Do you purposely cause drama in your gaming group?

Do you purposely cause drama in your gaming group?

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I don't have a gaming group and I don't really want one. Isn't it more fun to experience social games on your own so you aren't restricted by whatever the group collectively decides to do?

I don't use non-anonymous sites or services to interact with people.

i own my own gaming group on discord, centered around my youtube channel

the only drama is how little content i put out

Hello max0r

I refuse to touch this garbage with a ten foot pole in the first place.

I'm sort of the same way, but I'm a game developer on Roblox (yes, that Roblox)
Because of the clash of personal interests between me and my fanbase, and the fact that they're all younger teenagers, I'm more of an administrative figure than an actual member of the group. I'm pretty hands off most of the time, and there hasn't been any drama.

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My group has like 7 people and most are from different countries. So yes, we talk shit all day long. But in the end we watch kino and play milsim so its fine.

If your in a large discord than I suggest making friends and leaving. Not sticking around to try to be a prominent member or some gay shit.

No that's retarded. They invited me to play vidya yesterday and I politely declined. No reason to start drama when everyone is cool to me

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No, i'm not a woman, and we don't allow them in anyway, for that reason

>start playing game with friend
>he stops after a couple of hours, I keep playing
>I overtake him to the point I actually get heavily penalised for playing with him
>he stops playing shortly after
every single time, I don't even bother playing games with friends nowadays unless they're the kind you can just drop in/out from.

>I'm sort of the same way, but I'm a game developer on Roblox

Agreed. But most MP games today are designed SPECIFICALLY so the friends you bring in are likely to fall into the same skinner box as you, or at least are pressured into it. It's in devs' vested interest to make sure that the players who join will get trapped because of peer pressure.

No I've been talking to these faggots for 8 years now. All drama that could've happened went down 4 years ago. I couldn't be any damn happier.

having online """"""friends"""""" is gay as fuck,embrace the loneliness and enjoy your solitude

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>discord is based around Yea Forums community
>ruin that community by fucking up their booru

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Same, I play with my IRL friends and I always have a good time but i wish sometimes they were more willing than just playing League and Fortnite

I've been exiled from the majority of discord communities and I'm extremely lonely because of it.

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No. Though I have caused drama by calling people out on their bullshit. Everybody else is thinking it but they’re too nice to say it. I’ve definitely gotten people kicked out of the group because they were doing shitty things.

Yeah I outed some girl sneaking behind her boyfriend with some other girls boyfriend
Guild drama

I basically dropped the mic and peaced out after that
A friend of mine who stayed in the guild chat said it became a nuclear war zone and the bitch who was sneaking around/causing trouble wanted my head on a pike

This was years ago though, I don't get mixed up in guild shit anymore. Left a bad taste in my mouth.

Discord is unironically and objectively all things zoomer

No self respecting boomer would congregate on some shit hole fag collector like Discord

Nobody here except trannies use Discord.

>Play game with group of spergs from 4chin
>Inevitably get one bro in it, then a bunch of wankers and gays in it
>Group gets into the whole erp shit, turns into even worse spergs
>continue being myself to the very end, even calling the game host a cuck
>generate infinite salt from them by merely existing and giving 0 fucks
>group disbands and erps together
>new game close to the last one comes up
>my presence, even after a year, creates infinite salt I get screencapped from a man on the inside
I never did any. But I did learn to never trust the Irish, ever.

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>implying gaming group

I run a mmo guild and for sharing links and outside of the game communication we are on discord. If one member tries to start drama he's instabanned. Simple as


Man, whenever the opportunity to reveal something like this comes up, I always seize it. Justice by destruction is pretty satisfying. It feels a bit facetious to say that, but if you can let people know the truth, serve some justice, and have some fun watching a dumpster fire at the same time, you take it.

Everyone uses it you just either refuse to believe the truth or you are sad/angry because you have never been invited to our accepted in a group.
I feel bad for you but life is better when you surround yourself with like minded people. Buck up and try to get out there or just accept that you are a loner and be happy for the people who crave socialization have found a group of friends. Stop being selfish

>/vg/ discord for game
>it' either dead or full of shitty people who post maymays and nothing about the game
why keep the gaming aspect of discord when 90% of it's used for outdated memes and erp shit

no, were all oldfags in my main discord we used to have vent and skype but discord just embeds shit and were all lazy fucks
but some of them basically dislike me idk why and have other discords where me and a couple others are not a part of and they basically play without us and never invite so our group activity has really died down
plus theres nothing good to play as a big group anymore, i think the last time we had proper fun was pubg 10 man squads but those are almost never available

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Explain how

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my 'gaming group' is me and a fat polish dude who sometimes comes around my house to LAN and get drunk and watch yakuza movies
it used to have more people but they got kids/moved to other countries

Do you think that maybe that's because of something about yourself that you should change?

It's ok only normies and chads use discord anyways. Everybody on there just circlejerks trying to one-up the guy. True autists game alone

I don't have a group anymore because my IRLs are terrible people

Sounds comfy

lol faggot i have real friends i play with

>surround yourself with like minded people
>comprised of nothing but cucks and limp wrists omegas

That's a huge fuckin YIKES from me dawg

Based and hermitpilled.

I've been gaming online since the 90s. irc is much more gay and always will be.

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it's full of normalfags who just talk about niggers and dudebro garbage all day
I don't know what I expected from /vg/

>have comfy server
>game adds sequel
>newfags flood in and ruin /vg/ and the discord
I'm sad

you already made this faggot thread yesterday, can you take your thinly disguised discord tranny recruitment threads to r9k or some other retard containment board? fuck off idiot

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All of us in our discord do, but it's all in good fun and banter. The drama stirs up debate and shitposting no different than a bait thread on Yea Forums, but everyone knows not to take shit seriously. We say our piece on the topic and then we forget about it. When you don't have weak-skinned little bitches in your discord, it's actually an interesting way to learn about everyone's personality and thought process and we always find new things out about each other (to the detriment of the person in question because it becomes a meme we use to make fun of them on). But it's all good.

