Fan favorite character doesn't appear in the sequel

>fan favorite character doesn't appear in the sequel

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That's a dev favourite

Literally nobody cared about her. Her """"love"""" interest with Finn felt incredibly forced and insincere. They risk their lives for each other for no real outcome. Killed the flow of the movie.


I stopped watching when they were trapped in that planet when they were trying to escape. Shit movie. Shit characters.

even my subverted expectations were subverted

>expect tico to return and ruin another movie
>she doesn't return

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Why isn't that screaming jet firing from afar or dropping bombs on the bitch why is it scratching the ground

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Is she seriously not coming back?

are they just going to write out fin now too?

She's a meme, whatever. Star Wars is a meme at this point. dumb thread

they already wrote out the entire star wars plot

>let the whites die, kill them if you have to
What did he mean by this?

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>sequel brings back old villain to nostalgia-bait

What are some other games that do this?

>dooms the entire rebel cause because she craves BBC
Good thing ghost Luke saved the day

ME2 pretty much

dark souls

They're saying she might be back in, and given how shitty the SW films are I'd say she's guaranteed to return in some form or another

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She's actually someone's favorite?

Name 5(five) games that did that

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it's funny how disney wars is worse than the prequels.

It would be amazing if they shot a ton of scenes with her and then just never used any of them, just to fuck with Rian.

They’re going to Maz Kanata her in the sequel, one scene where she “phones” in her lines.

It’s a fuck you to Rian for pushes aside a JJ character.

what were they thinking with that casino subplot?


kylo ren wants a splatter, he's spent the entire new trilogy trying to get unique kill medals and getting btfo
>couldn't even get the double kill on Starkiller Base
honestly feel sorry for him

nah, she'll be in the spin-off set. imo the cancellation of the various spin-offs will be streamlined into a Disney in-house production studio that will run a single line of EU movies that have their own internal references and continuity. the thread that pulls the mainstream audience into those and connects them to NuTrilo will be Finn, Rose, and occasional spotlight or cameo appearances by Poe. we might someday get a Blumhouse-style version of Solo 2 as well but i wouldn't count on it.

THE SENATE is gonna absolutely BTFO Rey by revealing that he coordinated her birth as one of his many plans, which will be to appease hardcore fans who disliked all the attempts to reset the continuity / destroy old lore. Alternatively he'll battle with Luke as a Force Ghost in order to redeem Rian's destruction of the character.

Capitalism bad


>TLJ is revealed
>new character is viet
>it's a fat ugly toad
how come the white, hispanic, and black characters are all generally attractive and in shape?

>Star Wars is not a franchise about plot points, logic, or actions; it’s a franchise about ideas and feelings. And the point of this sequence is the idea of oppression and inequality, and the feeling of righteous indignation about it, and giving Rose the opportunity to vocalize those points and establish herself as the voice for that in this new trilogy. Because, again, it’s been a missed opportunity for a long time that Star Wars has been preoccupied with the experiences of royals, elites, religious orders, and other upscale characters at the expense of everybody else. It’s a really cool step to have this character, who’s essentially a one woman get-over-your-bullshit machine, come to this glamorous place and point out that the villainy isn’t just the space Nazis, it’s the upper class that lets the Nazis get away with stuff because they stand to benefit. You see, it’s the non-mystical, on the ground component that allows the film to get away from the narrowly classist vision of the Force going on in the Rey-Luke stuff

>half of Episode IX is JJ Abrams trying to undo Last Jedi

It was incredibly obvious just from the trailer alone. Jesus christ, what a fucking trainwreck.

whites bad, minorities good

Star wars the rise of retcons

>Disney movie about the evils of capitalism
Sasuga, Walt.

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I love how every negative opinion of TLJ amounts to "not muh luke!!!" or some quasi-MRA nonsense about how women, minorities, and boilerplate center of left politics ruined my precious space fantasy for children

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>An ancient evil returns

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i mean you can't complain about hollywood jewery and complain about this. what rian did there was absolutely based and more movies should expose the passive "hurr we just livin our lives getttin money on usury and wars" evil in the world

It's everything they make, they are basically they bioware of films

>people in this very fucking thread paid actual money to see The Last Jedi

how does it feel being Rian's used up cumslut?

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A weapon to surpass Bait Gear

So 9 is confirmed for being shit right?