Is it really that difficult for the so called PC master race to spend 2 minutes downloading another launcher and...

Is it really that difficult for the so called PC master race to spend 2 minutes downloading another launcher and setting up a free account?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is it really that hard to buy another phone to cheat on your wife with?
No, but niggas don't even do that.
Clown world baka

>wanting even more spyware on your machine
kill yourself chang zhao

>2 yuan has been deposited to your account, thank you for your hard work comrade.

Why are you shilling for Epic, user?

kill yourself chinese shill
communism doesn't work, period, mao was a hack and killed over 100,000,000 of your "people"
kill yourself, tianaman square massacre

Another soulless chink shitposting for his master to give us more of the glorious PC HIV known as spyware.

why I want to waste my time downloading meh launcher that take too long to add features that comparable with steam ?

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they're just mad they can't add [specific epic store exclusive] on their steam e-library to show to their friendlist how much of a gamer they are

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I don't support dog eaters

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Whoa, a random person says it's debunked, I friggin love Epic Games Launcher(tm) now!

No, but luckily I don't have to since Epic has no worthwhile games.

Can you please go back to your retard day care?

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>intentionally installing Chinese spyware.

Cringe and bluepilled.

random persons who know what they're talking about, unlike Yea Forums

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I have all the launcers. The hardest thing is to remember which launcher has which game. especially uplay and origin

Are you fucking retarded? you really think its
>AnOtHeR LauNchErQ@!
thats the issue and not shit refunds? shit security? shit regional pricing? exclusives? ffs could you make it any more obvious that your either a full frontal retard or a EPIC shill. I can't deal with how fucking stupid some people are

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you need to have the foresight to push back against minor cases of bullshit before they develop into full blown cancer
If you give the megacorp chinkniggers an inch they'll take a mile
remember when microtransactions weren't just a thing people expected in games? That was 10 years ago, in 10 years we could be expected to need a DRM launcher for every game and the jews will start to force verification cans on us and some shill on Yea Forums will go "Is it really that difficult for [person] to drink a can of refreshing mountain dew? lmao poorfags"

In case you missed the memo, launchers offer the consumer LITERALLY nothing, they are an inconvenience, publishers reward our loyalty with a worse experience than we used to have, no shit people are gonna push back when they do this shit

all of my games are on steam, except for ubi/ea exculsives, why should i install a new launcher and start collecting from scratch there?

>shit refunds?
you can refund
>shit security?
use 2FA
>shit regional pricing?
steam too
nothing wrong

>you can refund

Attached: illegal.jpg (656x795, 82K)

>normie memes
stop posting now.

>you can refund
good luck with that
>use 2FA
Not the security issue
>steam too
Nope Mr. American that likely doesn't know shit
>nothing wrong
Confirmed retard. Hey at least your not a shill

kill yourself chinese shill
communism doesn't work, period, mao was a hack and killed over 100,000,000 of your "people"
kill yourself, tianaman square massacre

keep telling that to yourself bugman\
this is china, the country the epic store is owned by
stay cucked

you've been found out and nobody accepts the bullshit you peddle epicshill

so where do you faggots come from, which website do you organize on

>willingly installing Chinese spyware onto your PC.

Tencent helped develop China's social credit system. I'm not putting that shit on my computer.

I don't see the problem here, that's basic verification
Blizzard or Riot Games would ask you the same if you tried to recover your LoL or WoW account

I'm french but ok, keep seething


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literally just your steam friends list and weather or not your windows firewall is on or not

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Nah I'm good I don't want to use your shitty launcher. I like Steam. Despite having a monopoly they've actually been a great service and so far haven't done anything evil despite the fact that they've been around for a decade.

Meanwhile Epic is brand fucking new and is already doing some shady shit. Why would I give them my money?

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No, this isn't 'basic verification' you dishonest shithead. It's an intentional roadblock that's 10 times longer than any verification should be and that contains information which may not even be available anymore.

>Blizzard or Riot Games
I like you


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>where do you faggots come from
pic related

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No they don't.
This is not basic information at all.

What's so bad if the chinese goverment knows what games I'm playing?

