Sekiro Support Thread

what are you having trouble on?
we are here to help

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Have sex.

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FUCK this fucking NIGGER true corrupted monk fight. I am fucking SEETHING right now. I don't fucking understand why the game only recognizes me being able to deathblow her first landing 1/100 motherfucking times, why sometimes the game seems to eat my motherfucking input and just have me be hit despite having parry up, literally she has a fucking move that I will do a perfect deflect on and I still get hit fucking UP INTO THE AIR. NIGGER WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT IS THE OPTIMAL DEATHBLOW SETUP SO I CAN SKIP WORTHLESS FIRST PHASE?
But that's not enough for long gay boring fucking RECYCLED CONTENT, because after her second phase she gets to LITERALLY DISAPPEAR and make you monkey around like a fucking FAGGOT when her fucking KRAFT DOUGHNUT MUNCHING MOTHERFUCKERS DOPPELGANGERS TRY TO HIT YOU FOR LITERAL FREE OVER AND OVER. And good luck if you try to cancel it with your small number of collected snap seeds, because they can just SPAWN IN WITH A JUMPING ATTACK AND CANCEL YOUR ITEM ANY TIME YOU STAND STILL, BUT THE SEED IS STILL CONSUMED, ~~~FUUUUUCK YOU!!!~~~
I mean fucking seriously, the core concept of Sekiro is supposedly rushing down with attack and deflection every chance you get as opposed to sitting behind a brick wall like Dark Souls, but really in any game, WHY WOULD YOU CREATE A PHASE WHERE YOU'RE ATTACKED FROM ALL DIRECTIONS IN A GAME WITH A SHITTY CAMERA AT A POINT IN WHICH YOU CANT HURT THE BOSS?!?!?! ITS WASTED FUCKING TIME!

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I just defeated Juzou, and went inside the building behind him. I went inside the building he was blocking, found a shrine, and then I went forward a bit, talked to an old lady and a dying samurai, who was right in front of a staircase but when I get to the bottom it says its locked.
What do I do.

just started playing. slow paced rhythm combat. dropped.

Dunno if this is pasta but I genuinely don't know how people struggle with the Corrupted Monk, next to Genichbro, she has the easiest attack pattern, plus she gets fucked by snap seeds & confetti. Then the True Monk fight you can just deathblow her twice and go straight to P3.

get the key from dying owl senpai

it starts slow

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Nigga just climb a tree during dopple phase


>dat video

I beat the true monk in 3 tries without skipping any phases. Literally one of the easier bosses in the game. You don't even have to weaken her to start stacking poise damage. How can anyone think this fight is hard after finishing Owl?

>she has the easiest attack pattern
You never fought her using deflect did you?

They're completely different fights? Owl is free to step dodging and a vitality kill.

yeah they're completely different fights. the monk has large extremely telegraphed sweeping attacks that are easily parryable. All of his moves are parryable and she takes tons of poise damage from them. I didn't even use ash or spark to kill her.

I'd appreciate any advice about GUARDIAN RAPE

How the fuck do I tell when Isshin 2nd phase is starting his super long combo? How the fuck do I not die to it?

fire cracker

which one?

whichi isshin
or old?

Literally no one can have trouble deflecting her attacks

Sword Saint

he lifts big ass spear on phase 2

need more female cast

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Neither did I but I just found it harder to deflect Monk's weird attacks than it was to simply dodge to Owl's left and occasionally deflect.

>not deflecting owl's combos and ripping his poise to shreds
maybe that's why i found monk easy because I beat own by parrying

The big fire demon. What do?

Yeah that's why she's the most cheesed boss in the game.

Did anyone else just find it really hard to care about any of the characters? By the end I only really cared about Kotaro and rice loli.

Fair enough, but that doesn't make sense though, why would deflecting Owl help you learn Monk? They have completely different paces and attack patterns.

I honest to God feel like I’m playing the game wrong. Is Dark Souls, it was always a matter of proper dodge timing, in Sekiro, I don’t even know what I’m doing. Deflect seems to work only every now and again, especially the spear one. I just can’t figure out what I'm doing wrong. At this very moment I’m sort of stuck on the Seven Spears guy.

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I have no idea why, but the mikiri counter seems to work only every now and again. Most of the time I just dash right into the guys then he impales me.

what the fuck do i do against bootleg hanzo
y'know the fucking guy with the bow that stole the kid and evolves into fucking lightning mcqueen after you kill him
i can usually get him down one dot, sometimes kill him, but i cant get through the lightning phase

Pretty sure I've seen this exact image posted in Sekiro threads and now I'm that retard. How do? Saw a grapple point when I jumped off the pinwheel cliff but it doesn't appear to be reachable.

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I read the mikiri description and found waiting until the hit lands got me hit very often. Tried it sooner (as soon as the attack was released) and got better results.

Because owl's combos have random lengths so you have to deflect on reflex and not memorization i guess.
Monk's attacks are telegraphed at least a half second before they hit except for the one where she runs towards you and slashes, but you know that's coming because she's running toward you.

Yeah, same. I got a tad drunk last night and I swear I was landing counters left and right because of my lower reaction time... ironically.

When you're doing the rock climbing phase behind the mountain there's a fork somewhere where you can either keep climbing up to get to where you are in the pic, or look down a little and see a hangable ledge somewhere.
There's also a shortcut to it in ashine outskirts by the headless

Go back to the Ashina Outskirts past the Stairway idol. Explore to the right and you'll find a cave with a Headless. There's a shinobi shortcut in there that leads to that bell.

(There's another way but I don't remember it off the top of my head, just that's it's somewhere around the Shugendo idol.)

mikri counter you can just mash B and it works every time, no timing needed

firther in the game, ive gotten back to the area the game starts in. ive only fought the spear guy twice, but i keep fucking up the mikiri counter. am i alone in this, or is the timing hard to hit with this guy?

spear guy being the one at the building you originally find kuro in, if that wasnt clear

He's back at it!

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Just fought Shichi nigger and got him down to a few hits left before he got too far away and lost aggro, completely resetting his health. FUCK THIS GUY. He's not even that hard but being forced to use consumables makes me super nervous about the whole fight. I only have one confetti left and have no idea where to get more, I'm not sure if I should just try to get him without using it or just yolo and try my best to drop him immediately

>shinobi shortcut
how does a shinobi shortcut differ from a regular shortcut?

I’m also struggling with him right now. I’ve found that firecrackers help though.

>he doesn't know about the umbrella

Isshin is kicking my ass, is this just an issue of me not using step dodging enough since he's whipping out the mortal blade left and right? What should I look out for when I get to his next two phases?

shinobi shortcuts are the walls with a human outline on them that transfer you to the other side when you "hug wall" on them

>tfw havnt found firecrackers
i just got to this spot, so if i look around will i find it, or did i pass it long ago?

How do I beat this faggot? Seriously the worst fight in the game

Tips for owl, other than waiting for that one jump attack?

I think you passed it. Did you fight that big boss on a horse? If so, I have no idea how you managed without firecrackers.

exactly, true monk is a joke. if you can kill false monk then you can kill true without being a bitch nigga and cheesing 2 of her phases

Fire cracker in first phase, it's good to stay on his ass and be super agressive. If you're directly under him when he flings shit at you he'll miss 99% of the time.

As for the second phase the umbrella prosthetic is essential. You can get it from a shopkeeper and it completely negates damage+terror for his shout

yeah i did. i beat him on my second try. it was easy after bashing my head against the wall to beat lady butterfly. took me like 40 fucking tries i think, but i learned a lot about the game in doing so

How do I fight the Flame Demon?

you have to use it exactly like the parry. you put your input when their attack animation starts, but before it will hit you. if you just mash youll get hit by shit like genichiros thrust

Vanilla umbrella doesn't negate terror iirc. You need the apparition upgrade.

Why isn't he reviving

It does. I used it nonstop to fight him.

I’ve heard the butterfly chick is hard. I haven’t even attempted to fight her yet. Anyhow, I’d look up where to get firecrackers, as I forgot where you get em.

He likes to end combos with his anti-healing bomb, look out for that. If you're not confident on your deflects, try dodging his sword swings and getting a couple hits in. If you do that you can even charge R1 since he won't counter your thrust when his back is turned.

You can entirely skip him (it can brick your save though) or just get him to leap through a wall into the void with firecrackers

I'm not asking where they are, but are there any other flip panel hidden doors other than the one before butterfly? or any other hidden doors of any kind?

whos this shitter?

this guy

The only other one I've found is in Ashina Castle. There's a wall scroll that looks like a warrior, kinda like Gyoubu, and if you hug wall there it takes you to a room behind with a Prayer Bead.

lighting his ass on fire is useful on both phases but in different ways
phase 1 makes him freak out
phase 2 he won't be phased but he doesn't try to extinguish it either so you get lots of chip damage in

just started the game really, spend 15 minutes getting fucked by the chained ogre and not really enjoying this anymore. this guy has straight up broken hitboxes, this is like some ds2 level shit, if i dodge his grab theres a 50% chance he'll just magically grab me anyway. if the games gonna be like this i don't think i'm interested anymore

Pressure the first form but be ready to deflect. Strafe around him and take free hits when he's attacking in the other direction. Be ready to jump away from his grab.
For his second form, run away and wait for an opening if you're not sure what he's about to do. The attack where he flops on his belly and slides at you with the sword has up to four attacks before it's safe to move in. Look out for the little snakelike movement he does with his head before the scream.

