What is best milsim user?

What is best milsim user?

Attached: squad.jpg (2048x1152, 952K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Arma III


*ArmA 2

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

still the king, /thread

Halo 3: Modern Warfare 2


you posted it

>you posted it
>no air support or transport
>combined arms are still a mess

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Don't trust any sims done by russians. They never actually shot any guns because cucked nogunz country.

Czech arma devs actually have access to some of the equipment featured in the game

it's not finished :^)

>All these disgusting neverserved wannabe fags that like to pretend they're real men but can't even get off from their couches

could've sworn you said muslim instead of milsim

t. fought for Israel

I love Squad. It's not a perfect milsim but playing on the same server with the same people makes it great experience.

Falcon 4.0, a hardcore flight sim from 1999. The dynamic campaign still hasn't been beaten, it could simulate the tide and flow of an entire war zone. BMS Falcon is a freeware upgrade made by fans, makes it look a little more modern.

Glad I don't have to play milsims with retards like marines

t. jerks off to pretending to fight for Israel


Thank you for your cervix. What's your favorite flavor of crayon?

It never will be

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Arma 2 and 3 for me. No clue if squad is any good, or if the maps are even close to the size of Arma´s

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Ahh I remember when shills were opening a new thread about it every 2-3 hours.

Arma 3 feels wrong, for whatever reason.

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>tfw I fell for the shilling
$40 down the drain

You're talking about the a3g and shacktac type autists.
I just played Berzerk, AAS and TvT at otstrel.ru and it was the most fun I had with a multiplayer game.

No mention of Red Orchestra or Rising Storm up until now?


Arma II

Squad. Arma would beat it but autism and difficulty in just finding a game for pvp

That's a nice squad you have there. Would be a shame if something were to happen to it.

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>it's like insurgency, but with vehicles
>new insurgency adds vehicles
>well fuck

Probably because they're not milsims.

>playing arma for pvp
>two teams trying to out LARP eachother
that sounds really, really gay

>larping at all

And thats why squad will always be better

Arma community is pretty tryhard in general

fuck outta here with that shit
have a (((YOU))) ya kike subhuman
squad because it willfully removes authenticity in order to balance the gaym

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>it willfully removes authenticity
And this is NOT a good thing.

Historical warfare then?

>yfw back in the day in order to play some tacticool flashpoint you were asked to enter an online rookie camp and larp for a whole week every evenining playing bootcamp map before you get "accepted" into the force

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>Not Operation Flashpoint
Absolutely plebeian.

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>like milsims
>hate the military and jarheads
Feels bad man

That's jealousy sweetie

Only those with active player bases count.
And by active player base I mean where people actually play the base game and not altis loife

Daily reminder Squad beat rising storm 2: vietnam

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next update has choppers you know

>next update
So a year from now we'll finally have like two helicopters most likely.

You know what it is.

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>active playerbase

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Israel my master.....

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Anyone else remember AA 2.0 and how you had to sit through literal lectures and have to pass tests on medical and survival training?

Those were the days.

>concessions shouldn't be made because you won't always have the equivalent playercount of real military units.

>Anime faggot

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It's like watching retards fight each other.

do you remember how long PR was in development?
thinking it will go significantly faster than that is unreasonable

Not only but
>second worst girl

I remember sitting though those lectures.
Rip AA 3

BRRRT when?
That was the best thing about Arma 1 and 2 online.
>server with no "you have to be a clan member and in the teamspeak to fly" bullshit
>unlimited jets
>dogfights for days

>It's like watching retards fight each other.
So it's like watching a game of Arma 3 then.

Is it still active?

every spliff I roll, I roll it big

All I want is enough money to buy a VR headset and shoot things / make tactical reloads

Why don't milsims ever have non-human monsters? I'd play the fuck out of a game where it's just a milsim but with the mist-esque aliens and shit

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An unusual delivery method, but thanks all the same, doc.

>3rd person
>calls others plebs

commander abilites as well. post scriptum has strafing runs, so I guess we can assume BRRRT of Russian and US flavor is on the way.

>oldest of these games
>twice as expensive
>still the most players today

how did they do it Yea Forums?

