Almost all exclusives get either ported to PC or switch

>almost all exclusives get either ported to PC or switch
How did sony manage to start the generation so strong and now they are barely above the xbox one in terms of delivering you a good product?

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>muh ape escape

>started out strong
It only started getting games in like 2017, and then simultaneously losing other within the same year

Expensive consoles need expensive games and expensive games want to reach a larger audience to have a higher chance of recouping their losses.
This is just the industry now

who cares what games what go where as long everyone gets to play them. accept the pros and cons of your device and play some god damn video games.

Most of Sony's exclusives before were just "Japanese third party games that aren't worth porting to Xbox". Now nips started to realize chinks, gooks and sea monkeys are a lucrative market that consoles aren't popular in but PCs are, so everything is being ported now.

>Sakura Wars PS4 only
>Grandblue Fantasy Re:Link PS4 only
>Judgement PS4 only
>Project Awakening PS4 only
>Earth Defense Force Iron Rain PS4 only

How again is PS4 losing exclusives? Is the only console getting new games

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>Yakuza Zero is on PS4 and PC
>Kingdom Hearts III is on PS4 and Xbox One
>Atelier Whatever is on PS4 and Switch
What's the common place for playing all these Japanese games without purchasing four systems ?

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It hasn't lost any exclusives. They were never exclusive to begin with. All the first party games have stayed exclusive, and you really can't expect 3rd party to stay exclusive.
People only notice when it happens with playstation but in reality it has been happening for a decade for PC and it just recently started happening for Nintendo.

>All that good
>Ruining it with the one on the very right

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With the exception for KH the other 2 are on PC. And they run better on PC. KH is better on xbox one. So you are basically saying the ps4 is for poor people while PC / XB1X are for people who actually like the hobby.

>atelier sophie and yakuza kiwami

>this third-party exclusive that wasn't funded by sony will surely stay exclusive
How many times do we have to go through this? Will you ever learn?

Sony doesn't care about exclusives as long as you buy their game. Losing exclusives to the PC doesn't effect the PS4 selling a lot of games.

"People who like the hobby" most likely own multiples systems so this discussion about exclusive stuff doesn't even concern them anyway

multiplat sales are far higher than exclusives. They don't sell consoles, its a lie only Yea Forums believes

Yea Forums is not the majority of people. The things that matter on Yea Forums matter to Yea Forums. People here make their decisions on what to buy based on the things they discuss here. You can go fuck yourself with your majority argument, the PS4 is almost fucking dead on Yea Forums and the way sony treats their customers is the reason for it.

They Dont give a fuck because at ps5 they are about to have every PS game in history on one console.

>People here make their decisions on what to buy based on the things they discuss here.
no, it would never listen to /v's shit opinions.

Yea Forums is just a place people are able to talk about this stuff where it doesn't get shut down. It's ignorant to think that it's only Yea Forums who has turned on Sony. Its just as dumb as thinking /pol/ is soley responsible for Trump getting elected.

>How did sony manage to start the generation so strong

Because Nintendo and MS shot themselves in the foot and let Sony get a massive headstart without needing any worthwhile exclusives

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