Always be below his feet. Do not let him create distance between you if possible If he does those. When he does flaming jump thing, run away and then hook to him again. When he does that charge, jump. As you run towards him he will throw some flame things, evade them but running forward-left as they fall from right to left.

Under his feet he does two small feet stops which can be easily blocked or avoided. He does one heavy stomp, which is best blocked (it can be avoided, but does 1/2 hp dmg average). He also rarely does head bump into you, it can be easily blocked, but you have to recognize it.

In phase two he does that long ass whip-like attack - run to the side and then jump before flames appear, otherwise you will take damage, then hook to him again. He also does those flame balls if you're too far away from him, they hit like crazy, so you run like crazy when he starts summoning them.

In phase three, use the whistle. It stuns him for a loooong time, you can take 3/4 of his hp with 2 whistles. At the start of it he does huge aoe flame wall, run the fuck away from it. Hopefully he doesn't do it again in the fight, but if he does again, run the fuck away from it.

holy fuck this is gold LOL

Am I fighting genichiro too soon or somthing? I havent seen any monkies or corrupted monks or anything. I'm on top of the castle right now with his second form with lightning arrows and shit.

another one bites the dust

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I'm guessing you're dodging to the side directly into his hand. You can't roll through shit. If you run away during the grab away from him he won't get you.

Or you could get on a short wall and hit him in the head until he dies since he can't reach up.

>keep it down ya fucking faggot
lol based boomer dad

Yeah man you can explore almost the whole game before fighting him.

When he throws the anti-healing bomb, circle around him from the left side. You will not get the debuff and you can hit him once-twice. This, of course, provided you're not too far from him when he throws the bomb. You can also avoid it if you attack him head on, but this sometimes fails. Circling to the left works 100%

pls help

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you can go through 2 and a half of the game's 3 main paths right now


based Boomer (Father)

he rotates 180 degrees in a split second to grab me even if i've clearly dodged him. just instantly puts me off the game if i come across infuriating stuff like this pretty much straight away

It doesn't change that much unfortunately.

Thank you frens, i'll try that out.

im ben sekiro
ok this is epic

Yeah I'm the same, I've seen people talking about all kinds of shit without mentioning genichiro. I killed him and god damn it took a fucking long long time

Keep running behind him, hit a couple times, run again. He's a joke.

Hey doc, I'm having trouble spanking the monkey, any tips?

At a certain point in the story you can buy confettis from merchants. You can also farm them from the blue robed guys in ashina castle, but they are rare. I reccomend waiting until later to fight the apparation type enemies because they are all optional.

Try to jump away from the grabs instead of sidestep, his hitboxes are dogshit but don't cover the air.

You need to adapt. One doesn't merely attack the ogre, you have to put defense first and attacking second. It's a twitchy fight, just be ready to run/dodge/jump. (You can deflect his melee too but most players don't choose to do this because they don't want to be caught in a grab.)

this do the jump instead of dash jumping works way better at avoiding grabs for some reason

His moves are too erratic for me to give you any real strategy, but you can block his shit throws or even run towards him if you're not too far away from him and hit him couple of times before he finishes wiping his ass. Also, when he starts rolling his arms on the floor like a retard, position yourself in front of his head. He can't hit you with his arms there and you get couple of great hits. Aside from that, throw firecrackers if you're feeling brave, because if you throw them too early, they wont work and then bb your hp.

Don't know about too soon but I killed him after Gyobu and Butterfly.

First phase: Block most of his tantrum stuff, jump to the left to avoid his arm grab, jump to the side to avoid the part and rub immediately towards him after it to dodge the shit projectile. Run off to the side to avoid his running throw. Punish him between moves

Second phase: deflect his sword shit until he drops the big sword from up high and deflect that one too, he will fall over and let you attack him. Run away as fast as you can when blood spurts out and hes about to do his fear scream. Jump over his other two red attacks and punish after

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*avoid the fart and run


Anyone have the "Come, Sekiro!" gif?

What's considered the best ending?

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I'd like to play the game but my pc's shit and I hear the console versions have major input lag issues. Is there a patch or some trick to it or is it fucked?

There are troubleshoots available for PC if you google it. I've been too lazy to try yet, I'll let you know.

Return ending is the only one that gives a chance to fix the actual problem

Why the fuck does the square button not work half the time? Standing over items to pick them up and it doesn't like working half the time, grabbing a ledge after double jumping is awful.

I find if you hold down Square right after you jump, then it works.

i wanted to fight her but i literally one shot her because she jumped at me and i accidentally air deathblow her
i don't think i ever used the air deathblow more than 4 times the entire game

>Following bug slut

I hate how you have to be looking directly at the item to pick it. It's funny when it happens to speedrunners though.

It's RICE ;_;

it's rice dumb cunt

Keep close to him and R1.
Block when he stomps.
When he jumps, run away and then grapple back.
Jump when you see Chinese.
Fire umbrella helps when closing the gap

Why do you think all her monk fathers have bugs inside? You dont think she got the dick a thousand times by both the monks and bugs?

>Not having your day brightened whenever she says miko no shinobi yo and asking for some precious rice

Umbrella is unnecessary, his terror scream is super telegraphed and you have more than enough time to get away from it. Phase 2 is wayyyy easier than phase 1

Game is dull as fuck and I already know that future me never finishes it. I'll probably watch a play through on YouTube.

I'm stuck on the part where I care about anything going on in the game.

>another dumbcunt with his own lore-fantasy conspiracy theory

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Literal coping

there's no secret sauce, you just have to parry literally everything.
i suggest you learn how to deal with the firecracker (back dodge, wait for explosion, run back in)
the stab is highly telegraphed and does it only after certain attacks, mikiri counter
jump backwards if he sweeps and try to doublejump on his head
the last one is pretty hard and you'll miss his head often, but there's no punish if you miss it

I'm mid game possibly. I'm stuck on both Genichiro and the purple Corrupt Monk. With the former I keep getting too greedy and get killed by the jumping arrow spam. I've only gotten to the second form once.

Also I keep seeing shit about Guardian Ape but haven't seen anything like him yet.

This. You also have more than enough time to run away and eat items. No reason not to use sugars periodically throughout the fight.

Me on the left.


Try Genichiro until you win.
If you react wrong to one of his attacks, do it right the next time. He doesn't have that many different moves

What's the best place around mid game to grind exp or cash?

>Following the Iron Code, the code that basically shuts down all your emotions and desires makes you the Shura for some reason
Nice lore miyazaki.

For Genichiro just learn to deflect, sidestep and attack.

For corrupted Monk just use mist raven. Snap seeds and smoke for the extra cheese.

I work full time and usually leave games till the weekend to play, is it worth me getting Sekiro or will I not have enough time to get gud until it's been like a month?

I think Owl is trying to make Wolf into a shura

Ashina Castle.

Mibu village and fountainhead is also nice on the first run. I wouldnt worry about exp since enemies exp increase exponentially and soon gold will lose all value.

How do I give Emma more Gourd Seeds? I got to the point where I beat Genichiro, but she's too focused on telling me where Isshin is now.

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The game takes some time to learn, and you will probably get rusty and have to relearn some things if you take a break for several days

Its fine, I play like once a week and I am gonna finish it tomorrow after like 3 weekends.

That answers my question then, I think I'd definitely have played this game a few years ago when I had more free time

Talk with Kuro until you advance the story

Get the grourds for poison and terror and drink them before you get hit by attacks dealing poison and terror damage. Make sure you always have the little icon by your health bar saying you're protected. Beat both phases with health damage. No parrying at all in the first phase. It can be slightly useful in the second phase because if you parry his overhead swing it will stun him. If you have trouble with phase 2, save your spirit emblems and put a bunch of damage on him with mortal draw to make it go faster. Im both phases, be super aggressive. Always be running behind his ass and hitting it. If you cam get a bunch of hits in a row you can actually stagger him and pile on even more damage. After he's staggered, he'll run away, so chase after him and get behind his ass again before he starts attacking. When he does his dive attack in the second phase run at him and get behind him. When he throws the doodoo, run, then jump right before it hits the ground to avoid all damage 100% guranteed.

Shameless bump.
I mean the gif where some guy takes a stance with a sword but just ends up shooting his gun

Can't be. He seems pretty surprised by it when it happens.