>No, this isn't 'basic verification'
It is
>It's an intentional roadblock
Takes literally 2 minutes to complete

oh look, another thread where neckbeards larp about how they're so important they cant afford to take a chance with chinese spyware!

no one, even if they are subhuman, gives a shit what kind of porn you jack off to. do you faggots also take steps against never using google or facebook or (insert nearly any big website)?

Whinne the pooh

>thinking that is the only thing they track

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What do they track that would be harmful for me and my internet?

...square massacre....

Right, of course you'll keep being a dishonest shithead. Why did I expect any different.

>Nope Mr. American that likely doesn't know shit
I live in europe

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>literally giving your credit card information, name, phone number, adress, browsing history etc to a communist hellhole
>"why is it a bad thing?"

Who even cares my man just let them track you. You're not doing anything wrong, right? If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear. It's 2019, you have no reasonable right to privacy even while you're playing video games. Stop being selfish user.

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pc gamers are so unfucked that even getting another launched creates waves within the community. meanwhile consoletards gladly get their anus stretched by paid online and other drivel.

>Card information
They can't do anything with it
They don't care about my name
>Phone number
They will never call me
They will never visit me
>Browsing history
They don't care about me browsing Yea Forums all day long

You know how I get a refund on steam? I request a refund and get the refund.

Who /ConsoleChad/ here?
Team Soulja reporting in.

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what exactly do you think they're stealing from you? its not like theyre hacking your webcam so they can watch you jack it. they're not stealing your SS#, or your credit card and buying a bunch of shit

>not shit refunds?
Steam has shit refunds and they fought tooth and nail against implementing refunds until they were legally forced to.

>shit security?
Like how Steam exposed user data during the Steam Winter sale a few years back?

>shit regional pricing?
So, Steam?

Like the hundreds of games exclusive to Steam?


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Yep, here's your average 21st century drone with a facebook account.

>Steam has shit refunds
I have made over 10 refunds and they all worked as long as you do it within 2 weeks after purchasing and keep the playtime below 2 hours.

>they don't care about me
nobody does

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So what's so bad if the Chinese government knows my name, address, and phone number? What will they do with that information? Tell me. I'm literally nobody doing nothing.

>Like the hundreds of games exclusive to Steam?
The ones that aren't under contract and are free to list on other stores?

Hi stupid. Maybe you don't know how data collection works. They aren't collecting your data so they can visit you or call you, it's so they can sell your data to advertisers. It's big money, it's the entire reason Google has been able to become a multi billion dollar company despite the fact that all their services are free.

So not only is Epic charging you money for games they're also snooping through your internet browsing history and other things they have no business in and then selling that data to third party companies.


Look at you thinking it would be fine to release a iphone 2 in 2019

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I don't mind them collecting data about me surfing on Yea Forums boards. If I get advertisements I will just block them or send them to my junk mail.

right, so literally the same thing every big internet company does. why is it bad when epic games does it?

but this is a hassle for important people who literally have no free second of the day to be able to do this. do you not realize how important 4channers are?

>I don't mind them collecting data about me surfing on Yea Forums boards.

Okay? I do care about it. Why the fuck should I care about your opinion you're an idiot.

>They make you sign an agreement so they can harvest your personal information so it's ok!!!!

great to know, so now I have a valid reason to not install that launcher at all.

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>I do care about it

Steam doesn't so I'll stick to the superior service.

If I'm "not important" they should stop collecting my data.
You literally can't form a single argument against this one sentence.

>crow is the smartest of the two in every single one of these comics

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Why the fuck would anyone, especially anons in China care about YOU being on Yea Forums? Are you looking into traps and scat and worry about your friends and family finding out?

>"but they literally can't do anything with that information they gather! why do you care steamshills!!!!!!!!!!!"

Don't underestimate their mental gymnastics.

efficiency. much easier to collect all the data, and run it through a filter to dispose of "not important" ones.

go away

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I literally just explained how data collection works and you're still over here being retarded.

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>can't post that 1 wojack edit and strawman comic so I will post that other lesser use one instead
>am I one of you now ching chong?

chinks are truly pahetic


>tfw i'm slowly morphing to pic related
what should i do bros?

pc gamers are retarded, simple as

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Why bother when you can pirate


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then you won't be playing BL3 :^)
let's be honest though, you were never going to play it, you just like screeching about other people liking things you don't

Have sex.