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btw i was never an assetfag so sucks to be you if you wanted to fly jets

PR was literally just developed my random people in their free time and has a shit load of engine limitations and problems stemming from the fact that it's based on a 2005 DICE game.
It's pathetic that a professional development team working full time with most of the game design already done in PR are incapable to make a better game while still complaining about """engine limitations""" in UE4

of course not, project reality is dead and the only people still on it are the most autistic rejects that spend more time shitting on based Squad than ever playing

can you call any of these "It ain't me: the game"?

Squad has a Zombie mod and Star Ship troopers mod

>tfw SF_Hospital

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Not that difficult considering RS2 looks like ass, runs like shit, has horrible physics, and is pretty much just pixel hunt

yeah, both US and EU servers are always up in the afternoon

Post scriptum is awful though, and has a tiny playerbase



Which milsim has the best civilian ai?

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There are still some autistic clans that do that. 29th ID comes to my mind from Red Orchestra for example. I think they literall have drill instructions yelling at you in training + even having more autism with honorable discharge diplomas from getting out of the clan. One of them tried to recruit me one time and it felt like talking to some chatbot instead of actual person.

based squad

>Rushing out into the parking garage as the VIP to ambush the attackers
>They never see it coming

Yea Forums was still trying to force the hell out of it for months

Pipeline was always my favourite. I always wondered how they balanced the game though.

>each team technically played as the US
>You have semi/burst fire M16
>the 'enemy' has a full auto AKM
>but on his screen he has the same M16
>you drop your M16 for the AK
>he just saw you drop your AK for the M16

Rising Storm 2, probably.

> willfully removes authenticity...
Guess you don't know what the "sim" in "milsim" means, kid...

>the worst ArmA being the best milsim

In one of the dev blogs they stated their current goals for a 1.0 release, which are:

>100 players with help from the fortnite Unreal Engine branch
>commander abilities including UAVs, heavy artillery and strafing runs (A-10/frogfoot)
>transport helicopters
>performance improvements
the commander role should be the most straight-forward to implement, no clue whether they can get the other two in by the end of the year. They recently hired a new producer so maybe they can finally unfuck themselves

V13 should be here relatively soonish, which will have destructable tires/detracking, demolition classes, T-62s for insurgents, MRAP and BRDM-2 anti tank missile variants and some other stuff

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Just isn't true. Squad's budget is at least three times that of RS2, for what it is, RS2 kicks the shit out of Squad

Much larger budget than their competitors.
Newer engine.

That image is hugely out of date OP, the game looks much better now

By having 15 large maps with a total landmass compareable to arma, many flag layers and player build spawnpoints creating very different games each round

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It wasn't the usual shilling though. The game had a lot of hype ( rightfully because it looked amazing).
Then once people got to play it and discovered how shit it was, most dropped it, others deluded themselves and kept making threads.
Let it go anons, it's ass.

why my peee peee hard

>creating very different games each round
Come on, man, we both know this isn't true.

Can I play this without using my mic yet

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There was nothing wrong with RS2 except for lack of content at launch
But Tripwire was fucking retarded for launching with only 3 64 player maps

Still prefer Squad though even if RS2 is enjoyable now

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Still better than the pre-v12 meatgrinder meta
not really no, if anything the community gets more anal about mute players as time goes on

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Tripwire held the game back by shotstocking the amount of content at launch. Moment to moment gameplay is a lot better than Squad


inb4 fuck off they're retarded.

That's my point.

How's sandstorm? I've seen it get mixed reviews but don't get what's wrong with it

Gonna be 83

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Nigga, I'm physically disabled and cucked to an existence in a wheelchair. I just want to shoot dirty muslims in Squad and commies in Rising Storm 2.

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mostly because of pretty significant optimization problems and imo it lacks the soul of its predecessor.
gunplay, sounds and graphics are pretty nice though

Squad is more organized, therefore RS2 is the cod option

I heard it has women. Are they just for the insurgents or do the american soldiers get them as well?

I'm waiting on this and Ready Or Not.

