Post your Powerlevel and your favorite vidya

Post your Powerlevel and your favorite vidya

For me it'd have to be Vicky 2

Attached: please be patient I have autism.png (683x245, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Demon's Souls

I got 30

Dwarf fortress.

>Your score was 12 out of a possible 50.

I don't have a favorite video games. I'm guessing that's probably because I'm not autistic.

How is this possible , I got vaccinated

Minecraft and Doom

Attached: AutismPowerLevel.png (1456x255, 30K)


Fallout 3, the non-autistic alternative to New Vegas

I'm only a sperg. Am I still allowed in the autistic kids club?

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Paper Mario: TTYD

According to this I'm a fucking normalfag.
>Concerned about your score?
"Yes hello I'm not autistic enough"

Attached: normalfag.png (724x236, 21K)

25/50 does this mean I’m gonna get banned?


Assault Squad 2

Wonder if I can get neetbux.

Might want to read closer.

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Get the fuck out

>Scores in the 26-32 range indicate Aspergers Syndrome
Don't worry.

Umihara Kawase

It says "Some autistic traits" and "Asperger syndrome".
That's like how when someone is absolute shit at running 100m you say they "Have good form" and "Show potential".
It's the consolation prize. It means you're a failed autist.

Favourite game is UFO: Enemy Unknown (1994), or OpenXcom (its open source remake). Definitely not nuXcom though.

Phantasy Star Online

Bloodborne or Xenoblade Chronicles 2

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Majora's Mask/La-mulana/Silent Hill 2/DMC3

I love Kass!

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Dark Souls


Yeah right

Don't really have a favorite but I do enjoy fighting games and monster hunter

>animeblade 2
>is a supernormie
checks out

I'm not autist enough to have a favorite game

Should this score be of any concern?

>all these low scores

I’m social and popular, and like doing things with others but am also a big weeb. If you’re confident enough you can make anything look cool.

It's like people can pretend to be retarded.


Do it on /vg/ instead.

Are you concerned?
If not, then no.
If yes, then maybe. Talk to someone else about what might be concerning you, and try to work out if this is an unfulfilled need, low self-esteem, being weak to peer pressure, or some form of deluded faggotry.


>Dead Space
Not sure how I scored so low. I've got friends and we usually hang out every other week when we're not playing vidya, but I'm also a NEET who's terrified of things like having a job or driving a car. Am I just a fucking freak or what?

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Yea Forums was invaded by resetera and reddit years ago

It's a toss-up between Okami and the MGS series
Some of the questions on this test seem really stupid desu

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Mischief Makers, really hope Treasure finally does something with all those IPs collecting dust

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Dwarf Fortress and the Dominions series.

>Fallout New Vegas

I'm disappointed with this result, I like being alone and dislike social gatherings, but apparently that's not enough to be an autist

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My score as someone diagnosed multiple times with mild autism.

Jedi Academy

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Nier: A, but I play Insurgency and RO2 the mostly

Do I have to turn in my blue autism hat now?

Anxiety is not the same thing as autism.

autist are a special kind of freak
you're just a freak

Hollow Knight


Final Fantasy 9


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Paradox grand strategy games
These days it’s Crusader Kings 2

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Xenoblade 2.

Attached: eh.png (948x301, 36K)

It's autism not mental retardation you fucking idiot

nothing I didn't know already
Age of Mythology

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41, EarthBound.
Such is the life of an aspiring mathematician.

Deus Ex and Monster Hunter

Well shit. Nier Automata

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Ace Combat Zero

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>Marvel vs. Capcom 2

these horoscopes are fun, but i already know that i avoid people at all costs, i enjoy repetition and routine, but i dont care about memorizing license plates.
and i dont have a single favorite video game, but my favorite genres are sims and builders.

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I don't have a bunch of favorite games that I'm not sure I could place in a particular order. If I have to pick then...


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They're the same thing at the extreme end of the autistic spectrum

I'm surprised to see Xenoblade 2 mentioned a few times. I'm buying it this weekend, hope it's that good


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hello fellow autistic lad

>morrowind faggots are normies
not surprising desu

>not obliviously retarded
Kill yourself tranny

Baldurs Gate
I've also been diagnosed with autism

Paper Mario 64

>Stalker SoC

20, Breath of Fire III

>Yea Forums doesn't understand the difference between autism and anxiety/depression
Your tendencies aren't because of autism you can't control it's because you're a wreck with little to no friends but so am I

Star Ocean 3

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I'm exactly the same and can confirm it's general anxiety. See a psychiatrist and get some meds.

Etrian Odyssey

Also have an assburgers diagnosis from a professional

Mount and blade

I don't believe you.
Because TF2 is the most autistic game next to Dwarf Fortress.

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huh, weird

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32 but the test is rigged since it considers autistic being interested in things more than people (it's just typical of human males) and not liking people in general.
I like games too much to pick a favourite but I guess Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is pretty close.

Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei

Based online friendships keeping me just out of the danger zone.

It might be my favorite game, but it's not something I would recommend to people unless you're buying it at a discount. It's got a lot of really stupid design decisions (like the gachashit) and you need a lot of patience to be able to put up with its bullshit.

Dark Souls PTDE

I think this number would be considerably higher if there had been a way to indicate I've been a shut in for the last fifteen years and collect animu figures.

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>all these sub 25 normalfags

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Rune factory, rpgs in general.

good taste

Would you believe me if I said I was an engie main?

