Even after 10 years, this still gives me chills.

What do you even say to that?

Attached: Nord.jpg (603x655, 70K)

no u

Nords = Hungary and Poland
Imperials = EU
Aldmeri Dominion = Gulf States and Israel

have sex

Isn't that what Skyrim is for?

"at least i don't lose my head under pressure."

if he would have stopped acting so proud and stood there for another 30 seconds, the dragon would have fucked shit up enough for his escape

"The same"

no that is what the Iliac Bay is for
Morrowind too if you're patrician

Attached: 1528174692324.png (1576x1080, 1.33M)

Is this the new leftycuck buzzword?

Nords = Proud Based Anglos of England
Imperials = EU

could he have survived the dragon though

No it's for the nords.

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>hastens his own execution
>literally 10 seconds later a dragon shows up and busts everyone out

your ancestors are pretty embarrassed lad

I really really hope TES 6 has some Morrowind vibes

Attached: yokudans.jpg (756x1056, 283K)

It's a bot. Stop splewing politics please.

have sex

Lazy import from Yea Forums

And he'll be remembered forever for being cool unlike the other faggots

>>I don't my ancestry, because Imperials are made for their Mer slavemaster's dick.

It's the "plane scene" of vidya.

dying like a little bitch isn't cool

reminder that this dudes soul prob got eaten by anduin before he reached the hall in soverngarde

have sex



>What do you even say to that?


Imperials (Nibenese)
Imperials (Colovians)

Attached: TES Races.png (4500x2592, 320K)

I hope Bethesda realizes that the North Hammerfellan Redguards are supposed to be influenced by the Moors and Tuaregs and South Hammerfellan Redguards are Afro-Carribeans, but both of them should have minor influences from Medieval Japan due to their warrior and sword cultures.

I see you Todd, you're not tricking me today.

Forget the list. He goes to the block.

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Dunno, they're dead

I just got a decent PC for the first time in years, how do I make Skyrim look like this?

npc rape mod

>Skyrim was 10 years ago

Have sex

>this still gives me chills

Attached: 1479375521382.jpg (992x880, 157K)

You go to /tesg/ read the newfag guides and spend 4 hours modding

With so much blur that you can't see shit? Why would you want that?

All you stupid fucking Nords had to do was wait another decade for the next human uprising, but you couldn't fucking do that? Just one decade to spring up a new crop of fresh humans to kill the fucking Elves. they can't replace themselves. All you had to do was wait.

Now humans are killing humans. We're shrinking, not growing. We have to wait even longer because of this fucking hissy fit.

When you meet your ancestors, I hope they cuff you on the back of the head like the stupid, greedy child that you are. The whole fucking empire lost the last war, what the fuck do you think 1/5 of the Empire is going to do? Magically win?

All you had to do was wait. There's a reason Talos left this shithole and put the heartland of the Empire in Cyrodiil, you retarded fucking snowmonkeys.

*swings the ace

Why do these two simple words turn incels into a frothing rage?

Same with the horse thief if he didn't run away.

>what is asymmetric warfare

That isn't how you fight a war of attrition.
It is the exact opposite of how you fight a war of attrition.

But the Nordics are huge pussies in real life

>wait around while the Thalmor sabotage any attempt of true rebuilding
>do the Thalmor's bidding
You think the Thalmor dont know how the Empire wants to rebel and slaugther them all?that its all going to go according to plan?if Redguards managed to repel the Elves with some Imperials helping then so can Skyrim and Cyrodill,a joint effort was needed but both sides are being huge faggots while the elves smiles as they destroy another block of that pillar of reality

>”Yeah actually, I can say the same.”
>Curb your Enthusiasm music starts playing

What a dumb question, the imperials ancestors would have been imperials, so yeah they would have probably done the same thing.

Fuck him. He's a traitor and a pussy. Read the lore.

You're right, it's a much better idea to turn the attrition to your fellow humans. Humans breed faster than elves. It's a war of attrition on a multi-generational scale. Every fucking human hates the elves.

Where in the game does it show the Thalmor doing a credible job of stopping the rebuilding outside of the note in their Embassy that says their PRIMARY PLAN to stop the Empire is literally just to let Ulfric wage an internal rebellion?

Talos hisself tells you the Empire is dead and it is time for something new in Morrowind.
Why cling to the rotting corpse of the Empire?

who gives a shit about dead niggas

The empire did die. This is a new empire

Some of the the Cyrod's seem ok with the Altmer.
The leadership anyways.

Have HDremaster

Attached: 1527028716552.jpg (1280x720, 42K)

Yes the empire of Cyrodil and High Rock with half of Skyrim.
More of an alliance than Empire.
It is time for something new and the only thing holding things back is the Cyrod's fight to remain relevant.

>be me
>hear about dark souls combat mod
>install it
>its worse than vanilla combat

Attached: its so tiring.gif (390x290, 1.8M)

I got that reference, senpai.

They Live

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Then you will be happy to meet them.

Your ancestors might, but your families won't.

>Unironically being so retarded you think a combat overhaul mod that doesn't have years of development and testing would be any good.

I'm actually only ironically retarded thank u very much

pull down your pants and fart in his face
smile on this, homo

>tfw no brown imperial gf to fart on me before cutting me head off
Good thing I can mod most of my fantasy in tho

Probably will today

And Americans are all obese and unintelligent

>can you say the same?
I mean, they are the winning faction with a giant ass empire, I think ancestors like victory and glory?

>let's see here, who to execute first
>some random soldier
>some random thief
>the leader of the enemy faction
>some random guy
Yeah I think it'll go soldier, random nobody, maybe the other soldiers and then Ulfric. I mean we only have a General here observing proceedings it's not like he's in a hurry to see his enemy defeated or anything.

A lot of skyrim threads lately. What's happening?

>10 years

Hasn't it only been 8 years?

I started playing it again so whoever is running the simulation decided to add more references to it on places I normally visit

Same here. It's really bizarre but this happens to me a lot it seems.

>start playing game
>threads about that start to pop up

"Of course not, I'm not the one on the chopping block."

Nords= Nordic people internally
Imperial aligned nord-imperial mutt cuck= reality.

and Bongs, Amerimutts are fat retards that are easily jewed cucks. Your point? My ancestors are nordic and white Imperimutt. Can you say the same?

This happens with a lot of things. maybe from now on you'll notice it more and more.. it's enough to drive you mad.

Attached: The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition Screenshot 2019.04.10 - (1920x1080, 3.4M)

Attached: The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition Screenshot 2019.04.09 - (1920x1080, 1.67M)

>What do you even say to that?

Nah. Fuck you, the empire never dies.

Attached: The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Special Edition Screenshot 2019.04.09 - (1920x1080, 1.21M)

Never trust an (((Altmer))).

huh I guess the imperials really were the good guys

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You guys seem obssesed, this isn't too healthy
Not even American btw