So what’s the consensus around here for DBD?

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It exists

bretty gud

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shit game for dumb niggers

sounds like someone got mori'd too many times

Dogshit game designed for Twitch screamers

Is it worth it when on sale? looking for something to play with the lads

It needs some sort of new spice injected into it, the whole
>Killer chase you/You chase survivor around different map while doing the exact same thing

Can only keep its charm for so long before it just gets tedious

100% it's really fun especially with friends. Has paid DLC but can be unlocked via in game currency

Good game but it will get boring at some point because high tier gameplay is biased towards survivors so much it's not even interesting

I enjoy the game. on both sides. just like your mum

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hex ruin and mori's easily make it a killer biased game

I have a lot of fun with it, but the formula gets pretty tired. I play as Dwight with the hoodie, smoky camo pants and bike helmet and RP like I'm disabled.

Stopped playing when the developers stated that it "took a lot of skill" to use an exploit that made survivors unkillable and refused to fix it because twitch streamers liked using it.

ruin and no one escapes death

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fuck NOED

How do you even manage to make the game more broken (not necessarily in terms of balance but rather in terms of bugs) than it was some time ago?

Just cleanse totems you see and stop gen rushing with purple toolboxes and Dwight's boost for once

Killer main here. I love the game but it's incredibly biased towards survivors.

It's like being a soccer goalkeeper trying to defend penalty kicks. If everyone does the job correctly, you have zero chance of catching any balls. You basically play by preying upon survivor mistakes.

What really bothers me is the lack of a time limit. They can take their sweet time ghosting you or just skulking around and you can do nothing about it.

When you do manage to completely fuck up a squad feels great though. I specially love when they all die because they get too greedy and don't escape right away.

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>find and cleanse all totems

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On the rare occasions I play survivor, the perk that pings when you've got a totem nearly is mandatory for me. Over half of the games I get into has killers with Hex Ruin.

t. rank 20 killer

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Unbalanced and annoying at times for both sides. Upgrades are very level based so until you're really late into the game, you're going to be at a disadvantage. Still, it's fun as hell and there's nothing quite like it. Unlike Friday The 13th, it feels at least somewhat competitive and "fair" for both sides, however it's really, really easy for a team that's communicating among themselves and who know what they're doing to completely shut down the killer. By the same token, it's really, really easy for a killer to completely shit on players who might not quite know what they're doing. There's sadly not much of a middle ground; it's usually one of those two extremes, unless the killer is really bad.

Small Game is one of my must-have perks as well.

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ruin is the meta. it's rare when a killer don't have it.

whats ur favorite build, anons?

this is mine

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I'm actually a Red ranked killer when I do play often. I've been rank 1~2 for very long periods but it's no fun, matches take forever to pop and it's always 4 man SWF groups that bullshit the game. It's much more fun around 5~8.

Personally I also really enjoy the Legion perk that lets you see when more than 1 survivor is working on a generator. It's equally as OP as Ruin.

you rely on others survivors to heal you? top kek

>can be unlocked via in game currency
...which you buy

you can buy it, or you can buy items with shards from leveling up

I personally rush Generators like crazy because that's how you're supposed to win the game. However, there are quite a few really good perks that punish that playstyle. That's part of the reason why I'll likely never get past rank 10 at best.

I actually think it's less broken now. I used to have survivors get stuck inside a hook and wouldn't die a little too often. That was the worst; you either had to wait until one of you would quit the game, or the hook would magically push the survivor out after a while but that could take an hour or two. It seems like that's finally been fixed, thank fucking good. Matchmaking is still complete ass though.

I agree about the time limit; if survivors want to be a dick and just not go for the generators then they can extend the game a lot. If you stop patrolling the generators and look for them then that gives them time to finish working on them. That's always the worst for me, but it's usually not too common.

He's talking about the Shards, which are earned through leveling up. What you're thinking of is the Auric cells.

It was free on PSN months ago and I still havent played it

This is misleading. You can buy with in-game currency but holy shit do you have to fucking grind. At least Street Fighter 5 is a little more reasonable. DBD should have daily challenges that give you currency as well as Bloodpoints; otherwise you'll never be able to buy fucking anything.

Give it a shot, you might like it. It's kind of like a horror version of the old Splinter Cell: Mercenaries vs Spies. You gotta play as both sides a few times to really understand the game; otherwise, you won't understand a lot of the gameplay's intricacies without seeing both perspectives.

Shittiest community, somehow just as bad if not worse than League of Legends community

Spawns way too many single-digit Twitch streamers that have overly inflated egos for some bizarre reason

I should add that, that being said, either the matchmaking is fucking garbage or there simply aren't that many people playing on PS4. You're likely going to have to wait a long time to find a match. I'd also recommend playing as either Dwight, Claudette, of Feng since they have some really good perks for beginners. You can play whoever killer seems interesting to you, but avoid the Nurse since she's extremely difficult to control, however she's overpowered as fuck in the right hands.

