Haha look I made a portable Gamecube

>Haha look I made a portable Gamecube
>"Great, how much?"
>Hahah, not for sale I just made it for fun

Kill yourself, no one fucking cares unless they can own one themselves you worthless sack of shit.


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Yeah, I agree OP.

dude people have been making these kinds of devices for an actual fucking decade. you should've seen the behemoths that people made back in the day that had a fucking 10 minute battery life and a portability comparable to lugging around a fucking OG Xbox.

This pissed me off too about a decade ago but mass producing a product is already hard enough, all with publishing and whatnot.
Then you've got Nintendo's copyright laws that will fuck your ass real good.
These guys are just electronic/engineer students making shit for fun.

those are some shitty shoulder buttons and with the 3ds sticks, jesus i can't imagine my hands after playing that shit

Also GC/Wii emulation is easy as fuck, I guarantee you can buy some off the shelf shit that emulates GC/Wii easily, even a fucking GPD Win would emulate GC with ease.

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Who cares?

It's only matter of time before Switch can run Dolphin perfectly

Why not make one yourself?
All the hard work is done already, you just need to copy it

the entire reason i got a switch was hope for a portable gamecube and it hasn't happened and we're fucking 2 years into the damn thing and people are STILL making this stupid bullshit
fuck you nintendo

i would love a portable PSO

zero sucked

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Do you really want a portable wii? Just wait till switch emulation gets to the gamecube and wii honestly.

>that button placement
Looks irritatingly uncomfortable to play anything on.

How does it handle heat?

I remember a portable gamecube somebody made that was the size of a birthday cake and the disk drive was just exposed on the back, no cover just the disc spinning on the back.
I can't find it, does anybody still have it?

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This sucks just get a PSP you idiot

Just emulate it on your phone dumbass.

Has a fan in the back, vents top/bottom.
I imagine it still gets hot as fuck though.

I'm sure the battery life is less than 30mins.

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Claims to be 5-6 hours.

Nintendo.... HIRE THIS MAN!

Clearly they're not worthless if they can design and engineer something like that.

What can you do?

fuck your wife

>cuts your dick off
Oh god this is amazing.

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>"Doesn't have internal batteries, but I can play it with this battery pack I made here."
>Literal brick of AA batteries taped together.

Does it have the same power pc or is it emulation?

It's literally a Wii.
>People are now too lazy to watch a few minutes of a video before posting.

Original Wii hardware.

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Finally, I can play gameboy games on the go.

literally if any single one of you read a book about electronics, it would be mega-easy to make one of these. they really aren't that hard as long as you know the inner workings of the console you're trying to put in portable form, which is aided by the fact that some of these older consoles are really easy to minimize

This seems more expensive than difficult.

Sorry I'm actually phone posting while walking home from work (ausfailian here)

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Yeah and just appear the shell out of thin air, also the screen, the battery and you are done.

Miniaturization isn't the issue. It's making a chassis that doesn't involve CNC or 3D printing.

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>made a device cool enough that OP is pissed he can't buy it

hope you get robbed faggot

>doesn't involve CNC or 3D printing.
For what purpose, 3D printing is literally perfect for this stuff

>read a book about electronics
You literally don't even need that, he hasn't done anything difficult, what he's done just take a lot of time and effort and a fuck ton of finagling.

Why he bothered when the Nvidia shield already plays GC/Wii stuff extremely well and the Switch will be even better is beyond me, but it's good to have hobbies.

>It's making a chassis that doesn't involve CNC or 3D printing.
3D printing is readily available, cheap, and what the guy in the video used is literally an off the shelf shell.

And making a "chassis" is as easy as cutting and drilling holes in a sheet of aluminum.

Not everyone has access/space for a 3D printer

That looks like it would accidentally electrocute you

If you have internet, you have access to a 3D printer.

what do you mean?

If you have internet, you know what he means

There's companies out there that do 3D printing for you of your designs. Fuck, windows 10 has BUILT IN software for editing objects for 3D printing these days, at least I remember it having something like that when I installed it.

>he can't into single board computers/SOCs
what a pleb

As long as you don't live in Bumblefuck Nowhere I can almost guarantee your local library offers (incredibly cheap) 3D printing services.

Reminder the modern day 15 inch macbook won't turn the fan on until it passes 84-ish degrees C because fuck reliability, fuck consumers and most importantly FUCK thinking

>when EOL vita crack is out in 2 weeks or so
Psp, some other ports, sd2vita allows way cheaper memory, and more

Sure, where's the file with the design?

fuck those faggots. the gameboy Zero/cm3/freeplay/mintypi/gabozepocaio/dreamcastVMU guys made cool shit and bothered to show others how to do it and everyone shared 3d prints and designs and shit that today anyone even a fucking brainlet like me who never used a soldering iron made a pi3 in a gameboy shell

A 3d printer is like 2 square feet of footprint
Unless you're living in one of those japanese capsule hotels you can find the space if you actually want one. Add a shelf somewhere if you need to. Prices have come down massively and you can get a decent one for less than 300$

They are a bit overrated though, especially if you can't do any of the modeling yourself. If you've got hobbies that can use them they're great otherwise they're a neat thing that you'll spend a week calibrating and then print some neat stuff from thingiverse and then never use again

I wish Nintendo would hire actual people and just make every game playable from NES to atleast N64 on Switch.
That would be great


what this guy says and what is Shapeways

You can make your own
Raspberry pi is that easy to use, basiclly a mini PC and there're tutorials online

Don't reply to tripfags. You're only giving it what it wants.

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thumbsticks are fucking terrible and I wish the 3DS never had them

whoever would design something with something so irritatingly shit should be beaten


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This is honestly one of my favorite fucking memes and I'm glad it started catching on. I cackle almost every fucking time

God damnit, I saw this and I was all "Holy shit this looks great, I want to emulate every Game Boy game and put it on here" BUT NO. It's a "design concept". Fucking hell.


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Shit I bet that thing could even handle GBA games. I would fucking snap one of those up regardless. Really like that design