Eat less and move more?

I mean that is the most damning thing, every single epic exclusive is a shit game I wouldn't be playing regardless. It's truly mind boggling.

you don't actually care about privacy and the only people who believe you do are other pcbros

literally stop eating so much, or at least cut sugary shit from it
i dont move around much but i've cut my eating habits a bit and i went from 270ish to 220

Literally the only reason I ever buy games is how much easier it is than pirating them.
If I have to go through as much effort to pirate the game as buying the game, I'm obviously going to take the option that costs less.

See, exactly zero arguments in this post.

It's not difficult at all.
I just don't want to use a chink botnet spyware rootkit feature-less barebones launcher that none of my friends use.


BL is a garbage franchise and Yea Forums generally hated it since 2's meme-ridden writing, but you wouldn't know about that don't you zhang?

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>downloaded Epic Launcher to play the Unreal Tournament 4 alpha
>deleted it when Epic abandoned UT4 to make hats for Fortnite
They know what to do if they want me back.

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>then you won't be playing BL3 :^)
I have self control user. I've boycotted things I don't like instead of complaining about them and buying them anyway like a lot of other retards. I'd actually be happy if BL3 was permanently exclusive to Epic because it would flop so fucking hard.

why are chinks such subhumans

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Tim confirmed he wasn't working for the Chinese government

So how is Epic Store doing anyway? I know nobody here is falling for it but what of the mainstream?

ive literally seen this same thread with the exact same images/post in its favor over a dozen times by now
how the fuck are the mods okay with this?

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imagine being paid in sewer oil to shill on a mongolian bbq post-it board

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>tfw UT is dead forever because of fortnite

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They're like Orcs from lotr, only numbers matter.

And I totally believe him

mods also tolerates trannies trying to spread their agenda around, go figure

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there are no numbers, nothing to know if the store is popular
the only thing we know is that 85 million people have a Epic account and that only 5 million of those downloaded Subnautica when it was free for a few weeks

The only solid data they released was 4.5 million of Subnauticas, but that was a free game. For other games they only publish vague shit like "2.5 times more than the predecessor in the launch window". Metro Last Light sold 20k on launch so go figure.

They aren't

Attached: Epic shill.png (842x444, 144K)

Entirely missing the point, Chang.

>*gulp gulp gulp*

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You understand

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I already have 4 different launchers i'm not downloading another one

>but you wouldn't know about that don't you zhang?
good use of english. and i'm the chink...
the genre of game is done well. the fact that you get triggered over normie reddit memes littered throughout the game just shows how autistic you are

>thats the issue and not shit refunds?
nobody cares, including you
>shit security?
nobody cares, including you
>shit regional pricing?
This is actually a serious problem that deserves major pushback, but obviously you don't actually care about it given how much time you spend whining about trivial shit instead
this is exactly what is meant by whining about launchers, and it's all you fucking niggers do
it's obvious to anyone with half a brain that you just invented the other arguments as talking points in order to seem more reasonable, and that you drones show your true colors as soon as anyone scratches the surface

can they just rangeban his area?

seething (s)傻(b)逼

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I care about all of those things. Looks like you just got btfo.

How would you like being caught in collateral because an autist in your area spammed stupid shit all day?

You right, I don't care at all actually cause I'll pirate regardless of store

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>haha got 'em!

pretty sure he's only talking about some random autists who works solo (e.g. ACfag) and not an actual group like the 5 cent epic shill and the discord trannies

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>literally the worst platform up to date, in all imaginable categories and all manner of behavior / business practices
>"y-you're just lazy"
Nigga, I have no problems with having several launchers - I just have an insurmountable problem with Epic and their cancer.

I hate ea and ubisoft's launchers, but I'd STILL rather rather use theirs than epic shit.
Wanna know why?
because their exclusives are THEIR OWN GAMES - they have an excuse.
Then you have Valve, who literally NEVER paid a publisher to use their platform.

