How's that game coming along Yea Forums?

How's that game coming along Yea Forums?

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As long as Chris doesn't say anything left wing between now and release day it'll be a day one buy from me.

What's taking Ding Dong and Julian so long to release Tough Bippy and whatever that other one is called?

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Based conservabro, fuck liberals

looks pretty garbo but its got that unique oney something i guess

Wait, is he left-wing?

im stuck
i have all the concept art, story, characters, items, bosses, enemies, etc done but im an indecisive faggot and cant choose between unity and gamemaker when it comes to making it. the idea i had was a game with a 3d environment but 2d sprites so youd think unity would be the answer but if i pre rendered shit and used gamemaker, then i would be able to get the job done much faster and not have to pay a ridiculous amount of money for pro unity without the gay splashscreen

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afaik they've redone the halloween one a number of times because ding dong doesn't like how it turns out or some shit and bippy doesn't look like it's going to be a priority until the halloween one is done


>Literally Bing Bing wahoo

No, and that's the only reason he has my support. If he betrays that trust, I will drop him at once and never buy his game or oney merch again.

>caring about the political leanings of a youtuber of all things who just wants to make funny screams and get his friends to laugh

You fags are obsessed I swear.

Pro unity will get your game into the Epic Store which will solidify your indie Dev status

We haven't even seen any gameplay.

He’s not left wing. Are you retarded my guy?

im a poorfag and can barely afford gamemaker developer as it is so unity pro is out of the question for sure

I know he's not left wing, retard. That's what I'm saying. I will buy his game for sure, as long as he doesn't say anything left wing between now and release day. Thankfully that is unlikely.

Really not a fan of the soft shadows

Could be good, hope it’s not like one of those games by people who criticizes games constantly, but makes one way worse than the shit they criticized

If any eceleb who spent all their time criticizing others had to create something that wasn't "ironically bad" it would kill them. These faggots are all the same. Just like RLM and Space Cop.
Shit all over everything and everyone else for a living, but don't risk creating anything better yourself. Just make it "bad on purpose" so you can maintain your unwarranted ego.

Okay? It’s just such a strange thing to say

Lefty youtubers are not welcome on Yea Forums. Why should that be any different for Oney? He's welcome here, for now, but if he went to the left, he no longer would be. What's the issue?

Agree. Hope it doesn’t end up this way

Too busy finishing other jobs they started when they still lived in kalefornia. Dingdong finished first and spent a shitton of time editing 90's commercials for no reason and sometimes doing actual game devs streams where he fine tunes movement physics for 15 minutes then talks about random shit for like 8 hours.

Julian's finished his side jobs now (I think) so they'll probably start working on levels and enemies soon, though they've started doing videogame streams again so that's more time wasted. They expect the game to take a while to finish anyway.

He's posts that every time this thread is created. He probably made this thread just to start this retarded conversation.

Because he's falseflagging and trying to provoke a reaction.

Have any of their other games been any good? Have they come out with any games? I haven’t really followed them

This. I love RLM but I wish they would actually try and make a real movie, also don't give Rich any acting parts because he's awful

Is this some kind of meme? you post this shit every fucking thread, and not just any e celeb thread, specifically oney threads

The faggots want (you)s. You could either report or hide his posts and continue as normal

No one is getting upset dude, what’s your problem?

Man I just wanted a gamedev thread. E-celebs really ARE cancer. Here, I won't be a hypocrite and contribute; My game is coming along better than usual these days, right now I'm going back and touching up some sprites that are off model, overall pleased with the rate of progress outside of this hiccup.

I'm convinced it's the same faggot who used to make the "How's that game coming" thread with the picture of Ding Dong in the OP all the time. That got old so this is his new angle.

Guess that conservative dude got banned

lol yeah this thread got cleaned up quick, he took everybody that responded down with him as well, it appears. Such is the price of replying to bait.

when the game suppose to come out?

Ita obviously inspired by Neverhood and Skullmonkeys so im on board

Got announced not even a month ago and a release date didn't come with it so who knows. Until we get a date it's in the club with Tough Bippy, Star Citizen, Bannerlord, etc.

>have characters
>have setting
>have what gameplay will be
>don't have story yet but no biggie
All I need to do now is make it, which I don't even know if I can in the first place, I don't know how to code, animate, or even 3d model shit. I don't have money and I'm not confident to make a go fund me or some gay shit like that

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i can't fucking believe they used the tomar emeralds

im fucking shaking and crying

I'm laughing at how a simple joke caused them to be the fastest selling of his pins

Grandpa what the fuck

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Believe me when I say that working with shit in Unity or GameMaker does not require much skill. As long as you have time and tenacity you can make something. Now, I won't say that knowing how to code, animate, or model doesn't help, but not knowing it won't stop you, just slow you. Remember that tobyfox doesn't know how to code and he didn't draw anything but awful sketches that actual artists cleaned up and his shit that he made in gamemaker gets praised to high heaven.

I haven't worked on games in years

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Sink buddy!

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great actually, still setting up a working combat state but we have all character abilities set up so its only a matter of time

Ding Dong's busy with the literal tubavore game he's been working on. He devstreams it on Picarto under the name TimothyT.

My only talent is alright drawfagging alongside idea guying, so my game isnt coming along at all.
I'd love to be a concept artist or something. Maybe a character designer for a monster collecting game, like Pokemon.

post some of your stuff

Tomar emeralds were pretty funny innthe sonic playthrough too, Chris/Zach/Tomar is my favorite trio so far

I just tend to draw big tit anime bitches. Maybe I should sit down and draw some monsters to use as my art examples as well.

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I want to do some sort of simulator game that would require a certain level of autism and/or IQ to enjoy, but I can't code.

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Get rid of the "nom" makes it feel pretentious.

Finish thinking of the concept first. I guarantee the coding, whether you know much or not, will come easier to you afterwards.

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Thats an easy fix for the picture, but pretentious? Not just dumb or such?
Shit, I did have a non-titty picture as well.

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I hope he does. If he does, I'll buy five plus copies just to spite you.

just keep improving user