I'm legitimately having a harder time with Genichiro than SS stage 1 at this point
Geni is such a manlet that its hard to see him through the brush sometimes

Does anyone have that gif of Wolf out dueling the Ashina elite?

Ty in advance

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>beat ape escape easy first run

lads, when he throws his shit at me in first phase, what hte fuck do I do? which way? sometimes i can dodge it, others i cant, also which prophetic do i use again, thanks

It's literally the same fight as on the rooftop stage 2 with added mortal draw attack

You can just block it fren. Does big posture damage, but that's about it.

Yeah I know, which makes me even more frustrated
I just need to acquire proficiency

The one where Kuro lives is kind of a happy ending.

How many hours did you put into it on those weekends?

the first boss


now i want to see his blazing bull footage

/drunksekiro/ phenomenon seems to be a common thing, I did lots of bosses while a bit inebrieated, I guess you relax and fight better, even though your reflexes are slowed

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my name is
mada mada?

Performance issues.
My shit refuses to maintain a 60fps for longer than 40 minutes.
You suggest it, I've tried it.

that seven spears guy has like 3 different thrusting attacks, two of them can be mikiri'd with basically the same timing but the one of 3 he delays the thrust long enough to the point it catches you exactly in recovery frames if you go early

lower graphic to maximum potato
720p resolution
nvidia control panel ->force v sync on
>but i have AMD
you dun goofed

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Unironically beat this first try on ps4
People are so bad at games

>spend 2 hours on Genichiro
>very satisfying kill
>everything feels easy now
When does it get hard again? Does it even get hard again? I just beat the second Corrupted Monk, and it was literally easier than the first fight.

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that guy's literal purpose in the game to help you find the jump button. have you found it yet?

last two fights are pretty difficult, but one is optional

>it's easier than the first fight
You stealth blow cheesed it

i only seem to be able to play when drunk. makes me more ballsy. i do the same for horror games.
then i get a tad overboard, stop playing, get crazy hangovers and wont touch a video game for a bout a week repeat

you might not have the patience to play as much as you thought you would each session. IF you get stuck, its really good to sit on it and come back the next because legitimately your brain will have an easier time. Took me three play sessions to kill purple shinobi at Hirata, after getting filtered by the meme Ogre. After taking him down, beat Ashina gate guard and drunkard first try, lady butterfly 3rd attempt, katana dude in ashina castle literally so easy to deflect.

Its all about giving it time to settle in between training yourself

They better be, I wanna feel more despair. Also there's no such thing as optional.
I didn't even try that. Her attacks are very easy to read so I just parried everything for free posture damage.

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>you can deathblow true monk from the tree branch
>she is completely aware of you as you stepped into the arena
This fucking game

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this helps a lot honestly. ill fall asleep thinking back on fights i'm stuck on and can just picture what to do, when to do etc. sounds gay now that i think about it
going through the game and trying to bang your head on the wall on a boss really makes me not want to play

You got good, Corrupted Monk is certainly harder than Mad Monk or Genichiro

some people have difficulty when they feel they aren't making progress, I find that staying calm and analyzing enemy moves that I can die over and over again and still be making progress

I had the same thing happen with Owl, died to him a bunch, went to sleep, and beat him second try the next day

The only reason I'm struggling is because sometimes it's very hard to tell whether or not she's going for a thrust or a sweep.
The windup, the part you need to pay attention to in order to know how to counter the attack, is virtually identical between the two. So many times I jumped into a thrust or dodged into a sweep simply because I'm not given enough information.
It isn't hard, it's dishonest. That's the frustrating part. Knowing I can beat it if I keep at it but I'm dying to stupid stuff because the game is being a little obtuse, and it isn't until the game decides to not be so obtuse that I'm able to make progress.

Sword Saint is fucking my shit up. I know its a temporary wall just like Guardian Ape, Owl, or Demon of Hatred though. Sooner or later they all fall pray to the Wolf. I just have to keep at it.

Monk requires a lot of focus, you can't relax which is easy to do because of the way she moves slow then suddenly fast lulls me into a false confidence. Just take a break maybe, you'll get the thrust/sweep reads better when you're fresh.

What's going on here?

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I finally beat Sword Saint.
Feels good man.

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Sounds like a good idea, user.

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>okami warrior women protect the fountainhead palace
>nobles still eat them
What IS the lore here? There was that one old woman who said they crave the vitality of the young, but I'm not sure if that applies to weird eel woman things.

pretty much what was happening. also i got it on launch ps4 before my parts came in and its pretty ass on console

that's the spirit user. just remember that sword saint has hyper armor on some moves so don't go too hard on him, but you also at the same time can't let him breathe because his posture regens very fast.

Can someone explain the Dragonrot mechanic a bit better to me? I've seen it explained on a loading screen before, but I never see it long enough to be able to read it. Do you cause Dragonrot everytime you die or everytime you revive? If you care about causing Dragonrot is it better to not revive?

Are any of the lazulite prosthetics worth going after or are they just a more expensive tool? Also blue firecrackers are the best iteration right?

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It's when you die, not when you resurrect.

Dragonrot is caused by every death that has the red kanji appear. Reviving completely ignores Dragonrot, so you can do it as much as you like. NPCs don't die from Dragonrot, they just have their dialogue options limited.

>You know what you guys need? To feed off the youth of other fishpeople!

its both

I been stuck on Ishin for 2 days now, this isn't even interesting anymore.

How far into the story can you go before you can fuck up specific endings? For example, if I was going for the Return ending, can I actually go around and take care of some stuff before getting rice girl sick, or is it best to just chow down on all that rice right in front of her face to get to the next step of the quest line already?

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You can complete the Return ending questline at any point of the story, so you can chow down the rice and go take care of other stuff that is time sensitive.

To elaborate more, Monk's perilous attack thrust comes out faster than the sweep. With the sweep you'll notice she squats down a bit before the red kanji appears because the kanji is warning you of the weapon moving, not her. You'll get it. Her perilious attack should be a relief to see because that's your opportunity to punish for poise damage.
Otherwise the fight to me is all about Monk's rhythm. Her body telegraphs the attacks pretty slow in most cases, but the weapon itself moves fast so you can't wait for that. It comes down to getting in her face, blocking and waiting to deflect, and attacking once whenever there's an opening. You want to avoid trading hits at all costs, I'd say don't even attack twice unless you're certain she won't start up her own attack because she will poise through you.

I can get through Jobichiro and phase one no problem now, but phase 2 wrecks me. I find it helps to take breaks when I start to get frustrated, and just come back later.

The only part that will stop you from doing things for the endings is Divine Dragon so you should do everything you need to before that.

Laz Sabimaru is my favorite prosthetic and the shuriken is pretty cool. The Axe is just a stronger version of the axe and the flame vent is kind of a downgrade since it can't inflict burn damage.

lol Ogre is an absolute joke

>Beat Owl 1 without too much trouble after playing it abit slow
>Owl 2 fucking destroys my shit so fast

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Some criticism

Not enough exploration
Not enough weird Miyazaki shit
Might actually be too hard in some part to the point that it gets boring
Plot is simultaneously too vague yet too straightforward
Grinding is boring and should have been left out and make all upgrades available via exploration/minibosses
Mini boses look like just random enemies
Gameplay is tighter but it's also less varied

i fell through the bridge on the right side and i dont seem to be able to get back there. what did i miss?

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It's just some regular items, nothing special.

Genichiro is impossible

Genichiro isn't even that hard man


I never tried sabimaru, does the poison actually do anything to bosses?

yeah phase 2 and 3 are their own fucking battles. legit couldn't handle those, nothing you did with the previous 2 phases has any relation to these 2. the last phase is actually easier than the 3rd, purely because of the lightning reversal.

ur playing rhythm game
its not action game
its rhythm

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I suggest for the third phase to leave the whistle for when he does the aoe flame wall since the whistle, not only stuns him, but also makes the flame wall go away

How does the rice girl make rice magically show up in her hands?

Or just cheese him by getting stuck in a tree like i did. It's still a challenge but miles easier.

They're centipede eggs.

I got so close to killing him just right now. I should have used one of the statues that restore Resurrection. I'm going to make my last prayer bead necklace and use my last two memories, and hopefully that will be enough.

>"Persimmons become blood, blood becomes rice."
Seek persimmons, larger more powerful persimmons.

>losing your compassion makes you a demon of hatred
Checks out.

How the fuck do I get over there?

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Not those anons but im done with hard games after Sekiro. I realize what i like the most aboit videogames is the exploration and sense of wonder, not hard a balls difficulty.

Ishin is just fucking ridiculous, 4 phases? Really Miyazaki, really? I would be happier of the world was more interesting but too much of it is very bland. I wanted more Flintainhead Palace and Dungeon and less Ashina Outskirts.


once you've reached an idol called palace grounds, look around for a grappling point.

