Anno 1800

>simulating old world and new world
>taking pictures and editing press
>people's happiness or revolts
>expeditions to capture curiosities

Is this game different enough from Anno 1404: Venice to justify a full price purchase?

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It's not on steam so I don't give a shit.

>expeditions to capture curiosities
wasn't this present in previous games?
You could get this expedition thing and with right resources you could send your ship outside the map to get another thing.

Oh yeah, forgot to specify that, its a Uplay/Epic Store game, open beta starts today.
I loved Anno 1404 Venice, I and I definitely want more of that, just I don't know if I am okay with paying full price for not too many new features. Especially when half the features (happiness/riots) are exclusive to new players who play badly, and I won't see much of.

Attached: anno dates.jpg (1920x1080, 404K)

I want Africa dlc and buy niggers for my fields in the new world.

The only one I've played since 1404 is 2070 and I wasn't a fan. I've never really enjoyed Sci-Fi/future as a theme but it was also fucking hideous.

I really struggle to see any much point in a new Anno game.

honestly this
slavery should be in this type of game and fuck niggers

played it the beta for a few hours now, and since a very long time i got that "anno feeling". a feeling no anno since 1701 & 1404 could give me. give the beta a try, but I'm convinced, i will buy it.

>Oh yeah, forgot to specify that, its
which mean you are OP
and since the thread shows 7 posts and 7 posters that you are posting with a different machine. Now you could claim "Oh I'm just a worthless phone poster that's why I used a different machine" but that image you uploaded says otherwise.

Fuck off with your viral garbage.

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If anyone is downloading the beta, you can get The Witness for free right now. Popped up for me, not sure if it does for everyone.

10/10 anno game

music - 10
gameplay - 10
performance - 7
graphics - 8
comf - 9

I've made 3 posts in this thread:
All from the same machine, haven't even closed the browser. Your must be counting wrong.

just pirate it lol

Imagine being a corporate cocksucker.

It is on Steam though. That's where I got it.

Attached: anno.jpg (751x676, 61K)

Jesus, just fucking kill youself, nigger.

He is a steamdrone, he doesn't care about the game, he just found an excuse to post about his jewish masters.

I once had a job unpicking old rope

Did they change the Pub since the closed beta? I don't remember it looking like this last time.

Attached: screenshot_2019-04-12-14-48-24.jpg (1920x1080, 905K)

Yeah, wasn't it more like a big tent before?

I think it was that same structure but it was lacking the courtyard

There's this message, though.

Does the game give you the urge to stop what you are doing and zoom in to watch the people live their lives?
The sci-fi Anno didn't give me these feels, and I am after them.

Attached: anno.jpg (659x341, 35K)

>Does the game give you the urge to stop what you are doing and zoom in to watch the people live their lives?

Yeah that feeling is back. The farmers are especially comfy to watch.

>Victorian era
Bongistanis were reeing worldwide at nogs and towelheads, who had been enslaving since forever. That period was the great collapse of slavery

Is anno actually any fun?

I've seen the series come up over and over again but it reminds me of tropico or some other shitty build a world sims game

Nobody said it would be easy to get them niggers on the islands. If we're taking reality into consideration this is all a horrible idea and we should keep the apes where they are honestly, but for game flavor it should be okay.

If you hate Tropico, you'll hate Anno.
They are significantly different from each other, but scratch a similar itch.

If you want an innovative Anno, they could go back in time, and do the Silk Road, with the Greeks, Persia, China, etc. Deserts instead of seas, caravans instead of ships.

Yeah, it was. However from what I've seen in 1800 is slightly different.

>That spoiler
that sounds actually cool and does not sound hat hard to implement. How would you replace ships? With caravans that would require such resources like wood and camels to make?

I'm hoping that 1800 will feature a North Africa expansion that lets you run trains between desert oases. Trains are horribly underutilized in it right now.

Well in Anno you have islands where you can build, and seas where you can't build.
You could instead have the seas be mountains and deserts, and not much of the logic would need to be changed. Caravans would need resources like cards, pack animals, staff, you can assign leaders, etc, like with the ships. Its honestly a reskin.
And the China-Persia-Greece trade axis is a pretty famous one, you can have Egypt as a DLC to add later to the side.

Doubt it, the way its set up now. You alternate between old world and new world, they are two separately simulated games effectively, and you switch between them. The only exchange between your two worlds is the trade you conduct.

Judging by the world map I think both north africa and the arctic are pretty likely for dlc.

Would you be switching between FOUR simulated maps? That would be horrible for pacing.

The switching in 1800 is seamless. It's nothing like 2205 and that had a shitload of biomes.

Cheat sheet

Attached: LENDxTe.jpg (2214x852, 382K)

So far I liked anno 2250 more

@458296270 (yuo9

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There are only three social classes? I don't complain that much since that mean less bullshit production chains to manage but kinda disappointing since 4 was some sort of a standard.
>Hipsters being above working class
I would be okay with 1800's counterpart of a factory owner

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This is only for the beta's.
We don't know what the ratios are for the other tiers yet.

oh okay then, I can see artisans as an optional class that will produce decorations or special cards for you but not so sure about them being a social class that brings money

can i murder socialists in this game?

They act like hipsters but think of them more like the lower middle classes. The other 2 tiers are Engineers and Investors. Investors are the factory owners and aristocrats.

'Artisan' originally just meant 'skilled craftsman'. The kind that couldn't yet be automated or dvision-of-labor'd away.

