A picture of a cop eating a donut like a homo


>a picture of a cop eating a donut like a homo
>badge number reads FA6607

What exactly is the problem here?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-04-12 01.19.58.png (1298x1182, 1.1M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Enjoyed the Black Flag reference

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dude fuck da police! they took my pipe when i was smoking in a public place once! fucking facist pigs!! life would be so much better without cops -_-..






>...Excuse me?

I can't believe Ubisoft would endorse the LITERAL MURDER of gay people

How does one eat a donut like a homo? How can I improve my technique to appear more straight? I don't want to lose my cred when i'm eating some donuts with the bros

It shits me that the inclusion of the word faggot is headline worth but blatant plagiarism of an artists work is not.

Fuck this gay earth.

It was literally a reference, they even put “faggot” on the badge to make it doubly clear

How does one eat a donut like a homo?
By not waiting for your bro to stick his dick in it first

When you literally take someones work and lightly photoshop it, that's not a reference, it's plagiarism.

>murder scores of other people as judge, jury, and executioner

this is fine

>graffiti with faggot written on it


why is america so completely fucked

Game literally keeps track of, scores, and rewards you for the scores of people you kill as well.

You can't even say faggot in Europe without getting arrested

>You can't THINK about even saying faggot in Europe without getting arrested

Thought police pls

Europe isn't one big country

I really can't argue this. It's the same as calling sonichu original content.

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Name one European country where thought crimes are not illegal


every EU member east of Germany

Ubisoft is Canada actually, unfortunately for me. Montreal like every large city is a cesspool of SJW faggotry.


Illegal to deny the Holocaust



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Great post


And I thought the anti-smoking laws here were tough

We'll unfuck ourselves when it matters.

Being a cocksucking faggot doesnt harm anybody, being a fascist neonazi kkk member implies you want to harm certain people, I feel like a middle school tescher explaining this.

>a homage is now plagiarism

>Being a cocksucking faggot doesnt harm anybody
gives AIDS

AIDS isn't real, the Klu Klux Klan is

>AIDS isn't real,
yeah lol African kids just kill themselves


imagine being such a faggot the word itself offends you

>Video games are art
>Art shouldn't be controversial


Art is only used for propaganda in America.

>being a cocksucking faggot doesnt harm anybody
You are literally an one man HIV spread machine while also an evil being who erodes our culture from inside and corrupts our children

Don't know if it's still there but there was a fridge or something in Rainbow Six Siege that just had a note on it that said "Gay"

>being the very definition of degenerate
>not hamful

Art should be gay men shitting on a canvas to fight nazis

I say faggot all the time in Europe. Everybody hates fags where I live.

I'm Bulgarian and it's completely legal. Try again

Just each other.

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guy, guys. if you really want to point the finger at homos, yeah, sure, AIDS and other STDs are good, but you should always mention that there is a link between homosexuality and pedophilia


Self-defeating argument tbqh.

If gays are bad because they spread AIDS then they would inherently be good because they are killing other gays. Ergo, the only truly evil gays would be those who willingly impart AIDS on straight sexual partners without their knowledge. Any gay who kills other gays would then be, at best, a chaotic neutral, rather than evil.

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>being a fascist neonazi kkk member implies you want to harm certain people
that's speculating

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Well firstly fuck Ubisoft if they didn't pay to use that art, but secondly...
>even if the link is legitimate
>no context
Isn't that the whole fucking plot? People rioting against government? What the actual fuck is this dishonesty?

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Bulgaria is not in the eu

he said european you ottoman turknigger

The world is imploding in on itself in slow motion and this is what the younger generations deem worthy of news...

How can you claim to support anarchy but surround yourselves with rules

This game is a commie dream

Bulgaria is a member of the European Union, NATO, and the Council of Europe.

>Being a cocksucking faggot doesnt harm anybody
It has harmed society and by extension me.

>haet cop
>commie dream

Are you fucking retarded? You do realize that communists are AUTHORITARIAN socialists, yeah?

Looks like having "toxic", "homophobic" and "transphobic" controversy really help bump up sales

Nice marketing tactic. Easy to do and high returns

Hold on, I am offended by black people. Shouldn't they be removed from all games, considering they offend me?

He isn't the one who discovered the copy/paste so he has to tone it down to make it seem like he didn't miss anything important in his article.

