So was it good or bad?

So was it good or bad?
It will be now out on the real platform

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I smell falseflagging Snoynigger. And yes, it was good, 7/10
Amazing OST

It was bad on the switch but good now that is on pc and everybody will play it
of course we'll have to pretend we don't care about what video game dunkey said now, oh lord, Yea Forums will never accept me

So a priest and peasant meet up.

Nothing happens after that they just meet, and are completely inconsequential to your journey, or the whole of the narrative.

It's coming to PC
please apply pomade to your ass instead of living with the pain, toddler

It was mediocre trash, and the only reason you like this shit is because Nintendo smelled it first, nigger.

While the art style is charming it gets a bit long in the tooth over the game and I'd rather just a clean 32bit sprit era look much better but besides that it's great

PC gets every game, eventually.

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>I smell falseflagging Snoynigger.

6/10. The OST and visuals are amazing but the party members have no interaction and the stories never intertwine/connect at all. It's the only game I returned. It's not worth full price but I would grab it again on sale. Hopefully they make a spiritual successor to it with actual party interaction.

It was boring. Just like I am Setsuna. Meme nostalgia and no solid gameplay.

It was okay. Not great but not complete shit.

The biggest complaint is that the character stories didn't interact

Octopath Traveler is doing some traveling of its own.

you do not play as a priest or a peasant thought

It was bad when it was Nintendo exclusive, but it's magically better since it's on PC now. Games are not good based on their merit, but rather, on their platform exclusivity.

GOOD FUCKING JOB SQUARE ENIX! You had to give it to pcniggers. Enjoy your 10ksales with 1million pirated copies

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of course they don't interact.

Can you give me instructions? Sounds like you're a man of experience.

Good that way you don't have to recruit niggers you don't like.

Depends if I can disable bloom on PC Fuck bloom, holy shit what the fuck was square thinking?

Does anyone know if the price on physical copies have dropped at all?

Good choice to get it out on PC before the Switch emulator can run it well.

shut the fuck up, i bet you don't even have a switch and wiiu like i have.

It was middling, only being highly impressionable for the first several hours. Soon afterwards it becomes an uninspired slog complete with cliché dialogue and plot events, and an unbalanced mess as early as only 30% through the content. Despite the looks, the environments are tiringly dead and homogenous with as many design deviations (i.e. hidden path) as you can count on one hand, and riddled with copy-paste dungeons that don’t actually contain anything 95% of the time and are a waste to wander through because it was actually a staging area for a future chapter or vapid side-quest. If you want to play a “classic JRPG” literally just emulate one. This game rode on namebrands only when there was little else for the niche at the time, and the phone prequel unironically looks like a better executed game already.

Uninteresting but there were no games to play at the time.

Last week it was 4/10 shit
Now its 9/10 should have won GotY

>switch and wii u like me
this isnt something to really boast about nor relevant

It was okay overall. 10/10 OST, good though simple turn based battle system, characters are enjoyable but story ranges from mediocre to passable at best with some good moments here and there. Art style is subjective but I liked it and helped the game feel a little more 'premium' than it actually was. I'd say it is worth playing but maybe not at full price. I am happy that it did well though and more people will be able to play it, I think it's a good first time entry from the inexperienced team that made it.


Stories are mostly boring and inconsequential, boring characters, out of battle mechanics are tedious and unfun, battle mechanics is worse bravely default, grahics/art style is is just MUH RETRO with lens flare and bloom piled on.

It's a $30 2.5/5 3ds game up priced to a laughable $60.

Music is literally the only good part about it

Outside of banter convos (which are boring and generic), there is absolutely no party interactions.
Even with the super secret quest that unlocked a gauntlet and final boss when you gather all the characters, NONE of them say ANYTHING in the final cutscene leading to the boss.

ZERO fucking effort. The map layouts were bland point A to point B with tiny and short side paths with chests that give you nothing interesting (shit like money and the equivalent of potions).
It's only saving grace was the soundtrack, the art style and maybe the combat. I had more fun recreating the characters in dark souls.

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Meant to say boss rush.

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As weird as it may sound, it is better if you focuse on 1 character and its story, and then gather other members.

This. It's a game about 8 different stories. Not 1 story that mixes together. I don't get how people don't understand this. I'll admit that more party banter would be nice, but anyone who expected the stories to mix is a fucking dumbass.