>There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that EXCLUSIVELY play Survivor and thinks that their opinions on game balance matters

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the community is pretty shit

case in point -->

>Twitch streamers that have overly inflated egos
This, holy shit.

its a fine game, grind is miserable though
fixed survivor pipping but left in the double blade bug and not blocking vaults

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At least they have ways to help with the grind.

post your killers

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Daily Challenges go a long way towards alleviating the grind but it's still a ton to get through.

He's right though, you NEED experience on both sides to comment on balance because otherwise you just have no context for what it's -really- like for the other side.

Not even the dailies. I'm talking about some of the offerings and some of the perks.

even with survivor pudding/bloody party streamers/escape cake and barbeque and chili/we're gonna live forever its 3-4 million to get all perks, and more often than not the bloodweb will give you shit perks 3 times before anything fun or good i'm just not looking forward to grinding points for legion, wasted so much for prestige 3

one of the worst games I've ever played in my life. I just wish Friday the 13th wasn't broken.

it's okay and i've sunk too much time into it to quit now.

barbeque&chili is mandatory if you want to level characters quickly though. so prepare to pay for the game as well as the Leatherface DLC.

I love it. Heard it falls off towards the higher levels but playing at 14-10 rank rn has been great

I main the spirit and jake, it's insane how different the characters are on both sides, until you hit a certain point where the survivors are just skins after like 150 hours

post memes

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haven't played in months but quit because killer was pretty busted

The best

Is the clown actually good? Everyone said hes shit when I ask

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I would argue against it being mandatory. I'm a rank 5 Wraith and I still get three or four sacrifices without too much of an issue. However, there's no question that it's the single strongest perk of the entire game, by far and large. It's straight up fucking broken as a hell. It's still perfectly doable without that perk, but with it equipped you can completely curb stomp the game.

DBD is a less fun evolve

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didn't they ruin the ranking system in the latest update?

he's decent, you can use the bottles to shut down loops and one down survivors with certain add ons
also that disgusting laugh he does when he hits a survivor is great

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It's been adjusted. Ranks 15-10 have the old rank system, 9-1 have the new one. So essentially yes it's still ruined.

I don't use BBQ for killing potential, I use it solely for the BP gain. One match normally grants 25k-30k BP even with the help of an offering, while BBQ can shoot that up to 55k-60k a single game w/ low tier offering.
Thanks to it, I was able to level a character to 40 in just a few hours of constant games.

The survivor has Prove Thyself, but it is nowhere as efficient as BBQ.

Looked up a stream of it when I saw it was on sale and it looks so fucking boring and shallow. I looked at more streams to make sure it wasn't just that one person making it seem boring but no, everyone was just running around a small map doing errands while verbally blogging their lives.

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Evolve is the perfect example of the best concept done extremely shitty

Also in DBD you cant kill the killer and can barely fight him, evolve is about hunting/defending, DBD is about sneaking/escaping and the killer never gets any stronger throughout the game

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Great game ruined by the most retarded devs to ever exist.

>bringing an extreme competitive mentality to a casual horror experience

it's like hide and seek for the internet generation

kinda feels boring fast though

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>Ash as a survivor
>no Evil Ash as a Killer
Not based

When are they adding Clementine?

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shit game, /dbdg/ need not apply

would they give her a wooden leg or make her pre-bite?
I want Lee. Nigga died a hero and I want him in the afterlife runnin from ghost niggas

you can't even compare them lmao

They should make it peg-leg Clem, and make it clack while she walks.

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fun game, but the current survivor perk meta is pure AIDS.
>mettle of man
>dead hard/other exhaustion perk
>borrowed time/decisive strike/other get out of jail free perk
seriously. they made it so survivors can't die.

Clown isn't bad but he takes work. You can throw his gas grenades to control space but other killers just go straight for the survivor and it works fine.

It's literally never been easier to be a killer right now. Good killers have to take their perks off to make it interesting.

basically pay to win perks man

get good

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>people hating entitys favorite
He's pretty good. Bottles can shut down certain loops and one particular addon can one shot people and still keep your four bottles.

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F13 had better survivors.

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survivor mains detected

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its easier to be a killer than before, but before was actual infinites (still kind of happens because blocking is bugged) old flashlights, pallet vacuum and old DS
its still hard to be killer but before it was signing up to be bullied

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Oh please. Survivors are just as potato as the killers. There's a reason they had to redo the pips so previous DS users can get better ranks.

When you win as killer
>Waaaaah camper noob you cheated hacker i'm reporting you for toxic behavior, you're a scrub rank 20 loser
I lose as killer
>HAAHAHA faggot you blow no wonder you're only (insert whatever rank) we beat you when you were camping (sfw group, no camping involved) i got you on stream i bet you're embarrassed :^)
It got to the point i was fucking furious even when i won and decided to focus and kill everyone with twitch in their name. I got to a high rank like 7 or so but the anger wasn't worth it. Worst community on the planet, specifically survivors.