I think Owl is an idiot and possibly the biggest failure in all of Soulsborne

I honestly don't get what his deal was. I felt like the game was trying to make me feel conflicted by choosing to disobey him but we only had one cutscene to get to know him and he was a dick in it anyway.

I actually really enjoy the difficulty. I mean sure I get incredibly frustrated when the same keeps killing me over and over. But when I finally beat them that sense of accomplishment just feels amazing.

This game helped my rage issues. It fucked me so hard, I got bodied so many times that eventually I grew numb to it.

Genichiro only took me two tries. The regular blue robed grunts below him unironically gave me a harder time.

I got to the Sakura Grounds and kind find anything. Tried swimming around too

thats the spirit

I wish the camera was better in enclosed areas. Being stuck against a wall is already disadvantageous enough, the last thing I need is for the camera to shit itself and obscure the enemy or break my lock-on.

Isn't he the one who stabs Wolf after the fight against Lady Butterfly? The way I see it Wolf was just another tool to get the Dragon's Heritage.

Sekiro is fun but how do I stop having bad dreams after playing too long?

I swear there's a "balmer's peak" when it comes to video games. Got drunk and was fucking killing it in God Hand.

It's not your slower reaction time, it's the fact that you have lower inhibitions and thus don't tense up and overthink a counter to the point you either hesitate or execute it too early.

4 hours of jobbing to Isshin later I'm taking a break
maybe I'll get him tomorrow

>Come here a day or so ago and ask if I can fuck myself over with dragon rot
>Get a "Nah bro it just stops side quest but if you use a dragon blood dropplet you'll be fine
>Playing through now
>Monk land
>Wheezing bitch "I think her name is faithful one or something" sitting next to a cliff
>Spinning red and white flowers like that one fat guy mentioned
>If you look off the cliff you can see the kite you can fly
>"Oh this is a side quest best talk to her"
>Use dragon blood dropplet whatever
>She's still sick
>Oh I just have to rest at a bonfire
>Come back
>Oh maybe I need to travel

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From that Idol go up the stairs until you get to the locked door then from there make a left and look for a branch you can grapple to.

Once you mentally separate dying from failure, it's easy to just sit there and get destroyed over and over.

Holy shit guy, when is the last time you talked to Emma

You need the recovery charm to cure the rot, you get the charm by gathering blood samples of the infected and handing them over to Emma.

I'm bad with names. Is she the one that upgrade my gourd?


I need 1 more prayer bead for the tenth necklace, which I am assuming is the last one. Will killing Isshin immediately put me into NG+?

I see where I fucked up now. I used it as an item not at an idol.
What the fuck does it do as an item if it doesn't cure dragon rot.

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Hahhaha I did this too, wish the fucking game made it clearer. You need an item to do it.

No, Sekiro is pro-consent and will not proceed to NG+ without your explicit confirmation
Also check the shrine at the dilapidated temple

beat this fag by exploiting his jump and dash
fuck this gun using faggot

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Dragonblood droplets don't do anything if you don't have the Recovery Charm from Emma yet. Get blood samples from the infected and give it to her, and she'll give you the charm.

>tfw Isshin fucked me so hard I can't even beat Genichiro now

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>Kill the dragon god faggot
>Go back home for a comfy rest
>It's black outside and my dude the carver prosthetic guy has literally turned into a tree stump
Epic, never would've expected this twist.

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Restores a res.

Yeah I have the item. I just used the droplets as a quick item.
>don't do anything
Like actually nothing or no point in using them nothing.

Stuck on this shit too.
This shit had better be worth it, I don't want to miss anything before I beat the game though.

>tfw had a dream 3 days ago that centipedes were crawling in my flesh and through holes in my skin and when I pulled one out most of my arm was left hollow and I felt that a piece of the centipede tore inside and I had to get it out in little pieces
I've never been that terrified in my whole life.

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>Get that pink kidney stone from the cave
>Ashina Castle is now crawling with those purple ninja fucks

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He's waiting for you user, go to him. He's in the Ashina Outskirts.

Learn to perfect deflect them, it's the only way. Also you can miriki counter their kick if you didn't know.

>you can miriki counter their kick if you didn't know.
I did not know.


I know this feel. So mad at Isshin and my lack of ability that I forced it with Genicheerios and got fucked up. I finally got past him when I trained myself to stay aggressive, but man, four fucking phases just wrecked me and made me play so timid so I didn't have to start over everytime.

>beat rape ape last night wasted in NG+
>1 try
is NG+ gamebreaking without the nerfs?

Ask again, but slower

Even with that first clip from him weeks ago I felt like he probably grew up around a shitty family and it appears I was right if he's fighting with dad like that over nothing. I honestly feel bad for him and hope he learns to not take life so seriously someday.

Gets you 2 out of 6 lapis that you can get in one run so it's definitely worth it

Eat a sneaky sugar and stealth kill them.

I don't use any prosthetics for bosses. But the poison does melt the Fountainhead Kabukis and the 3 that you can fight right before the dragon are the second-best endgame farm in the game after the red interior mobs by the outskirts stairway idol. I just like it for going through blocks and looking cool.

I beat the ape last night in NG+, while drunk, in 1 try. First game it took me at least 3 hours in total. Is NG+ too easy if you don't nerf yourself? It feels like it.

Enemies with a big weakness for it are even forced to vomit on proc which creates a big opening.

now go to ashina dojo save point
rest -> fight purp ninja ->rest fight purp ninja
now purp ninja is ur bitch

>that first clip
>Father-son fight over literally the easiest miniboss
Thank you rampant neocon corporatism and leftist degenerate faggotry for dissolving the family unit this hard

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>Not enough exploration
eh. it felt rewarding sometimes if they were new arms or prayer beads.
its when its another random sugar item, or ceramic shards i just hated.

>reach the divine realm of Fountainhead
>first item pickup I find is pellets(1)

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>dying to stupid stuff because the game is being a little obtuse, and it isn't until the game decides to not be so obtuse that I'm able to make progress
That's pretty much how the actual souls games work, though.
You'll encounter one enemy, get him down to a science, then they throw out that one attack and kill you, every time.
Until that one attempt they never do that one attack, then you win.

where to get fulminated mercury? does this shit even exist in ancient japan???

Kill ministry grunts
Mind you its a rare drop but you'll get it eventually

>Jumping and moving around like a retard
>Getting that mad

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Holy FUCK I cannot beat Demon of Hatred for the life of me.

The fight feels absurd, it honestly at this point feels like pure RNG on whether he uses his fireball wave attack or not. This attack feels pretty much impossible to dodge consistently, as it lasts too long to use jump iframes to get out of it and is too big to step-dodge out of the way. I've died to him so many times that I can pretty much perfectly dodge all of his attacks except that, so I don't feel like I'm getting better at the fight at all. My progress in it is entirely based on how often he jumps away and uses the fireball wave attack, the better RNG I get the further I get. I'm taking every preventative measure I can by always staying as close to him as possible (he doesn't use the fireball attack if youre up close) but he'll still occasionally be able to jump far enough away to use the fireball attack on me and there's no way I can get to him in time to stop him from using the attack entirely.

His ridiculous health pool really doesn't help either. Is there any way I can avoid this stupid fireball attack consistently?

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Did people struggle with the second snake eyes chick and the long arm giraffe dick slasher? I was doing a fuck ton of posture damage to these mini bosses. I had to use a resurrection during the giraffe though because of the fucking camera.

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Don't rush in unless you know you're close enough to pass under it, instead bait him into committing to a safer move to approach. Most of his attacks have a huge recovery at the end.
Alternately just be reckless and block shit with the fire umbrella.

based dad

>snake eyes
Yes, she buttfucks a lot of people.
>long arm giraffe dick slasher
I don't think anyone in the entire world has struggled with him or his brother. Literally tap l1 to win.

>"Do not ring this bell"
>Options: Ring bell
Should I do other things first or?

>didn't realized i could jump down to a beam after entering ashina castle for the first time after WOOOOOOOO boy
boy i just missed a lot of shit just from a tiny thing like that

So how did Tengu become the Demon of Hatred?

>long arm giraffe
I just killed the guys around him and deflected his shit, nothing fancy just deflect, deflect, deflect.

Do it.

These are the sort of fights where after you beat them you realize that you were a shitter all along and endeavor to move past that shame

Just beat Father Owl
Is Demon of Hatred a tougher fight, or did I pass the last major hurdle?

Nigger you just beat the tutorial. Demon of hatred has a present for your asshole.

Is it possible to upgrade all prosthetic in one run?

DoH is only hard if you're too stupid to breathe

It's honestly like ghe rest of the enemies, once you figure it out it becomes piss easy. DoH just takes a while.

You beat the second to last fun fight in the game. Demon is harder, but not fun or satisfying in the least. When I beat shit like Owl 2, I feel a huge sense of satisfaction. When I beat DaS garbage like Demon I just tell myself I'm glad it's over.

