Describe soul without buzzwords

Describe soul without buzzwords
>Hard mode: nostalgia goggles off

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It is the creation of a soulless interpretation that creates the soul of the original work.

i have nostalgia so its good
its new so its bad

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Nothing yells soul more than a souless alternative.
Theres no good without evil etc...

Shit you played as a kid
Shit that remade many years later.

I know it when I see it

every tiem

This is literally, unironically what it means.

Soul = made with a clear vision by people that cared about it
Soulless = factory made; made by committee

When something tries to be just like the original

This guy gets it.

melancholic nostalgia for designs that were made from what was available = soul
every game being designed like nothing other than "gritty realism" exists = soulless

If soul is how described it then there's no reason for that Rambi be called "soulless". Retro pours their heart and soul into making great games and they usually succeed. The Returns games had tons of soul, and the people who made them genuinely cared about and loved Donkey Kong.

hand-crafted vs mass-produced


That's pretty much it. I like taking pictures like yours and reversing it so that the new thing has MUH SOUL and the old thing is downright SOULLESS and the retards on here eat it up.

what the fuck?

DKC Returns & Tropical Freeze might have that typical soft modern CGI cartoon look to them, but the games ooze soul and more importantly are god damn great

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This is the right answer.
Dumb zoomer answers.

kill yourself you dumb boomer. the future is now old man

This is the correct answer, but it rarely is the case because most of you fuckers just call anything old soul and anything new soulless.

what's going on in this picture

Keep crying zoomer

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You know what company name appears in the startup flashscreens.
You cant remember what company name it says, but remember fondly the chime and effects.

What the fuck am I reading

Made with care and attention to detail. It is clearly someone's creative vision that they care about.

A game can have soul and still be bad, for example: Kingdom Hearts 3.

Usually made with profitability prioritized over artistic vision. Games like this usually just follow whatever is trendy at the time.

Soul is more commonly associated with older games because, as the saying goes, limitation breeds creativity, however, modern games can have soul as well, it's just that there's lots of developers nowadays who just ride on industry trends.

>soul = passion project
>soulless = cash grab made by people who don't care about what they're working on

Based brapposters reking the shit out of subhuman "high test" fatfuckers.

then how do you explain fan-made remasters?

reminder that EA told bioware to make anthem as soulless as possible so people wouldn't make memes about it

What the actual fuck is that picture, is that satire?

If it's not nostalgia then name ONE game that has soul in the last 2 years.

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Soulless nu-meme

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THIS is what soul vs. soulless looks like. You can't just give characters hyperrealistic looks and then say it's better. There's no personality or charm that goes with it.
This image should be used instead of that Spyro picture or whatever when you're explaining soul vs. soulless.

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Passion. It is effort in design and ideas. The desire to stand out and make sure that people know that you are being genuine.

Soulless would then be the opposite. It is mass produced reproductions, often at lower quality then previous, for no good reason. Completely missing the mark of why the original was so good in the first place. Made not with artist intent, but by guide of how the series or work should be presented to the masses.

Unfortunately, you will often not be able to tell a work has soul until a soulless copy is produced as humans are apt to compare things

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I'm so fucking confuse how brap shit leaked into mainstream

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The PS4 menu theme is soulfull though. Otherwise agreed

I ain't reading that shit, nigga


>games I’m the last 2 years are shit

It's easier to describe what is soulless, and soul is the opposite of that.

Something that's soulless will feel like it lacks effort and polishing. It will also feel very "manufactured" like says. Soulless things exist just to exist.

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That's "Take everything that Miyamoto says literally" Tabata for you. Fuck that guy.

soul - made with small team from start to finish, no meddling except who will publish it

soulless - same "whatever" as above, but made by completely different team of freelance rent-a-workers with no connection to the "whatever" except working on it is earning them bread, with a helping of executive meddling fucking with quality all the way through and a huge dollop of PR hype pushing a false narrative declaring the "whatever" is for the people who loved "whatever" originally

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Thanks for your very important answer who resulted in an anoying to read post.
Soul comes down to the amount of detail put into any design. Not only purely graphic details but what does the model (or the landscape or the music or mechanic,...) bring to the table of the player. The amount of substance it has is that clearer?
The words soul and soulless are terrible descriptives and must be stricken out of our vocabulary because in all evidence we can't come up with an accurate description of these terms because we're all retards with no argumentative skills.
Fucking help us someone smart you see what we mean right, soul soulless?

What is there to explain? They follow the same rules

Soul = effort
Soulless = quota

If your main complaint here OP is about the look of a fucking rhino is a DK game that's actually not significantly different then you have bigger problems in life

These lads here are the only ones who get it

A game with "soul" is one that actually engages you and makes you emotionally invested in what's happening in the game. A soulless game by contrast just feels like doing chores. I would say the most important factor in the soul of a game is the worldbuilding, it should be fleshed out enough to be immersive but at the same time leave enough to the imagination to create a sense of intrigue. To me this is why a lot of AAA games are soulless, they're well crafted and highly produces but spoonfeed the story/backstory to the player and handhold them too much, removing any challenge or sense of struggle.

Fire the character and environment designer who doesn't know that contrast is a good thing

>cg lion king

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okay this one is true

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You had to post just for that.
I had to call you out man.

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I'll name several.
>Crash N. Sane Trilogy
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Breath of the Wild (It's a bit more than 2 years ago, but whatever)
>Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

The last two years are kinda shit, so there aren't a lot, but if we extend the time to, say, the last decade, then there are many more games with soul.
>both Hotline Miami games
>Enter the Gungeon
>The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
>Slender: The Arrival
>both Outlast games
>Crash: Twinsanity

You can argue about the quality of these games all you want, I'm not a fan of a few of them myself, but all of them were made by developers with a clear vision and ideas on what they wanted to make. Soul isn't about quality, it's about if the game was a passion project created by people who care vs. being made as a money scheme. You may argue some of these games were made for money, like the Nintendo games and NST, but you can't deny that VV worked their ass off to create a truly faithful remake of Crash, nor can you deny that the devs working on SMO, BOTW, and SSBU didn't work on those games for years and years just to make Nintendo money. They genuinely wanted to make good games, and the games made tons of money BECAUSE of that.

I can't tell if these are still shitposts or not.


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Soul is shorthand for "defined artistic vision." It isn't necessarily tied to nostalgia, but videogames are in the unfortunate position of having lots and lots of technical evolution in the lifetime of most users. Generally speaking, old games had to wrestle with technical limitations, and had to make up for it with style and vision. Modern games with fewer limitations require less hand-crafted detail and identity.

Think of videogame music, for example. If you have a limited number of channels, then the melody needs to be very punchy and interesting to be memorable or interesting to the player. But if you have the full freedom to insert a recording of anything you'd like, then the easy thing to do is use generic orchestral fill that is technically impressive but lacks a memorable melody or hook. It doesn't "rock the boat" too much and therefore can make no real impression on the player. Soulless.

Soul = Rough around the edges, doesn't look flawless and clean like some assembly line product. Think Star Wars 1-3 vs Star Wars 4-6. Soulful games were made on limitations which required creativity to be artistically and creatively effective. Pokemon Heartgold is a good game but its charm cannot match Pokemon Gold. There is a humbleness to it. Another example is Yume Nikki vs. Yume Nikki-Dream Diary (the 3d one).

Left honestly looks cuter, the few little blemishes on her skin would clear up after going makeup free for awhile.

this uronically

>generic orchestral fill
I hate this about games and even movies today. Very few scores from both stand out today.