Thief 2

>implying you have to be autistic to be a freak
nigga gtfo

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forgot vidya

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woops, swapped an "is" for an "isn't"

Autists, for the most part, have strong black and white thinking and believe that something is either absolutely true, absolutely important, absolutely false, or absolutely irrelevant.
The idea of subtle details, such as those in human social interactions, trouble the autist as the autist's brain is ill equipped to handle analog situations.
The operation of a car isn't triggering to autists, because heavy machinery and road rules are black and white and easily understood.
What might trigger an autist is if the autist is respecting road rules, and some other faggot is just "driving how he feels like idfag yolo".
Having a job can be triggering to autists depending upon the job. Anything dealing with uncertainties, or with large amounts of social interaction, can trouble the autist.
What does not trouble the autist whatsoever is if the autist is placed inside a box with their hobby of choice, sufficient food and water, and left alone for a week. This is the autist's natural habitat, and the autist puts up with the "meatspace" as a necessary evil on the path towards the neetbox.

Contrast, the faggot.
The faggot is worried about how other people will see him, and about his potential popularity, and about contact with other human beings.
Thus, he is afraid to operate a car in public, because he might piss off other drivers.
The faggot is afraid of leaving his house to get a job, because he might disappoint his co-workers.
This resembles the autist, but there is a VERY important difference.
The faggot desperately wants to love and be loved, and to have social contact. They're just very very worried about that social contract going wrong.
You put a faggot in a neetbox for a week, they start stressing the fuck out and going crazy, and not focusing on enjoying their hobbies at all.


Dawn of war

My favorite vidya is probably Megaman 2

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Dark Souls

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Derp, forgot my game

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The battle system is probably one of the most fun I’ve used in any JRPG and Pyra is an S-Class waifu

I bet there is some very specific case that the government keeps covering up, so it ended up creating a "any vaccine can cause autism" rumor.

That's bullshit.Just because YOU struggle to bond with other people.

Men are the literal builders societies.

tribes ascend

Dragons Dogma

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feels good you fucking losers

some of the questions may as well just be "are you an introvert" desu

undertale, have over 300 hours only playing genocide route and nothing more
Also this test is bullshit, somehow I am the lowest scoring in this thread and I definetely am on the spectrum. I am just an extremely social autist

Good taste.

I'm both but less so the faggot.

I got 27 and I've actually been diagnosed with autism but I think my favourite game may make up for my relatively low score.

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Oops, also
OoT / BB / RE4
Sekiro is autismo Souls/BB

>Xenoblade Chronicles

right now Insurgency Sandstorm. All time, probably Terraria

I just want the medium to break new ground like it did in the 80s and 90s

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Demon souls.

bad social skills doesn't always mean autism

Chrono Trigger or Metal Gear Rising Revengeance

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I don't really have much of a favorite game. I just like a lot of games.
I've been listening to music from the Katamari series a lot lately, though.

Attached: i got professionally diagnosed with assburgers when i was young so this makes sense i guess.jpg (1080x458, 95K)

If your favorite game is normalfag shit like Dark Souls or Undertale you do not have autism despite what the test may say.


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It enhances it if you're not a low hanging fruit furfaggot.

for me, it's no more heroes

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Lack of friends is only a problem if you want friends.
What I find in a lot of people who want """friends""" is that they don't want friends at all. They want a placebo, or a proxy through which they can feel good about themselves.

Deus Ex/TBoI/Hotline Miami 2

I wish I was around on Yea Forums when it was just a bunch of autistic lonely neckbeards screeching at eachother. Normies out

It’s actually really good. I don’t tend to like JRPGs but got it free with my Switch and ended up putting over 80 hours into it, which I’ve never done before.


Metal Gear Solid

Yeah, a friend will sell it to me for cheap. I used to play a lot of gacha and still play GBF, so I don't mind that part. The only thing that might annoy me is not being able to transfer blades between characters, unless they fixed that in an update

I liked what I played from Xeno1 a few years ago, so if it's similar or better, then I'll enjoy jt

Final Fantasy Tactics

Considering I've been here for 12 years I'm probably just subconsciously suppressing my autism for the questionnaire.

Is 32 the optimal power level? You lord above neurotypicals but still maintain the ability to barely function as a social being.

This depends.
What do you do with traitors?
Hug _ _ _ _ _ _ Do Not


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Not you then, thats definitely autism

Autists at least have an excuse for having no friends, I don't see how being an autist makes you less normie compared to someone who had the dominos set in place to have friends and social lives with little to no issue but still managed to fail.

Dark Arisen

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>Not being a non autistic sociopath

is this a new pasta?

Dragon Quest VIII

Social situations are much easier for me to handle since college

>being a defective human
don't make me laugh

>Europa Universalis IV
How? Even though I make a lot of friends, I know most of them secretly hate me.

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smash bros melee

I swear I'm not autistic I just suck at socializing

You do realise you can have friends, girlfriends, and social experiences and still enjoy shitposting on Yea Forums right?

I'm not quite autistic enough not to hug the goat boy

Your critical problem here is thinking "Normie" is something you should aspire to and value.
It isn't.

Thats the problem with the test. It is concluding bad social skills is autism.
I go to parties and get laid. But I also only eat only 3 types of food every day, have to have my tea perfect or else I throw it away and spend up to 72 hours straight playing sonic adventure 2 each month.

There are items called Overdrive Protocols that let you transfer blades, but they're one use and extremely rare (as in, you normally only get two or three from chests throughout the game, and the rest are only available through endgame grinding).

You sound like my kinda dude.