>>Being a cocksucking faggot doesnt harm anybody,
A large proportion of homosexuals prey on children, though. I don't think they should be banned, but I certainly don't think their behaviour should be encouraged.

I don't care if you spend your weekends getting pozzed at a bareback party, just don't try and make it socially acceptable. It'd be like straight people whining that we aren't allowed to wear BDSM fetish gear around town or something.

AIDS hasn't been a death sentence for years, though.

I doubt it makes any difference in sales, but it's easy way to get more publicity for your game these days. Every faggot blogger will jump on to these type of things for easy clicks from the likes like OP.

The game is far left propoganda, the entire story is around how bad money is.

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The figures this piece forgets to mention are the most damning ones, it's the incidence rates of childhood sexual abuse and homosexuality.

Homosexuals can actually be considered to "reproduce" through molesting children. It's like a virus caused by trauma, and a significant number of homos are victims themselves.

In the same way that serial killers are often created by physical and mental abuse, homosexuals are often created by sexual abuse.

based & pierogipilled

>the US turns into a lawless zone ruled by violent gangs
>people want to flee into another lawless zone ruled by violent gangs

What the fuck kinda logic is this?

You clearly have no idea how butthurt artists get when this sort of thing happens to their work.

UK isnt europe

every single mediterranean country

The problem is promiscuity is rampant in this day and age and "bi" people do it with girls who do it with other regular dudes and get infected.

wtf I love Ubisoft now!


fucking retard

what about suoer aids and super gonorrhea

I bet you're a hard authoritarian bootlicker.

People want to pretend that graffiti's merely "urban" artwork and not a sign of resistance and discontent (while still being artistic).

I'm hard alright

>being a fascist neonazi kkk member implies you want to harm certain people, I feel like a middle school tescher explaining this.
Wanting to live in comunity of your own people dont harm anyone. It actualy saves lives.

This just feels bizarre desu.
Whoever originally caught that must have known it was a reference, and thus was aware that it wasn't aimed explicitly at gaysexuals. So either they knew but got offended by words regardless of context, or someone else who just flat out wants to remove words from the lexicon read about the discovery and decided to make a fuss. Or someone third saw this and just wanted to make The Big Company dance to their amusement.

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Option 2

When was the last time the KKK actually killed somebody? Not during my lifetime.

In recent history they've had a lower body count than Black Lives Matter.

why does tom clancy's name still have to be associated with these pretend canadians, and their awful video games

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>I bet you're a hard authoritarian bootlicker.
>left wing totalitarian government good!
>right wing totalitarian government bad!

fuck you fags Black Flag is based youtube.com/watch?v=0TX5ij8uQeo

No one is denying that

Because he sold his soul to the rootless capitalists
Even in death he must serve his masters

>defending-transsexual-child-prostitutition & shushing-immigrant-rape-&-murder-statistics year a.k.a 2019
>can't put decades old edgy mainstream popculture content in edgy violent videogame

America isn't one big country either you fool

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Pampered bitches, onions and estrogen in the water.

>makes a retarded caricature of a baddie
>triggered themselves by it

>Being a cocksucking faggot doesnt harm anybody
It has harmed me though, I have to listen to their bullshit

saving face
he didn't catch the reference and doesn't want to appear unhip

legal here in Latvia.

however, on paper, we cannot flail around with nazi and soviet symbolism shit in public anymore or advocate for either side on internet. doesn't really stop russians whose body is 80% cheap alcohol from doing that on the 9th of may tho.

>the word 'faggot' is written in letters and numbers really small on a wall in a video game
OMG holy shit! Ubisoft did right to apologize! The people who took the time to notice that must be very offended and traumatized.

>being a cocksucking faggot doesn't hurt anybody

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>guy who took the picture plays as a girl

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Don't bother, these Americans get their information from shitposting online

Maybe in the cucked west. In eastern Europe everyone says shit like nigger and faggot all the time. We post that stuff on facebook and laugh about it.

They probably put it in the game just so they could apologize

>chilling near river
>get drunk
>scream nigger and faggot all the time
>nobody cares
welcome to poland

funniest part is, the hack that put it in the game probably just lifted it from somewhere, changed a few things and slapped it. Not even realizing some hack already lifted it from

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Doesn't surprise me considering only middle school kids would believe such tripe.