Sometimes I wonder if it was actually just malicious compliance that totally backfired.
>You want nothing that hasn't appeared in NSMB? Here, have all these generic Toads! How do you like that?
>Ah yes perfect ship immediately

Umm, Yea Forums is mainstream sweetie.

If people can actually articulate what makes something soulful or soulless, then why even bother trying to shorthand it?

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Lol, it's the other way around dipshit

I think Miyamoto said use characters only from Super Mario World. Even then, there's still a fair amount to use.

soulless post

>mfw I'm 32 and always thought the Rare renders looked like shit

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I love posting on hte interactive computer programs meant for entertainment purposes board on Yea Forums

You can tell love and care was put into it due to the effort and/or attention to detail
Robotic, corporate shit that was done solely for profit and the devs forced themselves to shit out

There is an actual meaning, but like "comfy" you have retards here who misuse it and other retards who think it is a buzzword.

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left is way cuter.

you mean submitting your input data as a contribution to the specified avenue of thought and discussion?

They're trying to spite him. Miyamoto hates toad

As much as it gets shit on here, Sea of Thieves is the most Soulful game I have played in a while. Rare is still pretty solid.

left is cuter because the smile is genuine, not because of the hair or make up

>not getting the right scene of simba looking at the bug

Jungle book was piss poor as well.

soul isnt about looking good or bad

It's amazing how confused the majority of this board is over this concept when this guy described it perfectly. And I know he's not the first.

>other retards who think it is a buzzword.
probably because that's what 90% of Yea Forums likes to use it as

Looks like it backfired as far as I'm concerned.

Fuck you

It's just fun to play, get a few guys, go on a voyage to get some loot, sink some nerds.

The ratio between the artists intended vision called "x" and the attempt to appeal to a demographic called "y"
The higher X is in proportion to Y the more soul there is

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Touhou 16: HSiFS

soul: made without unity/unreal engine
soulless: made with unity/unreal engine

I found out today that if you drink too much and puke, you can take out the bucket, fill it with puke, and toss it at someone and make them puke. Pretty happy with this discovery. People in open crew already got super salty with drinking grog and playing bad music.

Soulless generally means a lack of passion, now its more akin to saying the designs arent faithful to the original.

CGI Jungle Book was better than the original though, the original was ass which is why it's one of the only good choices for a remake so far.

Good answer>

Baba is You and a Hat in Time

Yeah, that was part of my point.

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Get the fuck out I don't ever want to read the shit you just smeared across my screen ever again. Also there already was a live action jungle book, the new one just sucks ass.

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I can at least respect the CG Jungle Book for doing something different by being closer to the book. The CG Lion King just looks like a straight downgrade in every regard.

I get what you're saying with this picture, but you also need to realize that the original looks retarded too. Dragon Ball was never good.

>I can at least respect the CG Jungle Book for doing something different by being closer to the book.
Being closer to the book feels like a big copout when the film is just not that great.

Soul/Soulless is a meaningless, shitty buzzword, but god damn if it doesn't feel like it applies to the Katamari series. The three games Keita Takahashi worked on (Damacy, WLK, M&MK) just feel so much more genuine than the ones that came after.

>soul vs. soulless
>virgin vs. chad
>krusty krab vs chum bucket
what are the rest of the shitty dead "thing i dont like vs thing i like" memes? theres so many at this point they all just sort of blend together

I found a retard

the old design wasn't 80% fueled by monitary worry or greed, it was fueled by 80% passion and love, modern video game companies are fueled by 80% monitary worry and greed and 20% passion and love, ill take the one with the most love thought and care in it, the same goes for any product

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Looks like a piece of shit rubber prop.
Can actually be rendered in a video game.

>dragon ball was never good

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Shit, my bad.

did this guy write Borderlands 2

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Bet if she stood up straight it'd be fucking small. Lame ass

I don't understand why zoomers feel so personally attacked and feel like we're saying literally ALL of modern gaming sucks balls when we criticize bad art direction.

What the hell...?

dragon ball is the best fictional work of all time. Is the Odyssey of our era.

Money to grab from nostalgia fags

Name something good
Boomzoom is another

>not homestuck

Left looks like someone I can snuggle with in a blanket and watch stupid shit all day

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This shit predates the internet so who knows.

this is true
you can tell because it has all the celebrities the general population likes

>I know the intentions of the creators
You know vague implications of their current processes and based on whether or not you like the design. Which then suddenly implies "love" and "attention to detail". This amounts to grasping at straws and spinning some weak correlation to assert "objectivity" in your biased opinion.
You're worse than "pop music is terrible" and "i listen to everything but country and rap". Go back to exclusively listening to artists that died well before you could even form a coherent thought and keep going "analog baby, you're so post-modern
You're diving face forward into a antiquated past
It's disgusting, its offensive don't stick your nose up at me"

I dont know if it's ironic

>t. soulless games player

>something bad happens
>oh shit we have to train for a while to prepare for the evil bad guy who is way more powerful than us
>bad guy arrives
>good guys ascend to a higher form, the absolute limit of power
>demolish bad guy
>something even worse happens
>oh shit we have to train for a while to prepare for the eviller bad guy who is way more powerful than us
>bad guy arrives
>good guys ascend to a higher-er form, the NEW absolute limit of power
>something even worse happens
Wash, rinse, repeat.

say what you want but the quality is amazing

can someone please explain this image

I'm convinced that Bess is in on the joke too.

>name something good

fan made remaster is always made with a clear vision by people that cared about it

They just have a shitty vision so it looks soulless

so are we supposed to trust everything at face value? are we supposed to believe words said and not figure out if there's any disingenuous corrupt intent?
I mean, if we believed words that were said then EA is always so caring and passionate about its player base and is so so sorry all the time huh

My favorite is Halo 2 Anniversary's Gravemind design getting called soulless when it's literally closer to the concept art than the original

Soul cannot be described, it can only be sensed.

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this guys translated so good to 3d, i love his completely zoned out face

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liberals think bitcoins are created using fat women's farts in china at places called braap barns that are ran by incel braap barons

Kid Goku turning into Kid Goku is my favorite higher form

Calling hollow knight and enter the gungeon soulless based on the engine they were built it. Sad

>braap barn
>china's gas harvester
>virtual incel makerspace
holy shit what the fuck happened in that pic?
not even hollywood could write something that crazy

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Dragonball will always be soulless until blood comes back

it has nothing to do with the engine
but they are completely soulless

Yeah 3 to 5 is soulless.

Normies don't interact well with /pol/ trolling.

Broke: Soul vs soulless
Woke: Soulful vs soul vs soulless

This pretty much

you can prove lack of detail and love by the way, you're assuming that user is wearing rose tinted goggles and making up things, and he might be, but by your same logic you're implying lack of knowledge and understanding because he seemed to tick you off, you can't just assume someone is ignorant of a subject unless they're flat out being retarded, you just didn't like his statement


That's Dragoball Z tho
you're just a retard.
post yfw

Her eyes shine brighter too.

You can say there are better games or that you don't like them, but HK is a great example of soul in modern games. Hand-drawn characters and animations, indie studio etc.

They do. I don’t think they had very good art direction in general. While good art direction generally correlates to soul, lack of it doesn’t mean the project wasn’t a passion of the team

>I like thing: soul
>I don't like thing, particularly if I don't like it because I'm no longer 10 years old: soulless

Here's your explanation.

>muh artistic vision.

A game, as well as any other product, made to earn money, may be good or bad. A product made to express "artistic vision" will be 100% shit, no exceptions (see: the entirety of modern "art", living off grants and sponsors). Inb4 someone whines about passion projects and small teams of fans, every single one of them that made something worthwhile worked with the clear purpose of getting paid. Sure, they took pride in work well accomplished, and wanted to accomplish it as well as possible, like decent humans do, but their primary objective was getting paid.

the honest version

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In this case the artistry is more focused towards the design of the character rather than designed straight up for a friendly appearance.