20, Ace Combat
I feel like this number should be much higher desu

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Power level would be pretty damn proficient in any game that I get invested in, the problem is that games rarely keep my interest for very long now.
Favorite games are a lot old school games that got to the point and just let you play the way you want like Super Metroid, Megaman X.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-12 Autism Spectrum Quotient.png (550x238, 16K)

I hate these fucking tests.

THEY ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS say "compared to other people I [blank]" or I do [vague thing]

how am I supposed to know if other people noticed small details or not?
or like
"I enjoy doing things spontaneously."

well I don't know test what does that mean? that's not a reasonable question because it's fucking meaningless. if you eat mcdonalds every day then getting wendys is spontaneous, for some people that question would mean something like taking a daytrip to the beach randomly. what level of spontaneous do they mean?

it's garbage.

Nah, you can probably get "kys faggot" down to 2 words, rather than 2 paragraphs.

Diablo II and EDF 4.1

I scored 25 and I'm autistic as hell. I don't know about that.

Twilight Princess

yeah on fucking nu-Yea Forums. no wonder this site went to shit when we let all the normalfags in here

>Your score was25out of a possible 50.
>Scores in the 0-25 range indicate few or no Autistic traits.


i can't be assed to fill this out but i remember consistently scoring in the low 30s the last time i did this test a bazjllion years ago

I will say it again.
Anxiety is not the same thing as autism.
If you give a single flying fuck about what your friends do in a group without you, then you do not have the tism. You instead have the gay.

Halo CE

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>gta sa

24, though I feel if the answers to these questions could be more than just agree, slightly agree, slightly disagree and disagree I'd probably score higher cause I overthink a lot of these and often just go with the best one even if it doesn't describe me at all.

Persona 5 and Phantasy Star IV

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I can tell you right now you're at least a 40

Agreed, people will say you're autistic for nitpicking but the test is subjective as hell.

>can't comprehend/answer simple questions
That, my friend, was a test too.

Quite the contrary. This society that has been created has become unfit for human beings.

>Do you enjoy playing pretend with children?
I plead the fifth

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Can confirm. I tried the whole friends, girlfriend (singular) and social experiences thing to see what the fuss was about.
Not too tough, but a complete waste of time and effort. Would much rather be telling people that their taste in videogames is trash.


Retardera is autistic and mentally ill.

I guess you're not wrong, but I still feel mildly bad for you.

9. to be fair, it would be a lot higher if i remembered how i used to talk to people

sonic cd

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Don't have
I'm just here to laugh at you, spergs.

Depends on what you mean by that. I've jacked off to that spider, toriel and undyne a fair few times but I would simply consider myself a degenerate rather than a furfag as I don't at all bring my fetishes into real life and also I'm a horny motherfucker who would beat it to anything with a heart beat basically. That all said the reason I loved the game had absolutely nothing to do with all that.

Hey, same score.
But my favorite game is Zeno Clash 1/2

Fallout New Vegas

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How do you feel about Sm4sh being in EVO, and being considered a fighting game, even though it clearly isn't one?

Nah, optimal Yea Forumsirgin should be mildly autistic with mild sociopath tendencies.
It allows you to play many games on your own terms and I ain't just talking about videogames.

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autism is a mental illness retard
you're just repeating yourself


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>Do people tell you...
>Do you enjoy social situations...
>When talking to friends...

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I, too, enjoy the benefits of my smartphone.

Do not worry my friend. You passed. You are one of us.

Wrong, faggot. Most people in science and engineering are man because we are statistically more likely to be interested in things rather than people. Now go back to tranny studies brainlet.

either star fox 64 or NiGHTS into dreams

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I'm just a social retard with none of the smart, dedicated parts, great

most my friends are pro smash players and we think it isn't a fighting game. I don't really care though since my favourite games are in.

oh user im so sorry

Test is retarded because I only scored a 13 by answering honestly, but that’s now after working hard to learn how to be fake charismatic/sociable and how to read people. None of that came natural to me, I was unbelievably awkward and doing clearly autistic shit when I was younger.

Are you telling me we live in a society?

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I know that feel bro.

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World of Warcraft and Heroes of Newerth

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Based normie phoneposters

GTA Online

I don't even know how I got that low


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This. I don't have autism but I'm incredibly introverted so I hard disagree on anything pertaining to enjoying social situation. I get people, I just don't like them very much.


>Metroid Prime
For as often as I was told I had aspergers as a kid I sure have a hard time getting even remotely close to autism on these tests.

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Halo 3

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CoD 4

33, right on the razor edge line of autism.

Ehhh SOTN is prob my favourite

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should I be concerned about my score?

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>I've jacked off to that spider, toriel and undyne

Attached: chara.jpg (500x529, 121K)

>that picture

Fuck, I miss my mom

Team Fortress 2

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27, Grandia


b..but... my power level!

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Sounds like textbook autism

heh, see ya autists

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>only 9
Something doesn't add up here.


Forgot to post, total war warhammer

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I'm not autistic

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Then control your emotions. You assume too much.

Hey preston

"Other people frequently tell me that what I’ve said is impolite, even though I think it is polite."

this is a retarded question as well. others do often say what I've said is mean, but they can almost never tell me why it's wrong only that "it's mean" so what? I'm "impolite" (meaningless nonsense being polite in america isn't being polite in Saudi Arabia, being polite with your friends isn't being polite with your grandparents)

"I am a good diplomat." what kind of a question is this? how am I to know how I would handle actual diplomatic situations?

all these questions that ask you to rate yourself. wtf. "I am good at social chit chat" what is bad at social chit chat? seriously tell me what the 4 categories of being good at social chit chat are? it could vary from person to person. Is definitely disagree just a quick shit in the pants and fleeing from the room? is it stuttering out of nervousness? go on faggots tell me.