The western world is fucked.

Say that to the fags with aids that goes around raping people.

I can't even read that? The image quality is too bad. It's just a bunch of number and letters to me, like an average police code?

fake news
meanwhile in America;
>male infant circumcision is still legal and common practice
>bug chasing now a misdemeanor instead of a felony in Cali
>illegals don't need ID to cast votes
>get fired for saying you like Trump

>spreading pedophilia acceptance
>not harmful
You will be first on the day of the rope

>implying gays don't love being called faggots

This is how SJW's victimize people for their own agenda once again.

>Literal bareback partys and groups made by fags spreading HIV
>trying to normalise homosexuality which in the long run would result in a huge decrease in birthrates (even worse than now)
>faggots trying to brainwash kids into also being fags in school due to libtards

Yeah but surely it doesn't hurt anyone.

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>murder scores of other people as judge, jury, and executioner
>oh no won't someone think of the murderers trying to kill you at every step

middle school teachers are retarded

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ubisoft has some based devs still

>Literal bareback partys and groups made by fags spreading HIV
Happens far more in propaganda than in the real world
> trying to normalise homosexuality which in the long run would result in a huge decrease in birthrates
This isn't how homosexuality works you dipshit, if you need a single-digit percentage of the population to repress their sexuality in order not to die out you're fucked anyways
> faggots trying to brainwash kids into also being fags in school due to libtards
That's also not what happens, but believe the propaganda, keep being told to hate.

N1663R FA6607


>What exactly is the problem here?

>game is completely fucked, AI broken, skills broken, loot broken
>Durr lets release a patch to change a word

fucking hell ubisoft

Only 20% of LGBT individuals in America are STD free


So does, practically, every single person in this world, no matter their sexual orientation.

To be fair, that's not THAT far off from the general population. Half the country has STDs, and that includes children, so among adults it's a majority.

regardless if you're baiting or not, it is partially due to people who unironically believe stuff like this that other people are being "radicalized on the internet"

Where, in sweden or the UK?

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Entire EU. We have adopted hate speech laws.

I can say faggot pidor anywhere here. On work, on street out loud etc No one cares cuz everyone hates pidors


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>linking directly to pcgamer
kill yourself marketer

>nobody cares

welcome to poland indeed


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As a dicksucking fag that is pretty funny. Me and my boyfriend call eachother faggots all the time, especially before and after coitus.

Its sort of a chicken and egg situation, really. You routinely go into the homes/living areas of other people are murder them before they even have a chance to do anything. A couple of Outcasts (guys who were quarantined and now are like anarcho-commies or some shit) are sitting in a circle talking in their room and I throw a grenade into the middle of them.

Doesn't really seem very heroic. In fact, the "settlements" seem to hog all of the resources and want control of literally everything. They yell at you and demand that you go murder scores of people yourself, just so they can get some water. What the fuck are other groups supposed to do? Why are The Division and these various settlements the only people worth helping? M

I didn't know Julian Assange was in the Wehrmacht.

>There are similarities

Yeah, there are also similarities between "Ice, Ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice and "Under Pressure" By Queen/David Bowie.

not yet

That would be a more credible prospect if even once in the game, any enemy would try to initiate talks. But they all open fire on sight. At some point, they're members of a hostile paramilitary organization waging urban warfare against what's left of the republic, and at that point, grenades are fair game. They're as much hostiles as invading russians would be.
> In fact, the "settlements" seem to hog all of the resources and want control of literally everything.
You're talking about the people of the US. That's their right.

It makes me laugh that Mexico would build a wall to keep out Americans.

I am pretty sure Mexicans would still try to sneak into post-apocalyptic America.

>"Fuck, esse, those True Sons don't sound so bad compared to these cartels"

>Well firstly fuck Ubisoft if they didn't pay to use that art
You don't need to pay to reference art.

>The difference is that little bitty ting
I'm still surprised he thought that was a good defense.

They're not trying to keep out "americans". They're trying to keep out the virus. Learn to read.

Probably futile but it makes sense as a reaction to go full Madagascar in that scenario.