I'd rather have a meatgrinder than "turtle up and wait to see who gets bored first"

It is the best small scale available, but they completely fucked up their rendering system. Really doesn't justify its price.

Sitting in a truck for 10 minutes then getting shot by someone you never saw from 3km away isn't my idea of 'organised'

Only the Terrorist Government faction have women, not Insurgents. Did they add an America faction?

A game named after a meme song will never be successful or good

they're for security. now they're basically local militia led by US special forces.

i'm pretty happy because it brings me closer to a "legit" /ak/ game. hopefully workshop mods will make it even better

>pretending to be a Navy Seal on Yea Forums
Is this some kind of advanced bait? Fuck off newfag.

Big words from anime watching mouthbreather. I love guns, but it's hard to get a gun license in my country, so that leaves me with military simulators.

Fuck yeah Ready or Not looks great

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The hell's /ak/?

I served, that shit sucked and playing video games are much better

Even if "shotstocking" was an actual word, it wouldn't make this post any less retarded.

Moment to moment gameplay still better than squad even if that post is retarded

>finally we're getting another SWAT 4
>coop is against bots
>pvp is police vs police again like siege

animu girls with guns
ideally dressed as operators

does sandstorm have aus servers? i remember refunding it at launch because of dogshit ping

>Cod gameplay is better than squad

>there's women
>and they're in Security
I'm sticking with the first one.

If you want good Arma play with a clan (several active) or with some friends. Why you'd want to play pubs is beyond me.

oh hey it's arma 2

>meme song

So what are the best currently ongoing milsims besides Rising Storm Vietnam and Squad?


Will we ever have a realistic military shooter that isn't a janky unoptimized mess



Hey I played Squad

Rising Storm Vietnam is the the closest to that, but it's also the least realistic and least detailed.

How is RS2 cod gameplay? Because you're not pixel sniping or building little minecraft forts all over faux eastern europe?

come on son

When we start having Star Trek holodecks

The first Insurgency

There's only one milsim so I'm not sure if it can be the best. I guess it has to be since there is only one. Unless you count the earlier versions of the game.

On the flipside of this, stomping them into the dirt as a ragtag group of friends clan you've been in since the days of DF2: Jedi Knight is incredibly satisfying. Especially if you've got someone listening in on them raging in TS/vent/etc.

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>Squadposter can't understand basic questions


Its run and find plain and simple, it's a joke it's even being discussed in a milsim thread

I can't join the military because of health related issues.
But I probably would play Arma III regardless because the mission editor is great fun.

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>CS reskin

>Run and find

What does that even mean?

Funny, /k/ doesn't have a problem discussing RS2 and Squad in their game threads. And inb4

Run and gun durr

People still play this

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Arma 3

I wanted to try the latest update, but I figured 29ID was still the only active server

This, milsim babbies always get BTFO when you hide in bushes and use shoot ‘n scoot tactics. It’s even better when you plant IEDs on the road and they do the whole “hurr durr spread out and disarm” thing only to get sniped

Then why not write that?

Christ, Squadposters are the thickest people on the face of the planet, I swear.

>historical warfare
>modern warfare
>future warfare
Which are the best for each one?

It's the autocorrect on his iPhone

As hominum

fucking kek

29th thankfully fucked off a year or two ago. There are now 3 official servers based in london and a tank server on the weekends.

Constructions are a lot of fun and so is the squad/rally based gameplay.

Hell Let Loose is the best WW2 shooter since Ostfront

How do I play?

Its not in beta yet unfortunately, i would check out in the meantime, Hell Let Loose is going to be Darkest Hour with better graphics essentially.

Holy shit user

they're inspired by Kurdish freedom fighter women.
hell, the cancelled campaign was gonna be about that

Wait, what?
So is there no campaign at all?

err, no, it was cancelled

is there any jrpg mod for arma?

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>T. third person player

>coop is against bots

As opposed to what?

>pvp is police vs police again like siege

No it isn't.

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I only play in first person

Now this is advanced bait

im enjoying sandstorm


CS 1.5

I really dont like squad or arma 3 the shooting feels so shit

That's what SWAT 4 literally was, are you fucking retarded or something?