I bet none of you have even heard of Henry George or Georgism.

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>artisans are hipsters
Never play Victoria 2.

dumb weeb.

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>sign for the beta on the epic launcher
>asks to link uplay, okay
>fiddle with passwords for a while
>50gb download
>then a 20gb install of that download
Basically this shit takes 3 hours to go from "i want to try it" to main menu, which is ridiculous in le current year. I'll play it tomorrow.

Isn't that the american Marx?

Anime is the opiate of the millennial masses. It doesn't fix anything but it takes the pain away.

In that he was a very influential economist? Yeah.

>"Take now... some hard-headed business man, who has no theories, but knows how to make money. Say to him: "Here is a little village; in ten years it will be a great city—in ten years the railroad will have taken the place of the stage coach, the electric light of the candle; it will abound with all the machinery and improvements that so enormously multiply the effective power of labor. Will in ten years, interest be any higher?" He will tell you, "No!" "Will the wages of the common labor be any higher...?" He will tell you, "No the wages of common labor will not be any higher..." "What, then, will be higher?" "Rent, the value of land. Go, get yourself a piece of ground, and hold possession." And if, under such circumstances, you take his advice, you need do nothing more. You may sit down and smoke your pipe; you may lie around like the lazzaroni of Naples or the leperos of Mexico; you may go up in a balloon or down a hole in the ground; and without doing one stroke of work, without adding one iota of wealth to the community, in ten years you will be rich! In the new city you may have a luxurious mansion, but among its public buildings will be an almshouse."

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>the rich man's money makes money, even though he doesn't labour
>meanwhile we are taxing the labour of the workers instead of the capital of the rich

Literally Marxism.

oh wow, tiny island on a tiny map with grid system and no elevation
pirate its gonna be, last anno I buyed was 1404, everything was trash after that

I am pretty sure the maps and Islands are bigger than ever if you want them to be and you can even build on two maps at the same time, so no more putting multiple climates on one map bullshit.

>tfw my PC died and my shitty netbook cant even run 2070
fug, not going to be able to play this for a while

I prefer Anno 1989 Tienanmen Square Massacre

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Marxism is a lot more than that, though I guess you don't really care about the difference considering your post. Opposition to landlordism and economic rents is a lot older than Marx, even Adam Smith thought the profits of banks and landlords were a drag on the real economy.

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you know, i love the fact that now you must keep some people at the lowest class because rich noble people would never dare to work on a dirty factory

>so no more putting multiple climates on one map bullshit
fucking great, the loading times in the last anno were just great to optimize the trade chain just a little bit
hard pass
anno only regressed after 1503
you should play it, a giant fucking map with a fuckload of islands and the main islands so big 3 people can build on them and dont see each other until late game

Nice false flag Wang

1503 is my favorite too, but that doesn't stop me from appreciating them unfucking the series.

>the loading times in the last anno
Switching between the maps is pretty much instant now. Nothing like it was in 2205.

>add trains
>their only purpose is to transport oil to harbor and power plants
>they also take 90 degree turns on rails
why even bother adding them

I just wish they could go back their glory days instead of those gimmicky elements
the series didnt progress at all only go worse and only the setting changed

I believe it when I see it, dont know what the problem is with having a huge map. shit at optimizing I guess. shame

There is 5 classes, only 3 in beta

On the world map there is two more continents, a snnow and desert one. have they already announce plans for DLC or is it just there for flavor

>I believe it when I see it
Then download the fucking beta then, or watch the videos on YouTube. This isn't exactly hidden information.

Trains are the symbol of industrialisation, unfortunately because Anno has island wide storage its difficult to actually use them to represent efficiently moving cargo around. But yeah they way they are right now is pointless.

is this just a city builder like Tropico?

>betatest for us
fuck off, either I play a finished product or nothing at all

1800 is literally 1404 with everything improved.

what I was trying to say was that anno 1404 was so disappointing that I never dared to buy another anno game

Not exactly. It's a production chain sort of thing. You play against other factions and your goal, if there truly is one, is to be the dominant faction of the game. You build your city for workers and money but you need to keep them happy with all sorts of other shit that they also have to produce.

Then you start building your fleet of ships and start exploring the world and taking out enemies.

Then you discover the new world at some point and start building there with a bunch of mexicans so you can get stuff to bring back to your people back in europe.

It's a very long, comfy sort of game.

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you might not like anno then. it's generally considered the best one, maybe try another series friendo

Oh. In that case it's just not for you.

that fps counter, cringe

Don't bully user.

anno was my favorite series as a kid, saw it going downhill with 1701
last entry had nice aesthetics which I really liked, rest was meh
now they go back to the comic look, shame about it really, it had potential

>it's generally considered the best one
most people have shit taste, news at 11

I could never get into this game.
Yeah it looked pretty but the mechanics felt like some abomination of combining tropico and CIV and taking the worst of both.

That was closed beta, all settings maxed with a high amount of shit on the screen.

Open beta though is looking much better but I haven't built much yet. Averaging 60-70 fps with the same settings.

is it hard? like my people wills tart getting sick and then I'll lose citizens and will be in debt and lose or something?

It has pretty customizable difficulty. It's only hard if you want it to be.

I'm playing on easy because that's just how I roll in Anno. I don't like pressure. But things can go very wrong in 1800. It's all about keeping them happy and satisfied or they start rioting and whatnot.

It's more about trade routes and efficiency then building a sim world.