You shoot on sight too. So do your settlement allies. The instant a patrol sees enemies they open fire on them. Also, the True Sons and Outcasts are just as much the people of the US as are random settlement people.
The only reason these groups are evil is because they put in a few random things in story missions like "THE OUTCASTS ARE TRYING TO MAKE DRUGS/A VIRUS, PRESS F NEAR THESE CONTAINERS" or "THE TRUE SONS JUST MORTARED OUR BASE (after we invaded one of their bases and killed their people) PRESS F NEAR THEIR CONTAINERS"
I guess my point is that while obviously the various enemy groups in the game are the bad guys, in an actual gameplay sense or world building sense they don't seem any better or worse than you or their gang. It's just a few lines of dialogue.

98% of aids carriers are gay

>You shoot on sight too.
You have the agency not to do that. Feel free to get shot.
> Also, the True Sons and Outcasts are just as much the people of the US as are random settlement people.
When you join a paramilitary organization to violently oppose what's left of the legitimate government, that's where the whole "treason" thing comes into play.

It doesn't and it didn't work according to Massive's own lore that the whole world was hit by it due to its ability to spread. The virus wasn't made to just be a weapon against a country, it was made by a man as a weapon against humanity.

Wrong. Stop making shit up.
I know, but it does make sense as a measure. I doubt the mexicans already had all the information that you cobble together through the first game.

"The risk of those fleeing into mexico AND the spread of the virus" Seems to me like it clearly means both. It mentions the virus exactly one time, and you can easily take out the mention of the Virus, change it from Mexico to USA, and it would read like a parody of something Trump wrote.

They also literally mention a "Caravan" of people. You don't think that is a reference to the numerous South American caravans in the news? Keep in mind that when I say all of this, I find it funny, not offensive, or angering. A small jpg in a video game isn't enough to blast my ass.

They just can't help it, they must ruin everything. Meanwhile in Yakuza Kiwami, I just beat the fuck out of two trannies that tried to bamboozle me.

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>Believe the propaganda
Yes, that is exactly what you're doing...

You mean UK, lad.

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So this was meant to point out that faggy sois Who like black flag are hypocrites because even their favorite band said the word faggot, right?

why not both?

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baste nippon untouched by commiefornian influence

>Groups outright using biological warfare against civilians trying to survive the collapse of society
>The same as a group lawfully created and activated to reinstall the lawful government of the United States of America
The Outcasts are using their own blood, and infected blood they get by kidnapping people and infecting them with the virus, to wage biological warfare of the people of DC because the True Sons were a bunch of fucking bastards who deserted and left all of them to die, on top of gunning down Civilians whenever they felt like it. Mix that in with True Sons actively seeking a chemical known to kill people and shelling communities with it, specifically one that had a True Sons leave them and then not pay protection money so they wiped the whole place and you have what are know as war criminals.

The Division is a lawful agency of the USA, and "muh perspective" will change that fact.

Fucking clown world. It's not like a character came up and unleashed slurs on you like some old PSA. It's a part of counterculture that came from the left.

Why is her picture upside down?

>Being a cocksucking faggot doesnt harm anybody

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Yeah, but AIDs takes like 20 something years for it to kill them. They have plenty of time to have children, so it isn't really taking the gays out of the gene pool.

It still makes zero sense because the virus spreads so rapidly and is designed to be as infectious as possible. These countries would already be getting hit by it of Massive had paid any thought to their own world building.

>the police should protect me from mean words
God please send a second flood

Gay people don't even get upset over the usage of faggot, though. Most of us use it ourselves.

Why are we being treated like children who need to be protected from big scary words?

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As I said though, user. If you read my later post, all of that is just dialogue in a cutscene, or over your radio. You press F near a container to destroy it. It could be drugs, it could be explosives, it could be disease or blood. Whatever. If you took away the red symbol above their heads and the green symbol above allies heads, the two would look the fucking same. Shooting at one another on sight in the street over water and food.

Obviously in a game that is just a TPS you don't have things like complicated dialogue trees or quests that involve anything more complicated than hitting F near a container, but still. The entire point of my posts wasn't "THE TRUE SONS/OUTCASTS DINDU NUFFIN THEY ARE GUD BOIS." I said they were evil. The point was that functionally you guys do the exact same crap, but you got a badge and future technology while they got AIDs and an antifa-mask.

Why are people so afraid of offending 2% of the population? Take a joke, faggots.