I have nostalgia for Reader Rabbit, an old game, yet I consider it rather soulless.
I have no nostalgia for Rain World, a newer game, yet I think it has a soul.

How can this be? Could it be that times have changed to a point where more cynical game development philosiphies have become common, and that the more cynically designed games of the past are rightfully forgotten? Could it be that the denial of the concept of "soul" is also the rejection of the principles and qualities it the concept supposed to stand for?

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>Hand-drawn characters and animations,
it's basically stick figures that are barely animated

just because you like it doesnt mean it's not soulless

>I have no nostalgia for Rain World
Nostalgia literally is born of time.

Boomer, zoomer, grug, and gold are all their own characters with a similar design prove me wrong

Rambi did look pretty cool as designed by the ones that created him. The redesign by a committee within Nintendo looks like something from Over the Hedge.

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This has to be a troll.

So the concept of soul has nothing to do with age nor nostalgia.

You’re right. It’s that modern game industry is too big for its own good. Most AAA titles are the equivalent of the MCU movies - massive budget and competently made, generally entertaining to a degree, but very few people making the project have any say outside of what’s been outlined for them, and it’s rare that a team is given the freedom to truly *create*, or is the appropriate size to do so. This mostly applies to western development, as Japan mostly seems to avoid these pitfalls still. Some western devs too.

based and truthpilled
both your post and pic

No. You just say "I dont like this" and be done with it. Not hide behind some nonsensical veil of "how things used to be". Soul versus Souless boils down to things you like versus what you don't like; It doesn't validate the "don't make 'em like they used to" fallacy.

>Prove lack of detail
Is lack of detail some egregious offense that suddenly validates the poor quality of a product? I played plenty of shitty games that are chock-full of detail. It's not mutually exclusive to how "good" a game is.
Suck my ass you can prove love you fuckin dipshit hippy
>By my logic
By my logic, he made false assertions and perpetuated the nonsensical behavior of "soul" and how society has fallen into this prefabricated, mass produced, and absence of care production ideology. It is ignorant. It is fucking stupid.

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Rhetoric, always more rhetoric


Drag-ON Ball's entire gimmik is making fun of the ongoing battling. Its why some bored teenagers became peak performance, then a bug, and finally a big pink poo.

The series came back and straight up said its target audience is easily distracted children and the cast's ability to drag fights on and suffer is the key to victory, hence 17 being the key to earth's survival

>so the concept of soul has nothing to do with age nor nostalgia.
I mean, I think it's reasonable to say a game with soul is more likely to invoke nostalgia/stronger nostalgia eventually.
But yeah, nostalgia and soul are quite distinct. Doesn't matter how good and soulful I think RoR2 is, I'm playing it right now, so it doesn't invoke nostalgia.
Even an old game like x-com that's brimming with soul doesn't invoke much nostalgia from me because I've been actively playing it for years and years with openxcom, it's to recent for me.
Some of my early experiences with the game give me some nostalgia.

left looks pretty cute and right looks like a crack whore

Since retards don't seem to get it.
The soul/soulless meme is mostly used incorrectly
What it really is is imperfect authenticity vs perfect plastic.
The Rambi on the left has charm and uniqueness because it's imperfect whereas the Rambi on the right is sterile and uncreative because it's exactly what you would expect a real version of a tiny rhino to look like, unblemished. It's done well but there's nothing particularly unique about it.

I liked the game anyway but I much prefer the left and I didn't even play the original games until much later in life. However, given that the new games pick perfection (very refined graphics) over imperfection, the one on the right is what belongs in the game. I enjoy both series, fwiw.

I’m still amazed that Mirrors Edge even happened. While I’m glad it got a sequel, I figured EA would fuck it up. I enjoyed it enough but lo and behold it lost a lot of what made the original so strong. Open world was the biggest mistake. They normalized the art direction a bit too.

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It is a vague and meaningless term used to promote games one likes without having a legitimate reason as to why it is better than whatever it is being compared to.

You don't need to like something to recognize that it has a soul. You don't need to dislike something to recognize that it doesn't.

this guy gets it.

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>It doesn't validate the "don't make 'em like they used to" fallacy.
The idea that culture doesn't change with time is the fallacy, and your dismissal of criticizing changes in culture is meant to stomp out discussion, not engage in it.

This here is a perfect example. Apart from the remake (and the rest of Disney's CG remakes for that matter) just being a cynical nostalgia cashgrab/copyright extension, it also completely loses all sense of expression for the sake of realism.

DMC Donte may be the best vidya example, actually. It not only literally lacks the "soul" of the original (what makes it what it is, ie tongue in cheek goofy schlock action), bit openly mocks it.

Completely and utterly meaningless.

I just don't get why they didn't go with the Paon design for Rambi, it was a perfect update of Rare's design. Retro's Rambi just looks derpy.

Attached: rambibrawl.png (628x628, 224K)

Burn it down.

The simple patterns and clever use of color have aged far better than the ugly textures and bland colors used in the remake

What. What the fuck are you spouting? Your personifying a fucking product with the notion of a inherited, magical, un-fucking-tangible value.
It's a bullshit equivalency fallacy of effort, art style, and quality. It's a fucking nonsense term. Fuck you bitch. Go jerk off to gen 1 Pokemon and stuff PS1 spyro collection up your ass

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Just because you want to dismiss it doesn’t mean it’s meaningless. I hate DKC, especially the art and style, but I can’t deny that it has an element of “soul” from its developers’ passion

Stop trying to be a robot. Humans can never think like machines. The ancient arts of discourse still exist because we need them.

No one is crying about this soul soulless shit. Fact is, you can't even describe why you dislike that, so instead you copypaste platitudes and spam memes when people call you out. Imagine being unable to explain the problem with that image.

Needs the SOUL boot sound.

Prior to the Yea Forums maymay I've always defined soul as an obvious passion project made by dudes who wanted to make an awesome game, IE, Marathon, Doom, and Half Life, and soulless being shit that's either blindly following trends because lolcorporate, or tech demo shit that lacks a good game. Soulless games such as, a lot of mobile games, whatever the fuck the Lost Missions for Doom 3 BFG were, and so on.

Not even one post to devolve into insults, yet you try and fail to attach a fallacy to the post you respond to.

I never said it doesn't change. Where did I imply that? I implied that it's a fruitless and ignorant behavior to relish in the past and ignore the future by some bullshit pretence.

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The past isn't the subject.

People keep trying to claim that Soul is just nostalgia, and while I’m sure there’s a correlation, games of the 90s were more often made by smaller teams, and the industry as a whole was still in its infancy. Way more new and creative shit was being made because they often had the freedom to do so. Even today there’s a higher chance that a novel game idea will be sullied with “realistic” graphics instead of allowing an art team to elevate it


Star fox zero is the most soulless game ever created. Just listen to these fucking voice lines

I hope you can recognize yourself why the left column is timeless and the right one isn’t

90's video game commercials have more soul than the average AAA game today

Ok ass face. Prove "soul". The existence of the and how to quantify it. Then apply that same, stupid, subjective logic, to all remakes listed in this thread.
I will continue to insult you fucking mongoloids until you either cave or fail to respond

Sadly, you cannot describe "soul" in any way because it is vague and meaningless. It is just your go to term for why something is good when you can't really defend it.

criminally underrated post
also screencapped

Change implies past, retard.


If it looks like Play-Doh it's soulless.

