I have to do this. I have to btfo the Switch. I am very disappoint.
>weak hardware, holding back games >usually terrible downgraded ports >full price re-releases of years old games >games released in 2017 are still full price because brand >common hardware issues >wagglan gimmicks in 2019 >overpriced Labo cardboard gimmick mini games >google cardboard VR >insufficient battery life >bad online service + bad incentives + paid online (even though it was free for like a year) >no virtual console >no achievements >overpriced accessories >e-shop is absolute garbage, lacks curation, filled with trash indie shit and shovelware >e-shop missing features >Arms was a wagglan tech demo and a fail of a new IP >many first party games are just mediocre in general >can't even hold down third party exclusives (Octopath) >new Pokemon looks like a glorified 3DS or Gamecube game >not exactly the most portable handheld >voice chat functionality is shit >still using basic miis from Wii >can't message friends >Joy-Con pairs cost $80 and a single Pro controller is $70 >shit kickstand >still lacking major third party support >no folders for game organization and other missing features
i just played splatoon with some black kids on the go for like 5 hours before my phone died and i lost my internet hotspot, switch was still at 25% battery.
Brody Torres
Ian Cooper
>weak hardware, holding back games If you're a graphics whore buy a PC >usually terrible downgraded ports See above >full price re-releases of years old games Don't buy it then poorfag >games released in 2017 are still full price because brand Has always been the case with Nintendo, don't buy it poorfag >common hardware issues Welcome to console gaming >wagglan gimmicks in 2019 Gyro is at least implemented and always optional >overpriced Labo cardboard gimmick mini games Yeah it's for kids >google cardboard VR Get a PC if you want VR >insufficient battery life 4-6 hours isn't outstanding but decent for the output >bad online service + bad incentives + paid online (even though it was free for like a year) Welcome to console gaming. Yeah Nintendo sucks with online >no virtual console Yet >no achievements Kill yourself >overpriced accessories Like what >e-shop is absolute garbage, lacks curation, filled with trash indie shit and shovelware Welcome to console gaming >e-shop missing features Yes >Arms was a wagglan tech demo and a fail of a new IP Not a commercial fail but certainly lacking >many first party games are just mediocre in general Kirby was, don't know about Travis. Tennis and Party were meh to good as usual >can't even hold down third party exclusives (Octopath) Who cares >new Pokemon looks like a glorified 3DS or Gamecube game Buzzword, this has always been the case >not exactly the most portable handheld It's not for your pocket but what do you expect? Foldable? >voice chat functionality is shit Yes >still using basic miis from Wii Most people like those >can't message friends Yes >Joy-Con pairs cost $80 and a single Pro controller is $70 If you're Canadian maybe >shit kickstand No >still lacking major third party support Yes >no folders for game organization and other missing features Yes >ok now call me based and move on Nigger
James Parker
Yeah I double that. I agree user I've had my Switch for about a year and a half and once you've played Botw and Odyssey you've seen it all. I've actually got mine boxed up to sell this weekend. If they decide to get off their ass and make the e-shop worth a shit and we start seeing at least some N64 games I'm done for now. If shit changes maybe I'll pick up the new model but I doubt it really.
>not modding it and turning it into a machine that can play any game from any Nintendo console ever made >and being portable That was your mistake boyo.
Sebastian Walker
also charging port under the console, so you cannot even use the fucking kickstand while you charge.
I agree with that list wholeheartedly. If it wasnt for FE, Rune Factory and some other RPGs I'm waiting for, this shit would now be dropped hard. I definitely won't be memed into buying the next nintentoddler console and I was a fucking fan since the first gameboy...
Charles Green
>Joy-Con pairs cost $80 and a single Pro controller is $70 this wouldn't bother me as much if the joy-cons weren't so fucking awful
Hunter Martinez
It's not really consolewars, unless you want to see it that way. It's just platform gripes. Dunno why someone can't just be unimpressed with a platform and want better from a company, without it being related to consolewars.
It only becomes consolewars when you bring up consolewars.
Jaxon Long
You forgot no internet browser, themes, realistically not a lot of avatars and also Hulu but no Netflix?