Fucking kill yourself, faggot enabler.

I swear to fucking god, when I find you, I will kill you.

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>If you took away the red symbol above their heads and the green symbol above allies heads, the two would look the fucking same.
Don't forget changing their entire outfits, they way they conduct themselves and operate, along with who and what they attack on sight. Yeah if we just ignore everything that makes them different they are the same, brilliant observation fucktard.

because the target demographic for games are literal children

gee lets wonder

Literally doesn't matter
>The way they conduct themselves and operate
Shoot anyone who isn't aligned with you on sight, invade the settlements of others to steal their resources by force, and put armed military patrols everywhere?
>Who/What They attack
People who aren't them. It's not like you see independent scavengers running around. You literally only see "Gang Member" and "Division Gang Member"
>Yeah if we just ignore everything that makes them different they are the same, brilliant observation fucktard.
Gif related.

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Homos are rabid pedophiles who pass gay onto their victims. Think about how many young boys are molested when the homosexual population is so small......every gay probably has a 30-50% chance of being a child fucker.l


Homosexuals are human cockroaches that spread diseases and social disunity wherever they are allowed to openly flaunt their sodomite lifestyle.

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Yea Forums: Who cares about minority group X, fuck them!
Also Yea Forums: Why doesn't the world cater to me and my group instead of the masses?

Hmm. Golden Rule, idiots.

Norway. People wont be upset unless they had family members who got Shoah'd.
People generally believe 6 million jews got killed, but most of the people who visit Auswich question wooden doors etc.

Yea Forums: Person
Also Yea Forums: Other person

One of these days, you'll learn that Yea Forums is not one person.

>Literally doesn't matter
Holy shit so we're going straight to "nuh uh"
>Shoot anyone who isn't aligned with you on sight, invade the settlements of others to steal their resources by force, and put armed military patrols everywhere?
Keep trying to ignore any and all context clues of how the groups operate, the tactics they use, weapons they use and motivations. Anyone who isn't retarded will see right through it. Also civvies specifically aren't military and it shows in how they run around in God damn flip flops only using guns, while other factions are using fire bombs, exploding RC cars or ones with blades strapped to them, turrets, and actual military hardware because they're defectors or a paramilitary group from outside the area.
>People who aren't them. It's not like you see independent scavengers running around. You literally only see "Gang Member" and "Division Gang Member"
Ah so you haven't actually played the game and seen the couple other groups just surviving and ask for your help when you find them, good to know.
>Gif related.
Yeah you really did whiff pretty hard by proving you know fuck all about the game outside of playing to level 10.

>Ubisoft is an American company
Euro education, everybody.

every fucking day resetta niggers in my threads like kys irl unironically


You say that as if Yea Forums isn't overwhlemingly "Fuck Jews, Niggers, Fags, Trannies! Haha, you mad, degenerates? I hope you die!" And then "Why does everyone hate me and oppress me? I just wanna play games!"

It's the same shit, remarkably, being intentional assholes comes back to bite you.

Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)

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Du dreckige Schwuchtel

Always this shit. it's still illegal, it's just not a felony. It means the local government will deal with you instead of the federal government. It's intention is to make it less of a jurisdictional nightmare and actually worth enforcing


Yea Forums has millions of users passing through daily, the idea that they all mostly conform to a singular set of ideals is laughable. You need to grow up user.

Calling a cop a faggot is an insult to gay people.


Get cancer, corporate tool.

For your kind, a white male itself is problematic. Not to mention that 'gamers' are already considered part of the alt-right and nazis.

Officer Faggot did nothing wrong

>millions of users passing through daily
Hahahahahahaha, moron.

Do you realize how many people are on Yea Forums? Keep in mind this is only posters. You think you can talk on behalf of all the lurkers too?

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As a gay dude, I hate this. I'm sick and tired of the PC police taking away the ability to banter with people. All because middle aged white women have nothing else to do but complain about everything being offensive. I miss being able t9 jokingly call my friend/coworker a breeder and them call me a faggot without missing a beat. Now there's always this atmosphere of walking on eggshells because Sharon from HR might overhear and take her menopause insanity out on us.

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>Not to mention that 'gamers' are already considered part of the alt-right and nazis.

