You're already giving EA money.

He's a lying shill that doesn't believe in the concept of "objective truth" and isn't above promoting his friends. I wouldn't believe a word he says:

I'm sure you grew up to become a great serial killer

I really liked Inquisition and hoped dearly they’d be able to do even better to refine the good and cut off the shit like the oversized maps and fetch quest spam.

Then I read about BioWare needing to figure out how to make Da:4 with EA’s monetization schemes
and online and felt my hope float off

>he's also a jewish rat parasite
does everything come down to the jews with you

he plays

Not him, but yes.

the dragon crown thing means he misunderstood a stupid degenerate subsection of porn, like who even cares? I'd say calling out bootlickers is worth more than fucking up on the meaning of loli, but values are always reversed on Yea Forums

Why would anyone care what some literally who jew thinks? Fuck off idiot. This whole thread is shit.

no he's a pedophile that should be in jail.

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he looks like he enjoys the subtle taste of little boy anus

>Just give us your money goyim! I swear we'll change even we've been anti-consumer for years
How about no

>You're going to give a shitty company money so why not give some to another shitty company?
That's a fucking retarded idea. Epic and EA have been on my blacklist for years so you can fuck off shill

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This. He has that kiddy toucher look.

I already said that he was jewish, user. No need to be redundant.

Maybe that's not his real voice.

>for years
Literally a recent thing with their fortnite/epic store fiasco. UE has been one of the most indie/consumer friendly engines out there.

Same senpai I enjoyed my initial playthrough of Inquisition but realized on my 2nd how very shallow the decision making was and how much of the side quest were shit tier fetch quest with no barring on the story. This not even mentioning my eternal asspain from Gayder concerning the one chick I liked being Harding. I know we will never get another DAO with that level of choice abd dynamic narrative play but it seemed like they were going back to those roots with this game and Im now depressed as fuck after that article.

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They aren't kill yet even after Anthem and MEA but man is EA really trying to kill their brand.

He's a massive Salt-left SJW.

Fuck him.

Insider Tip: His online shenanigans was the reason why Kotaku was recently sold.

>Bioware is Walter White
>EA is Gus

EA owns Frostbite, if they use another engine they have to give the creators of that engine a cut of the profits.

Not gonna happen, if anything they will update frostbite.

People give him tons of shit for this one but it seems pretty obvious he was just misunderstanding what a lolicon is, probably heard it out of context and assumed it meant weeb


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The problem is, if I could trust him to even do the basic research by Googling the definition of a word, or Googling "sexism in the photography industry" before mouthing off like a dumbass, how can I now trust that any one statement in his journalism pieces was ACTUALLY researched? He showed how little he thinks of researching things before writing about them in the Dragon's Crown debacle.

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Does actual journalism sometimes

Still a dumbass though


So why didn't he research it before writing it? If he couldn't research that, how do I know he researched anything else that he writes?

You shouldn't, because he's a jew.

>Almost killed the Gears of War franchise and blamed the community for it in 2013
>Abandoned Unreal Tournament 4 and lied about it for over a year in 2017
>Refused to properly refund lots of people when they shut down ACTUAL GRAPHICS in 2018
>Shit out Fortnite BR purely to make money while borderline abandoning the original game still to this day
Miss me with that gay shit

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he's fine when his opinions are kept to himself and he just sticks to the facts, like any journalist really

>and he just sticks to the facts, like any journalist really

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That was a neogaf post, not a published journalism piece. I imagine he applies more rigor to a serious journalism article than he does to an opinionated internet flamewar.

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By all means, show us this rigor.

>Almost killed the Gears of War franchise and blamed the community for it in 2013
last I checked that wasn't epic, it was that retard who went on to become an even bigger failure
>Abandoned Unreal Tournament 4 and lied about it for over a year in 2017
never heard of any of this
>Refused to properly refund lots of people when they shut down ACTUAL GRAPHICS in 2018
Most games when they go down don't refund people, it's a shitty state of business but it's the standard in the industry
>Shit out Fortnite BR purely to make money while borderline abandoning the original game still to this day
Literally the equivalent of listen to the gaming community, as much as I find said community to be cancerous and retarded.
Again how does that relate in any way to UE?

I hate this guy based on some of the dumb shit he's said (Dragon's Crown comes to mind) and Kotaku is guttertrash but he is pretty good at his job relative to the absurdly low standard set by his peers. The stuff he's done on Them and Destiny is legit great and you have to give him that.

He's still a cunt though.

Isn't Kotaku being sold?

How about the very articles that we're discussing, where he exposed the garbage happening at Bioware that produced Andromeda and Anthem? He's obviously onto something with them or Bioware would be suing for libel.