So many soulless brainlets in this thread. Just because you are too dumb to understand the concept of soul doesn't mean it's a meme

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These threads are utterly retarded.
The older design is objectively shittier. It looks all pointy, jaggy and low-res because of the technological limitations of the time.
Stop throwing a shit-fit over positive change, autist.

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Being unable to acknowledge the quality of a piece of media outside of something quantifiable is a sign you may have autism.

Anything a human being makes with the desire to convey feeling or beauty is soulful. "Soul vs soulless" has existed for thousands of years. Now we live in an age where soulless entities, corporations, can cynically buy and sell us the ideas of man, and through newer laws, own them forever. Erasing the natural creation and inheritence of man-made stories and legends. The end-goal is to phase out the common man and create a subservient population that can't own anything.

Not so fast

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I can kind of get behind the first part, but i think the second may be a bit flawed. If you can recognize something is a shallow, empty or even cynical remake, it might tarnish your experience somewhat.

Then again, maybe its like the first Saw movie versus Saw VII. You can find the first movie plodding but understand they had a decent concept and worked with what little they had to make the story work, and you could find the last one entertaining for its sheer dumb goreporn schlockiness, while understanding that they really only cared about making money off of the franchise at that point.

>The older design is objectively shittier. It looks all pointy, jaggy and low-res because of the technological limitations of the time.
There's more to a design than polygon count or texture resolution.

It's already been established that nostalgia and soul are linked, but no the same.

No, it's a sign that you're an idiot who can't properly express himself and falls back on bullshit meaningless terms to project your opinions on.

A child's play-dough creation has a soul to the child.

Ad hominem is meaningless.

Left is beautiful.
Right makes her look 12 years older than she should be and looks alien.

>i have absolutely no response so here's an insult


It's genuinely going to be near expressionless CG animals poorly acting out a fucking cartoon. What the fuck is the appeal of this?

Attached: 15310527.png (496x504, 567K)


>why something is good
I very clearly said I didn’t think DKC was good, but that I think it has soul. Yes “soul” is vague but it’s a easily shared concept of “do I think this product reflects the care, love, and attention put into it by the creatives behind it”

Thanks for the unrelated tangential non-statement.
This does absolutely nothing to refute the fact that the earlier Rare designs in question look shitty because of technological limitations.

both are shit because she's a diseased whore

You are making good points about Saw that have nothing to do with "soul." That's the issue here. People who have nothing to say fall back on "soul" and it can mean whatever they please. Others do not need to use a meaningless term as they have something to say or, sometimes, they use actual arguments and call it "soul." Still, those are, again, actual arguments with a vague term slapped on which can just as easily be used to describe something entirely different.

This is a good post

>the earlier Rare designs in question look shitty because of technological limitations.
>technological limitations
>on a pre-rendered model

Attached: 1543233651665.jpg (417x426, 37K)

And others use "soul" to describe games that are different than those that are just good. When there's "something special" about it or something unique that they just can't place (defend). It's vague and meaningless, shifting depending on the user as it has no established meaning.


If its actually Play-Doh it's soul, only Play-Doh looking things are soulless.

No, they have passion, but they don't have a vision because they don't know /what/ made the original games so good. They just liked them and figure "heehee me make the textures 4k with no regards to artstyle or purpose cuz that make game better".

which one looks better?

Attached: battlefront2 2005.png (3840x1080, 3.54M)

Non sequiter and poor attempt to ignore his point and go back in circles. Reply to what he's said or stop addressing him.

It's also the difference between the talent. A lot of modeling gets outsourced and video games in general lack people with a nice vision and sense of aesthetic

I think the "OLD GOOD NEW BAD" argument can be promptly put to rest if we can find an example of something old/lacking in graphical fidelity that's soulless, and something more graphically intense that very clearly has soul, but I'll be damned if i know what that would be.
What's a good, modern example of a game that someone clearly poured their heart out into when they made it? Bloodborne maybe?

Saying something is “good” or “bad” itself is generally meaningless you dummy. There are objective points to be made yes, but there is value in things that cannot be overtly quantified. Your whole argument that people are using a concept to measure a product’s quality just tells me you have an inability to recognize that concept

Donkey Kong Country Returns didn't get to use their own character designs. Check the concept art. Nintendo interfered with development.

This is a good supplement to the previous point

Bloodbourne has no soul. How could you fall into this trap so easily?

Nier Automata. It often goes against what would be considered wise game design as well.

The Witness maybe, but idk if Jonathan Blow has a soul.

Well, what modern game does then? The entire industry cant have just stopped caring about the games they make, right?

The irony is painful here. My post completely addressed what was being said, you simply have no reply.

Looks 'high effort' someone really gave his absolute best when making it even if the final result looks like shit

Looks 'low effort' quick shit, bland, safe shit even if it looks 'good'

And he thought we should recognize the toads?

user, Bloodbourne has no SOUL

Energy, life, colorful, original, creative, bold, different

Drained, lifeless, colorless, unoriginal, derivative, cautious, identical

Attached: 1539451503573.png (2200x874, 1.58M)

>it has soul because you can just like, feel it maaan
By that very same measure I can say that thing isn't "soul" because I can feel it isn't.

I like this one. It reasons WHY old = good, new = bad much of the time. That explains why some indies are really good: they have passion.

>Saying something is “good” or “bad” itself is generally meaningless you dummy

Incorrect. Something can be objectively good or bad depending on its function or goal. A hammer is a good tool as you need something to drive nails into wood. A story with massive plot holes and inconsistencies is objectively bad. When you enter the realm of art you get more subjective (the story has no plot holes or glaring issues but is it good?) but it does not detract from those basics.

>but there is value in things that cannot be overtly quantified

That's where you are getting lost. If I say something is vague and meaningless, I am referring to precisely that. You can't prove it and most of it is emotion or how it spoke to you directly. It does nothing for an argument.

>tubes has an ass full of soul
Considering the effort put into crafting it, I can believe this.

Not this

Bloodborne and Persona 5 (for all its myriad flaws) have soul. Rough and unpolished, some real boneheaded decisions, but definite creative vision behind them. It'll be more difficult to thibk of a soulless old game since everyone would have forgotten it, and there would legitimately be nostalgia propping it up, but there was plenty of NES shovelware.

When I think "soulless," I think largely of endless Wii minigame collections. But that same system also had a game like No More Heroes, which is extremely flawed, frustrating and probably less polished than a lot of those minigame collections but dripping with soul.


That's assuming you have the ability to recognize what you truly feel.

Soul VS Soulless is a completely meaningless statement and you can all do better to explain why a design does or doesn't work.
Here, I want you all to explain to me which of these two designs is better without using Soul or Soulless.

Attached: yoshi_stature.jpg (750x442, 35K)

All of the Disney live-action remakes are fucking garbage.

Serious question, but are you high right now?

If confusion exists over any simple concept, it's usually because people have misused it a lot.

The virgin on the left

The chad on the right

Left is better because he looks more organic. Looks like a big buddy that Mario can comfortably ride.

Left is better because old Yoshi looks chill as fuck

You don't need mind altering substances to be a human being.

Soulless is also cashgrabs that lack creative passion, like Anthem or Fallout 76, or games where the dev is following a checklist for its development, like Dragon Age Inquisition or Anthem.

Left is better because it's a more well-rounded design. The design on the right is too hyper-specialized towards more "human" proportions, and comes off looking like a strange bobblehead with inflated hands thanks to it largely being a relic of N64-era tech limitations.

