It’s an Arin tells Dan a game is bad and they’ll never play it because Dan wouldn’t like it only to flip flop on...

>It’s an Arin tells Dan a game is bad and they’ll never play it because Dan wouldn’t like it only to flip flop on Twitter about it afterwards

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Other urls found in this thread:

If you haven't grown out of lets players you should probably shoot yourself.

Last night there was a thread that reached almost 600 replies shut the fuck up thanks for the bump

I am going to put a bullet into egoraptor.

>it's a Dan is away in Australia episode

Why, wouldn't it be worse for him to live with his chud of a wife?

How will arin manchild his way out of this? find out next time on gamegrumps!

He was actually funny for the first time in three years by playing this lovable redneck who doesn't understand technology.

I went and saw NSP live when they came to Australia.
Dan gave me a thumbs up.

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I miss him bros

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Where the hell is Sonic Adventure 2

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Never. Watch the streams goy, series are dead.

Being in your thirties and making shitty video game content for kids must be so fucking painful.

Looks like they're done with playthroughs. Last video of GG was unironically SA2 which was 2 weeks ago.

Good, they can't die soon enough.

Try watching that since I haven't watched them in years. Now I'm 100% convinced that arin is being an idiot. How did he beat the game to completion when he was a kid but now as an adult can't even play a basic fucking game that my autistic child brain was able to beat easily? Is just a stupid persona arin playing up or is he just a liar about completing it? After that, I instantly quit watching them again

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I hope Arin is sodomized by a wild pack of Somalis on American soil. His ruptured colon causing him to bleed out. His dying thoughts about how America isn't mutt-ified enough and how he laments how high white IQ is.

I don't think he deserves that user, I hope you don't.

They're still uploading garbage though, they're just not putting out what the channel was originally created for.

Arin drew alot and watched assloads of anime while talking to his assbuddys on AOL messenger. He just happened to be a fan of Megaman.

I know it's pretty obvious but some people really don't understand that playing video games while trying to be "entertaining" can effect your performance in said game quite a lot.

Also Arin is getting old and seems to have Vinny syndrome.

They're clickbait youtube jank now. They can't even put a number in the title or put in the actual game's name.

I'm still pissed and I will stay pissed until they either play more of it or I die

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He's a highschool dropout.

Don't make promises you can't keep, user

i want to go back bros...

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Still fucking sad that they didn't finish this. I really wanted to see their reaction when the princess kisses sonic

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Gotta go drink a fifth of vodka and some assymatril to forget that the good times are gone and never coming back

Jon is the least white here and Arin isn't Jewish. I don't know what you're on about.

If Arin poorly improving with a silly voice is your idea of comedy, I feel sorry for the cans of lead paint you ingested as a small child. They deserved better.

>Used to hate Ross.
>Now realize that Dan & Ross were best duo outside of early Jon & Arin

Fuck, man. I wish there were more Sierra games.

Ross was uninterested in playing games and was only in it because LPs were the cool thing to do. The Sierra games were carried by Dan because he didn't have to do anything aside from making up funny save names.

>mfw gf still likes to watch people like Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, and Game Grumps


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I still watch a few like PotatoMcwhiskly, Mathas games, Quil18, Northernlion and Chuggaconroy

Quil18 actually plays games I want an LP for, and Northernlion can make some fun videos even if he and his gang can be literal brainlets.

I usually just use LPers to check out if I like the look of how a game plays by seeing 20-60 min of gameplay.

It's not because he made a silly voice, it gave him a reason to actually work in some nuanced comedy.
Lines about the characters family relationships such as having a son who disowned him, not because they fell out over his son wearing magenta shirts which insinuates he was a faggot, but the subversion that Jimmy had poured scolding tea over him as a separate incident, despite the fashion choice being previously highlighted.
if you can't appreciate that, then I don't know what to say, but it caught me off guard.



Suzy's feet

He is so brain-dead in his delivery he spits out several different wars from several different incorrect eras.
You are such a faggot. This is so goddamn far from intelligent comedy but your pretentious ass has to pretend it's clever because you're gay for Arin.

He has diarrhea of the mouth and your head is a toilet. All of you fucking morons posting this off-topic garbage. Your heads are full of foul shit.