Rare drop from the three cannon niggas in poison pool. It is already the best farm spot in the game since it is easy to kill all 3 with stealth. If you ring bell you will get fairly quick.

No, you'll be a short some lapis


He used the pendant

>Armored Warrior
>Sword does nothing
>Stunning does nothing
>Kill blow does nothing
>Doing that thing where you step on his sword does nothing
>Can leave before fogwall
Help a brainlet out.

Death blow shoves him backwards
Use your environment

Gravity takes us all in the end


knock him off the bridge via deathblow

stuck in 3 places, spear dood near tower from beginning, ninja in the well, granny is the fire basement. 6 hours in, refunded the game, was super boring to keep trying against these guys and not really getting anywhere. Especially since everything before that was fairly easy.

Coming from someone who plays souls games offline, no guides, no help.

I don't get it?

He even gives hints.

At least you're honest about being a brainlet
Lure him close to the edge of the bridge, get him between you and the edge, then deathblow him. He'll stagger backwards and fall off the edge

So I only got to play the game for a short time because I rented it, but I'm curious about the Giant near the beginning. They keep saying to use fire but I didn't come across a fire source and when he would attack the Torches nothing would happen. Dod I miss something? I beat him regardless.

Didn't notice the knockback. Thanks

>Stuck in 3 completely optional places
Are you mentally unsound?

Demon of Hatred I guess is a harder fight since Owl Father JUSTS himself in phase 2. He's not as hard as people make him though, just remember that you're safer close to him than trying to panic run away.

you can get fire prosthetic in hirata estate which you can go to pretty much in the beginning

I've died twice to Genichiro. I keep getting him deep into his second stage but I'm having trouble identifying his perilous attacks, if you guys can share any tells he has I think I'll do enough posture damage to finish him off.

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If you disengage from him he either tries to lightning shoot you or 9/10 times lunges at you with the mikiri counterable move. If he jumps with lightning just take the lightning hit and send it back to the motherfucker with a slash before you land.

If you mean the big AoE just sprint to side and jump as it comes out, you can grapple to him at that point.

If you mean the multiballs they are even easier just sprint towards and to one side until he stomps and then wail on him

>Be a newfag that was frustrated with the game and got stalled on Juzou
>Wasn't properly understanding how to approach everything
>Get to Lady Butterfly
>Mfw this boss
Singlehandedly turned around my opinion of the game. I think it's a combination of me actually getting better and this boss building on everything you've learned leading up to this point. The fight feels so damn cinematic but it's completely based on your input, it's unbelievably satisfying

I still died but my fourth try was parries for days and successful kiting of her butterfly shit. I only died because one single lingering illusion guy kept baiting me into Mikuri Counter attempts which caused me to dodge into damage and disoriented me. I should have just nicked him early

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oops, didn't mean to quote


If you're out of attacking range from the fucker keep on a sprint and dip in and out from mid range to long until he invites you back into melee, or if you just can't do it, Fire umbrella back in.

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What is fan used for? Just to 1 shot monks? Or is it useful for other too?

To make you look like a giant fan waving homo man-geisha


Laughing heartily.

I FINALLY managed to beat sword saint, first playthrough, no demon bell, almost max health and max improved healing, almost all weapons max upgraded, etc and it still took me fucking ages. Literally more than 4 hours to beat a single boss. How many tries did it took DSP? because i fucking GUARANTY it took me more. I feel like a shitter now, why am I so bad. All this effort on completing the game only to feel like shit at the end, at least i didn't cheat. I'm playing on base ps4.

user you'll be surprised how easy everything is for you now
Once you git gud you stay gud

That dumb.

I think he took a break, dude was getting buttfucked by the easy side bosses before DoH and Isshin.

It's weird how Isshin is for people though, it took me 2 tries with him but I expected some insane tier fight due to how everyone blew him out of proportion. Somewhat the same with DoH too, both are pretty fair if you aren't too cowardly.

>defeat most mini-boss and boss within 1-3 attempts
>butterfly, my first boss remained the hardest clocking in 20 attempts
Feels so good when it clicks.'s time to let go
best game of this generation

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That's the thing, I don't feel like i've gotten good at all. It was sheer memorization and a bit of luck. At the end I was doing genichiro and sword saint first phase no damage, I pretty much knew everything he was going to do before he even did it. The problem was mostly his second phase which I never managed to quite understand and in his third phase he got stuck doing his lighting move repeatedly which I just punished for an easy victory. It felt cheap and I feel like i'm just as bad at the game as always. In fact i proved it when I almost got my shit pushed in by chained ogre on ng+.

How do I beat the big monkey nigga's 2nd phase

>both are pretty fair if you aren't too cowardly.
I'm not that cowardly though. At first I went really aggressively, and maybe a little too greedy, but unless you know what he does, he punishes you so easily for everything you do. I guess you must be just naturally good at the game.

use your anal probe on him to pull out his spine

Run when he starts the scream, jump if he does the symbol sweep, deflect until he goes for the big overhead swing, gets a fuckton of free hits in, repeat. Headless phase is honestly pretty easy once you stop being intimidated by it.

Was the Ogre REALLY that hard? He was kind of a nice challenge but I beat him in like 15 minutes, maybe 20. Y'all treat him like Midir.

If you deflect is jump attack he stuns. Usually yells after the stun so don't get greedy.

How do i motivate myself to keep playing this shit game?

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Direct opposite for me. Shinobi hunter and Juzou after him pounded my anus a good few times until something clicked and I overcame them both. When I got to Lady Butterfly, I was surprised at how hard she was memed on here despite dying the first couple of times. She's easier than the minibosses in my experience

phase 2 is easier than the first. Don't be scared to stand there and deflect. If you block a few of his hits he winds up for a super tall vertical chop and after deflecting that you get a few seconds to run in and deal vit damage.

Isshin isn't about how good you are at the game, it's about memorizing his move set and being able to see through his bullshit spear + sword twirling and being able to tell where the weapon hitbox actually is. It's artificial difficulty IMO.

If you don't like it you shouldn't waste your time on it.

It unironically gets good a few hours in. It never clicks right away for people, if you still hate it after Lady Butterfly then yeah it's just not for you.


There's not that much shit to look up though, the game is so much simpler and easier than dark souls. What are you having trouble with user?

just chill and explore bro
it's not that linear but still you should be able to figure things out pretty easily

>Artificial difficulty
Isshin still follows the same ruleset as other fights like retaliating 1-2 attacks after an opening. The fight wasn't bad at all and he practically gives you anime tier I win moments with stage 3.

Based. It's always refreshing to see someone that can enjoy a From game and also recognize its bullshit. A lot of stuff in Sekiro relies on you adapting to janky hitboxes and otherwise learning the game after numerous depths. It's not greatly designed, particularly in the first couple of hours imo

Owl 2 didn't even take me that long but the sense of satisfaction that washed over me when I went for that execution was amazing. Fuck ever doing a charmless run though, that's straight masochism.

How the fuck was I supposed to know what confetti was for?
I also just discovered that there's more than 3 skill trees

Yeah dude he's like the hardest boss ever omg
now fuck off

I got this issue where like the noise cuts off and the screen has a stutter every now and then but otherwise runs at 60FPS
I don't think it's just Sekiro either, but I was wondering if anyone else has this issue

Counting deaths doesn't really matter much, even for DSP, so don't worry too much about it
His problem isn't how long it takes him to do shit, it's that he shrieks like a fucking manchild every time the game doesn't hand him victory on a silver platter and makes up an excuse for literally everything that goes wrong because he's mentally incapable of taking responsibility or blame
It's not that it took him 20+ tries to kill Lady Butterfly. It's that he whined about his dodges not coming out, claiming there are dropped inputs when he just fucked up or was too late on the draw. He cried at Guardian Ape because the boss 'ignored firecrackers', when in reality there's a cooldown on how often you can stun Grape Ape to prevent someone from just spamming them. He's not just stupid, he's so ridiculously stupid he doesn't realize how stupid he is and is incapable of actually learning from his mistakes.

I think my autism makes me uncomfortable with the differences from dark souls. So i always feel like I'm missing things.

I completly agree. I feel like the difficulty level is balanced as is. No need for extra bullshit.

everything about divine confetti is just retarded, and so is headless. You don't even really get anything that useful for defeating them.

Confetti says that it's for apparitions, and there's a loading screen tip that says apparitions cause terror build-up. Headless cause terror, so they're apparitions.

just beat demon of hate
Is there only one hidden boss in this game?

It spins enemies around so you can backstab them at full health. It's really useful against tough enemies.

there are a couple of bosses that are only accessible in certain endings. Look through the boss page on the wiki and look at the ones you didn't beat.

There's a boss that I (temporarily) missed on my first playthrough because of the order in which I went through the different areas. It's just after the Snake Eyes in the poison pit.