Old Yoshi looks more like a believable dinosaur and mount. New Yoshi fits his newer role as a character with intelligence and autonomy. I prefer the old one because it makes the Mario universe and gameplay more interesting, whereas new Yoshi just adds another character to an already-dense cast.

the moon shot is better in the cgi version

Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes

Funk vs funkless

Attached: funkycompare2.jpg (1700x900, 258K)

Original Yoshi doesn't only look more intelligent, he is characterized as a more intelligent friend. Even capable of fully rational speech and owning a house. The current Yoshi design is quite a bit more animal and toddler, and has been for some time now.

Well, it is a man's ass. As in, that is a photograph of a man.

Stylistic depth.
Imitation of the superficial details of a style.

Attached: pt lisa.jpg (1920x1080, 125K)

Okay, true. I guess what I meant was that erecting his stature makes him more "human" which we associate with intelligence allows him to fill a more diverse set of "human" roles.

I guess getting to play as a Goomba in Mario Party kinda disproves that point, though.

And the fact that he was baking treats, playing tennis, driving karts, and beating up mascots prior to receiving a substantial redesign.

I feel bad for you. This is a good answer and the user got beat out and fucked off. You are wasted on bait posters my friend


>New Yoshi fits his newer role as a character with intelligence and autonomy.
I'd argue that it's much worse at that. The stubbier proportions and the more "fixed" head seem to make it way harder for him to actually emote without them having to distort it to look more like the original design anyways.

Attached: yoshidesigns_1.png (2792x1369, 2.36M)

soul | disney soulless

still soulless

Attached: mewo.png (309x599, 135K)

DKCR and Tropical Freeze are so soulless in every aspect. I'm glad retro is working on MP3 so they can't make another bad DKC game. Hopefully they still have enough talent left to make another metroid prime kinopiece.

I completely agree with everything and want to be in the club

90s cgi is pure soul

Attached: tekkencgi.webm (728x546, 1.9M)

Ive only played the original so Im biased but the left cover just looks so much better, shes in motion probably running like what you do in game while the right ones just moping around

My problem with the soul argument is that it’s specifics just to shit on an otherwise soulful game

Are you really going to let the way Rambi and others are colored blind you from how extremely soulful Tropical Freeze is with it’s level design?

Makes me wonder how they went from that beautiful Jun to the retarded deformed babbyface Xiaoyu in 3. Thank god they fixed her immediately.

>extremely soulful Tropical Freeze is

Attached: 1519063799556.gif (300x332, 2.33M)

Someone said they make Jumbo simply to redo their copyright on it, so my guess is that they just do the same for all of their franchises. They they profit in the process, that's just a bonus.



It's not that hard to explain. An realistic approach won't be able to deliver the same expression an animated film can achieve. You can make the characters smile, cry and dance much more without making it look off if you animate it. On top of that scenes like the one where Simba flees from the antilopes can be exaggerated with size to be more menacing.
Disney is known for its expressions and dances in their movies. Making it realistic just ruins the whole thing.

You can also play with color a bit more in animation (just take a look at the scene with simba and his dad above, or scar). Christ, imagine how awful "be prepared" is going to end up looking.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

Attached: art.png (383x325, 3K)

If someone cannot recognize why the left column is better, they legitimately have no taste

I wonder if John Firioto and Craig Stitt know that this article they wrote 20 years ago is being passed around like 'the word of god' on design. Don't get me wrong, they did know exactly what they are doing, it's just the most important line from the article is having a solid understanding of the fundamentals of art. I mean look at the new CGI lion king meme just posted above, it doesn't even pass the fucking squint test.

It's not.

>unironically using the terms soul/souless

Attached: 7YTwYCL.png (1218x1030, 27K)

Right is better as a character
Left is better as a Epona

Animation offers a way to stylize the world. Using that power to just imitate it is waste of effort that plays against the medium's strengths. You can do things in animation with the way characters and settings are drawn, their movement and expressions, that you can't do convincingly with live action. There is no point to making an animated movie if you're just going to make photorealistic.

Attached: EVYMMBK.gif (350x261, 951K)

which one is soul, which one is soulless?

Attached: 1553610515647.png (854x960, 1.2M)

At this point I’m certain Disney just doesn’t care. It gives their FX team practice in their realistic rendering, and they probably know that no matter what they do it will (A) still make its money back in the theater and (B) never surpass the original in quality or longevity, so why go beyond anything but hyperrealistic reskin of the original.

I don’t care about any of these, and haven’t liked any of the ones I saw, but I was okay seeing Dumbo for a relatives birthday because I like Tim Burton’s aesthetic usually, and I like both Danny DeVito and Michael Keaton

Technical limitations force people to think about and use what they have more creatively. The ability to do whatever whenever in terms of creating assets will inevitably cause a decline in creative thinking which is harder.

Also a bias to which art style looks more appealing to you.

Attached: 1410898641482.gif (89x163, 493K)

I like the modern shades and look of funky but I still want the frayed jeans and toolbelt of the classic one back.

>Soul vs Soulless
Not video games, but a perfect example is the animation of Junji Ito's works
It's basically tracing the old work of the creator, cutting a few corners for efficiency, and putting it under a new coat of paint.
There is no council or understanding of the real message or purpose of the intricacies in the original work. "Why was this done this way?" should always be asked about every subject of the project. It's all about perspective, literally and figuratively.
There's just a disconnect between a creator and an interpreter that even the creator might not catch when recreating.

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I’ve always had a distaste for art that just goes for hyper realism


That's hot.

>animation of Junji Ito's works
noooooooOOOOOOOOO! Thanks for reminding me, asshole

What the fuck

Attached: 1548973427714.jpg (534x622, 87K)

Sonic Adventure = Soul
Sonic Adventure DX = Soulless

Attached: IMG_2208.png (1136x640, 966K)

The hell? I wonder how much else reflects this or if it’s just cherrypicked

i always figured SOUL stood for a game whose creators "poured their souls into" wich means that even if it's old you can tell it was made with love and SOULLESS is just a game made to cash in the bucks and whose creators don't really care about, and it shows. or i could be wrong and it's just shitposting

>Laurence Lessig regurgitation
The end goal is profit. Slim down costs and meet demands. You sound like every hippy that thinks small businesses are blessed by the grace of god, simply because they can participate in unprofitable and unsustainable behavior and still make money.
Get. A. Job.

This, but autists who can’t recognize or appreciate the artistic merits of a product will argue otherwise

>Realism ruins classics

This is why they want to get rid of physical media. Anything that can be preserved and handed down outside their control is the enemy.

you need them to start feeling magical shit that doesn't exist though. see all the faggots who believe they spoke to some otherworldly superdimensional entities or saw music after they took shrooms, lsd, dmt or other mind altering halucination-inducing shit.

It's both. You'd realize this bieng on Yea Forums(nel) long enough with how shit like cuck was reinvented for shitposting

No, it's live action

You must be pretty cynical to think that just because businesses need to function that people can’t operate creatively within. I guess no artists exist!

There's a whole site of the shitty changes and bugs they made. It's called dreamcastify, look it up

Attached: IMG_2209.png (1136x640, 898K)

I didn't even watch this as a kid and I'm mad.

If this were an actual simpsons joke I'd cum.

Man wtf happened

8th Gen is even worse, they look like animated samey plushys.

Attached: 1551291637695.png (1066x1066, 597K)

You didn't provide an argument.

Having the ability to drive around Peach's castle in Mario Kart 64. It doesn't need to be there, but it was kept because it was interesting to the player and made the course stand out. Truly makes it the "Royal Raceway".
Having the remake block off the section. Literally cutting content from the original track. Makes a new castle grounds instead of reimagining the one from 64 into the modern era. Makes the track's tie to Peach pointless. Makes you wonder why they even bothered remaking the track in the first place, as it has nothing special anymore.