>serious journalism
hE'S A blogger. Stop referring to these tards as otherwise.

There's something about his face

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>Unreal is unironically one of the best engines out there nowadays.

Thing is though that the Unreal Engine is known to be inefficient so you never get the performance like you do with an in house engine and lets not forget the insane load times the older version have which is why the likes of Tekken 7 take forever to load.

>applies more rigor to a serious journalism article
Sure, that's why he published an article calling the artist a 14 year old homophobe.

If you're a journalist who has to report primarily, or exclusively, on video games, then you probably aren't much of a journalist.

People who take him at his word, blindly, are giant asshats.

A broken clock is still right twice a day. Schreier is /no ones guy/ but his wife's bull.

Didn't Kotaku just got bought and now he need to prove he's a useful guy so he'll not get fired?

He just wanted people to know that he's secretly a lolicon and a weeb. Anyone else would have just used pedo.

>Thing is though that the Unreal Engine is known to be inefficient
But unity is even worse. If you're looking for a standalone commercial engine, which other options do they even have?

you are misunderstanding what the user is saying
read it again, he's right

You can't trust jews, you unimaginably stupid pile of shit. I will assume, for the sake of argument, that you're just naïve. But holy shit, you can't expect a single good thing from jews. They will always try to undercut you.

there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish

>leftist writer from a leftist news outlet writes SCATHING story about leftist game development studio under leftist publisher

They always eat their own

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>jschreier is a BLOGGER not a JOURNALIST
also /pol/
>free tommeh robinson e's a JOURNALIST not a youtuber

his voice is super calming though
also how the fuck was the first time you hear him speak?

Wait, is this the fag who said he didn't like sexualized women in a japanese game, so the nip dev posted a picture of burly men for him on Twitter and asked if he was more interested in dudes? Or is that some other fag journo?

So thats 3 stories this year that Jeremy at the Quartering broke and 1 that Jason broke

>I imagine he applies more rigor to a serious journalism article than he does to an opinionated internet flamewar.

If I recall correctly in one of his article (it might also be in his Dragon's Crown hit piece) he said something on the lines that what you say about something is not contained in a vacuum so even by Jason's standards his opinion on NeoGAF should be judged exactly the same as is journalism.

>fundamentally wrong about what he's arguing against
>Whatever... Does that mean he's wrong
yes, you fucking retard.

Reminder that Schreier will stan for corporations because he has many friends working for them.

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Why the fuck people who clearly never went to /pol/ claim to know everything about the place?

>that wasn't epic, it was that retard who went on to become an even bigger failure
Cliffy B is a huge faggot, but he's not the sole reason Judgment was failure. He also isn't the one who allowed community managers and forum mods to shit on people who were unhappy with the game
>never heard of any of this
What a surprise
>Epic scamming people is fine because other companies have done it
You're either a genuine shill or a retarded fanboy. Either way fuck off

I never said a word about Unity, I said Unreal Engine is known to be inefficient. If it was so good you wouldn't still be getting in house engines. Unreal Engine is known for it's ease of use but it comes at a cost.

>Unreal Engine is known to be inefficient
Horse shit.

>Cliffy B is a huge faggot, but he's not the sole reason Judgment was failure
But he's the one who blamed it on the community, look m8 I absolutely abhor what epic is trying to do with the pc market, but don't be disingenuous, people who are on the fence will just jump to the opposite side when you do this.
>What a surprise
So that's it? They abandoned a game? That's not only common but expected when the game isn't going well, what controversy is there about this?
lolno when you buy something for an online game you buy it knowing that at any time the developer might shut down the servers if the game isn't profitable, that's simply logical
>You're either a genuine shill or a retarded fanboy. Either way fuck off
And here I thought you were going to bring up legitimate points instead of acting like a sperg, damn shame.

Never said you talked anything about Unity, but when you look for a standalone engine you are stuck with either UE or Unity, so when you say something about one you HAVE to compare it with the single other alternative. EA and bioware are literally too incompetent to actually make decent, versatile, inhouse engines, so again, UE is a massive improvement for them.

Who the fuck even reads this games """""journalism"""" trash. I've never read any of the drivel these cretin excrete in my entire life but somehow they make a living on ads. I play video games, I don't read what people who suck at video games have to say about things they can't beat on Normal.

The Talmud is the single most evil piece of literature on the entire planet.

The bar is set incredibly low.

I did some contract research work for jason and boys let me tell you, he is a massive, insufferable cunt, but he pays well and I will work for him any time he calls.

>gets completely blown the fuck out by a photographer
How is this guy based again?