Markeplier can get autistic but is harmless overall.

>it's a "Dan thinks this is too hard and asks Arin to stop playing it and they do, making no progress, not even past level 1" episode

You are such a fucking faggot Dan.

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Isn't incorrectly spouting about the wrong wars part the dumb southern guy act? Or are you just a brainlet yourself?

This is why I come to Yea Forums, always full of humor.


>There is only a pair of suzy's feet on THIS one planet.
how live?

That's a lot of frustration over something as simple as someone doing basic bitch improvisation and coming out with incorrect time periods that don't line up. If anything it adds to the character, I'm not saying it's intentional, but you then get the idea that the character is delusional amount past occurrences whether he was involved in them or not then.
You're not countering a point I made why some of it was funny, you're strawmanning in bits you didn't like for obsessive reasons. Not every swing is going to be a hit.
You (we) complain that Arin's normal thing became "poopy ass fart dick" and "Hey wouldn't it be funny if I sucked cock!" which caused everyone to hate him, but when I saw he's actually trying something different and it appeals to me for once, I'm not going to complain.
You're entertainingly angry over something so small. Thanks

The only thing these faggots were ever good for is a few song mixes and the "This Is How You Don't Play videos. They're bunch of braindead faggots, though my ire is aimed mostly at Egoraptor for being such a pretentious asswipe.
>just checked their channel
>still never went back to Cuphead
It's not even a hard game, for shit's sake.

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You lucky fucking bastard
>tfw third world so I'll never get to see them live

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Saw them with twrp and planet booty in Texas last summer. It was super fun

I barely get by anymore desu


A blessed endeavor.

i have never seen anyone say anything positive about game grumps

Live stream it please.

I think it would be more fun to watch grumps slowly burn to death in their mediocrity


Goof Troop was great.

>people actually find suzy attractive

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I mean hey I'd get her feet pregnant at least

>Suzy cheated on him AGAIN
Poor guy...

>Not posting the unedited version

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YouTube just showed me this, they have celebrity guest stars now? Are the videos as awkward as I'm imagining?

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>"I wanna kill myself. h-hey Jon"
>I bought a gun. I bought a gun yesterday."

Miss the old days

Can I say nigger in US as a white minority from ZA? I also happen to be part of the minority sex, thats x2 the minority points.


outrageous behavior from jafari

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I never really followed them much, my bad

Enjoy your superherosmr "adult"

so all children should just shoot themselves?

Jesus fucking christ, she looks like an alien. How does someone making as much money as him stick with such a disgusting looking person.

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She can look pretty good sometimes

Just look at those hips and feet

You must be 18 to visit this website

when is metal gear awesome 4 coming out

>Arin says his favorite voice to do is Patrick's, implying he really likes the show
>Doesn't get even a single fucking reference

4channel is worse

>MGA 3 was basically an ad

It hurt a bit not gonna lie

When did he ever say that

>e-cleb thread

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she looks even worse in that picture, what the hell.

>giving up your creative endeavors to become a lets player
be honest user, would you

>Coming into a thread just to post that
>Anime girl reaction pic

You're just as bad, user

Mario Party 2

Streams are ruined by the idiotic shrieking tumblerinas in the room, if arin was bad enough on his own

grow up, youtubers and streamers are for little kids. Only AVGN and Game Center CX are allowed here.

>gf still likes to watch people like Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, and Game Grumps
That's a bigger redflag than women with tattoos who like to travel abroad.

>e-celeb trash

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Depends on the people brainlet, as your words agree.

I want zoomers to leave.

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>defending e-celeb shit

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E celebs > anime


>Calling anyone you disagree with a zoomer whether there's a correlation or not

Shut up faggot

I seriously wonder why people that hold opinions like this don't go to Reddit instead of Yea Forums.

you are a funny guy

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Why don't you?

being white is the ultimate no no to these people that takes precedence over all other. sorry bud, you are responsible for every single thing done by any anglo saxon

The MGSV of let's plays

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holy shit the knight's arm is broken

haha user quite the imagination right there, have you stopped to think this might be drawing?