Epic is a desperate piece of shit vermin that can only stay relevant through bribes and fortnite money

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get fucked chink

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I think there is some autism at play here.
The "Steamboys" probably want to have their game collection under the same APP. Its retarded I know, but its the only explanation I can find

chinks are literally not human

even niggers are above you insectoids

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>I hate ea and ubisoft's launchers, but I'd STILL rather rather use theirs
opinion discarded

>no argument
>posts tantanmen stuff
>gets filtered
>now resorts to posting random chinese pictures
kek the brain of pcbros

>be epic
>notice that people found out about your datamining
>quickly change the terms of services to avoid problems
el o el
Tim Sweeney is a LYING SHIT and epic is a fucking garbage platform, even with or without the infamy that surrounds it

Wait, is he eating a human brain and a baby?

hahaha i love these memes, but really guys just download the launcher

>even niggers are above you insectoids
well lets not go too far shall we
the chinese atleast managed to build a society

i'll finger my own asshole and lick it if there is a single chink in this thread. paranoid 56%ers like yourself think you're doing a service to Yea Forums by trying to scare away the chinese boogymen

I've posted a ton of great arguments and btfo every one of you Epic shills until you stopped replying but of course you want to go after the low hanging fruit instead of replying to me.

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T. Li "gaijinpro" Xi Ting

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Is it really so hard for console players to pay extra to play online? I mean it's just paying to use a service you already paid for.

what's the chinese version of goy


You're late Chen! -5 pts from your alipay account

Attached: VID-Man-eats-live-frog.jpg (615x620, 33K)

Post your bagguete on your desk I don't believe you faker

oo legit to quit


gwei lo (ghost people), slang of cantonese origin for white people.

Reminder that Epic shills use anti-Chinese spam to help dog whistle for racists. So that when people criticize Epic they get labeled as racists instead of sensible.

it works the same way with Israel, you criticize the country for it's bad treatment of minorities and suddenly you are anti-Semitic.

Make no mistake Yea Forums, the Shills are REAL and they are here.

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whitu piggu

your arguments are shit because they are irrelevant
nobody cares about them
imagine thinking "nobody wants to engage with me" is a sign of being correct - quite the opposite, it means your arguments aren't even wrong, they're just malformed and incompetent

How is this any different from the way pigs, cows and chickens are treated over here?

Yes, why should I do that when everything works by just clicking a magnet link :^)

fuck OFF epic shill

But if they play the racism card they're confirming China's involvement.

>"m-hm! eating a snack while doing my shill job on this white devil's website truly is my idea of socialism paradise!"

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It's called principle.
Epic Games is trash.

>going to reddit

So what ? Your country has a shit minimal wage and you complain ? Live in a civilized country that's it

So thats what happens to frog posters.

t. baby eating chink

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People already know China's involvement. Since it's no longer a secret then they have no choice but to try and get the moral high ground.

China is going through a LOT of effort to make sure epic controls the PC market world wide.

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Once epic runs out of money to bribe publishers they'll go out of business, then you'll have to buy your games again on a platform that still exists. Steam has proven they're not going anywhere, gog games work without a launcher, but "renting" from an unknown quantity like this is a dangerous use of your money

Cool, thanks bros

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bomb china

>if I shill hard for my glorious leader they will surely lead us to a golden age of peace and happiness
>oh no! why is this happening!

day of the tank draws near chinks

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What the hell

welp im off to work.
fuck you paranoid steam fanboys seething so hard you spam chink pictures
fuck chinks
fuck kikes
fuck spics
fuck jannies
but most of all

trump supports cant explain this but they'll defend it

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I don't eat animals at all, I just don't get why your lot only care about animal cruelty when it's in a different country.

Why do you care?

Why don't you ask the kids at Tienanmen Square?
Was fashion the reason why they were there?
They disguise it, Hypnotize it.
Television made you buy it.
I'm just sitting
In my car and
Waiting for my
She's scared that I will take her away from there.
Dreams and her country, left with no one there.
Mesmerized the simple minded
Propaganda leaves us blinded.
I'm just sitting
In my car and
Waiting for my girl.
I'm just sitting
In my car and
Waiting for my girl.
I'm just sitting
In my car and
Waiting for my girl.
I'm just sitting
In my car and
Waiting for my girl

Attached: Hypnotize.jpg (800x517, 76K)

That's not really the point of the issue, and if you think thats why people are complaining about the epic store you clearly don't understand the dilemma