ArmA III does feel like shit, but Squad? What exactly is wrong with it?


>tank server

I love these, gotta redownload for this weekend then.

What is the best muslim user?

It aims to be realistic but doesnt feel so at all its literally my job to shoot stuff and man in arma 3 it feels so hollow guns sound pitiful and full auto has zero kick, squad is a little better but still the sound design is just terrible and the effects dont help either also the guns just feel sorta weak and like airsoft guns its really strange

Meant to say pvp should be cops vs robbers, it's late for me anons

>objectively one of the most realistic and immersive sound design of any recent fps that was designed by people who at least fired most of the guns in-game and heard stuff blow up a lot
>the sound design is just terrible

what the fuck

Kek git gud iv been up for 24 hours scrub

>finally we're getting another SWAT 4
>coop is against bots
What did you want instead?

It really doesnt sound good user

But it's going to be swat vs suspects as usual.

ive been reqruited a few times but fuck that they all retarded.
>150000 hours yelling in bootcamp
>commanding officer is a literal 12 year old who power tripping
>retards tain on how to wear uniform but not how to avoid blue on blue
>entire group crumbles to a single bdrm2
>take it out with a looted rpg
>get kicked because you werent issued that rpg

Best fun/sim group was a3g during alpha days.
Man that was good time.
Caw caw motherfucker.

imo Squad has the best sound design I've ever heard for a military shooter

It really doesnt i think insurgency sounds better in squad sound doesnt travel right


Only Fatmericans play in 3rd person because their favourite Arma Youtuber told them it is more realistic.

I tried them all and I like Squad the best.
You don't need to be in an autistic larp clan to have a good time.

t. POG incel who is mad he never got deployed into a combat zone


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>Spawn in on FOB to catch up with your Squad
>Finally reach them
>Get rekt by BTR
>Try to respawn on FOB
>It is gone
>Respawn on base
>No vehicles there so you have to wait for minutes until someone comes to pick you up
>Drive a few minutes to reach objectives
>Get off the vehicle and approach the objective with your Squad
>Another BTR spots and kills you
>Wait for incompetent SL to set up a rally point because he has run into safety

If you play it with friends it can be lots of fun but playing it with randoms is a huge gamble.

Is there anything decent for single player or am I stuck with ArmA 2 forever?

That's why I typically play crewman.
Riding around in a 20mm blasting infantry is peak comfy until the Bradley/Warrior shows up.

You can always replay IGI

>thinking voluntarily being cannon fodder for rich people’s wars is honorable and worthy of praise.
You must be from a flyover state.

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Not nice.

You guys know that Squad is not a true milsim, don't you? It fills the niche between arcade shooters like Battlefield and actual milsims like Arma.

this is op

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but that's for coop
pvp will be police vs police on a symmetrical map, basically another clone of CS

Looks like a cawadootie if you judge by the trailer.

fuckin cringetard newKIKE
youtube comments tier

I enjoyed Squad. Will start playing it again soon. Arma 3 never quite clicked for me, but desu I didn't try very hard and the dlc always kinda makes me feel un-enthused about it.
PUBG is actually pretty great for millsim -lite lite.

Doesn't sound like one from the website

How's the infantry combat in it?

>no free weapon aim

It's an aircraft only game.

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That's a literal pray and spray COD montage youtube.com/watch?v=nr5lwlDOhoI
Also everyone wears ushankas and balaklavas instead of a proper equipment. You sure it's a milsim?

Like this.

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Website says 40 v 40 combined arms so probably yeah. What do you mean pray and spray cod montage? What are you talking about?

>Father served in Navy
>Uncles served in Navy
>2 best friends served in Navy
>'Sorry, Epilepsy is an unnecessary risk, we don't want you"
I tried dammit

It doesn't look like a tactical or milsim game. It's just your usual cod or nu-battlefield shooter.

Arma 3
Arma 3
Arma 3

fix the game first FUCK

Based on what?

Based on one trailer and no gameplay? Christ you're embarrasing.


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this bait works everytime

So a tactical game presenting itself as a casual shooter to alienate it's intended audience. What a smart and logical move.

