Smash fans have made descriptions for all the spirits in Ultimate

Some dedicated Smash fans have made descriptions for all the spirits featured in the game as there were no trophies in Ultimate.

Looks amazing honestly, still a shame that they aren't in the final game.

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Doesn't look too good honestly. Eggman was never "dubbed" Eggman by Sonic and friends. Eggman is what he calls himself. Fuck shitty localizations honestly.

Isn't that what happens in Adventure though. Tails is the first to call him it.

> Taking Sonic lore seriously

So this is the power of autism....

It's actually pretty fucking neat.

Look at the bandana dee one...BASED

Only in the Western version. In Japan he has always been Eggman. Until SA2 where they introduced the name Robotnik.

Why did they even change names like Dr. Eggman and Princess Peach in the West back then?

Who fucking knows.

>because he is the eggman
>and he has a master plan
Kek, nice. But still wasted the opportunity for
>and he has an announcement to make!

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Okay now translate it accurately into the 12 other languages

this looks like shit.

>Bandana Dees description
>it fucking implies that he deserves be a playable character
Jesus Christ how pathetic

Basedfor getting the obscure characters

Not nearly as good as this one.

Attached: eggman.jpg (761x582, 152K)


This feels made up

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It's not

Thread theme

That's really neat and literally the one thing I wanted for the 3.0 besides balance changes.

I'm sure not every single one is perfect but when have they ever been?

Attached: Perfect.gif (500x520, 53K)

I gotta admit it's pretty good

>Shantae and Risky are the last Spirito before the DLC ones

They list have been pretty late aditions

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SoA thought Eggman sounded too silly, they wanted him to be more threatening which is why they gave him those weird black eyes too.
No fucking clue on Peach.

this is all i needed to see

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Hey, these are pretty good

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I wonder why.

>"lol it's cause Nintendo begrudgingly added them due to WF's incessant begging!"

>1297 spirits
>75 words per each spirit description on average
>97,000+ words total, the fucking Odyssey by Homer has 134,000 words
>tfw they could’ve spent their time writing something that actually matters

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A decent blurb takes about five minutes to write, especially if it's on a character who's established and easy to describe.
If it's a group, this probably took less than a week to do.

>a feminist

>why play video games when you could do something useful like build a house?
This is what you sound like

>he hasn’t built his own dwelling


feels like it was written by redditors or nintendo treehouse or some fags

Japan had been using Robotnik since at least Sonic Triple Trouble, but SA2 was actually the LAST time they would ever call him by that name.

They don't even use it for his grandfather anymore.


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I prefer the real version,
Womanizer > Feminist

>Maybe link can use it to pay for her therapy

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>until SA2 where they introduced the name Robotnik
you have a small pingas

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Outdated. It's now Eggman and ONLY Eggman, period.

>she has a crush on Luigi
Oh no no no wajajajajajajajajajajajaja... Wait, let me laugh louder, JA JA JA JA JA JA JA JA JA JA JA JA JA JA JA JA JA JA

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I want to read these so I can see peoples retarded headcanons but like hell I'm skimming through literally hundreds of descriptions.

I love them both, they each paint him in a very uncharacteristic light and it's funny either way

Wow, thanks for the deep cut
How odd.

Daisy has an interesting history with the Super Mario Bros.
>Super Mario Land happens
>Mario saves Daisy and her kingdom; Mario and Daisy fall in love, but Mario returns home for the time being
>some time later, Mario finds himself missing Daisy
>Mario invites Daisy to a golfing match
>Luigi, in love, invites Peach
>Peach is threatened by the other beautiful woman and offers to caddie for Mario, "her man"
>Daisy, hurt, decides to give Luigi a shot. He is confident, taller, and leaner, after all. She caddies for him
>they hit it off
>as Luigi and Daisy get to know each other, Mario falls back into Peach and forgets about Daisy
>Daisy develops a more assertive personality to combat Luigi's growing meekness
>it's a cute couple, Daisy even has statues built of them together
>Daisy is happy
>Luigi, on the other hand, begind spiralling into his depression and becomes more and more of a pussy as time goes on
>Daisy gets sick of Luigi's degrading mental health and tries going back to the complete chad Mario, who is still juggling that "are they or aren't they" thing with Peach
>Super Mario Run happens
>it works, Daisy and Mario share a fling
>it doesn't last long, Mario soon goes right back to chasing Peach and forgets Daisy
>Luigi seems like he's picked himself back up, he seems confident again
>Daisy tries going back to Luigi
>"I don't-a want-a Mario's sloppy seconds. Bye-bye!"
>Daisy snaps
>Super Smash Bros. Ultimate happens

Honestly pretty impressed they resisted the urge to throw in le epic feeling it reference for Shulk's description.

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Fucking nice, I always loved the descriptions that came with the trophies.

HOLY SHIT YES, this was my only real complaint about Spirits (being that they had no bios or info other than what game series they're from)

this is surprisingly high quality

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>not realizing that Eggman himself wrote his own bio
As if "feminist" and "romanticist" didn't hammer in the fact that he was just giving himself "good" qualities to look more righteous than Sonic.