Attached: royal soulway.jpg (1214x933, 809K)

Oh, Raptor Jesus

>zoomers don't understand aesthetics or art design and focus entirely on realism
sad, really

This makes me wonder that part of soul vs soulless is cool factor. The art style on the top 3 is classic and rough. The bottom 3 are too clean and sharp. I'm a fan of the fire cat thing but the other 2 are crap when compared to their progenitors bulbasaur and squirtle.

Could also be the anime I watched as a kid affected me. The fucking squirtle squad episode made me choose him almost every time.

Attached: squirtsquad.png (770x470, 463K)

I'm gonna be honest here. I barely see any difference. Seriously.

Attached: 1543017848150.jpg (406x347, 16K)

Better comparison.

Attached: 1488179200682.png (464x429, 173K)

How does HK being made by an indie studio give it more soul?

The Moon scene looks good in the remake because it has actual contrast

The gen 7 starts were great they were the best since 4. Look at 5 and 6 greninja is literally the only one people like

Why are white people so schizophrenic

There you go. I can clearly see that the one on the left looks better now. The SOUL thing is retarded, he just looked better before, that's it. Some Mario characters look way better now. Pic related for example, short brown hair is top tier

Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.u4.jpg (345x550, 43K)

>same filename
Funny enough Yea Forums is the only board where this shitty forced meme got relevant, you guys are the most idiotic on this site.

best post in here

>Crash N. Sane Trilogy
Kill yourself

Women really like to ruin their appearance, fuck, like when they draw their eyebrows, I don't think there's anything more unattractive than that.

Attached: haha yoshi.gif (640x480, 348K)

If you put love and passion into something it can come out full of soul, like the lord of the rings, and if you don't you get the hobbit.

Unless you’re eyebrows barely exist genetically, natural is always a better look

3D pokémon was an absolute mistake

There's no definition.
The soul shit is just a meme someone made to have some laughs and underage brainlets on Yea Forums took it seriously and tried to give it a meaning. It's a free pass to criticize some games without really explaining why.

There's probably something psychologically profound about a girl plastering a mask of artifice on her face before she goes and gets the living shit fucked out of her for money.


Why would they do this?
The Beauty and the Beast live action actually had far more colors and vibrancy than the movie yet now they go all muddy realism with lion king?

Thanks, I needed something to laugh at

Attached: 182.jpg (716x597, 46K)

I think the boomer meme has the most soul in nu era Yea Forums

Beauty and the beast is also a good example.
>FotM Actress
>shitty cgi
>banking on people's nostalgia
>songs performed worse but with grander scale trying to trick you into thinking it's good
Throwing production value on a turd won't make it better.
Slightly unrelated, but people confuse soul for charm sometimes and it shows.

Attached: Soul.jpg (682x131, 50K)

Sprites are a lot of work, prease understand.

The CG is impressive but this is teetering towards "DISNEY HIRE THIS MAN" shit with the absolute lack of personality on the right

Suits and corporations love realism shit because sylish, appealing stuff takes talent that they can't just find in droves and aren't willing to spend time and money on. Realism shit honestly takes no artistic talent, just mechanical talent. Suits don't have soul or artistic sense, they just want objective numbers like graphics capability, polygons used, etc. That's why modern AAA always boast graphics and not art direction so much. You can double the polygon count objectively but you can't put a value on soul, and suits don't understand it.

Think about those photo-realistic "artists" on youtube. They have great mechanical skill and endurance but at the end of the day they need a photo to copy 1:1 and can't make nice, stylized appealing shit on their own.

Attached: Soulless.jpg (396x140, 23K)

Old game GOOD

New game BAD

the fuck?

In this case it's literally just darker shading and colors with more atmospheric lighting and more realistic textures also a more animal-like face
Left is grittier and rougher basically whereas right is more clean and polished and cartoony

Attached: 20170312043902_1.jpg (1920x1080, 236K)

Both look great. God I love asian women.

Nah, as an actual reader I can tell you that it never really reached that point in terms of popularity or even quality.
Homestuck has always been some short of failed spiritual successor to the Mother saga and it will never be more than that as long as it remains under Hussie's hands.

Attached: 3f0841c91ba75c9737fe6a327f59e005.jpg (1024x1024, 161K)

I'm actually ok with this, only because I know it could be much, MUCH worse

Attached: 01401458014.jpg (292x292, 22K)

Attached: bandana.png (716x671, 380K)

>thread full of retards thinking soul is just dependent on graphics
Soul=made by people who actually enjoy games
Soulless=made by suits for money
It's that simple retards.

Soul is literally nostalgia. You fags never ever have said something new has more soul than something old.

Why would you be ok with that? Retards like you are the reason they're gonna keep doing this.

damn pumba lookin tired as fuck

Waddle Dee was red up until Super Star Ultra make him orange.

Attached: KDL3_waddledee.jpg (140x112, 5K)


But Rambi isn't a conservative.

>Original Ramby
-Pristine armor and horn because he's too afraid to fight his enemies
-Edgy glare and smirk, trying his best to be intimidating and failing
-Walking towards his enemies despite being big enough to run em over
-Ears are on the side of his head like the beta herbivore he is
>Small and weak, not enough bulk for combat

>New Ramby
-Light armor allows him to be agile and light
-Strong eyes, always focus on his enemies and the battle
-His expression denotes readiness to strike, he knows he's battling the strongest enemies and doesn't undestinated them
-Dulled horn due to so many battles fought, a dulled horn is the pride of any rhino warrior
-Dashing towards his enemies, ready to ram them over and destroy them with his weight and strenght
-Big and bulky, no easily toppled

Excuse me, what?

Attached: ௵.jpg (372x260, 21K)

And so you are.


Good taste but you're color blind senpai.

Attached: evodaisycompare1B.jpg (757x900, 109K)

The Democrats fought to keep slavery, Democrats started the KKK.

soul is just a trendy way to call something classic, genre defining, and work that had honest thought and philosophy behind its art and gameplay. there’s usually a figurehead creator that you can follow and trace to measure how his work grew and improved over time, too.

zoomies are just asshurt like clockwork that not everyone enjoys 4k™ realism produced by 100 desk monkeys with no direction besides past legacy games so they cry muh buzzwords

Even if so, then i didn't lose much.

Originality rather than the lack of it.

>Describes a buzzword by repeating it over and over.
Nice job asshat.

Attached: remake_SMB3_bush.jpg (1438x820, 226K)

Yea Forums is mainstream now and has been since 2007.

Because games factually have more corporate meddling than ever, faggot. Especially western games. Video games aren't made by mostly small development teams anymore. Suits want a 10x + return on their investments now and it shows in the products.

NOt only that but the general masses go for “much graphics” so why shouldn’t they?

Memes are supposed to die. Memes that don't live hard and short become fucking cancer.

Hold up

Do you retards think hyper-realistic CGI is fucking easy or something?

It's fucking nigh on impossible to pull off and it looks to me like they've done it. How the FUCK is it soulless? Because it's not a cartoon?

Get real

Usually people never learn what the shorthand means and come up with their own idea for it's meaning.
And now people don't call these faggots out when they misuse these shorthands and phrases.

Attached: brainlet.jpg (800x450, 44K)

Dragonball was good. And then saiyans happened.

interesting, a lot of these early 3D tricks got lost during 360 and PS3 onward sadly

Soulless is something trying to be better than the comes from the mislead thought that better tech creates better art

Both are soulless as she is clearly Irish.

hard =/= creative or artistic. It's manpower and computer power and nothing else. There's no clear artistic vision, just take real footage of animals and base the animation off that. I can spend hundreds of hours carving a marble block into a perfect sphere but that doesn't change the fact that the end result is still bland and boring, and it's only redeeming value is how smooth I got it to be

Attached: 1546209434645.jpg (720x816, 50K)

>remake totally lights up an area that used to be dark in the original

I prefer old Daisy, she's from a desert kingdom, she had more flower stuff on her. It worked.

