*dooms Western RPGS*

*dooms Western RPGS*

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>game relies on minigames in order to do the combat

>the minigames can stop working, forcing a reset

what a poorly designed piece of shit

I really can't stand that basedboy look. I see it everywhere; at work and out in public. Why is it so popular?

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You could've just said
>western game
what a poorly designed piece of shit

Too much onion in our American food. Sad, I know. Just yesterday I learned cows are now corn-fed making us worse than it is.


Western RPGs aren't responsible for this dogshit. It's clearly inspired by JRPGs.

Apple juice is urine

The lead dev did an interview on The Dick Show, a podcast. He seemed like an alright guy, said that the main character being a dickhead throughout was the point of his character. Apparently he put out a patch that "fixed" a bunch of issues people had with the game, but I have no idea if it's even worth it or not. It sold okay on Switch apparently

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Shut up westacuck. Just shut the fuck up.

Weezer + 90s nostalgia

I know but this is extremely poorly designed, even by western game examples

>It's clearly inspired by JRPGs.
and failed to hit ANY of the marks and looks like some generic ass ego written writing, where it just sucks off the MC who never grows as a character

>that nearly 20 second loading screen for a random encounter

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The game isn't shit because it's western. It's shit because it's aping a shit genre (JRPGs).

Pretty sure we are the last place on the internet still bringing this game up. If you don't like the game so much how about you stop talking about it and let it die, or are you not done with your circlejerk?

>mommy says it's my turn on the basedstation


>pparently he put out a patch that "fixed" a bunch of issues people had with the game

he also claimed the patch added a 3rd ending but not even Data Miners can find it.

So I think the patch is full of shit.

>random encounter lasts 3+ minutes

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I dont know anything about the game, but anything less than 30s for random encounters is excessive desu

>stop talking about it and let it die
Yea Forums should never stop talking about Let it Die.

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I meant more.

I can't believe that the only good thing about this game is the waifus... I want them out of that game!

soi game sold decently on a soi platform with no games? Imagine my shock.

This game epitomizes every westcuck's complaint about Persona's school setting thinking a college backdrop would help the game be more palpable.

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Wasn’t there another söy rpg being made?

>game is entirely about contemporary white culture
>game is a joke
Having a monumental think over here

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Damn, sent his rich ass to god.

>barely any rule 34 of them

I like how each special attack has different a minigame associated with them. That's a fun idea. However I hate everything else about this game.

I forgot what a piece of shit this game was. I could write a damn essay on how awful it is solely using this clip as a source
>That black chick that's clearly the creator's waifu

That's what happens when you try and take Paper Mario's combat and extend it to a party of four

Why rely on random encounters when spending time on them is a waste? JRPGs are a joke.

Nobody looking for it knows how to datamine properly we just use unity studio.

I don't care what culture they subscribe to, smug rich trust fund kiddies deserve to be humbled

literally it's terrible because it's persona for hipsters and both of those things are shit

It’s honestly amazing how much this game undermines every “this game is great but it should really have done XYZ instead” argument
It’s game design from the perspective of people who can only emulate, instead of creating something unique from their own experiences

just how insecure are you that this completely harmless silly one liner from a spoiled, stupid young twit gets such a strong reaction out of you?

No need to try to shill it like that user


I think this is my number 1 “fuck you I liked it” of all time.

What did you like about it?

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I think the bigger question is how do you die to a single punch? Was he made out of peanut brittle or perhaps paper mache?

>Tip: Videogames are not a waste of time

If he punched him at the back of his skull hard enough, he could have died
Alternatively if he got punched and cracked his skull or neck when he hit the floor, that’s also possible

Unique story, handled character growth realistically instead of “and then he was a saint”, amateur VAs made a lot of conversations in game sound very natural, some puzzles were pretty clever. Also I got to play it completely unspoiled since I was one of the first ones that actually tried it so I didn’t go into anything with bias.

Them teeth fillings.

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>Unique story
You mean, the one with almost copy pasted real events?

The article says he died in his sleep after falling and hitting the ground with his head after the punch.
Also looking back at that kids pic, doesn't his face look kinda small? Like it's too small for his whole head and that's why his foerhead looks so big

That's just how teeth work when you're 50. A lot of people just let dental hygiene slip when they get old enough.

>handled character growth realistically instead of “and then he was a saint”
Dude literally had a girl that fell for him despite he being a dick, talk about realism

>handled character growth realistically

Alex grew as a character?

>amateur VAs made a lot of conversations in game sound very natural
This maybe would be true if the dialogues weren't so shit and even forced in some scenes

I would disagree on the plot and character development
I actually found the writing to be pretty weak for the most part. Especially given how much of the character development is back loaded

I mean you don’t have to like him but going from being pissy about his mom asking him to get groceries to deciding to try to save his world instead of run is character growth.

Is the second guy from the left supposed to be Freddy Krueger?


I don't even mind the art or even the concept of all the characters being early zoomer/late millenial snowflakes, but they need to fix it so a random encounter doesn't last as long as you'd expect a mini-boss battle to last.

What is this hipster tumblr reddit cuck shit

I mean I can see the idea but everything about this just screams “bloated”

I honestly think this game could have been a silly, fun little experience if not for that stupid minigame mechanic.

I can stand everything else, i am usually good at looking at the positives of a game even when it tries too hard to be quirky, but the minigames completely kill any enjoyment the combat could have had.

>panda completely negates all attacks. rendering the battle pointless
>cutscene for every character when all attacks are negated. prolonging the battle.
>minigame attack for one character is just pong. no twist to make it unique. it's just pong.
The only good thing I saw there was the camera flashing.

Is Panda as overpowered as it seems?

Settings are not the problem. The problem is how you handle said setting.

Does the game shows that Alex change inside his normal life enviroment though?

Yes, it’s intentionally a crutch because Panda is an emotional crutch to Alex. You lose it eventually for a bit but it doesn’t really matter then.

the art is total shit

He has some scenes yeah.

>Actually applies for some jobs instead of exploding on his mom
>Reflects on his life hearing Rory and Michael talk about the future

Probably some others but it’s been a while.

Whoops meant for

>said that the main character being a dickhead throughout was the point of his character.
But why? Why would he think this was a good plan when all it does is make the game worse than it is?

Because he wanted an unlikable protagonist
Stop self inserting faggot

>Go to shell!

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