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>who would beat it to anything with a heart beat

Attached: anything with a heartbeat.png (520x346, 7K)

Assume? You claim you're a sociopath, which means the feeling of true camaraderie or affection between you and another living human is entirely outside of your grasp. In fact, it is like trying to tell a blind man about colors. That's why I pity you.

Megaman Legends

Did you get over 40?


Shin Megami Tensei IV or Cry Of Fear


snake eater

>this thread
I knew this place was full of autist but damn, I didnt think it was this much. No wonder this place is such a shithole

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Zone of the Enders 2

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My powerlevel is 23 and my favourite vidya is probably a tie between Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner. I can’t decide.

I mean I wouldn't rule her out but I've never found anything with her in it that I particularly like

What about your SOUL?
Did you not particularly like it?

Welp, I guess I have ass burgers

Why do you normies like Bloodborne so much? It’s not for you.

theres barely any autists

oh and I'll just say it. who the fuck has "a favorite game" I've played like at this point over 200 video games in my life time. I'm what? supposed to just pick one? why? for what reason would I designate one as "my favorite" so I can build my reddit persona around it? I mean seriously. a favorite video game you cannot be serious

We got 50 here.

The problem with this place is the fucking normalfags not the autists

Atelier series

Metal Gear Solid 3

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Richard Burns Rally

How do you do fellow neurotypicals

Not liking people =/= autism

It's a bit more complicated than that. Some of the questions there like not knowing when someone your talking to is bored are more on point. Autism has a lot more to do with difficulty processing and understanding everyday social cues. That said, autism does tie into introversion because imagine being surrounded by people who literally have different fundamental thinking patterns than you, it makes sense that one would feel ostracized.

I hate tests like this, it implies that anyone that is introvert and avoids social events is automatically autistic. I always rank highest note even though I'm not autistic.

damn I didn't think you could even get 60 on the test

Old school runescape or morrowind

my favorite vidya is Lost Planet 2, i'm also shocked at how low my score is. after years of browsing this shithole i thought i would have top tier autism by now.

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Typical autistic responses. Go eat some crayons elsewhere

13, which I'm pretty sure is relatively slightly on the last time I took a quiz like this.

Majora's Mask.

Surprising. I was expecting at least 30.

19. I don't enjoy social situations mainly because I can read that most people are narcissists and/or sociopaths.

The real test is whether or not you notice the typo. I am apparently autistic.

My name is worse than Preston sadly

13/50, but the test is bullshit. A lot of it is based on social situations and while I don't think I'm on the spectrum, I'm just a social person so I get an advantage anyway.
Also, God Hand

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Xenoblade 2

Full blown case over here.

Fav vidya Baldur's Gate saga.

Got an 11
idk what powerlevel is, but my favorite game over all is probably Valkyrie Profile.

holy fuck I'm not answering all that shit.

It's not that it's wrong what you said but that you have difficulty gauging it.
As for the chit chat it's about relating and showing interest in other people even if it's just light talk.
Your autism level must be up there.

I am apparently as autistic as a normal person gets.

Battlefield 1.

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>tfw too old to get tested for autism

Just name the game you're currently enjoying the most

typo? where?

Go outside you fucking normal, you don't belong here.

It's actually the opposite, the more normalfags the worse conversation gets, they're only interested in shitposting for attention and reblogging their favorite content.


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Super Mario Galaxy holds that honor despite me not having played in a hot minute.

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Do you really not have a game you played more than any others and always love to come back to? Soulless desu

>Your score was 29 out of a possible 50.
>Scores in the 26-32 range indicate some Autistic traits (Aspergers Syndrome).
Diablo 2

Attached: assburger.jpg (443x500, 22K)

Oh and since you asked, Sonic.

>Introvert = autism
1984 is near, goddamn

Your score was 19 out of a possible 50.

Scores in the 0-25 range indicate few or no Autistic traits.

Fire Emblem/Dota

Persona 4.

High IQ =/= autism

What's up with the autists picking Nintendo games in this thread?

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Did you know?

Autism is considered a male issue, but it is equally prevalent in women.
It is simply much more difficult to tell normal and autistic women apart, so it rarely gets diagnosed

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You might not be autistic but you definitely have AD

I play to shit on noobs, not to rp like a fag

>4 out of 50
As I suspected

Mother 3

Honestly expected it to be higher, like a lot higher. Maybe I just hate dealing with people then.

A Link to the Past


Super Metroid

Forgot vidya
>4 of 50
Viewtiful Joe

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>imagine being surrounded by people who literally have different fundamental thinking patterns than you, it makes sense that one would feel ostracized.
Only if you incorrectly assume that they are correct, and you are not. The way I see it, I'm not ostracized by them. They're the ones being ostracized by me.

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Grand Theft Auto (Series)

am i a normie now

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>tfw coming out of my shell recently
We're gonna make it bros
also my favorite game is Garry's Mod

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I’m a sperg

>Forgot vidya
Nobody is fucking reading any of these posts you fucking autist

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favorite game is Fallout 3

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Is this a 26-32 Ree or a 33-50 Ree?

Well, you did.

I'm being boskeletonrp'd arent I.