Hudson Gomez
Is that already possible with switch? If so I’ll buy a switch pro and mod this fucker
Levi Russell
>usually terrible downgraded ports Most of them are actually pretty decent, but okay >full price re-releases of years old games Same as other consoles >games released in 2017 are still full price because brand Are you saying you'd rather pay full price for a game at launch just for it to drop in price 50% or more a couple weeks later? This should be a positive. >common hardware issues At launch, it's gotten a lot better since then >wagglan gimmicks in 2019 Optional, and extra features like gyro controls actually do enhance the game >overpriced Labo cardboard gimmick mini games Just ignore it if you don't care for it >google cardboard VR Gets pretty good reviews so far, I don't see the problem >bad online service + bad incentives + paid online (even though it was free for like a year) It's getting better slowly, and they already said when Switch was announced that it wouldn't be free forever. >no virtual console Good, why do you want to pay $5 for an NES game? >Arms was a wagglan tech demo and a fail of a new IP It's actually pretty decent and has a respectable following. Waggling is optional. >many first party games are just mediocre in general Debatable, just because they aren't all Mario Odyssey or Breath of the Wild doesn't mean they aren't fun >can't even hold down third party exclusives (Octopath) There's a reason why Octopath was the only one you could list. Because it's literally the only one. Have you seen how many exclusives PS4 has lost in the last month alone? >new Pokemon looks like a glorified 3DS or Gamecube game Game Freak sucks, nothing new >still using basic miis from Wii So? Don't fix what isn't broken >still lacking major third party support It seems to be doing pretty well with AA Japanese companies, which is really all you should have expected. But just the fact that it's getting upcoming mature AAA games like Mortal Kombat 11 and Doom Eternal is a pretty huge step for Nintendo.
Been possible for a while now, its mad that hackers have managed to get emulators working before Nintendo has. Check out the Homebrew General on /vg/, its got all the necessary guides and anons will usually help you out. Don't think it will work on the new Pro though.
Jeremiah Ross
Just hack the thing if you have an older Switch model you dumb fucks. The piece of shit has maybe 5 worthwhile games, the rest are either ports or garbage so just turn it into an emulator machine.
This. Where the hell are the Xenoblade, Fire Emblem, Bravely, and just non-kiddy avatars? I've been using the mystery box one for ages because I hate the available options. Don't know why they take so long to add obvious & easy shit.
Oliver Moore
>it's another snoygger larping as a nintooper to fish for free (You)s episode
Meanwhile, here's what I think of the Switch as a SANE PERSON.
>200 bucks for a fully hacked handheld is a fairly reasonable price >it has a couple of games out right now which are fun, and it has a few more games out this year I'm looking forward to >I really like the joy-cons, they're the best controllers Nintendo have made since the GC. Plus, it's only 15 bucks to swap out the shell and get a D-pad.
Jaxson Bailey
Downgraded? Almost every single game has been downgraded. Bad ports I believe are what you are referring to. Here's some:
>Xenon Racers > any and all Musuo game >Fate Extella >Fate Extella Link >Warriors Orochi 4 >SNK Heroines >WWE 2019 >Ark >Rime >Adventure Time Pirates >Hello Neighbor
Brandon Cox
Didnt hack mine, but I like it. But after playing through the staples it's kinda sitting there collecting dust right now. Ordering myself some Super Robot Wars T to dust it off a bit. Cant wait for several games for it though, mainly Pokemon and FE:Three Houses.
Jeremiah Flores
Now tell me which of those games are worth playing
Chase Morgan
PS4/Switch idort here. It’s worth it for my weeb shit alone but I couldn’t have it as my only console. Xenoblade 2 > Persona 5
Nicholas Gomez
>it's kinda sitting there collecting dust right now. No shit, what did you think you'd be using it for? I'm assuming you aren't 12, you aren't really going to be playing on a console every day.
Ryan Mitchell
You're not an idort with that you mongoloid, you need a gaming ready PC to complete it.
Easton Perry
Meh, got plenty to do and other consoles to play so not even mad about it. Already got my money's worth actually and anxiously waiting for more.
Jackson Young
I have a gaming PC I only use it for Souls games and ntr visual novels
Colton Ortiz
I have over 90 games for PS4 but barely 10 games for switch
That's bot an argument. If you like those kind of fun games you can find it even on snoystation. They just like to push their console with muh serious movie games.