Anyone unironically miss when the majority used this?
Yeah it's a shit platform and not a gaming IM, but I honestly had more genuine discussions about vidya all it than the entirety of Discord's lifespan.

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>gaming group
god I fucking hate you normalfags

>tfw you will never have another shitpost call where everyone added every one of their contacts

This, why the fuck would I use discord or han gout with any of you faggots online, the whole reason I use Yea Forums is because I hate online 'communities' and the anonymity prevents some of the more egregious forms of faggotry, while encouraging a few of its own.

Fuuuck man, that was the best. Voice Chat in general was the best until everyone turned into introverts.

Skype=Soul Discord=Souless

Nah I just lurk and document the life cycle of a server.

hows the results been so far

>Online people you share the same hobby with
>Never meet them in real life to find out you'll probably have nothing in common with them
You're literally doing the same thing by posting here.

Discord isn't inherently shit like that. All of us ended up moving from some forum, to chatango with skype calls, to discord because of the good consolidation of features. Hell I even have a discord with irl friends where we post dumb memes and talk about vidya since we can't hang out often.

It's still in the early stages, getting a few new members daily but the inflow has slowed down a bit. Should be a few weeks until we stop getting new people and the main "in group" within the server is established.

no, but I convince other people to rapbattle each other in furry chats

Nah, online gaming groups are full of clingy weirdos and clique behavior. Can't be bothered with either of them. I have real life friends that I play games with. And I like Yea Forums because I like to toss my opinion out into the ether and forget about it

Well good for you for having buddies with like minded interests (serious)

I have no business on that platform cas 9/10 of my buds are mostly non game playin rednecks and the ones that do just play on console so we can party up pretty easily without having to resort to online """"COMMUNITIES""" like Discord

>Playing with people on Discord=making friends
Shit I just log on to find people to play vidya with, do people honestly use Discord to make friends?

we get it you're a pedo

you don't have real life friends on discord?

post servers

Cool picture

My online personality is so cancerous and random xD that I'd never get any friends chatting.
I just hope to god it doesn't start to blend with my IRL personality which is the complete opposite

i miss ventrillo. there was annoying faggots on vent, but still not as bad as discord.

Yeah Vent was based
Miss shootin the shit with muh old RO guild

Don't act like a fag online. I gave a few discord servers a chance but I couldn't stand it due to people like you so I left them shortly afterwards.



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Nah, I don't think even an actual pedo could find the shut-ins in my server attractive.
I was around for the big roblox pedo exposé a few years ago, though. That shit was nuts. If I remember correctly, there was this composer guy who lured a young girl into his hotel room at the developer convention. Around that same time, a bunch of twitter messages got leaked and most of the fuckers got their accounts deleted by roblox in damage control. It is a bit of a shame though, one of the people found to be a pedo was one of my favorite devs on the site. His name was explode1, and he made a series of games called "Adventure Forward" which were collectathon style games made before reviving the genre became a big trend.
The site has some major issues.

What's the background on this

loud tranny talks shit and gets hit

a tranny was yelling at niggers

Wasn't Discord investigated for pedo cabals?


Only if they're acting like faggots and are trying to start up another clique in my discord.

He shouldn't have curb stomped.

Fuck me too mate. I can't enjoy POE, borderlands, or any of the shit I usually enjoy cause these faggots only play for like an hour or two a day and then just go on to shitpost.

Anything longer than 21 seconds? I wanna see aftermath and shit

i-is it dead?

No, but i cause drama in groups related to other things.

the only real answer ITT.

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Haven't heard much about that, but the pedo cabals definitely exist, no doubt about that. If the service haven't been investigated yet, they probably are being investigated as we speak following the whole cub controversy.

c..cute pic

Not on purpose, people just get mad because I talk about what I think, not bad shit, like weird thoughts. People usually get annoyed and leave because I ask only dumb shit because it gets people talking about anything thats NOT political.

Don't worry G, we're always with you.

>drama takes over the server and thread
>be the one who is mostly quiet but gets along well
>Fueled the drama by thread posting how shit the discord was

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boy i sure love to play video ga-

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Do you browse /dbfzg/ by any chance?

No and Discord refuses to fucking update. It's like life purposely has it out for me to be friendless.

Go fuck yourself you bigoted cunt, I hope some cop does the same shit to you one day just for existing.

>playing vidya with friends over skype
>one faggot always hits on girls or tries to recruit people, usually spergs and autists who can tolerate him, into our group
>influx of retards into the circle creates turmoil among the original members
>original members slowly withdraw and distance themselves from the others
>fast forward 2016
>everyone is getting back together on discord
>the group has grown even more over the years, now (((managed))) by some faggot who has created a hierarchy and turned friends into beta orbiters
Discord was a mistake.
I just wanted to play vidya with a small amount of autists.


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I see discords advertised on boards all the time and almost every time they're absolute dogshit

The only one I ended up staying in was in /c/ of all places but even then I don't talk that much

maybe maybe not. pure chaos

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Anyone have that one meme about the development of a fandom/hobby? where the original creators get pushed out by all the faggotry

Where the fuck is JoJo's, Weegee?

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Show yourself

I can't i left the server im talking about a loong way back

I joined a few "official" MMO discords and I cause drama by literally just being in the stupid fucking discords because I'm female and all the goddamn autists think I'm their personal GF when I haven't even spoken or typed in the discord once.

I've seen some funny drama, mostly caused by women, this bitch literally got a server nuked for reporting loli

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maybe he used voice changer to fuck around with his ex lmao