Hi Russia

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>steam drones
>steam shills
>steam fanboys
>"just download another launcher goy"
>same pic that's been posted in 8 threads in the last hour
>breeds competition yet never elaborates past Valve performing curation or something else that won't happen like lowering their whole cut
>forgets if valve lowers their cut many stores like GoG will suddenly be pressured to do the same except they can't financially support it
>curation means Valve doing the opposite of what they state as not being the taste police
>GoG rejects 9/10 indie games
>If Valve curates most devs will go back to bitching like pre greenlight
>nobody thinks past the first step and just spouts Tim's buzzwords
>journalists spew his shit because it's easy outrage fuel for clicks
>too many people giving it attention 24/7 writing the same exact responses to contrarians who dgaf except getting attention for their hip and totally outrageous opinion

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You can't not support Epic and not support the consumption of human babies at the same time, make your move gwei lo.

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I don't give one goddamn about cyber security
I've been using Windows all my life, google and apple shit for years, not had anti-spyware shit in over a decade.
If a game comes out exclusive to epic store that I actually feel is worth buying rather than pirating fuck it I'll download it. All the other aspects of it, shit refunds, no forums? Literally means nothing to me.
Arrest me for thought crimes when 1984 happens I couldn't care less.

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>yeah lets make fun of our intended audience
>that always works so well
based retard

good thing epic is killing itself so we dont have to do anything

Every day, I see more proof of the chinese being subhuman

At what point in history did they start turning out like this?

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hello EGS employee. remember it's not good to work through lunch.




honk and clownpilled


ok Deng, just dump whatever pre-written phrase you have on your notepad of "鬼佬指控华人吃狗时专用的应答" and save us the trouble of 20 minutes of non-arguments

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I like you

It's the principle. Why would I want to download an inferior launcher just for one or two games when I the rest of the games I like are on an infinitely better launcher?

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Rule No.1 of dealing with corporate talk: never trust it.

I'm British you dumb fuck and I have no stake in this China argument one way or the other, I just literally don't understand why you dumb carnies pretend to care about animals whilst also eating them constantly.

>date of when you last logged in
>date of when you made the account
>date of when you linked the account to other accounts
>that's basic verification

>I'm British you dumb fuck and I have no stake in this China argument one way or the other, I just literally don't understand why you dumb carnies pretend to care about animals whilst also eating them constantly.

Attached: uglyboy.jpg (558x581, 34K)

I'm literally descended from the people that got China hooked on opium and made them practically a vassal state just for the sake of tea, how low IQ are you?

Is this some sort of criminal documentary, or is cannibalism really legal in china?
I feel like that's the kind of thing that goes beyond cultural difference that people would be willing to go to war over.

>I'm literally descended from the people that got China hooked on opium and made them practically a vassal state just for the sake of tea, how low IQ are you?

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Stop being a disgusting racist go-I mean gweilo.

Yes I find it difficult to download spyware.

You could've posted some bad British teeth or something and actually annoyed me. Have fun tilting at windmills.

Reddit is a website, not a boogeyman.

>You could've posted some bad British teeth or something and actually annoyed me. Have fun tilting at windmills.

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they're kept in much better conditions. at least in the US and Canada.

Not him, but the whole opium thing....good idea. Boat loads of cash were made, lols were had etc

you dont have to be specific on any of those questions, its just to verify you're the owner of the account

Steam manbabies should grow up

>Not him, but the whole opium thing....good idea. Boat loads of cash were made, lols were had etc

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You literally just need to install a new game launcher.
Are you so brain dead that you physically can not install something on your computer?

>Are you so brain dead that you physically can not install something on your computer?

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>animals living in horrible conditions and instances of them being cooked alive = not okay
>animals kept in decent quarters and had a decent life then slaughtered humanely for food = okay
it's not hard.

I am of Japanese heritage and I agree with this, if only our government moved forward and made the chinks into our personal slaves it would have been rad.

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It stills seems pretty arbitrary to me, it isn't as if there are no factory farms in the US and Canada. I'm not defending Chinese practices here I just don't get why people who pay for animals to be killed and tortured every day suddenly care about the poor little fuzzies when it's happening in a different country.
Wow, so humane and decent I really envy these pigs! USA, USA!