Brayden King
>2017: the switch is gonna flop! No games! Nintendo are finished!
Reality: the Switch has one of the best launch years of any system ever, sales break records, hosting some of the most acclaimed games of all time.
>2018: the switch is gonna flop! No games! Nintendo are finished!
Reality: the Switch is dominating Japan and America and year-on-year sales are demolishing the PS4 by more than 20%. Six of the Top 20 best selling games of the year were Switch Exclusives.
>2019: the switch is gonna flop! No games! Nintendo are finished!
Fucking kek. This board will never recover from the success of the Switch.
Robert Edwards
>you can find it even on snoystation. They haven't had games like that since the ps1
Josiah Harris
Nothing on there really is shovelware though. Shovelware is stuff like Imagine Babyz or Myth Makers. Stuff that was so minimal effort that it barely is a functional game.
Christopher Lopez
>why, yes, this shit is expensive, and bad, and terrible, but what about it, if yu want something good for a resonable price buy a PC Was that suposed to be an argument defending the Switch?
Joshua White
I don’t think you know what shovelware is, what games on there are shovelware?
>Stuff that was so minimal effort that it barely is a functional game Which applies to the majority of games there as well as most AAA games. Remember, just because it had a huge advertising campaign doesn't mean it's not shovelware.
>Are you saying you'd rather pay full price for a game at launch just for it to drop in price 50% or more a couple weeks later? This should be a positive. what a onions give up mentality
Jaxon Rivera
>Calling based Chicken Shoot shovelware I bet you've never even played it, faggot
Joshua Foster
Not an argument.
Landon Diaz
Oh boy, the reading comprehension on this one.
Jose Ramirez
I don’t know what this game is because it’s not on my Nintendo system and the series never appeared in smash brothers, it has to be shovelware.
James Ortiz
>OMG Switch has so much shovelware >No this isn't a console problem it's a Switch problem >look at my PS4 it's a Switch problem PS4 has no shovelware look at the Wii Snoyniggers are the new /pol/tards and/or bronies
>Buy game >Play game >Sell game >Literally losing nothing
Other consoles >Buy game >Play it >Its worth 50% less
Or even worse Pc >Buy game >Dont own it >Cannot sell
Sebastian Reed
>switch owner lists reasons why its bad >CONSOLEWARS, BAD get a grip
Blake White
Fuck off snoynigger falseflagger
Matthew Nguyen
>What titles are shovelware then faggot? The real question is what you think shovelware is? I could list every game that is either a cheap production or has barely functional gameplay but I have no idea if you're going to pull the old NUH UH on me.
Mason Jenkins
>switch owner You got baited
Dominic Phillips
Not true you retard, I bought 90% of my GameCube games for under a dollar when they were being liquidated. The Zelda anthology ran me 10 bucks.
We talk about Nintendo exclusives games and the absolute majority of your Gamecube games are fucking Third Party you small brained nigger And those never drop in price ( normally because Nintendo introduced Nintendo Classics with games like Zelda A Link Between Worlds for example)
Jonathan Barnes
I see no sports games on the shelf, no yearly installment series like asscreed, no Ubisoft or EA games at all. The first party Sony games are God of War, The Last of Us, the last guardian, shadow of the colossus remake, to name a few.
That Dragon’s Lair special edition is rare and expensive as hell as well as the Physical Edition of gravity rush 1. AER is an import since the UK was the only region to get a physical edition and the Japanese title looks like Capcom Beatem up bundle’s Asia only physical release. Like 85% of those games in that collection are Japanese. Nothing on there is rampant shovelware.
James Ross
Daniel Gutierrez
>Like 85% of those games in that collection are Japanese. Okay? That doesn't mean it's not shovelware user.
Hudson Green
PC + PS4 < PC + Switch < PC + Both What, you don't have a gaming PC? What are you, dumb?
Jace Ross
>The first party Sony games are God of War, The Last of Us, the last guardian, shadow of the colossus remake Not him but I'd consider these shovelware because of the lack of interactivity and general gameplay, TLoU in itself was a port. TLG is just a shabby game altogether with framedrops and glitches everywhere before the patch, same goes for the sotc remake.
