Is it worth the sapce on my hard drive?

is it worth the sapce on my hard drive?

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Only good for shadowplay, which can now be perfectly replicated with OBS anyway.

what does it even do?

optimizes your games

sounds cool. why Yea Forums says it's bad?

because all it does is change settings around. it's only good if you're a complete brainlet in a settings menu.

Yea Forums says everything is bad

It also allows you to install any new drivers. It’s stupid not to have it if you own a GTX card.

isn't it the only way to update your drivers?

You can still download new driver directly from the website.

what do you mean? you can download drivers from NVIDIA page

Completely useless unless you want to use moonlight.

You can download them on Nvideas website. But I personally find that way retarded and just use GeForce Exp

I found the optimizations to be pretty optimistic most of the time but then again I prefer a solid 60 fps all the time. Weirdly enough though there's been ONE case, metro 2033, where the optimization actually solved some performance issues I couldn't fix editing stuff manually.

Shadowplay on the other hand I use all the time. I'd say it's worth it if you like making webm or just saving cool clips.

>"what's this, guess I'll install it"
>need to make an account to use literally anything that didn't even really need in the first place

>it's only good if you're a complete brainlet in a settings menu

That's not strictly true. It's easy to know that higher resolution means lower framerate but it's not like you can ascertain how much memory, for example, is consumed by setting textures to high as opposed to medium or low in any particular game. There is a bit of fumbling in the dark because there's often meaningless terminology used in settings menus. It's more about being too lazy to go through the trial and error process rather than being a brainlet. There's nothing wrong with just leaving it up to the professional who have the necessary debug and benchmarking tools to make the right choices for you. I've got better things to do than spend an hour tweaking all the settings until I get it just right, like playing the fucking the game.

I don't use obs but I have something similar setup

not like need to have the video card work when typically have plenty of free CPU cores to do the job that games aren't even using


>give GFE a shot, maybe it'll make everythign simpler
>one month in it just stops letting drivers update
>update button is there, but it's a jpeg, unclickable
>still does it
>uninstall and update manually from now on

shadowplay is cool

Every time I install this it eats up resources and makes every game run worse, I guess if you have a high end PC it doesn't matter but I have a 970 and it just makes everything worse.

>social media log in

Attached: 1440361685676.gif (500x384, 491K)

nigger this is just telemetry software. If you like being spied on and giving away your data "to make the user experience better" then install it.

Is there an alternative for shadowplay? I only use it for screenshots because it works everywhere, even desktop and saves all in one place, not to mention it takes the image right off the GPU.

Users needing to log in with a username/password to use their hardware features sets a very bad precedent.

Only if you intend to use Shadowplay with admittedly is a pretty nice feature.
Otherwise no. The game settings optimization is shit and driver updates you can get literally for free from their homepage

Attached: 1551226797934.png (1280x1280, 786K)

>Is there an alternative for shadowplay?
One such alternative has already been mentioned multiple times in this very thread.

Telemetry is included in the base driver. There is a Nvidia Telemetry Container running on your device right now

Can OBS save the last X minutes of gameplay at the press of a button? Haven't used it in ages

The OBS thing? Seems pretty heavy of a software just to take a screenshot. Does it capture images directly from the GPU? That makes a huge difference.

>There is a Nvidia Telemetry Container running on your device right now
not on my machine :^)

Attached: clipboard.jpg (393x368, 43K)

I just installed this OBS crap and it doesn't even have a screenshot function. Why do I even listen to this shitty board?

Motherfucking GFE. I already only use it for shadowplay but it keeps fucking with me.
Fucking UI redesign with fuckhuge buttons and overlay instead of a normal menu.
Fucking login requirement.
And worst of all every single fucking update it introduces a problem of either completely stopping to work unless I reinstall or not capturing certain games even with desktop capture or some more specific random impossible to pinpoint fuck up like randomly flashing recording icon / need to restart the program / missing FPS or Icon.

I have it because it tells me when drivers are updated

It sets my games to low/medium in the settings when i can run the shit on ultra no problems.

It doesnt do anything you can manually do in the settings menu.

because Yea Forums know how to change game settings and thats not worth the extra bloat

>when i can run the shit on ultra no problems.
running games on 15-30 fps isn't no problems

I guess the answer is no, so its not a replacement

I just set BloatX to record a fullscreen webm scaled down to 720p on Ctrl+Shift+F2 and a fullscreen mp4 with sound 720p on Ctrl+Shift+F3. Don't need anything else.
Still too much bloat though.

So it's for Americans?

I tried to disable it, at 90% disabled shadowplay doesn't work, at 100% GFE doesn't even start.
I mean, I use Steam, which probably collects more data than GFE, but is there actually a report about what data GFE collects?

It absolutely can.