Attached: sprite_63.jpg (1040x1300, 173K)

I want to fuck a yoshi, bros

Definition of art: the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

Tell me again how CGI isn't art.

Attached: architecture-painting-1-728.jpg (728x546, 249K)

"Soul" means the devs cared about their work.
"Soulless" means the opposite.
It's not that hard to grasp.

Thanks for ruining the thread you putrid nigger

>ignoring the context of positions held by U.S political parties swapping during the 20th century.

Attached: 1553865009593.jpg (512x384, 40K)

I thought the same thing. The rest are shit though

I appreciate this

What’s going on in this reply?


CGI can be art, but if your goal is “make it as realistic as possible” that’s very bland art direction. If you can’t look at those images comparing Lion King to the new one and see the lack of artistic vision in the latter, you likely just have unrefined taste

It may be art, just low quality.

I still enjoy a good D.A.K every now and again.

As i see it "soul" comes from making decisions that are guided by a personal sense of taste and what is "cool". You can still use references and existing stuff as a baseline but your final decision is based on a feeling.

"Souless" stuff is about followign the ocnventions and askign for permission from it. "Polished stuff is good,right?", "good characters are supposed to be round and non threatening while bad are triangular and sharp, right?", "you can't make player confused and bored for a time or it's a bad game". Souless stuff has a difinitve answer, soul stuff can seem rough but feel true so you take a risk that this ambiguety is indeed valuable and you are not insane.

Obviously soul stuff isn't easy, just look at how people shit on lucas for prequels. They aren't perfect but the soul of singular creator shines through. Which also shows that just like with person soul often isn't enough, there is got to be a body that is at least somewhat sturdy.

The soundtrack from Octopath Traveler is overflowing with "soul" and deserved the award for best soundtrack.

Attached: soul.png (848x407, 12K)

2017 was 2 years ago and it was one of the best years in gaming, ever.

Basically minor detailing, for example the wrinkles on his skin or his defined lips. That being said, that's a retarded fucking example because you're comparing a prerendered CGI promo made on the same type of computer used to create Jurassic Park to what is basically a close-up of how he looks on the fly in-game. Same thing with that minecart comparison, it's entirely disingenuous.

Attached: RambiDKRC.png (1280x720, 947K)

Soul is having enough character and charm to distinguish itself from anything else on the market. Something could have its quirks but somehow it still just works.
Soulless is just playing it very safe and being unimaginative, forcing the game to fit in the current times. Some games just feel like they're clocking in for another sequel. I hate to use the nu-Tomb Raider games as an example, but Tomb Raider (2013) has more soul than Shadow of the Tomb Raider by a whole lot. Rise of the Tomb Raider is somewhere in the middle, but closer to having more soul.

Attached: image0 (5).jpg (540x404, 82K)

This is an unironic soulpost

Soul stuff is created with a artistic vision and a clear focused direction. They stand out by squeezing as much personality and elements that eventually become instantly recognizable. You only need a couple of sound samples to make a Half Life 1 video parody. You can add Max’s tone/voice and writing to any stupid situation and it becomes a Max Payne parody. The thing is to make something that is either fully unique or that skillfully uses it’s elements to make something interesting to the senses. Grab a 90’s character and make it a siluette and I guarantee almost all will be easy to pin down. Thats just one of many examples. When people talk about soul vs souless, as overused as it is, they show the natural desain you get from seeing the same elements that made something stand out and be memorable into a comitee product.
Hence the Lion King image from the thread. Easily distinct character design, ilustrating personality, color contrast, visible and recognizable pallettes- the new remake lacks all of it. Its simply the same story without substance.
Everyone has their own take on what it means, this is just from a direction standpoint.

Soul means originality and expressiveness.

Autists don't have souls, so their approximations are eerie at best.


>artistic vision
This is partially true but not really.

The reason that its so often to compare old games with remakes/sequels, is because they tend to just make everything more "realistic" without regard to the original design.
Whether its due to graphical limitations or not, the older designs are just more memorable due to being stylized in a unique way, while the newer one tends to feel very generic.
So modern games are very capable of having "soul" they just have to actually be designed well using modern technology.

this is how mario reminded a great design no matter what era he's in

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>Tfw conquering the Fempire and harnessing their brap machines

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you need to browse more boards if you believe that
but then again you don't, because you'd shit it up too with your idiocy

it's amazing, this is one of the few Pokemon that basically never got redesigned during any gen transition; even the 3D model isn't as faithless as what others got

good post

I haven't seen it since 2016

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>We will never see a Walking With Dinosaurs/Beasts like movie/series with this quality CGI
>Instead we can get to see Hamlet with Lions minus the Soul starring the Current Year man, DUDE WEED LMAO and Beyonce.
Fuck this timeline

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>Implying the CGI is the only problem

Dead, run into the ground, no quality or meaning aside from 'lolsorandom'
Simple, expressive, adaptive, open to interpretation, evolving

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>explicitly implying they swapped

>Someone said they make Jumbo simply to redo their copyright on it
I didn't even think about this, fuck me. The whole public domain thing is like 80 years right?
>Original dumbo came out in 1941
>New Dumbo comes out in 2019
>78 year difference
Wow, they really hate losing a copyright don't they?

if you can't instinctively know what soul is then you're low iq


both look good and much better than a lot of other modern games but gets it right

They really do. US copyright extension goes hand in hand with Mickey Mouse's expiration date. It's gonna be interesting to see what will happen in the next few years.
US copyright laws a insane anyway. There was also a 140 years copyright for some songs until last year.

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exactly fucking this
look at what is done with Ricardo these days
meanwhile a new breed of Pepe or Wojak is invented almost literally every month, and it evolves like an organism

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You do know that rambi is tired and older as seen in his animations in Tropical Freeze right OP?
Fucking retard

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Why'd they make him so fucking fat with the 3d version? He looks like a retarded doll. If that was actually an animal it wouldnt be able to do fucking shit.


>sharp dino-like claws

those are fucking nubs, what is this shit?

chill out Zenith

Don't forget how aesthetic literally changes your behavior, and makes you think pure.

>pic related

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Shitposting is what, especially when actually explains the differences.

The real question is if the animals will have visible genitals.

Left is better
>Having a dinosaur look like an actual dinosaur is cooler than the Barney the Dinosaur like character on the right. It's like the difference between a cartoon for all ages and a baby show.
>Looks more unique character as opposed to nu-Yoshi which has his proportions copy and pasted from the other humanoid characters.
>The old design can function both as a mount and an independent playable character. Every time nu-Yoshi is used as a mount, it looks awkward due to the fact that Mario looks like he's riding on a guy in a fursuit.
>Old Yoshi's features are aesthetically pleasing. Nu-Yoshi's eyes stick out of his head instead of being firmly inside his skull and his bulbous nose looks like it can snap off at any second. Plus he looks more like a frog than a dinosaur.
Was that a good enough explanation?

Who asked for this? Legitimate question

How the fuck did they get the lions to reenact the scenes tho? I thought it was damn near impossible to teach cats tricks

holy fuck. good post.

Why the fuck the left one have a foot coming out of his chin.

Sonic Mania. It was made by fags who grew up on genesis Sonic and it shows.

My personal favorite example of Soul vs Soulless
This is SOUL

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That means absolutely fucking nothing. Anything you like is going to fit the first definition simply because you want it to.