Oh yeah? Tell me more.

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>infectious fright

Never gotten anything but 4k wins with this

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i'm not sure if you're being sarcastic but they did buff things like hooking and picking up to be way faster. Also trapper got a rework and his trapping speed isn't awful, and his new pink addons are good, either traps set themselves or survivors will injure themselves disarming or saboing traps (but it won't put them in the dying state)
also wraith isn't a joke anymore

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Great concept and very fun with friends, but ruined by toxic community and constant problems with loading, lag and connection. Maybe dedicated servers will help.

The trapper sack desperately needs to become default, it's practically a mandatory addon

Haven't played it in a while. Are survivors still practically unstoppable or has the balance gotten at least a little better?

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This. The devs are grossly incompetent and the game is built on a mountain of spaghetti code.

Survivors have a perk called mettle of man that gives them endurance after taking 3 basic attacks

Any killer who can hurt with their ability screws over these survivors though, and ma boi Myers ignores endurance at tier 3

>game gives you hundreds of options to vary your skills and playstyle
>only like fucking one per character is actually effective and will blow you THE FUCK out of the water unless you're using something effective to counter it

What is the motherfucking point?

only if they're healthy.

>Can only keep its charm for so long before it just gets tedious
It's been 3 fucking years. When are you going to shut up?

The balance has gotten better, and outright favours the killer until very high rank now, but it still favours SWF groups and always will.

That seems stupid, is it a bug then?

>This perk you have to use that can be completely nullified by somebody finding a thing, and this rare item make the game killer biased
>The game mechanics, map design, several perks and fairly common items, and dev pressure to cowtow to survivors because of twitchfags, that are omnipresent and you can do little to nothing about don't make it survivor biased

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Fun for an hour, then you realize that the gameplay boils down to either running in circles around stuff for 10 minutes or chasing someone in circles around stuff for 10 minutes.

It sucks that there's nothing the devs can do about swf advantages when the game was clearly designed for limited communication between survivors

Point and follow me is the only communication the devs want in the game

If Evolve is fun, why did it die?

no, thats just how the perk reads.
>Once activated, the next occasion that would put you into the Dying State from the Injured State is ignored.

B-but my t-thrill of the hunt!

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I miss Friday the 13th.

I always wanted to hang from a hook as Ash.

It was much more fun than DbD ever was when you get a group of decent people with mics. Unfortunately the devs killed it, both with an end to support and with retarded game changes.

They can't even keep it not fucking broken.

Who? F13 is arguably less broken than DbD. At least in F13 you don't get infinite loading screens every 5 matches, forcing you to kill the game with task manager. Nor do people have trouble actually getting into the game resulting in a full matchup.

>F13 is arguably less broken than DbD
Why on Earth are you lying?

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F13 has minor bugs. DbD has bugs that prevent you from even getting into a match and inconvenience you to the point where you wonder why you should even boot the game up. I'm guessing you played F13 at launch and never touched it again, and are assuming nothing changed over two years.

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I like Clementine but I'd rather have Lee. The lore is that people went into a sort of purgatory after they died right? It'd make sense if Lee was sent there by the Entity to further test his dedication to survival.

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You get to choose one and only one from the list to be added into the game, who do you choose?

Jason Voorhees
Herbert West (survivor)
Lee or Clementine (survivor)

I got it for free. It's okay. Gets very repetitive. I prefer some elements of F13th like being able to explore and fight back. DBD is better balanced. I wish for a game that takes the best of both experiences

Jason so him, freddy and myers can be in a game
we have enough survivors

Fun game for a bit but the devs are retarded and just do whatever makes the streamers happy.

Ghostface would fit right in. The map could be the house at the end of the first movie

>You basically play by preying upon survivor mistakes.
Sound like actual characters of slasher movies, can you fuck in this game?

>ash vs evil dead dlc
>no Billy boomstick weapon with chainsaw attached to his hand

Missed oppurtunity

I really hate any usage of "camping" as an insult. Is it realistically possible to beat 4 competent players without any sort camping at all? I've done it but only in REALLY early ranks where people are fuck up the stupidest stuff.

with immense amounts of map presence and snow balling, yes.

Agreed. Trappy really needs some love. Sure, he can be a fucking gigantic pain in the ass with shitter teammates at rank 20-15, but versus the best players, he's hilariously bad.

That severely limits your choice of killers and perks. Lame.

The most fun multiplayer stealth game. It’s what metal gear online should have been.

Not exactly. All killers are capable of getting 4ks at rank 1. You just need to try harder on the weaker killers.
If you can quickly find and down/hook survivors, and keep most of the team busy, you should be fine. however, there is always gonna be that one asshole survivor that does nothing but generators the entire game.

Gay as fuck

>TFW the killer walks right past you
>You're wearing watermelon pants, a pizza shirt and hat