Are you getting the Dreams early access on Tuesday?

Are you getting the Dreams early access on Tuesday?

Attached: dreams.png (630x432, 411K)

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>its okay when sony does it

Feels bad, man

Loved the beta so I'm getting this asap

>10:30am for bongs

>early access
haha no

What's okay when sony does it?

People loved the beta and if you buy early access you basically get the full version for half price.

I keep forgetting this game exists, how long ago was it announced?

Why not announce this during the state of play to try and salvage that train wreck.
Were they just too retarded to realise the absolute state of play was so bad?

This is going to be a massive disappointment isn't it

4 years ago.

What is this faggot shit

Only if you have unreasonable expectations for what a console-based game creator can do

Hope you guys get in beta was fun. I also hope all those shiters who don't create something and just copy stuff get fucked.

>I also hope all those shiters who don't create something and just copy stuff get fucked.
This only happened once the floodgates were opened to non-newsletter people. Suddenly all kinds of shitty SM64 and five nights at freddy's levels started showing up

E A R L Y access?

Nigger wasn't this announced in like 2014? You know the PS5 is almost here bros, tick fucken tock what's the holdup?

Attached: 1444259092989.png (450x358, 130K)

I own a ps4 but man I would have a killer time with this on pc. Have they confirmed mouse and keyboard support?

>inb4 seething. I just want a smidge more precision then the dildo move sticks.

No mouse, keyboard is text entry only. Double dildos or even the dualshock 4's gyro give enough precision and you can lightly hold the R2 trigger to move cursor around slower. It worked much better than I expected it to

>a game with almost infinite potential get released in a shit console limiting it
A gamer loss.

yes, I hope there's enough slots.

Aids. Oh well, back to project spark lol

Is the game worth it if I'm not creative and just want to play some cool experimental games?
Also how does it run on the normal PS4?

That's a shame. It's a lot better than spark in almost every aspect if you can adjust to gyro controls. Only think spark has over dreams is the more advanced coding support

Wouldn't have been made at all without sony funding.

The third axis was a mistake

Japan isn't even getting it til 6 day after the west so it seems like there's plenty of room

same shit will happen here since its the full game for 30$ . I hope beta profile can be used in the ea that would allow me to follow all good creators. Also does someone have a webm of the Kira puppet?

Attached: dreams_building.webm (640x360, 2.9M)

Where's that webm from?

Do you need PS+ to play community levels?


YES 100% i am.
It is okay when Media Molecule does it with DREAMS yes it fuckin' is.
They actually treat their betas and alphas like betas and alphas and they treat the early access AS AN EARLY ACCESS.
This isn't one of those "In early access for 4 years" type of deals.

Attached: SpotlessUnderstatedBuzzard.webm (1920x1080, 1.98M)