I'm not autistic, though. I have depression and anxiety.

you're on the edge of being a normie, only REAL normies score sub 10

>Either Super Metroid, Zero Mission, or Prime 1 I can't choose
D-does this mean I'm safe

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You just did, faggot. And even worse, you responded.

I give this post a 42/50

As an actual autist I am confused

Also Dead Rising or Pikmin

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Dwarf Fortress and Terraria

Age of Empires

>Your score was 45 out of a possible 50.

Deus Ex: HR

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>No autism but pretty close to the edge
Figured it really.

What class would you consider your main to be in D2? I had a lightsorc for the longest time. Hell countess all day erryday, never really got rich tho

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>the quality of the games increase the higher the score
why is this?

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League of Legends.

Are you sociable? This test is really bad at managing that aspect.

It's tough to say what my favorite is.

My top 3 in no particular order:
Ocarina of Time
Final Fantasy X

Attached: autism.png (1096x538, 30K)

I feel you. I have some friends that legitimately have autism/asperger's, and for a while I thought I might as well, because I don't have great social skills with new people, and I get autistically obsessed with certain games or TV shows. They all assure me that I'm not as bad as I think though and actively mocked the notion that I thought I might be on the spectrum. Fuxking gatekeepers.

>Your score was 10 out of a possible 50.
probably baldur's gate series, or deus ex, or system shock (not bioshock)

Confirmation bias.

The Sims

Can they not tell if a woman has black and white thinking, or tends to not understand subtle social cues?
Or is it just that our only way of telling these things is to _ask_ them, and your average woman literally cannot explain how she thinks, so there's nothing to compare them to?

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MegaMan X

>0-25 is the highest
i highly doubt that
gravity rush 2

Attached: file.png (713x247, 29K)

Thanks. Unfortunately I'm only 28/50.

I guess the whole "doing the same thing over and over again" trait kinda helps when trying to 100% this shit.

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Sorry bud, only chads can truly appreciate bloodborne.

Good taste in vidya.

Autism desu ka?

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16 out of 50.

Does that mean I'm not allowed to post here anymore?

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Women are more wired to have empathy, so even autistic women have empathy.
They're pretty disorganized slobs though.

I scored 12 out of 50. My favorite game is Sim City. Please don't tell the gooberment.

Because the massmarket well-advertised games are pretty much universally garbage.
An autist has an equal chance of fixating on garbage as they do on something actually good, so a random crapshoot has a better expected result overall than just going with whatever's popular.

Super Mario RPG

Buncha spergs in here.


>licensed exorcist

Attached: I stole this laptop.jpg (300x300, 14K)

This is me, and I've been playing Final Fantasy XI on and off since 2006

Forgot pic for favorite vidya.

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>Women are more wired to have empathy
Other than your mother, how many women have you know in your life well enough to say you know their personalities?
Because female empathy is a myth.


I'd have to actually be autistic enough to take the time to answer 50 questions about autism, so no thank you

>Snake Eater
I see you are a man of culter.

fuck off.

are you one of those kids who owned like 10 video games growing up? why am I even asking of course you were.

why would I replay the same thing over and over again when I could experience an entirely new thing? there are more good games made now than one could ever experience. For example just this past month I played subnautica for the first time, Thief 1 for the first time, rimworld for the first time, and demon's souls for the first time all while also playing other games in your normal faggot opinion I guess I should have just replayed a game I've already played instead of all those incredible experiences I had?

Hollow Knight

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Lack of gatekeeping is what turns BioWare (old) into BioWare (current).

yakuza 2

>it's a myth
Except it's a scientific fact backed by peer-reviewed studies. Are you the same kind of person who says the earth is flat?

>Your score was 31 out of a possible 50.
>Scores in the 26-32 range indicate some Autistic traits (Aspergers Syndrome).
sounds about right

Super mario 3

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I worked really hard at coming out of my shell since my entire grade school experience was terrible. People I met in college and my job always tell me how easy I am to get along with and my close friends said they never once thought I was on the spectrum. If anything I just suck at keeping in touch with people since I'm so used to being alone but I've been trying to be more outgoing as well


Just because girls turn you down for being an ugly creep doesn't mean they don't have empathy, it means you're a social pariah, user.

Attached: draco wtf.gif (213x199, 341K)

>50 questions
put me at 0 already

>which means the feeling of true camaraderie or affection between you and another living human is entirely outside of your grasp
No. That warrent may suit your emotional needs, but it does not express the terminology clearly. To have camaradence or affection is a choice. One who is in well control of his emotions can choose to experience these emotions to someone else as he wills it, and also to not do so as he wills it. A well socialized person is usually beyond this grasp because the norms of his society dictates that he must be over sensitive to social norms, and to feel hostility to any sort of bigotry or any sort of behavior that does not fit in with their norms. Scientists use the term socialization to designate how well one fits in well to his society. A lightly socialized person will be labled as defective and can go as far as to call him a sociopath because it suits this society to demonize lack of conformity. Sociopath in its raw form is a lable, it is given to those whom they consider extremely non conformative to their norms. Lables are subjective to society's understanding. If we were in a scociety, with norms better suited for human beings, perhaps you would be labeled a 'freak'.

25, FFT.
I'm a shut in NEET though, so I strongly suspect this isn't accurate. Questions seem really shit too.

Mega Man X I guess. Although its sort of hard to call any game really my "favorite." Only reason I'm saying Mega Man X is because its one I constantly find myself replaying every now and then.

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Shit, I got 33. At least now I can justify all my failures in life.
My favorite game is Xenogears

Well, that's the last time I'm summoning %hilariousname% undertale to an autism thread.