Leo Moore
Not true either as a serious Nintendo collector I rarely pay top dollar for first party games. Anyone who tells you that Nintendo games never drop in price is dead wrong.
Just owning other platforms alongside an inferior platform does not excuse the shortcomings of inferior platform
Landon Thomas
God of War doesn’t have a lack of interactivity.
Blake Lopez
>that list lmao. literally what
Isaac Sanders
Nice Spin but PS4 sold more than the Switch Worldwide. You could also say that the Xbox 360 was the best selling console in america last gen even though the Wii and the PS3 outsold it globally.
Sebastian Long
It doesn't even have half of the combos the previous games had.
Jayden Rodriguez
Fire Emblem Warriors is still full price. As is Pokken. DK Tropical Freeze came out 5 years ago and even got a Nintendo Selection rerelease for 20$ on Wii U but is still being sold for full price on Switch.
Ian Morales
Its another mentally-ill-kiddies-can't-cope-with-Nintendo's-existence thread.
I can tell you have zero fucking clue what you’re talking about because not only does god of war have a very well thought out combat system, life is strange is sitting on the shelf and that’s on par with a Telltale game.
Nicholas Hughes
Stop buying from gamestop, they mark up the prices of games.
Juan Reyes
The combat system is entirely different. It’s more grounded while the other one puts its basis in aerial combos. Does the resident evil 2 remake suddenly not become a game because they changed tank controls for the newer resident evil gameplay?
Wyatt Brooks
Why would I mention LiS if 1) I'm only talking about the games he listed there specifically 2) it's obvious to everyone?
Luis Morris
>Does the resident evil 2 remake suddenly not become a game because they changed tank controls for the newer resident evil gameplay? That's not a good comparison because the game didn't come out worse for it.
Adrian Bailey
Stop using GameStop as a price check. That’s like using eBay BIN listings for what they’re selling rather than what price they actually sold at.
Eli Collins
why didnt they just release the switch as handheld only and the successor to the 3ds with the same specs and then made a real console with current gen specs?
Adrian Torres
God of War wasn’t worse off with the gameplay changes. The old games had everything set up to be a one way gauntlet with QTEs the new game was more or less an adventure game like Dark Messiah
Ryan Hill
>two controllers cost more than one scandalous
William Moore
>I have over 90 shitty games for PS4 ftfy also learn to keep in order your shit, that pic is hideous
Cooper Barnes
>and then made a real console with current gen specs
They can't even do this. Even if the Switch was just a typical home console, it would still be 1080 HD and less powerful than base Xbox One.
Owen King
I agree with you 100%. the Switch is truly the Macbook of PCs (yes, mac is PC too). I say this as someone who wanted a switch just to play the new smash bros. luckily I got it for free as a present and have only bought 3 games for it. actually I'll buy almost anything on PC even if it's on switch too.
Jose Cooper
>before the patch
Are you seriously trying to call out a game for problems it doesnt currently have
Jaxon Miller
the irony is that if the switch didn't have joycons, a screen, and an expensive highly-optimised architecture to fit so much computing power into such a small device it could be much much cheaper than the base ps4
He probably means like separating out the big boxes into their own alphabetical order, which admittedly probably would look better
Aaron Nelson
Why buy a switch at all? Just emulate shit on your PC and when you're out in public don't stare at an electronic device like a fucking autist.
Jeremiah Cook
i like mine
Camden Richardson
I own a switch for like 6 months and I see nothing wrong with OP's post, the nintendo shop is playstore tier, really, except that games are more expensive on eshop.
I wouldn't care if the system had more good games, even if they were "indie" but fuck, they keep rereleasing games from PS3 era and playstore shit, I bought it expecting more stuff with Mario Odyssey/BotW/Xenoblade/Smash quality, but, if they are going to keep with 3rd party and remasters forever then the only reason to keep a switch is to play the party games with friends, which is a lot of investment considering other consoles would also have something to offer.
Mason Roberts
What kind of argument ‘if you actually want good things go somewhere else’ is?
David Clark
What can I expect from the new switch
Elijah Martin
>he early-adopted Thanks for beta testing, bitchboi. I look forward to purchasing a Switch Pro later this year.