The quran is worse nigga.

Oh, so that was Schreier. I was going to check, but you beat me to it.
Just because a member of the game's media occasionally engages in journalism does not make him ">our guy" any more than when a game dev claims they hate microtransactions before putting them in their game "because the publisher demanded it."

Nice try, Shlomo.

Everything negative in the talmud is only multiplied in the quran. The best option would be to have neither, but if you have to pick one, the quran is the worse one.

>one sand religion that wants you fucking dead is worse than the next
All of you fucking semites will die. I'm not even larping. This is how the world will work out once the whites have finally realized what the plan is.

>Blaming the engine on shitty developers


>All of you fucking semites will die
>implying I'm a semite
M8 I honestly lose my sleep thinking about the future of europe, I literally pray that a miracle will happen and people will wake up before it's too late, I literally pray that they will realize about muh 6 gorillon lie and see through their lies, that maybe a few kikes themselves will realize that they are nothing but sacrificial lambs for the shriveled testicles on the top, for ANYTHING to them. I'm not your enemy.

No he knows kotaku is going to have layoffs so he is trying to up his profile.

Then you wouldn't be a little bitch and look to the muslims if you actually cared. The jews are way more to be blamed than those rabid dogs.

Is this a Shitaku shill thread? They release a good article once in a blue moon, but that doesn't redeem shit.

wasn't patrick klepick the guy with all the video game industry scoops for the longest time?

did jason outjew him to take the "scoops: title?

>Then you wouldn't be a little bitch and look to the muslims if you actually cared
I do, I see what they did to the several local religions that existed in the countries of the region that once constituted the silk road, I see what they did to those cultures, I know just how much of a plague they are. If there's a small fire in your house, first you set out the fire before shooting the faggot that started it.

No, that was him.

>first you set out the fire before shooting the faggot that started it.
That's the opposite of how the world works. This is fucking embarrassing.

Is this ugly jew unironically the only actual journalist in gaming "journalism"?

If you waste your time chasing said faggot, there won't be anything to save user. First deal with the immediate crisis, then deal with the traitor that started it. Btw, jews are only part of the problem, whole lotta race traitors took part in this mess.

The jews allowed the muslim hoards to come into our country with their bank money. I don't know how stupid you think the goyim are, but we're onto you. You can ban this conversation, but you are on the radar, Shlomo.


>The jews allowed the muslim hoards to come into our country with their bank money
Some jews machinated it, the others are literally just useful idiots. Again, if nothing is done about the muslim population several european countries could turn into islamic countries in a single generation.
>we're onto you
You're insane. Stop wasting your time sperging against anyone with a slightly different opinion or you'll never get anything done.

isn't CryEngine still available or is that fuck off expensive

>t. someone who has never been to a meeting with senior management
Do you even have a job?

>durr he posts his articles online not in the newspaper, it doesn't count
where have I heard this before, spielberg...
>"Roma doesn't qualify for the oscars, it was a netflix movie!"

I'll take all the jews in the world over 1000 nigmuslims.

They're the same thing, you stupid pile of shit.

No clue, the problem with using less known engines is that for one there's way less annotations about it and the solutions to it's problems, way less chance that a feature you need will be implemented by the developer team and generally speaking they tend to be way less versatile than the two big ones.

>jews literally bombing and exploiting the shit outta mudslimes
>lel just the same
nope, schizo

All the shit that John Carmack made open source and licensing old ass Valve stuff or asking bethesda to use id tech 5 or 6.

DICE is the only company that knows all the ins and outs of Frostbite

Everyone else is disposable to EA and they know it

I hope Bioware fucking dies


He looks like the kinda guy who would betray you and clip coins

>jews literally bombing and exploiting the shit outta mudslimes
Yes, this is what you want to do to white people. Did you have a point?

He’s always whining on Twitter about stupid shit and Twitter thinks I want to see him for some reason



I don't want Dragon Age Anthem edition. Fucking EA. The Tevinter spy plot sounds too good.

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>this is what you want to do to white people
Now it just looks like you're false flagging as a stereotype of what a /pol/ack is said to be. You literally called mudlimes and kikes the same thing when they literally hate each other off you nigger minded moron.

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Nice try Jew

>Jews look and act just like me and you. Love the same things we love and behave just like us.
>Mud limes and nigs come into natios ruin neighborhoods cause crime and destruction.

hmm .

Good attempt Muhammad

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They aren't even remotely the same thing, but they are both bad news to white people. Jews especially, with that high voibal IQ and bamboozling.

Go molest a 9yo in another continent achmed

>kike denouncing the fact that kikes do kikery
Is this supposed to be an argument against him?