Just beat demon of hatred this morning and it felt so good. All I have left is Isshin.

>just got Long Spark
Holy hell this thing is busted.

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Do you get a memory for it?

if he is talking about headless ape, then yes you do get a memory


Go back there later to fight a Schichimen with unique loot

Guardian Ape was fucking ridiculous. Took me like five tries to beat his ass. First phase is definitely harder. Fucking piece of shit ape.

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How is it different from normal?

it last longer so you can spread it before enemies get near you

Well with the base firecrackers you need to at least sorta time them. Long Spark is just let them fly and watch them slowly walk into it.

Haha but you still responded. That's like catching a load and spitting it out, you still sucked my dick.

difficult only because of how early he shows up in the game, probably took me around 15min to beat
>lady butterfly
had a fuck ton of trouble with her, came back after beating owl and beat her in about 5 minutes
>Genichiro Ashina
easy as fuck also took me less than 30 minutes
>Genichiro Tomoe
embarassingly this one also took me around 15 minutes to beat the first time
>folding screen monkeys
>guardian ape
beat this guy on my third try, second phase was much easier than first
>headless ape
took me around an hour, had a lot of trouble with both apes
also decent challenge, around 30 minutes
>corrupted monk
first try
>true corrupted monk
also first try
>divine dragon
first try and one of the lamest bosses I've ever seen in any game
Hard only because you have to approach him like you're playing souls, not sekiro. Took me around an hour
>Isshin sword saint
unironically took me like 2.5 hours to actually beat.

I beat midir easier than ogre.

Is Fountainhead Palace the most kino location in the game?

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Man I loved the genichiro fight beat it on the second try. It felt clutch without actually being that bad. Gets my vote for best boss of the From souls line up.

yeah but the enemies there are quite disappointing tbqh

What's that one move from the kino Sekiro webm? The one where Wolf sheathes his sword and then lunges forward and does a double slash?

It's pretty. I like water in my games. That's some nice looking water right there. The fact you can swim just makes it better.

Its Ashina Cross, the final combat art in the Ashina skill tree.

Who here completed ng8+ charmless + bell demon waiting for DLC?

I just beat Shura ending (which was an amazing fight). Is there any use for One Mind or is it just a nice looking waste of emblems?

none of the skill are actually useful at all except for maybe ichi. Your normal sword swing deals more vitality damage in two hits than entire combos of most of the skills.

What's up with the purple dudes who showed up at Ashina Castle now? I just have to deal with the hardest enemy in the game all the time now?

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just run past them

Yeah Double Ichi is what gave me the posture I needed for fucking up parries against the Shura bosses. I also found Mortal Draw and Shadowfall pretty useful for cheesing.

give me 5 reasons to boot this up and continue my playthrough. i'm at the mini boss before genichiro and have to kill about 3 other mini bosses around the castle(purple ninja, spear man, general at front door)

i haven't played in a week, i'm somewhat tired, and i'm on release ps4

there isn't a single reason anyone could think up that should convince you to turn on your GAYSTATION ever again lol

Some of the best end game boss fights From has made. Makes the rest of the game seem mediocre.

its honestly fucking terrible and wish i waited a little bit for my pc parts to buy it.

Is it weird that I found Old Isshin harder than Sword Saint?

if you've got your parts now might as well just torrent sekiro and try it there. Most people say that it's impossible to play from games with mouse + keyboard but I've played through all DaS and sekiro without much of an issue.

It's better to use them as training dummies so you can learn their attack pattern to fight the mini boss versions of them later on (there's like 3 in the game IIRC).

Why does everyone act like Sekiro is the hardest thing ever? Like, sure it can be demanding, but when I compare it to Ninja Gaiden Black where I almost gave up on the game at the first boss or God Hand where I had to take a shower after like every boss, Sekiro feels okay.

What does one mind do?


No, that's the normal reaction. Honestly though I found stage 2 Sword Saint the hardest of all his forms. I'd say :
SS 2 > OI 1 > OI 2 > SS 3 > SS1

He's way more easier than ss isshin IMO. He is basically ss isshin second phase with some fire on the ground

i was thinking about that. might just wait for it to go on sale in the future to give me another reason to replay it.
might just have to endure the very shit framerate and delays.

no idea, I thought even DS3 was harder than this.

Oh you mean like the two assholes right below the room where I fought Genichiro? Yeah I have no idea how to win this.

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Those are both more than a decade old, and not triple A quality.

2 in memories
3 in present

Sneak in and kill the one on the left first, then you can fight the other ninja 1 v 1.
(Optional) Use puppeteer ninjutu on him and fight the other ninja 2 v 1.

Doing NG+ with both bells, what's the best way to handle Isshin phase 2? The posture damage he does on NG+ is insane and every attack he does stunlocks you and combos into another for death, I fucking hate this phase since you can barely tell where the spear is most of the time with the flowers but it's even worse now.

It's easily my favourite area in the game.

You can stealth kill the purple guy in that encounter.

Dude, DUDE! I killed them very easy and you can do too.

Spearless isshin is the easiest tho

>not the greatest action game ever
Fuck you.

I was literally one hit from killing SS Isshin and I missed a lightning reversal then he one shot me. I’m pretty mad bros his stage 2 is hella cancer

Wait I can stealth kill that second guy? I must be entering the room from the wrong way then.

Go from the Upper Dojo idol and you can.

you have to enter from the dojo, not the window

Don't enter from the window, find another way into the castle and enter it from the dojo's front door like how you did in the first place.

I preferred Mibu as I have a thing for fucked up misty villages and From Soft does them amazingly (Hemwick and Settlement), but yeah it conveys this mixed feeling between loftiness and corruption really well.

>Spearless isshin is the easiest tho
God it feels good to get his moveset down and just walk around him, slashing to bait him into moves and just easily countering his dumb ass.

owl2,oldman Isshin left user

Going in through the window and fighting these two at the same time is actually literally impossible

Use the entrance next to the idol. Also, if you don’t mind cheesing, the combo stealth sugar + puppet can turn the tide in many gankings.

Ginichiro and Isshin. Every other boss in this game was like 2-3 tries to get down. This has taken me way too long and I still don't even.

Already beat owl2 in the same run
Don't wanna fight old isshin cause he's easier than ss isshin

which phase are you stuck in?

Reminder that Emma wants the Big Orangutan Dick

whats the lore behind divine dragon? i really liked how surreal the fight was

>easier than ss isshin

its almost impossible to parry this faggot before genichiro on console. a swipe always seems to come through

I can reliably get to spear phase if I run around long enough. I've been experimenting with close range as I think it's taking too long to chip at his HP this way.

>get to third stage isshin
>he pulls out a fucking gat

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Tengu is Isshin

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Just spam the button and let him do his thing. I just started NG+ and bulldozed him without a lot of effort in the prologue and I had a hard time with him on my first playthrough.

Genichiro is just a matter of wailing on him and getting him out of the way quickly. The first phase of Isshin will be all about sidestepping his ichimonji and his sweep, and trying to circle around him while deflecting his slower times attacks. If you deflect perfectly and mikiri when you need to, you can get the first phase down pretty quick. Try not to back up too much, and just apply pressure. The second phase is a bit tougher because of the spear bs, but it’s still a similar idea. Don’t be intimidated and stick close and deflect his attacks and make sure to throw in some attacks while he’s shootings his gun or winding up his spear. Be sure to use your gourds freely on this phase as he can take down your health really quickly if you play more reserved. Once you’re in the third phase, it’s just about continuing what you did in phase 2 but also avoiding his lighting attacks and maybe trying a lightning reversal which will basically take him out 80% just with one. Once you are proficient at phase 1 of Isshin, the rest will start coming to you.

I'll try to give you some tips from what I remember.
During phase 1, if he starts running he's going to come in for some hits so be ready to deflect them. When he sheathes his sword and it shines, I found it easiest to actually run back and to the right. He will zoom forward and hit, missing you, and then swing once more in the same direction and if you dodge this you can get behind him and hit him. When he's charging his wind blows, he shoots both in the same direction so run strafe around him as soon as you see he's charging, and once the first one goes off run towards him and attack. Mikiri also helps a ton here.

>Don't wanna fight old isshin cause he's easier than ss isshin
well if you wanna cope like that instead of pussying out i understand

i seem to be fuckin holding guard and tapping it that way thats fucking my timing up but if i dont even bother doing it that way i have a better time, half the time

Protip: when it comes to sword-type enemies, it’s easier to take them out via wearing down their posture, not their health. You can focus on health near the start, but you want to focus more on deflecting attacks and applying pressure rather than staying back and sprinting around (which lets them regenerate their posture). Sticking close is definitely the best idea.

So anyone have strats for Spear Isshin? I just don't understand how to effectively deal damage on NG+ on him without being stunlocked to deal by his combos.