His mental energy goes towards trying to be funny, the controller in his hands is an afterthought

oneyplays > supermega > gamegrumps

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Threads like this only prove that Yea Forums has always and will always be a board for aspies and underaged posters.

2016-17 oneyplays > current supermega > jon game grumps > current oneyplays > early dan game grumps > 2016 supermega > current game grumps

He is too old to look like that

I want to lick that forehead

So fat people are honorary blacks?

Reminder that leaving GG makes you funnier.

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livestream churchchrist event at the grumps studio?
>shoots all the grumps
>"I'm glad matt and ryan from supermega are on tour"
>shoots arin while quoting his early NG videos
>cuts off suzys feet as trophy
>scalps Danny wears the curly hair for the rest of the office
>"remember to subscribe to pewdiepie!"

whoa that's a pretty charged political statement user hope you got your manifesto ready.

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not video games kill yourself

just because they play video games doesnt mean they are videogames.

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Barry is great, didn't even release he was a grump on his 1st KH video

I too enjoy porridge, water without ice and the 27th season of The Simpsons

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Was it rice or vomit?

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Objectively ugly as sin. What a fucked up face

compost pile

>spend 10 years in build up to sonic adventure 2 battle
>only make like 6 episodes and then follow it up with celebrity videos targeted at no one
>finally break and let other personalities take over

its over

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Wondering when Arin will go full tranny. Game grumps became stall as fuck. I miss when they did shit with others. Oney plays lost gay man. Super Mega is the only good channel for this kind of shit. Maybe i switch to podcasts for background noise when i play games desu

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funny how you never post this image in giant bomb threads

>journlist shilling is ok though
Fuck off

Who's that cute bimbo?

How about you just play the fucking games? Why do you have to overload your senses with other stuff?

It's Suzy

I'm a JRPG Faggot so i only listen when i have to do tedious grinding.

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>game grumps is finally on the way out
Thank the lord.

Who the fuck is franklin?

That sounds awful

Isn't it just arin doing a voice to make up for the fact dan is away?

>How did he beat the game to completion when he was a kid but now as an adult can't even play a basic fucking game that my autistic child brain was able to beat easily?
Seems pretty clear to me he was lying about having completed the game. Same thing happened with Majora's Mask.

holy fuck i didn't even know they released a third one, I haven't followed these fucks in years

is it? or is she mixed race?

he probably wants you to
he's crying for help but no one can hear him

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>Dead Rising
>Arin skips the tutorial explaining the timed events mechanic
>loses multiple times because of it
>Arin so shit at the game he cant beat it
>so they watch the last part of the game on youtube
>while shit talking the game

And Castlevania. Not beating it is understandable but he bragged about playing it a million times and didn't know really basic things about it, he's fucking weird.

>ever taking Arin "we've grown bigger as a company so we're making less content" Hanson seriously

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>nuanced comedy.
>previously highlighted
>if you can't appreciate
post the video, I'm interested in how badly this will be, and I'm 100% sure this is bait.

is this the closest to ahegao she's ever done?

arin sucking at games and hating them, even if he's a fucking hypocritical moron, is somewhat understandable to me, because that was always his character

what pisses me off is how danny will always agree with arin and never formulate any opinions of his own because he has never played a single video game in his life and is only there to be arin's yes man

and i'm sure that danny is a nice person irl but goddamn it grinds my gears

Imagine watching friend simulators

Imagine watching unfunny fat gross fucks as friend simulators

Imagine financially supporting millionaire unfunny fat fucks who get paid a salary by Walt Disney just because you have no friends and require friend simulators

>tfw you will never cuck arin and give suzy a proper dicking

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>I am going to put a bullet into egoraptor.
Hi Suzy

She's only missing the open mouth, though I think I prefer seeing her dick sucking lips

The point is that they all said the word, but Jon got his pass revoked, when he insinuated that a white ethnostate isn't a bad thing, since blacks commit more crime.

Pewdiepie got his pass revoked, when he used nigger as an insult against someone during an online game.

Ethan and Arin can still use the "context" pass, because they haven't revealed any bigotry as of yet.

Which Grump is the most likely to have fucked an underage fangirl?