This is like the autism version of an anime character breaking the gizmo that measures power levels


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The Witcher 3
Just under the wire. Awesome.

I fucking wish they'd turn me down for being antisocial. If they did, it'd mean they could learn from their mistakes.

Also, not the dude you were originally talking to, but had over 600 games by now prolly. Having a favorite means you enjoyed one game above the rest. If you can't honestly pick, sounds like you played some shitty games, or lack the memory retention to remember which game you liked the most? Sounds fucking retarded over autistic honestly.

I don't have a favorite game. That's just how Chads are.

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>6 and either Deus Ex or Witcher 3

The earth isn't flat. My waifu is flat tho. I can tell, I circumnavigated her.

>They all assure me that I'm not as bad as I think though and actively mocked the notion that I thought I might be on the spectrum. Fuxking gatekeepers.

When every gronk, muppet, and cunt uses it as an excuse or fashionable disability to tote about in internet arguments, yeah, we gatekeep it. Professional diagnosis or fuck off.

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MegaMan Zero 3

No, it's not a choice. It's a chemical reaction in your brain that you simply can't have. And I understand why it's difficult for you to grasp. Like I have a hard time imagining how some insects can see in colors we can't see, or how dogs and cats can hear the electricity in our walls and the ticking of every clock in the house. I can imagine how it feels, but I'll never really know how it feels. Just like you'll never know the feeling of loving someone more than yourself.
You're just pretending, struggling to keep up with what everyone else seems to do naturally. And when you finally perfect that fake mask, you use it to manipulate people, because that's just what people like you do. You don't know any better. You can't help it.

A perfect even 25, too much of a sperg for normies but not autistic enough to truely ascend to higher states of mind

favorite video games are KOTOR and Halo 2

Anti-social means bad for society. What you're thinking of is asocial. And the fact that you think it's entirely all women's fault everywhere and not yours shows me what side of the spectrum you fall on.

>why would I replay the same thing over and over again when I could experience an entirely new thing?
*clear throat*
*adjust standing position*
*breath in*
*check to make sure everyone can see me*
*lean into mic*


I've been diagnosed with mild Asberger's so I don't think I'm actually that autistic, just wasn't sure how to answer a lot of the questions. I'm also terrified of most social situations.

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Europa universalis 4

Don't even waste the keystrokes. He's not worth it.

Persona 4 Golden

>implying you cant have multiple mental illnesses
I'm starting to think you suffer from one user.

I'm hoping he'll realize he's not welcome here and fuck off back to /r9k/.

I do mean antisocial. I know what it means. It means you have disdain and disrespect for the common man. Or in this case the common woman.


Oh, god. I fell for it.

That's way too many fucking questions to answer

F-Zero GX

15 and fav rn is sekiro

Autism is a neurological disorder. Your brain is physically wired differently.

/r9k/ are a bunch of faggots who have fallen hook line and sinker for the 3dpd meme, and they wish they could have a relationship with one.
I hate /r9k/ twice as hard as you do.
Make another guess as to where to send me back to.


La Mulana

So you hate women and then complain why they don't want to have anything to do with you? Truly a mystery for the ages.

No, dipshit, that's asocial. Anti-social means you are specifically bad for society. A cult leader, a con artist, that kind of thing. You are asocial, meaning you dislike socializing and social situations. Partly because people keep pushing you away due to how unlikable you are, partly because of where you fall on the spectrum. Women don't like you because you make them uncomfortable.

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I used to ace those tests 10 years ago, I guess I developed fine since today I got 34.

Monster Hunter


>has no empathy
>has no shame
>this man's
>PS3 no game

Anyone else have it and pissed off about it? I'm socially retarded, never learned how to display or read body language, have slowed mental growth (i'm going through that angsty tween phase at 23), I have an awful memory, with the tradeoff being that I'm sort of good at memorizing music. I hope they find a cure for this bullshit, I didn't ask for it.
Favorite game is Cave Story.

how did you do it?

>So you hate women and then complain why they don't want to have anything to do with you?
I'm more complaining that they DO want to have anything to do with me.

>Women don't like you because you make them uncomfortable.
I wish that were true. I really do. It'd solve a lot of problems before they begin.

Destiny 2

Probably Stalker.

But the problem is, women have atrociously low standards. And they're going to keep burning themselves because of those low standards.
There's nothing I or you can do to stop it.


Its kinda hard to tell for me. I was semi-normal really young, then yay traumas, and then years of practicing how to fit in and function to survive. So interacting with others is fine, but only because I've examined the shit out of them to understand behavour patterns. I enjoy gatherings of similar people, but tear myself apart for anything I may have fucked up afterward worried I did something abnormal without realizing it.

Some think I have an anxiety problem, they may be right, don't think its autism. Test is probably junk since autism is genetic. Its a crap load of genes that make it which is why it varies so much, but we know which ones do it.

Yeah, okay Chad Thundercock.

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Feel like most of my autistic traits can be explained by a lack of social skills due to limited exposure brought on by a crippling video game addiction and anxiety issues in the past.

Link to the Past randomizer, rrreeeeee

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My biggest problem with self-diagnosed """autists""" is that they aren't autists. They're faggots with anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorder is worse than autism and I would very much like to NOT be associated with those sadcat-posting staircase yelling Team Creme homotronics.

Two factors played a big role: getting laid and a job.