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Completely off topic, but I will literally pirate a game that I have on my shelf not two feet away because i'm that fucking lazy.

I'm just going by that statement, and it says you need those things to verify your account and that they're very serious about account security and if you can't verify then they won't do anything.

>tfw you will never become part of the emperor's glorious army and rain down divine punishment upon the disgusting ch*nks

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That's not even that bad. The guy dragging a shiba inu behind his car on the highway, tied up standing upright, was what sold me. Thing was still alive and his limbs were fucking nubs.
Japs were right all along.
I wouldn't be against the epic launcher if it had no connections to China. Having a second launcher isn't even close to being the issue.

vegetarians are retarded.

Carnists are retarded.

*Duel Of The Fates starts playing while you slaughter chinks*

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>Steam drones can no longer bully games with their shitter reviews


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Day of the Jap when bros

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A lot of companies do that, you can even skip some questions if you don't remember, as long as you can answer other questions, they wont refuse your refund request if you dont remember when you created your account
I know because this is what I'm faced with whenever I sell and recover my LoL account and I don't remember most of the questions

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whenever anime dies probably

Eating babies is China is common, they're called 'dumplings'. It's suppose to increase fertility. More common with women, though.

Eating babies is common in China, they're called 'dumplings'.*

What the ever living shit is this?

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based reddit spy

If you support Epic this is what you are also advocating for at the same time. The bug people will show you, your friends and your family no mercy if you allow them in your home.

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Here you go!

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holy shit


Did he then update all social media profiles to him wearing a free Tibet tshirt?

>want to play single player game
>this happens
oopsie :)

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Is it really that difficult to understand that downloading another launcher isn't the problem?



i have another phone, and i use it to cheat on my wife.

why do these lengthy rants draw all these facts and then make a huge logical leap at the end like "dna mixed, now bad :)"

That's a loaded question. Nobody thinks it's difficult to download the launcher and set up a free account. They don't do it because they don't want to, you should be asking why not.

I used to think that ancient china was cool.
Shame that modern china has nothing to do with it anymore.
All that amazing kung fu shit has been buried in history

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So basically steam has every single thing epic does, but its better

La creatura is coming user, there is only one way to slow it down, and that is to spread awareness.

ok but i mean that 6000 character post somehow skipped the part where it explains how the genetics being mixed actually affects the situation with the chinese. like what's the science behind it

Is it so difficult for OP to finally catch some AIDS by holding his ass out for 2 minutes instead of just sucking the cocks?

just run the .exe? most of epic games' games have no drm
t. pirate

How does someone get that fat?

Just download another app to cheat dumbass
It takes like 2 seconds to download and set a free acount

Ancient prophecy handed down by the Ayyrians.

Not the guy you were talking to but it could be outbreeding depression. Most people know about inbreeding depression, where you get repeated recessive alleles with negative effects. Constantly reinserting these negative alleles into the breeding pool increase the chance of them manifesting.
The same is true for positive effects though. I've read somewhere that 80% or more of ethnic swedes have green or blue eyes, that is a recessive trait and in the same way that eye colour have manifested istelf in that population, other recessive traits, visible and invisible have been selected for. Things such as creativity, intelligence, tastes, political leanings and morals are all probably connected to parts of our genes. If some of those traits were recessive... Then outbreeding would hurt that.

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wtf epic has to do with chinese i don't get it

As a steam user, can someone tell me what is the real issue with EGL?
I assume all the spyware talk and Tiananmen Square Massacre are just manchildren upset about it.
Yes, it is a bit of an inconvience, but since its free to install, there isn’t enough issue to actually be this upset over it.

40-49% owned by chinese govt.

>Console negro has no concept of principles, decency or common human values
No wonder you guys loves to have console wars 24/7 here

>The year is 2025
>Have Steam, Origin, Epic, uPlay,, Discord, GOG, GmG, Rockstar Social Club, Bethesda Launcher, SEGAnet, SquareEnix store, Microsoft Store, all installed.
>Need 64gb of RAM to even use them all without crippling game performance.
>I have 20 different companies spying on my computer now

I don't give a shit about garbage western games so I don't need it.

One more piece of dogshit bloatware slowing down my PC, using way more resources than necessary.

If PC is so great, why do games need launchers?