Soul is a load of bullshit. If you disagree, you are just objectively a retarded faggot. It's hilarious that you idiots say things like "made with a clear vision" when you're simply going to arbitrarily decide what had a clear vision and what didn't based on what you like.

From what I can gather, some no-name unemployed fatass """"model"""" on Instagram got upset and quit the internet after a bunch of people left "BRAAAP" comments on her pics. The twitter asshole is the type who gets offended at everything and gets upset for other people, especially "marginalized groups" like fat people. "She" has read shitposts on Yea Forums/reddit about brapfarms (places where women are locked up and their farts harvested) and for some retarded reason, thinks they're being serious and are actually planning to abduct women to create said brapfarms. In other words, what you're looking at is mental illness.

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People aren't confused, it's just shills trying to push industry, most likely "jews".

Imagine actually thinking Brapfarms are a thing and not just extreme shitposting

I cannot believe she has somehow convinced herself of that.

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Lol Zoomers are the dumbasses who believe in soul the most. Anyone over 20 is old enough to witness the new "soul" become what was considered "soulless" ten years ago. At that point you realize that the "good ol' days" whiners are full of shit.

It's complete bullshit. 100%. Soul is nothing at all other than nostalgia. NES had more soulless, shovelware shit than almost any console since. yet whenever Yea Forums talks about "Soulless" it's always about modern games. No one ever compares a soulless NES game to a soulful one and it's because they're not actually comparing "soul" they're comparing nostalgia.


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Based shitposters working the roasties into a seething shoot.

What the fuck is this shit why does it look so fucking busy, overdesigned and horrible

>managed to perfectly recreate PS1-era CGI, live-action FMV, 7th gen AAA, and killer7's graphical styles with SOUL fully intact
How did Suda pull it off?

kirby's adventure has aged like fucking wine

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You could easily flip this shit, in fact I thought it was. It's always the newer looking more realistic thing that gets called soulless.

This dude's asking the real questions here.

ehhh it runs like shit, but its the nicest looking nes game. game has slowdown if theres 3 or more enemies on screen

It runs just fine. It's not like you have to make precise jumps and movements like in Mario, so it all balances out in the end.

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How? It's during a Hakuna-Matata for fuck's sake. The cartoon they're dancing and their whole body is expressing emotion. It even shows a unique location with the log bridge in the jungle. The CGI one everyone's just slumped over walking down a fucking mountain. No emotions to be found because it's all silhouettes and Timone is even on all fours.

also the control scheme isnt 1 to 1 with new kirby games. have to press up to jump iirc. its annoying, but nothing too bad.

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I really dislike the live-action Beauty and the Beast. And I can't believe I'm saying this, but the Nostalgia Critic is on-point in his Review, even if it's riddled by his fucked up "comedy" attempts.

Literally looks exactly the same?

Soul is when developers are having a lot of fun designing their game and pouring their hearts into it. Legit focusing their lives to deliver the game and spending their time on details and little things to make it feel good. Even if they weren't very talented, they still did their best and it shows.

Souless is when they take a previously-defined formula and apply to their focus-tested shit and hire some random indians to code their game for 5 dollars a week.
It's when shareholders decide what's more profitable and when corporate dickheads force the actual devs to make shit more appealing to wider audiences disregarding any initial vision.

The fun thing, though, is that the most Soul ever is found in indie games, which Yea Forums despises for some reason, while cumming buckets to old AAA games that play, look and feel like today's indies.

The only one I dislike is the one in the lower right because it's been used it so many shitty sprite comics and animations where some fucking dipshit thought they could do a passable Italian accent so they decided to make a Mario themed joke. That massive pile of shitty content is all I can think of when I see that style of sprite.

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Zoom zoom zoomer LMFAO!

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>sole vs. soleless

>Describe soul without buzzwords
Design has the intent of the artist behind it, rather than the intent of a committee of boardroom executives.
Note that this means that soul is often complete shit, because artists tend to be even more retarded than boardroom execs. But that is soul.

spyro remasters injected soul into an old game that really didn't age well, even compared to many PS1 games, spyro's character models just looked awful.

It hurts seeing people try to adapt Huke and Banpai Akira's artstyle into anime.

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Anyone have a translation of this image in fucking English?

Who leaked the knowledge of our brappfarming operations to the public?

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>It's hilarious that you idiots say things like "made with a clear vision" when you're simply going to arbitrarily decide what had a clear vision and what didn't based on what you like.

When an average person is lying or embellishing the truth, any person can usually feel something is off. When someone sees an ancient Greek statue, they can tell there is more than a simple work of labor, there is some sort of love or ambition to the craft. When you find someone you can trust, there is something about that person's actions, body language, voice tone, values, principles, etc. Sure sometimes there will be gray cases where, but they're not common enough to undermine the general ideia.

"Soul" is a single word that synthesizes a very complex and intangible sentiment that is shared amongst people but extremely hard and extensive work to describe in a somewhat scientific way. It's no different than "Love", "Loyalty", "Honor", etc. Given that a significant % of Yea Forums's userbase (maybe even the majority, honestly) is on the spectrum, it's no wonder they can't grasp the general ideia and demands a quasi-scientific definition on an internet site and board that isn't known for thoughtful and long discussions.

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I haven’t even played Symphonia and this makes me mad. Tri Ace is off the deep end in “moe”

>soul is just something you feel
>but its also something objectively identifiable according to all these charts i made

I personally kind of feel that if somethings that big, if it’s still being used in a major capacity by its owners that the copyright should remain, lest its reputation be sullied by shitty randos

they didn't even try, it's clear they didn't have the budget to adapt that coloring style into actual animation. if you want to see an oddly styled manga literally flawlessly go to anime, watch mob psycho.

>no u

>Given that a significant % of Yea Forums's userbase is on the spectrum, it's no wonder they can't grasp the general ideia and demands a quasi-scientific definition
This, similar to what I mentioned earlier in the thread. Autists can’t into art.

To be fair, anime that is that detailed tends to have poor animation overall. I’d take simpler style with better animation anyday

Real Soul = A healthy amount of odd eccentricities in a game's design that are endearing or interesting rather than taking from the experience

Soulless isn't even really in the same room here, but I genuinely feel that when a lot of people are trying to see if a game has soul, they're looking for those "odd eccentricities". In the case of OLD GOOD NEW BAD, it's more people are appreciating the strange appeal of the imperfections present in media during a time where the technology wasn't good enough to make shit look exactly like you wanted it. Not to detract anything from this user's post, as they're both right, but I feel liek when people look for soul, they're actually looking for what I described as real soul. Y'all feel me?

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Has anything managed to do it properly? Black Rock Shooter tried but only really in specific close-ups.

Soul vs soulless. smb3 nes vs smb3 snes

>mfw they actually thought making a VN version of the anime was a good idea

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even more soulless

I feel you, the flaws is what makes it 'human', I would use that over soul yet the point stays. I see people complain about those going for hyper realism, whether it be a reboot/remaster/remake or just the product of the times. But when going full fiction with a sense of disbelief, like you said we usually look for the eccentricities. Old = X and vice versa can be nostaglic, but we know with older gen games hardware limitations were higher, thus we appreciate what game creators had to do to make due with what they have. With the Kirby/other silly and out their games, I assume people wanted 1:1 upgrades with the set pieces in tact , just polished. With the Mario remakes (be it the SNES All-star collection or the GBA ports) can be the same case, uneeded changed like adding in voice acting or having a super bright color pallet (because the GBA had no backlight yet) is a put off. But with older games I think the real conclusion to why people don't like newer things is nothing is left to the imagination, especially with 32- bit games.

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