>Have trouble with Genchiro and Lady Butterfly because I didn't know about parry
>Once I learn it breeze through the rest of the game
>Beat guardian ape and the refight within 5 tries each
>Beat both corrupted monks within 10 fights each
>Beat the dragon first try
>Get to final boss
>Have my shit pushed in for 10 hours straight, never make it further than halfway through his 3rd phase
I give up. I literally don't think I will ever beat this guy

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Isshin stage 1 is cake compared to stage 2. The spear is wonky as fuck and does huge posture damage even when you deflect so it fills your bar fast then it only takes one missed deflect to wreck you

Any advice for owl2?
He's kicking my shit in and I didn't have this much trouble the first time around.

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So how did he become demon of hate?

user that was complaining about being stuck on drunk guy and a sword general
I made it to Genichiro. Just died once to him, any tips?
I got past the asseater elite with the stinky small blade and running around, very satisfying to cheese after dying like five times

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be aggressive and learn his attacks. it took me a while but i found it easier to just stay in his face during phase 2 and get away when he starts charging the one attack that you'll take damage from even if you block it.

often he'll kick you away and do a thrust attack which you can mikiri counter for significant posture damage especially if you have the latent skill that increases posture damage from mikiri counters. he also does a 5-6 move attack pattern that ends with a thrust attack which also allows you to mikiri counter. when he does the jump attack at you move towards him and he won't do any follow up and you can ichimonji him once from behind though if you do double ichimonji he often does the spear sweep before you can recover and block although it doesn't take a ton of health off.

i tried doing the cheese method where you just run away from him until he does the jump attack but the camera gets fucked up and it takes forever. i found it much easier just to be more aggressive in phase 2 and fill his posture gauge. then phase 3 is exactly the same as phase 2 except for lightning attacks which you can reverse. he took me forever in NG but i beat him in like 5 tries in NG+.

Don't deal with combos at all
Just run away when he tries to combo you

>Genichiro phase
Rape the little fag the second he charges up the blade by going behind him and blowing him up in 15-30 seconds.

>Phase 1
Parry his attacks and don't get greedy on openings.
>Phase 2
Same but I guess run out of, perfect parry, or just umbrella his anime aoe attack. Firecracker every opening after 1 hit for more hits, keep the pressure on him and fuck him up.
>Phase 3
Don't be a retard and he'll kill himself due to the lightning move you can reflect for a fucking assload of damage.

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Spearless is SS1, which I put as easiest

You can do it user kun
Go take some rest and try more later

You just have to learn to be patient. Learn to back up, regen your posture, and go back into the fight. Even if he’s close to having a full posture bar, you might also be in danger, and he might be winding up a combo attack so sometimes instead of continuing the attack desperately, it’s better to back up and regain your posture. Sure, that means he also regains posture, but the added stability you now have will let you finish the job and not get blindsided by an attack that rapes you instantly.

My issue is his start up for the combos is so fast I find it hard to get out reliably especially if I can't see the position his spears at. Would you recommend just baiting out the leaps for damage? My main problem with phase 2 especially on NG+ is I can't deal enough posture damage consistently enough for it to be viable so need to focus on damage.

Genichiro: Stay in tight and overpower his dumb ass. You can straight up cancel his bow attacks and most of his sword hits, there's only one of those that gets through deflect if you stop its other hits. Otherwise just punish his mikiri counter and sweeps and stay aggressive.
First stage Isshin: One of the easiest enemies in the game when you know his moves, most are extremely telegraphed. Stay in tight and constantly bait him into defending his posture with R1 swipes. This will make him do a few simple jabs you can easilt deflect and then telegraph a mikiri or sweeping counter you can jump over. He won't do his more punishing forcefield attacks or gap closers if you keep in tight.
Third and fourth stage Isshin: Honestly what worked for me was being super selective until you can chip his health down to about halfway, a little over. When he gets his health low, he doesn't drain his posture NEAR as fast. Get him somewhat low and then stay in tight and attack his posture. Back off when he does that one combo with forty-seven moves, but keep in mind it ends in an easily counterable mikiri move. Abuse his jumps and dodge towards him when he does his jump back swipe with the spear to keep in his ass.
He's intimating as fuck is forms 3 and 4 because it's such a time investment to simply get that far, but you have to go at him somewhat fearlessly. I've seen some people play him and do nothing but sprint and whittle away his health, but IMO this is worse because it just drags out the fight and lengthens the odds you might make a mistake at the end after a 25 minute fight.
Just practice, practice, practice. This fight is hard as fuck because every stage has a fuckton of moves, but if you stay in tight and play on your terms the game throws less at you, generally.

So I'm fucking lost. I killed the seven spears near the prologue area and couldnt find where the fuck to go. ended up killing a shadow longswordsman, before wandering down into swamp hell which vastly outclasses me. Where the fuck am i supposed to go?

okay spamming that shit isn't working. theres always a hit getting through. about to just turn this off and jack off

Keep pressure on him and just parry his returns. On part 2 of the fight fucking mikiri him when he lunges and if he does the lightning move fucking jump, take it and press slash midair to taze him.

Run behind him while he firecrackas you

Btw you don’t take damage from those charge up attacks he does if you perfectly deflect them.

also for isshin's phase 1 the same strategy applies mostly. just get in his face and keep attacking and deflecting. when you see his sword shine and he starts charging the attack run back and to the left (his right) and then after he finishes get behind him and hit him 2-3 times and then get back in his face and attack and deflect again. i could reliably get through his first phase in about 45 seconds to 1 minute without getting hit after a while. you can also do the cheese method of just running around since he'll only do 3 separate attacks basically of which 2 are very easy to avoid and the 3rd is not extremely difficult to avoid and then afterwards just run around behind him and hit him 2 or 3 times. it takes quite a while though and you'll be taking his health all the way down when you can just build up his posture.

It's pretty easy to take down Genichiro by just being really aggressive and filling his posture bar. His posture bar empties pretty slowly. Also make sure you read that sign behind the Elite because it lets you counter attack his lightning attacks. Also I think he does sweep attacks so remember you can jump on his head when he does sweeps for some meaty posture gauge damage

These were some easy boss fights and I don't understand how people struggle with them, even setting aside the cheese with the spear.

have you climbed to the top of the castle?

it seemed like i would always take some damage from them if i was directly in front of him even if i deflected them. maybe i wasn't perfectly deflecting though i don't know. if i got about 10 feet away from him and deflected it i didn't take any damage though.

The biggest issue I'm having doing sword form Isshin is that my blocks and deflects aren't working. I'll hit to deflect and I'll get hit by a normal attack anyway.

Honestly no idea

I would hit Isshin while he would charge those up and go into deflect mode right when I knew he would release the attack and all it would do to me was push me backward and fill up my posture bar a bit. No damage to health. Just gotta get good at timing your deflect. You know it’s a perfect deflect when you get those big explosive sparks and it sounds more shwingy, rather than a dull clang.

practice makes perfect. his timing can be weird during sword phase i get it but the more you practice at it the better you'll get at deflecting.

How do you have no idea about the actions you’ve taken? Do you have anterograde amnesia?

use jump 2 swings
that move is cheese as fuck my man

if you got to the reservoir then you hit the ashina castle bonfire. it's right after the bull. start there and go in every direction.

If you're having issues do a light tapping rhythm to your parry button and then try and match his hit tempo after the first hit is semi deflected.

His attacks are slightly delayed. Just hit block as soon as you see his sword start dropping toward you. You’ll get the rhythm after a couple tries. The spear is similar timing, if not slightly longer and with additional range (be careful of his spear thrusts cuz he can get you as it’s being thrusted and as it’s getting pulled back)

When in doubt just bait and run. Small arena so you need to figure out spacing. I just ran around till he did his jump attack, attack twice and ran away. Took a few tries but it's a solid strat

Protip: Go in for the hits when he’s throwing that smoke bomb that disables your items. That’s a BIG window for you, and your reliance on items holds you back. Don’t let it slow you down. You’ll be able to stay alive long enough for the items to be activated again so you can heal if you have trouble later also.

It came from the west, where the Dragon's Heritage originates from. The reason its arm is missing is because Takeru took it when he left the Divine Realm, creating the Everblossom.

yup, this one's going into the smug compilation

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Don’t forget smiling Sekiro, the most smug of all

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I wish I found that sooner, thanks user

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>Isshin gets random hyperarmor
>Isshin breaks his combo suddenly and stunlocks me
I'm so tired of this.

I got used to them and then there's miniboss versions later on that are annoying little bastards. They died, but I'm not proud of myself.

Everything in this fucking game looks the same, snow rocks houses snow rock houses. I just walk until i hit a boss fight.

Go to the top of castle and fight Genichiro first.
After that go back to bridge in front of caslte then go to grandma praying direction.

You should pay attention to the screen. Sometimes these big letters pop up that tell you the exact name of the place you’re exploring. The one you want is Ashina Castle. Go to the top of that.