I landed 3 women through MMORPGs despite being an autistic shit and married the 3rd. She knows all about my tism and finds it fascinating, in particular the social development I've gone through in the last half decade.

I've been employed since 4 years and managed to get a leadership position, which teaches one a lot about how to deal with people.

tl;dr: I learnt to cope with a lot of shit through life experience

It can be managed if you try. I finally understood the concept of love when I was about 22, but I did. I consciously learned to hug my closest family members because I realized it makes them happy. I slowly learned to gesticulate and smile at people when talking by watching others and reading books. It takes time and effort, but you can do something about it.

This is mine as well. I don't actually have autism, but I display autistic social traits because I retarded my own social growth during high school by isolating myself and playing a shit ton of World of Warcraft. I've just recently started to make myself normal again, but my issue was I was so meme-induced that I struggled to have a normal conversation. My only hobbies for years were video games, hentai, and /pol/ memes. Nobody wants to talk with a troglodyte like that.


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No autism here bros. Feels good.

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>score of 18
>don't know what the fuck is wrong with me

I live with what's left of my family in a nice place, and I have lots of friends from different places around the world from travelling when I was younger, going to different schools etc.

However, I find it impossible to meet new people around here , because I don't fit in very well with the culture. I'm not into parties, and I'm not into drinking, which seems like the only way to find people in Australia. Plus, I do university online so I have no friends in this part of the world to introduce me to people or take me places. I've been stuck in my house for the past 3-4 years, not even being able to go anywhere over 1km away because I just don't like it here.

It's a beautiful place but the loneliest place in the world for me.


Difficult to pick one game out. I'd probably just go for Morrowind.

>A cult leader, a con artist, that kind of thing.
It's easy to be a con artist when people con themselves and you just don't correct them.

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Breath of Fire series (3 is the best)

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Cave story

Pokemon, the souls games, and honestly above average platforming games
I honestly thought my score would be higher but oh well
Actually add 20 points to it because I'm phoneposting

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As an autist with basically no anxiety issues, I agree, you probably have it much harder than I do. At most I get confused by shit, while you probably experience crippling spaghetti

Lmao same score and same thoughts desu.

Don't sweat it. People have assumed I'm an edgy 12 year old for over 20 years now, and I hope they assume it for 20 years more.

Either Dark Souls or Metroid Prime 2

Attached: HWQgxwU.png (562x151, 12K)

forgot to mention fav vidya is zelda TP

I don't really have a favorite videogame, I just obsess over one for a few months and move on to the next one, like this fo4->ff15->fo1->Sims 3->Stalker series

>Final Fantasy IV
I just really hate social situations. I'm shit at small talk, and I find myself talking too fast and stumbling over my own words. Its like my mouth is faster then my brain. I also have a hard time talking to people I don't know well or don't share similar hobbies as me. Basically, if they aren't into books, tech, vidya, or something else I like, its harder for me to talk with them period.

>She knows all about my tism and finds it fascinating
Bahaha you're a trophy.
>managed to get a leadership position
Despite my max 'tism I myself tend to wind up in leadership positions. Fucked if I know how/why. I think it's just because other people couldn't be bothered, and someone's gotta do it.

Fallout: New Vegas
Who /diagnosedassburgers/ here?

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You turned my insult back on me.
Not even mad. Well done 10/10

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Oh! I know of plenty of ways to meet people in Australia. Have you tried connecting with clubs for
I hope you die alone.

Pick a new one please Bloodborne is a normie game.

b-but i prefer the GC version ;_;

It has been engaging to hear your side of the coin, although we may disagree. I can assure that such feelings are in fact a choice. Even the emotion of Love is up to ones own prerogative. To Love is given to man as a commandment from the lord. Whom I willingly choose to love. One who choses to love their enimes, does so with deliberate effort. One does not 'fall in love' nor 'fall out of love' with one's spouse, one choses to love and makes delibates a deliberate effort to nurture love. Hostility and hate is also one's own choice. The school of thought that says that such emotions are not a choice, undermines man's agency.

Phoneposting SUBTRACTS 10 points.
Your score is now -2/50 so far off the spectrum you've gone Ultranormal.

>One does not 'fall in love' nor 'fall out of love' with one's spouse
Actually, yeah, they do. That's why the phrase "seven year itch" exists. A good marriage doesn't always have to have romantic love.

The image you posted proves this quiz is bogus

>tfw you have autism and anxiety

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Are you me ?

I don't understand this whole slow mental growth thing. I swear I've always been one age group behind. I was a literal overhyped retard in elementary to the point where they took me out of class every day to play in some room so that I can tire myself out a bit. Around 5th grade I got beaten up for being an idiot who thought kicking someone in the dick was an ok to do while playing soccer at recess. Fuck I never even realized that girls had vaginas until the end of 7th grade and I would constantly mock the teachers by getting up and dancing behind them.

GTA Vice City


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Look, TP is shit.
It's a shit zelda game. It might be a decent game overall but it's not fucking zelda, it's more movie than gameplay. It's unironically worse than Breath of the Wild (though not as bad as Skyward Sword).
Have you tried A link to the past? Link's awakening? Ocarina of time? Wind Waker (not the HD version though because fuck bloom)? Breath of the wild?
I mean TRY breath of the wild and see if you can enjoy it. You might catch a lot of flak from people but if you just tell them that your previous favourite zelda game was TP and you're trying to upgrade your tastes, they'll be understanding.

any management sim instantly goes to my fav list as long as its not really shit
also found some questions meaning to get very loose and got annoyed, so my score is probably higher than what this shitty test can measure

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I got 23
Favorite game is Kamidori

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>Anxiety disorder is worse than autism
Anxiety can be cured with therapy and medication. Autism can only be cured with death.


