I didn't hesitate and I still lost, fuck this guy

I didn't hesitate and I still lost, fuck this guy.

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Well, he doesn't say the lack of hesitation is guaranteed victory.

If you can't beat Jobichiro and Phase 1 without taking damage, you might as well give up. Phase 3 gives you free lightning reversals, so 75% of the challenge is just phase 2. Go for the Mikiris.

Just because your opponent has full health/full posture doesnt mean you cant pull off some Smokin Sexy Sweet combos.

honestly this boss is probably one of the best end bosses in video games, because once you beat him you realize how fucking easy the rest of the game was - and that you were just retarded for dying to anything else.

>If you can't beat Jobichiro and Phase 1 without taking damage, you might as well give up
You know what? You're right, fuck this game.

I got killed by genichiro in my succesfull attempt at isshin. The key to this fight is juzt mindless agression, literally if you are afraid of him and hesitate he overpowers you. He iz actually really easy if you are agressive and dont try to heal at every oportunity because his posture is very low compared to previous bosses and minis

Hesitate less

I was being an elitist prick, don't actually give up. You can do it.

>ruins your fun

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>"sword saint"
>pulls out a spear
>pulls out a fucking glock

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>beat on on my second try

Why do people act like he's hard? I'm terrible at Sekiro, yet DoH was pretty easy.

Firecraker whenever you take a sippy so his posture bar won't regen

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He's the best swordsman

>"""""Sword""""" Saint
>has an entire arsenal under his pajamas

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No he wasn't.
Tokugawa shogunate was right!

Can't beat the gun, bro

Wrong. It's
>Sword """""Saint"""""
He's anything but and he'll do anything to win.

His voice actor trumps any argument.

>Ashina, this land -- is everything to me. For her sake, I will shed humanity itself.

Mikiri counter is overrated on bosses. You do nearly the same posture damage and good HP damage just sidestepping and counter attacking with 2-3 hits.

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>tap tap tap tap
fucking ez

But mikiri is cool user. Rule of cool.

all these fags here are way to pussy to shed their humanity for anything

>dodging like a faggot instead of stomping on their attack and completely embarrassing them

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I hesitate a lot and I beat him
Whatever works user, whatever works

Like I said, Mikiri is shit for most bosses, but it's nice for regular spearfuckers when you can deathblow them instantly.

It's zero risk which on some of the longer bosses is a godsend
Also almost everyone you mikiri has a few frames of recovery, enough to get a slash or two in

He described his fighting style as ''as long as it works anything goes'' when you kill some rats for him earlier in the game and he gives you a tome.

>he can't appreciate rule of cool
Smh desu senpai

It's free posture damage

>>"sword saint"
>>pulls out a spear
Just sword with a longer handle and more blades.
>>pulls out a fucking glock
Just tiny swords propelled at you.

thats because 聖剣 isn't sword saint at all

>tiny swords
Lmao at the thought

I died to Jobichiro Phase 1 and almost killed Old Man in same run without deaths at all(also without prosthetics/no sugar/no arts attack.

>Hesitate, and you lose
The only logical equivalent you can drive from that is that if you didn't lose, you must not have hesitated. Doesn't say anything about what would happen if you simply didn't hesitate.

Jobichiro and Owl were the only VAs in English that weren't utter dogshit. They were pretty much the only ones I noticed in the trailers and I figured I'd play the game in English because they seemed great. Switched to Japanese about twenty minutes in.

T-thanks sculpturer..

>fire umbrella
Nuthin personnel, homie!

I heard the whistle works as well but I don't know how it works or what it does and didn't feel like potentially getting my ass wrecked to find out.

Because it's fucking boring compared to the rest of the game. It plays like a lategame DS boss, but all you have is a +1 longsword. It takes forever to kill, holy shit.

it's gascoigne's music box
Honestly if you're not completely hamhanded, a few seconds of vulnerability isn't going to make or break the fight