>let me clog up your cpu and ram in the background so you can play our games


they didn't until steam happened


cringe indeed

No. But I'm already using Steam, Origin and Uplay which is already too many platforms. Fuck off, have some dumb bitch stomp on your rice picker dick, faggot.

>year 2025
>not having 16TBs of RAM

that is very interesting

however, if inbreeding depression works on a case by case genetic basis like you said, and with our limited understanding of genetics in mind, it sounds even more retarded to make such sweeping claims about hundreds of millions of people like the post did

make one with C&C Generals

>When Steam users have been relentlessly obsessed over a new competitor with exclusives, with any comment about how irrationally they are acting being met with mass spam of calling them shills and using banned phrases from Chine like the Tiananmen Square Massacre
>Steam fanboys will also reply to this post with hostility instead of starting a civil conversation about it.

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>didn't grow up with PC
>just used old W98 in the house to play Sega ports and Roller Coaster tycoon
>be in high school in 2006
>go to friends house and he shows me how PC works
>"you should download this thing called Steam"
>huh neat so it tracks the games you buy/have
>ask him if I can borrow his account to download his games at my house
>"no you have to be logged in to access your games so we both couldn't play at the same time
That was when I knew PC gaming was a fucking joke. DRM is trash
PC is only good for multiplayer stuff because its the one place that doesn't try and jew you out of money just to play online

No, reddit just likes to be outraged about things.

>even less rights to propriety

I can think of something even easier!

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You are just proving my point user.

For anyone that doesn't know. Even when it isn't being used, Internet Explorer logs pretty much application the user opens. It tracks the path, the date it was created, the dates it was opened, and the duration that application was open.

It's pretty much the first location data forensic specialists check on your computer to see if you were doing anything unwholesome. It's no wonder that Epic launcher would try to access it.

1989 Tiananmen Square massacre

Based consoletards

That's just barry, ignore him or get into these threads knowing full well the type of autistic vermin you're dealing with.

>ask him if I can borrow his account to download his games at my house
>"no you have to be logged in to access your games so we both couldn't play at the same time
Yeah that's fucking gay, even Xbone allows that ffs.

I'd like to add that because they like to tout the fact that they're taking less of a cut from game developers, one should immediately be suspicious of why they feel secure enough in their profits to do such a thing when it was not the industry standard, and the answer is almost certainly its draconian datamining.

Another problem is that we don't really have all that much genetic data on the chinese. They have both a political interest of claiming that "98% are han chinese" but their national genetics research also stays within Chinese borders.
As you said it would require quite the mix up, the constant streams of barbaians and war could how ever contribute to mix up and not allow the gene pool to stabilise. But again, the screencap made quite some claims.
Another thing that springs to mind while writing this is that James Watson once said that he thought that some cultural/racial stereotypes could have been influenced by social evolutionary preassures. One such example being that indian people were more servile because of thousands of years of culling rebellious people who did not accept the caste systems or some such. I've heard similar claims from other sources and seen some data on it. But I wonder if I'll be able to find all sources before this thread dies.

every time i see someone spams this square thing or shit like reviewbombing i always assume that an average poster is some fat dude in his underwear giggling in front of a computer and saying shit like "haha THAT WILL SHOW THEM"

>hey bro wanna borrow my copy of [INSERT GAME HERE] on [INSERT CONSOLE HERE]
>sure heres the disc/card
Consoles have flaws for sure but they have many convenience based pros as well. I think steam has some friend share stuff now but that was the dumbest shit originally
Xbone, if it had come out the way it is now VS one of the worst reveals in video game history, would probably have done ok, maybe not better than PS4 but I think its an ok little box from a distance, ill probably never buy one but its neat

1989 Tiananmen Square massacre

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It's funny, only insectoids would be upset.

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what am i looking at?
this has to be fake.

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They take 12% and if every user bought one (1) 10€ game a year they'd make a hudred million a year. That's plenty plus they're making billions with Fortnite, of course they're secure in their profits.

get fucked bugman

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I dislike having 20 apps running to do the same thing I could be doing with just one.

What are you >implying? Do you think factory farms and slaughterhouses involve no cruelty to animals?

You probably have way more than 20 companies spying on you right now but you don’t care