I hate twitter and resetera!

>I hate twitter and resetera!

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>I hate reddit and 9gag
>I hate Ebaumsworld and gaia

Wow you sure got me with that comic, tranny

People should get a 30 day ban for posting non-vidya shit on a vidya forum.

Purple is the best colour and yellow is the worst one. Your analogy is shit and i hate you

>*enables airplane mode*
>"delete cache no jutsu"
>*disable airplane mode*
Heh, nothing personal kiddo

I think all the people that use twitter and resetera deserve to get their internet cut off.

This picture, but unironically.

i fucking hate orangies.


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wouldn't matter ban evading has never been easier

The 14 year olds who post off-topic garbage and memes won't know how to get around a ban.

Why would I hate twitter? After tumblr banned adult content it's my only means for following the dozen sfm porn makers that make dickgirl content.

it costs money, VPN and all. that dissuades most people.

Yea Forums everyone

No but the people who dedicate their autistic life to posting the same shit everyday on Yea Forums for the last 2 years will.

Not on moblie. Which is what most people use when shitposting.

the best weapon against ban evasion is to increase satisfaction, just like piracy you'll lose that fight if you try. How could the jannies and mods be made more, uh... professional? Believe me, I wanted to use a more colorful word.

Where's the lie tho?

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This guy made a comic explaining simple nationalism, good for him, does he want a treat for getting the most basic principals right? This reads like it's by someone who just came out of their first polysci course ever.

You mean people would shitpost and spam less if the mods and jannies didn't do such a half assed job at keeping spam/shitpost threads deleted off the board?

>Being a purplefag

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10/10 got me good, user.

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That and less false positives. I think false positives cause more ban-evading than shitposting.


what exactly is being implied here
t. brainlet

TF2 thread?

It definitely wouldn't hurt for the staff to be more vigilant to stop shitpost threads from hitting bump limit. As for the false positives I think that's more of a technical issue which is harder to resolve. They usually unban you if you appeal in the case of dynamic ip.


I mean false positives as in biased mods/favoritism, say ''nigger'' in /vg/, 3 days. shit on any other ethnic group and that janny / mod will leave you be. I just think the rules should be enforced without bias.

This is just politics in general

That christians try to portray other cultures as barbaric even though they do exactly same things but call them with a different name.


I think it's way further than that, Tribalism in general. Did you know muslims kill eachother because wether or not they believe their profit should be drawn? It's pathetic.

I don't think this site has ever had any consistency when it comes to enforcing rules as far as I remember. I mean look at global rules 3, 6, 10, and 11. When's the last time any of these were actually enforced consistantly?

>These phenomena appeared clearly in Russia and other countries that were taken over by leftists. Similarly, before the breakdown of communism in the USSR, leftish types in the West would seldom criticize that country. If prodded they would admit that the USSR did many wrong things, but then they would try to find excuses for the communists and begin talking about the faults of the West. They always opposed Western military resistance to communist aggression. Leftish types all over the world vigorously protested the U.S. military action in Vietnam, but when the USSR invaded Afghanistan they did nothing. Not that they approved of the Soviet actions; but, because of their leftist faith, they just couldn't bear to put themselves in opposition to communism. Today, in those of our universities where "political correctness" has become dominant, there are probably many leftish types who privately disapprove of the suppression of academic freedom, but they go along with it anyway. - Industrial Society and Its Future, Ted Kaczynski

If your thread doesn't 404, there's a 90% chance it wasn't worth making.

a rule that isn't inforced are meaningless letters. Scrap them then? Not saying I am against them, just saying that you shouldn't pretend to have them if they got no enforcement.

>a rule that isn't inforced are meaningless letters. Scrap them then? Not saying I am against them, just saying that you shouldn't pretend to have them if they got no enforcement.
No, it's useful because you can enforce it selectively for whatever reason.
Just like laws

Basically what I was gonna say. Rules are only ever enforced when the staff want to or I'd they didn't like what you had to say.

>i am beyond such barbaric and ridiculous notions such as tribalism, you heretic subhuman nazis!
It's like those feminists who will shit themselves whenever they hear a man talking about how women are better suited for childcare and then turn around and go back to their home to nurture cats and dogs that they buy clothes for. Biology is a bitch.

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but i hate Yea Forums too