Attached: Untitled.png (997x788, 84K)

I remove all the bloat and install only the driver and physx.

based, I was just retarded.

GFA's optimization is retarded though, it leaves on shit like motion blur, depth of field and other crap no normal human being wants. And for example, I would rather turn down shadow's in most games and boost other settings instead, but GFE tried to balance everything out.

Its basically the equivalent of letting some dirty console peasant make setting for your pc games.

Can you show me where the fucking screenshot button is?

This is good advice. When you download your driver .exe, unzip it and delete every file except those in this image. GFExperience folder is needed for the .exe to run, but you can untick it during install. This way you'll just get GPU drivers, HD Audio drivers, and Physx (last two can be optinally unticked).

Attached: GFE needed for install.jpg (1046x344, 63K)

It's extra bloatware that doesn't do anything but give you recommended video settings in video games and tell you when there's a new Game Ready Driver update available.

Shift+Prinscreen nigga
Or MSI Afterburner, steam overlay, a million things can screenshot and they're all less lightweight and less cancer than GFE. No, OBS itself doesn't do screenshots.

With autoruns? Just search for Nvidia and there should be 2 or 3 entries with telemetry in the results.

>less lightweight
Obviously I meant more lightweight/less bloated.
In short, GFE a shit.

Attached: 1543489271933.jpg (626x725, 92K)

I use it for shadowplay and screenshot button.

Why install OBS when GFE does the same shit and updates my drivers also?

I know, I disabled most of them, but there are 1 or 2 things that break the whole program.

>Why install OBS
High quality recordings
Lowerd performance impact
YOU decide how long you want your replay buffer to be
Not full of telemetry
Can crop/scale videos however you want beforehand if you're into that
Handles streaming much better if you're a fag who streams
Doesn't require an internet connection and a useless nvidia account
Doesn't even require a Nvidia GPU

There's literally no reason to use GFE, shadowplay was a novel idea that can be found elsewhere and is now redundant.

>and updates my drivers
If your card is more than 2 months old then driver updates do fuck all, just go the website and download them once a month, or whenever the fuck you feel like it.

how much does something like that impact performance? Never messed around with that sort of stuff, and mine isn't the hottest rig.

>motion blur

You should want this if it's high quality motion blur and not cheap frame buffer shit.

It's highly customizable
If you have a Nvidia card it can use built-in encoding hardware, meaning that if you're only recording at 1080p (with a reasonable bitrate) or lower then you'll get almost no performance impact, literally 2-3 FPS in most games.
If no nvidia then it'll use your CPU and will be highly dependent on your settings.
If your CPU has 4cores/threads or less then there will be some notable impact in demanding games.
If you have a CPU with 6 cores or more then very little, unless you're trying to record in 4K or you're playing a piece of unoptimized garbage like PUBG or something else that rapes CPU.

OK, I'm sold but which OBS do you use?

that's crazy nice

I should add to this, when I'm talking core count, I mean intel Core iX and Ryzen, FX chips are shit and won't do well at all.
OBS-Studio, in portable mode. i don't think they support the legacy OBS anymore do they?

Shadowplay doesn't affect your CPU performance and it's a big plus.

>steam overlay
Only works in-game, I specifically said that shadowplay can screenshot everything, desktop included.
>MSI Afterburner
Mine doesn't even have that function, googled it and the whole "screen capture" tab isn't there.

Also, like I said, shadowplay records directly from the GPU, most other methods from the desktop.

Neither does OBS if you use Nvenc encoder, the exact same tech that shadowplay uses. That's what I've been saying. GFE is redundant.

Don't you have some console games to play?

>desktop included
nigga printscreen
Supported by every OS even the ones made before you were born.
>Mine doesn't even have that function
Fake news

Attached: MSI.png (1057x977, 596K)

Why are you even updating your drivers? I haven't updated them for 2+ years and I play all the latest games like dmc and sekiro with no problem?

I use it for video recording only, I use fraps for screenshots as it can do auto screen shots which shadowplay has not implemented for some odd fucking reason.

>Fake news

You moron, the point of a software doing it is that is saves stuff automatically, in one location and DIRECTLY FROM THE GPU AND NOT FROM THE FUCKING DESKTOP is it that hard to comprehend what was said already 5 times in this thread or do you maybe want to tell me also that you can use your phone's camera to make a photo of your screen you damn idiot?

Attached: youidiot.png (757x766, 383K)

>suggests you to crank up AA and lower all other settings

Shadowplay doesn't work without it

>use your phone's camera to make a photo of your screen
don't do that, dumbass, just print screen

Don't have to, fixed my MSI afterburner and can do screenshots with it now, uninstalled GFE.

Feels good having suddenly 5 process less running. And checking driver updates once a week isn't a big deal.

stop using your phone dumbass

If you keep that up I'm gonna make a canvas painting of my screen.