10 minute power hour is good


>it's a Jon slaps Suzy episode

Suzy is for BBC

I wanna fuck Suzy's feet so damn bad Yea Forumsros

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Jon financially supports Hezbollah and provided rockets to terrorists which have been used on Israeli children
Also a card-carrying member of Caire and BDS

Pewdiepie personally shot up multiple synagogues and mosques, wanted in 50 nations, currently hiding in neutral Tajikistan

Meanwhile Arin and Ethan both received a Purple heart and a Friend of Zion plaque. Quad licet Iovi, non licet bovi

I actually watched the Koopakungfu playthrough first

He killed that one guy and made it look like a suicide

It’s also grinds my gears that he’s in his 30s but still acts 16

She’s honestly fucking gross bro. Floridian white trash


she's not even white.

Most popular let plays appear to never finish games. Oney plays was the only one I gave attention to (long commute, I like to listen). They play maybe an hour or two worth and move on. They only finished Pokemon red as far as I know. Not worth watching shit if they'll never finish it anyway.

GG never pays attention to the games they're playing which was always annoying. Then complain the game never told them what to do even though it did, but they were too busy talking about how they wanted to stop saying retarded or something because :( words hurt

Ok she’s still a literal fucking goblin who wears a shit ton of makeup to look like a 2/10


oneyplays was different because
a) when they had ding dong and julian, they knew how to play games, since they had played them many times before
b) it was edited to only include interesting conversations and not pointless filler
c) they were essentially conversation-driven and not reliant on "lol game mechanics" as much
their pokemon red, pikmin, banjo kazooie, mario sunshine and mario 64 videos were max comfy to listen to while doing other things

game grumps videos feel overly long and completely boring, because how many stories can you still see when you've been doing this for 7 years?

Chuggaaconroy is patrician idgaf how old I get.

early chuggaaconroy was so based 'cause he was actually down to earth and interesting without trying too hard

now he's the definition of "the louder i am, the funnier i am" kind of meme, which gets boring quickly

he's still a good boy tho

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you shouldn't be dating a toddler weirdo


You get triggered easily, shit.

Anime is normie garbage, get it through your head.


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arin’s following from the awesome series is why anyone tuned in
jon being funny is why anyone stayed

>when Arin was the thin one

Is there a better rags to riches story than him? I would list everything that happened but I don’t really have the time.

Why did he lie about getting the Fierce Deity mask as a kid and liking Majoras Mask

chugga is like the furtive pygmy, so easily forgotten
shame tim is pretty much on the opposite end of chugga’s good fortune

What the hell did he do to deserve it?

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He needed to seem credible.

what happened to tim?

his parents are dead, lives alone, friend married a woman he was in love with, suffers from depression, has nowhere near the financial success chugga has attained, and has given up caring for his body
he is dead inside

tim has soul tho. hope things get better for him

Fuck off chapofag

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Barry is the real MVP

it's crazy how she can range from "perfect goddess that I wouldn't last 10 seconds inside of" to "doesn't even look human"

I might be a little biased I have a huge weakness for the whole goth look, raccoon eyes specifically make me leak precum on sight

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Agreed. I'm not too interested in oneyplays as much

if she puts on enough makeup

I would smash her pussy and ass Max Hardcore style till she chokes and cries like an offended Twitter faggot

that dude is a closeted tranny

>We will never see Dan play Kingdom Hearts

Why is Arin such a fuck

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All you'd have to do is have more money / status then Egoraptor. Suzys shallow as shit and its why she cucked him in the first place.

>he has soul thou
Really? He broke down pretty hard in one of the Tetris videos, i feel like he’s only really happy for that one week he’s recording for TRG.

it's called makeup and angles.
myspace angles didn't sprout from nothing.

Dan doesn’t deserve to be on Game Grumps. There should be a channel for all of the good members of shitty groups, it would be great.

dream team would be oney, jon and zach

Game Grumps ended when Jon left. If you've been watching it after that you're a fucking mindless sheep because it turned to utter shit. The dynamic wasn't two friends playing games anymore, it heavily shifted towards Arin being the dominate one and the other guy just agreeing with whatever he said.

Because that’s the image he’s trapped himself in. Jon was the only person willing enough to bring him back to reality and now he’s gone.