How does it look casual though? Even slightly? The trailer looks like every RO2 trailer

>mountain bait napoleonic wars
>modern warfare 2
>titan's fall 2

Because if you show it to anyone without telling the game, they would think it's just another cod game trailer.

Lol that looks budget as fuck
>those muzzle flashes

Sunni, the only muslim.

you really burned him to ashes with that one moishe

The PvE is fucking great, play 2 hours at least every night with my bro, the community is great, at least on the europe servers

>fps against bots

Wow almost like guerilla warfare is specifically designed to fuck over larger conventional forces.

Insurgency pve is really fun. Those bots are merciless.

Based and shari’ah pilled.

arma 3 operation trebuchet.

it'll turn out like WW3


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>no women soldiers in Arma 3

How can I have an ISIS slave rape mod done without this fundamental ingredient?

>not wanting to fuck a swole buttocks from running 50 kilometers to objective in Invade & Annex

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Are you literally me?

>ADHD is disqualifier
>90s millennials missed their chance because everyone was diagnosed with ADHD

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>M&B Warband / Napoleonic
>Insurgency Sandstorm
>Titanfall 2

Oh fuck, I forgot about Napoleonic Wars. That shit is fun.

Man, i loved that mission.

Ghost Recon Wildlands MP is fun

I hope it turns out good, 'cause i am dying for a good WW3 game.

that feel when everyone is resupplying after the point and you hear the phone ringing

one of my favorite arma moments was invade and annex where aftter an objective every heli sent to us was getting shot down, so the whole force of like 30 guys just walked to the next one together singing and being retarded for about 25 minutes



>being a faggot
the game was in 1st person
3rd person something you could turn on
just like in all the Arma games.

Despite the massive flaws, shit AI and Borked physics, ArmA3 is still the best milsim. No other -publicly available- platform will provide you with a truly modifiable environment with customizable assets and large-scale maps. Of course VBS3 in combination with TerraSIM and BlueIG would be the Pinnacle of MilSim, since it has everything every MoD has ever requested in its asset library, customizable AI and whatnot. But to those who are stuck to Steam Gameplay ArmA3 van bring the best experience if it's managed by a like-minded and experienced community

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which ever is most halal inshallah

>gorilla warfare
this always gets me lmao


I actually had to go through something like this to join the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Arma III. They gave me a .pdf full of instructions and formations that I had to memorize. Also had to go through MOUT drills and weapon safety procedures.

holy fuck

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Only in FP tho

Fuck anyone who uses TP

>do roids
>look like a monster
>health goes to shit

whats the upside?

why do retards say squad is a milsim when the devs have even said it's just a shooter with a focus on communication

you get (You)'s on /fit/ and neckbeards post they mirin'

Its slow with not a lot going on most of the time like a milsim. Its probably more "milsim-cade" if that is even a genre since the game its based on was a mod for BF2.

You get to die early as a chad while all the virgins pick up used goods. ;)

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games where I can operate predator drones and AC130's?

COD4 has a pretty good AC130 mission.

its going to be rising call of storm 2: vietnam: cold war

>what's the upside?
you said it: looking like a monster

Anyone else played Battleground Europe / World War 2 Online? Holy fuck that game was incredible in its heyday and got combined arms right. A modern reboot would be incredible. It isn't going well since its seen no meaningful updates in years and barely looks better than it did it 2001, but the experience of forming up q bombing run and flying high altitude with escorts to hit enemy factories and throwing off the ensuing air battle was incredible. Loading up a tiger to attack England, paradropping as a sniper into a big city and tying up dozens of forces for hours and racking up destruction, coordinating hit and run raids on FOBs by river boat, armored convoys, naval battles. I miss it lads

>It uses a ½ scale map of Western Europe with 52,000 km2 (20,077 sq mi) of accurate terrain (800 m resolution satellite data).

It's unbelievable that shareholders think gamers want nicer graphics and dumb shit like that. Games like MAG and this should've been expanded upon, not left for stupid fucking games that play themselves. Seriously, fuck modern gaming.

Played before they limited even more shit to subscriptions
>game starts dying
>instead of going for a more free2play approach, they double down on subscription based shit