You mean the white text that blends into the white snow and white stones?

I'm doing NG+ right now and not bothering with the upgrading the attack with skill points attack yet just want to get all the skills first but does it make a big difference? I seem to be doing fine with just the boss memories upgrades. How does the scaling work?

i didn't have issues with any of the bosses in NG+ and i didn't use the mask to upgrade attack power. i mean once i found out you still get boss memories i pretty much realized the mask was useless. 5 skill points is a lot as well for 1 attack upgrade. i just finished getting the platinum a couple days ago and it took my like 6 hours of XP farming just to purchase all the skills. if you're interested in getting that achievement/trophy at some point then i wouldn't waste any skill points for attack power until you've already finished buying all the skills.


His poise keeps regenerating too quickly, no matter how much I build and how much pressure I keep on it just keeps resetting to zero within a second or two. I'm probably better off just HP chipping rather than poise locking because I'm not getting anywhere.

that's why you can't let up, plus once you do some damage to him it regenerates much more slowly. you're not going to get any better if you just run around cheesing him and taking 10 minutes to get through the 1st phase as well, but maybe you just want the game to be over and don't plan on doing the DLC or NG+ or whatever. i don't know.

>first playthrough
>beat Isshin in maybe 10 tries
>get to him on NG+
>get him in 2 tries
Feels good

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>It's a Genichiro's Mortal Blade clips your sole episode
>It's an Isshin drops his combo for no reason episode
>It's an Isshin gets random hyperarmor episode
>It's a Mikiri Counter/Lightning Reversal doesn't work even though you did it perfectly episode
I'm so tired.

>pirate the game
>two different versions
>runs at like 10 fps despite me having a 1070ti and 7700k
>delete isos

and that was the story of how i didn't care about playing sekiro

>being so salty that you can't spam shit so you break a controller and quit a game live

Based sekiro truly is weeding out the casuals.

I played ng4 and never had points spare to upgrade my attack with because I also wanted all combat abilities.
The damage I was doing never felt like it dipped much just using memories, but I made sure to get them all in each playthrough. Shura ending will make you start ng+ withhout having gotten as many as possible so maybe that would have more impact on it I guess.

I try to not touch the analog stick when I see a Mikiri opportunity. Just tap dodge after that. Sometimes the game still makes me run forward and I get stabbed, but it works 90% of the time.

i cant do it bros. i cant figure out when to attack. seems the AI reacts to little shit like as soon as i throw a shuriken its BAM BAM double hit on me. its like it just wants me to sit there and perfect parry but as soon as i try to counter attack its some other bullshit that happens
i should just go to bed

So you’re such an absolute brainlet you got filtered even before the ogre? I’d not share this if I were you desu

It soft cap after 15.

What are you fighting? The final boss?

It's always Mikiri counter for me. Like said, it's better to just stand still and brace yourself to press dodge so you activate it. I absolutely fucking hate thrust attacks so goddamn much.

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who are you fighting user?

didn't ever encounter an enemy

japs can't program and i don't bother dealing with it

baba is you is harder than sekiro

the faggot mini boss before genichiro. sometimes i can perfect parry both hits, sometimes one hit gets through, sometimes they both get through.
oh and let me just rez DOUBLE ATTACK DEAD
i'm probably just tired. though my shit was delayed on ps4 so i put tv on game mode, turned rumble off, plugged ps4 controller in and thought it would help
well i thought so anyway. got one life bar down but then i'm only sittin on 5 gourds total so i'm all out by that time because of those fucking hits coming through

god seriously fuck ps4 and fuck being tired

Don't listen to them, you need to get him down to like ~65-70% health at which point his posture regeneration really begins to slow down

>pirate game
>doesnt work
Color me surprised. You're a nice bitcoin mine now.

>Killed all the Shichimen warriors
Man these guys are real pushovers once you get the umbrella

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I've found a way to kinda mix up the running and the pressure which has worked with one attempt so far. Once the bar turns dark orange it regens a lot slower so I kinda stretch it until then. I got halfway through spear, but I don't see it that often so I haven't been able to practice it.

Hold your guard up at all times.

It's just a double-tap of the block button when you know it's coming. You can learn the timing when his sheath glimmers. He's one of the easier minibosses, honestly, and there's no runback, either.

People get it into their heads with this game that parries are the only way to win, the game teaches you otherwise pretty early, do some damage to an enemy to stop his posture regaining so quickly. You have to learn which moves you can simply dodge around for easy damage opportunities, when you do about a quarter health damage posture breaking gets MUCH easier.

doesnt work becasue i have 165hz and the game cant deal with it

no, im not changing my settings. game can just go away

Is it even possible to beat them without phoenix lilac?

Just use Demon Bell and farm them off Ashina Eite around the Dojo and Antechamber. By the end of the game I had more items than I could ever hope to use. Also you can buy them from Undead Mobs and Merchants. There’s one near Ashina staircase and another one near where the old lady and her son are. You can buy confetti from them.

I try that and it works fucking less, I'm so fucking frustrated I honestly don't want to play this game it's making me that mad.

The fight lasts ten seconds if you perfect parry the double attacks. It's honestly not bad and you can realistically spam L1

Then why are you even here?

>the faggot mini boss before genichiro
If you're having trouble with that guy you're going to fine Genichiro impossible. Remember that in this game defense is as effective as your offense, so spend time learning his attack pattern because if you block everything you're going to have an easier time than if you just attack him with no strategy

Just pacifier and dodge the laser by running to the right, I killed all of them my entire first playthrough with no umbrella

i tried just holding block then double tapping when i see the glimmer but sometimes i fuck up and get it perfect and other times i dont.

my reaction time just might be fucked this late. sometimes he will just stand there ready to do it and wont so i'm thinking i can get a hit or two but nope, does it right as i press attack

i've just tried sitting there spamming L1 but that just gave me the same results as trying to just do it normally.

i probably just need a break. at least i killed the general in the front for a prayer bead and got the poison dagger so i accomplished something i guess.

i haven't played in a week so i'm just trying to get back into the groove of things. i just need to sleep it off and try again tomorrow when i'm rested and awake.

but god damn the framerate is fucking terrible on vanilla ps4

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You can dodge towards and avoid the attack but deflecting is easier so just git gud.

Our brains work in funny ways. Sometimes we get so frustrated or panicked that we fuck up without realizing it. It’s crazy what a break can do for you though, because when you take a break and come back to the game with a clear and calm mind, things tend to work out for you more. This game is definitely very unforgiving with timing and opportunity windows, but once you master them and know how to respond for them, the game is twitch responsive as fuck. It’s what makes it all so satisfying at the end of the day when you beat a boss.

I'm having trouble with Sekiro/Wolf doing fucking NOTHING sometimes when I'm pressing and HOLDING block, and nothing but block. I swear this game has an imput bug. He has also randomly used Sugars or done NOTHING again when I've used a Healing Gourd. Anyone else experience this?

Probably, just seems like that'd be a pain in the ass to do though since it's so easy with the phoenix lilac.

How do you get the treasure that the snake's body is blocking. I'm talking about the second snake in the cave. There are 3 items on a cliff but his body is blocking it.

You can DPS them down with Divine Confetti but that ends up being more costly if you fuck up.

but honestly that is some good advice in general. sitting there just trying to perfect parry all attacks sounds perfect but my execution is trash. but when i can string in some offensive attacks to mix things up i found it more fun and a bit more positive results

No. There’s an animation delay to all these actions though. So you have to calculate for that when you use them.

Use puppeteer ninjitsu on the nearby monkey.

I was the same as you so I beat him by dodging and hitting.

I know how to get the heart, I mean this treasure right here.

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His double strike does so much posture damage just play him and look out for that. Also you can use the flame arm is you really need to cheese him

I'm just fucking mad as hell but as soon as I made that post I beat Isshin finally after spacing out the spear phase more, thanks for the advice, NG+ is a fucking nightmare in this. Even used a Jinza statue even though I didn't need it I was so fucking nervous, Christ I might just do the other endings in NG because this fucked me up.

another pic of the treasure in question.

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... just go to the other side. explore more

>beating Isshin without taking damage

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Directly underneath the snake is solid ground.

Damn, I could have sworn I did. I'm sick of being retarded.

Just walk around more that cave is pretty small and there’s plenty of opportunities to cross to the other side. You can also jump it.

>Absolutely hated Dark Souls
>Completely enamored with this game

what went right?

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Animation delay!? Bitch, I'm pressing Block and getting NO ANIMATION. Or using a healing gourd and getting a SUGAR STANCE BUFF or NO ANIMATION. This isn't a input delay or buffered input shit. These are game bugs.

I mean, you literally start on the right side of the cave, just back track and explore it a little more.

Yeah I’m on my NG+ right now and doing it without Kuro’s Charm and Demon Bell. Can’t wait to get to Isshin.