Can't imagine why, that's just this thread, and it's a mild one. You can cry #NotAllGamers or whatever, but you're defined to society by your loudest, most obnoxious assholes because that's who they see, unless you and the rest work hard to show otherwise. And you cannot deny that this place is rampant with it.

Those faggots ruin everything

>everybody that disagrees with me is a racist nazi kkk
Please. That is not even pathetic anymore

The cop is straight copy paste

>Being a cocksucking faggot doesnt harm anybody

I get your point and I agree. If it hurts people, it's in the same way straight people can be hurt by unprotected sex, coming from their own choices and from random chance.

To me that doesn't mean having to protect gays from being ever insulted or having their sexuality mocked. I get the idea of standing for protecting them and correcting bad ideas, but such protections should be temporary for while the issue is a significant problem and not go too far (like ruining someone for not baking you a gay wedding cake).

>being a fascist neonazi kkk member implies you want to harm certain people

Maybe. You admit you wouldn't know, and you probably never really talk with those kinds of people to understand them and their opinions. On top of which people often call people fascists and nazis as a go to political slur, so it's basically calling people evil and trying to ostracize them for differing beliefs which may not be neo-nazi at all. It's punishing dissent in an attempt at a utopia where people must ascribe to the religiously held socio-political beliefs of the day.

It's not even 'don't be a racist sexist asshole to people', it's 'work to avoid any potential as being possibly perceived as a bigot, always agree with loony leftwing ideas, and deal with people constantly accusing each other of bigotry like it's the witchcraft or heresy of the day (but at least people's lives and careers are just greatly damaged and they generally aren't tortured and executed)'.

>I feel like a middle school tescher explaining this

Funny, that's how some governments and organizations act. They have a middle school teacher level of knowledge and punish entire class rooms for anything they imagine to be disrespect.

But given all the replies you got from some very angry idiots, I guess you are.

AIDS spreading, cocksucking faggots have killed more people than hitler did.
your move, gaynigger from outer space.

AIDS is mostly a problem in africa, where treatment is unavailable and everyone spreads it. Turns out the epidemic is the worst where gays aren't accepted at all.

My gay bro, being a classy fag over here. Respect.

Is this the nu left wing version of 'stereotypes are true' and 'if a visible minority of them are bad we have to treat all of them like it'?

>Panda will never understand sex
That's a pretty multi layered statement

They said nigger in RDR2

>AIDS is mostly a problem in africa
AIDS is a problem everywhere because it's a fucking incurable disease. Retorting to someone saying there's a house fire by going "Yeah but there are hundreds of acres on fire in California" doesn't actually address the issue.

plagiarism is written, smooth-brain.

Is the game any fun?

what about the slur against police officers? that's okay?

If you like looting and shooting sure. I'm at 72 hours now and I'm happy with it.

faggotry destroys society as abortion destroys human worth

fuckin lol

based closeted ubishit incel


Oh, I'm sorry. Are you under the impression that WE started out as the racist ones? Go fuck yourself.

Fuck off retard.

God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Checkmate, atheist.

wtf how did they get my license plate number?

>forensic psychology
kek, that must be a painful redpilling
>so you're talling me my job wont be finding murderers and rapists, but evaluating facebook posts on homophobia?

None of this will age very well.

go back to class kid

>but you're defined to society by your loudest, most obnoxious assholes because that's who they see, unless you and the rest work hard to show otherwise.
Weird it doesnt happen with your kind since you are always twisting anything to blame patriarchy, /pol/, males (white), woman (internalized misogyny) laws, air conditioner, movies (specially old ones), lovecraft, milk, a meme, society, "retrograde" medicine, videogames (it normalizes abuse and virtual rape!), heavy metal, etc.

Good thing there aren't that many real fascist neonazis.
Most of em are just people that are fucking scared of the jews coming to cut their dicks off.
And if you could help calming em down, maybe a disaster can be avoided.

There's no facist neonazi KKK these days you retard.
Stop fantasizing.

>faggot mutt
>native american ancestry got shoa'd by the immigrants
>kike side of the "family" literally sitting inside a barrel of powder lighting matches for fun
>european side is literally playing russian roulette with a pistol
>can't find a single fucking faggot that isn't a brainwashed self sabotaging roastie minded fuck
>don't wanna sully my body with all the niggas trying to fuck me

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