How to commit to a game and actually finish it when you have around 50 games to finish?

How to commit to a game and actually finish it when you have around 50 games to finish?

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one at a time, you ADHD zoomer

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Be born without ADHD

I used to beat games. Then I found emulation, and from there I started pirating games. It was all downhill from there.

increase your standards, after that the games you want to play will shrink, good luck

By committing to it? Don't ask a question that answers the question by itself.

Just ignore other games until you finish one, Simple.


>commit to a game and actually finish it
you answered your own question, you fag

Break it up into increments. Say you'll do at least an hour a day. If you can't do an hour, do thirty minutes. Break it down and force yourself to even if you can only so it for five minutes. Eventually you'll finish it.

I don't, I'm playing over a dozen JRPGs right now.

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Play something you actually want to play. I really want to play something hack and slashy right now, so I'll start DMC5.

>not going autistic over dota2, wow, csgo and the like for years, amassing thousand of hours

>1st world problems

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One at a time. Don't start a new one until you're done with it.

Boot up game
Play for 2-3 hours
If you like it continue

you don't have to "finish" anything mong
just ignore rest of your library until you're done with one thing you're enjoying in particular.

Stop falling for tricks and buying games on steam whenever you see it's on discount.

Reeee all the Yakuza games are on my backlog

I feel you user
But I'm doubling down,Finished Mario Odyssey the other day and now I'm trying to finish all my switch games. My 3ds backlog is the worst desu

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But it only gets good 20 hours in

Stop buying games until you exhaust your library. And because you have so many, you might find yourself wanting to go back and replay some. If you do, don't buy another game until you get tired of that as well. You'll save a lot of money and the quality of your selections will go up. I find the more games someone has, the less quality games they have. I don't care if your shelf covers a whole wall and is completely packed; only about 30 of those are worth installing.

20 hours is baby shit

my hdd is so small i can only fit witcher 3 there so i will play that

and this.

Another thing you can do is play 2 games at a time that complement each other, so when you're bored of one you just switch to the other.
For instance a story-focused game or slow rpg coupled with an arcady game or a platformer. Maybe a stressfull, action packed game with a more laid back one.

Dont fucking play videogames if you dont enjoy them.

Play Bloodborne until you get frustrated with Yahar'gul, switch to Rocket League until you get frustrated with shit teammates, rinse and repeat

Not buying games doesn't help if I already don't buy games
>I find the more games someone has, the less quality games they have
I basically own every game right at this moment. Makes it hard to choose.

>buy $1,200 worth of "good games" recommended by Yea Forums
>play nothing but CS:Go and shitpost on Yea Forums

I do the same shit, buy all the games Yea Forums seems to rave about and then only play PoE.

I'd rather watch TV on Hulu much of the time.


Pathetic and disgusting.

same but recently i stopped playing CSGO too
im just shitposting and watching other ppl play video games(twitch)
how do i enjoy video games again?

Play something you actually want to play and stop being retarded.
Your losers problem is that you don't play/buy what you actually want.

Cmon people, if you dont enjoy videogames dont come here. Its ruining this fucking board when all you do is shitpost and know nothing about vidya.

Are there any good vidya forums where shitposting is forbidden?

i dont want to play anything

Then don't play anything and only start a game when it's something you want to play. Incredible how you aren't able to use your brains.


How many games does everyone have on their 'to play' list?

I've got 941

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Some obscure forums for RPGs is only thing that comes to my mind. Other places just wont let you say what you want, but leaving it like Yea Forums isnt ideal either.

I lurk mostly and talk about the games I used to play.

Or alternatively play BB and shit yourself when you get to Yahar'gul and then switch to Subnautica so you can shit yourself when you see a fucking leviathan coming out of nowhere.

Most of the games I want to play are JRPGs. Imagine wanting to finish every Atelier game on the PS3.

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