No, it's an argument that even your own people hate you. Now die.

Islam follows a false prophet warlord, Jews are a bunch of tribalistic psychopaths that worship the devil. Christians worship God and await salvation. Oh by the way, you aren't "God's chosen", and never were, you filthy Edomites. Imagine basing your entire identity on a lie. No wonder you're all so insecure. Pathetic.

Yeah makes sense
Kind of a shame there's only really 2 major engines out there

That doesn't mean at all that they are removing Frostbite, how can you even interpret it like that?

>you should care about one retard hating us
I can bring up dozens of examples about self hating white men/women too retard.

Nigga, no, what you have to understand is that most kikes aren't that smart, if they were they would be hunting down the likes of Soros, because when shit gets real said old sacks of shit use the "normal ones" as meat shield against criticism. The smarter ones though? All you have to do is remind people that high IQ does not equal high morality set, that said morality set comes mostly from a person's genetics. It's as simple as that, if the person you are talking with believes in natural selection you can eventually convince them of the differences between the races and why the white people and their culture have to be protected. Hell most sensible kikes would agree with that because they know they can't survive in a world full of mudslimes.

>No, it's an argument that even your own people hate you
The fact that a kike can denounce his own people shows he's impartial. How is this bad?

And you made that narrative, you stupid fucking kike. I don't think you understand that the entire fucking world wants you fucking dead. You aren't going to have another nation to run to anymore. You're dead.

They all try to insist that their make believe is real with no evidence.

Schizo, please, stop talking with the assumption that anyone you disagree with is a kike. I don't care about either of the semitic's religions origins, only their teachings, purely from a pragmatic point of view.

Do you even know what the USS Liberty is, you stupid pile of shit?

>And you made that narrative, you stupid fucking kike
>reee you forced them to hate us
Keep crying you fucking cuck.
>I don't think you understand that the entire fucking world wants you fucking dead.
A couple of retards on a message board crying doesn't equal the whole world retard.
>You're dead.
I'm very much alive and healthy.
Keep seething.

Why do these fags look waaaay into what a girl looks like? The only thing I see is a nice face, big boobs, and a fat ass.

Why do weirdos like him go through intricate details pointing out what looks like a lolicon? That's borderline obsessive. Just enjoy a hot girl fuck.

go back to ifunny retard

Once whitey dies you won't have shabbos goyim keeping you afloat anymore. Have fun dealing with the Han by the way, they won't take any of your shit.

Go back to whatever secret hole of the internet that actually believes that the jews shouldn't be murdered on a societal scale.

I don't care if you're a kike or not, my point still stands to any onlookers. Also, dismissing people as crazy isn't an argument.

Go back to the hole that actually believes that you fucking inhuman scum.

>Whatever, he got a term mixed up

Exactly what term did he mix up that says liking large breasts is pedophilia?

Which is why I'm hoping Valve will work more on Source 2. Would be the perfect answer to Epic's bullshit.

too bad, shlomo
a rat is a rat, no matter how much make up he puts on

A case of useful idiots following the orders of the top fucks that use the common folk as meat shield. Literally proving my point schizo.

Notice how he dismisses his opposition as "inhuman". Yes, you will call us inhuman to justify killing us if you ever get the opportunity.


Attached: semitess.png (1443x782, 1.24M)

That's hilarious coming from the faggot that can't go one post without conflating arguments with adhoms. Your point is shit, the first step on any plan should be to test how realistic it is, yours isn't, so you'll do no good to your cause.

>. Yes, you will call us inhuman to justify killing us if you ever get the opportunity.
Never seen such a blatant example of the pot calling the kettle black.

kill yourself retard

just have sex already

Semitic Shitskin that stole European genes. There's nothing wrong with Goebbels either, you could have picked a fat redneck if you wanted to strawman.

Why do incels get so bitchy about jews? It's so tiresome. We get it, you're thirsty for pussy.

I'm pointing out that the feeling is mutual, I'm well aware.

You're pure fucking evil, and I hope you die. This isn't even a joke anymore. I hope you fucking die.

we want that Jewssy

Only incels and muslims are angsty about jews. Cope.

Attached: jew hunter.jpg (1928x2325, 1.24M)

No idea what you're talking about. Jews and their cronies are bad, that's the end of it.

lol cry more.

Attached: itsafraid.png (612x848, 440K)

you can troll a neonazi by posting pics of dead nazis and they literally can't respond with pics of the holocaust because they say it's fake lol

Attached: a6e30fa1e375585ff5afd5ec6d629d32--ww-pictures-ww-photos.jpg (484x750, 119K)