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> 15 out of 50
> MvC2

Autism is a superpower. Normalfags are the illness.

12, Kirby Super Star

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Never throught of it that way, but I dont mind being a trophy. I think it's a relationship of mutual benefits.

As for the leadership part, I think as long as you can overcome the absolute lack of social skills, the personal, professional and methodic skills are almost automatically top notch

>me at 16-21
>score 30-45

>today at 26
>score 11

Why does getting a job, wife and money make you less of an autist?

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TLoZ: Twilight Princess

I want to get properly diagnosed but I don't think I would because of all the coping mechanisms I've developed over the years. Nobody I've ever talked to about this fucking believes me how hard it actually is for me to behave in a socially acceptable way.

I wasn't insulting you, I tried to be empathic. I'm not very good at it.

Oh Jesus,

Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

I've always kind of suspected I'm high-functioning.

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analytics collected
close thread

Other guy who liked TP here. Game's almost the polar opposite of BotW in that it's so damn tightly structured. It's a Zelda that makes no bones about putting the main quest above exploration instead of what every other Zelda not named Zelda 1 and BotW merely pretends to do. I get why someone who prefers the exploration parts of Zelda wouldn't like TP but on the flipside, for people that like the dungeoning/main quest aspects it's one of the better entries for how no nonsense it is.

Grim Dawn

Well, whatever you're doing, keep doing it. You clearly won without even trying.

I got 14/50 which is fucking hilarious to me because I'm such a socially inept weirdo who plays shit like Rimworld. Kenshi, Elite Dangerous, Etc.

I don't have a favorite game, I play anything I enjoy.

>That's why the phrase "seven year itch" exists.
Such people envoke my pity.
>Actually, yeah, they do.
So do you.

wich route?

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Same as this guy, only I got 26 and my favorite genres are loot games. I just like to find lot's of things and keep them.

I guess we pity each other, huh? Enjoy being defective.

Cheers mate

It's also a zelda game with a Hold X to Automatically Win button for half the game. It also unironically has more cutscenes in it than Deus Ex Human Revolution, and half of them aren't skippable.
I have no inherent problems with a linear GAMEPLAY experience. Super Meat Boy is great. What I have a problem with is movies. You could make TP a Sony exclusive and it'd fit right in.

Now the real question is, can someone be so normal that it ceases to be normal?

I've played most Zelda games! I honestly can say I preferred TP to BoTW because it felt more like a good story. I prefer linearity in Zelda games but I can see why TP isn't liked. It's still my fav though. Skyward Sword was shit at least we can agree there.

Botw was okay but I didn't like the limitations that the freedom gave in terms of dungeon design and enemy variety. Felt a bit too sandbox-y for me.

Wind waker was great but the triforce hunt was tedious as all hell, and it probably would've been better had they included those missing dungeons.

Alttp is god tier but i still didn't like it as much as I did TP. The world design for TP combined with the gritty aesthetic and exploration potential added to a good story.

Paper Mario
Most question were about conversation, yeah I wanna go to a party or watch a movie but I also enjoy staying home and playing games and drawing a bunch. It's hard to pick.

>can someone be so normal that it ceases to be normal?

Attached: think big.gif (300x300, 892K)

You probably picked too many slightly dis/agree options. Next time be true to yourself and you'll get the Autism you deserve.

>tfw only 15

how do i raise my autism score


Damn would have thought I'd score higher but I guess it's just my ADHD or something. I do notice my hearing is much sharper than others.

>enjoy being defective

Attached: anon.jpg (480x360, 16K)

Can't really think of a game to call favorite at the moment.

>Ocarina of Time

>I prefer because story
Your complaints about BotW and WW are completely true and I understand. But Zelda isn't about story! That's what I said about TP being a bad zelda game.

>was actually diagnosed with Aspergers
TimeSplitters: Future Perfect, but for modern games I'd say Bloodborne.

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the real question is, what is and can be described as "normal"?

damn guess you know a lot from being both

Hard to say. As a child?, KH2. This year?, DMC5. Overall?, the Monster Hunter and Shin Megami Tensei series.

I can’t pinpoint anything because i’ve stopped looking at individual titles as monolithic things that are the be all, end all of entertainment.

>What’s your superpower user?
>The ability to never touch a woman

Street Fighter IV or Ragnarok Online or Final Fantasy XI

i dont think im autistic at all but i definitely have a lot of the traits

Nah lol. I have a dual screen display so I'm usually watching stuff on one monitor while just playing something that isn't reflex based so I can bounce my attention back and fourth.

I’ve always held a soft spot for Pikmin 2 and I really liked the piklopedia part of it when I was younger. Not much time for vidya anymore, I work full time at a hotel and there’s plenty of socializing for me to do there so I’m pretty sure I’m not autistic.

Imagine not just being a literal retard, but also socially inept

17, right now, probably FiveM GTA Roleplay. Dealing meth and stealing cars all day erry day

I sent this to me instead of you. I may not be autistic but I sure am retarded


So who is the most autistic? ACfag, ACK or Barneyfag?

>what is and can be described as "normal"?
Facebook, Reddit, Twitch, Google, Amazon.

Correction. My superpower is the ability to not care if contact with a woman is made or not.
This causes nuclear rage in those who are jealous.

All but it's been so long I usually just fall into the default route and enjoy the side content.I wish more games had the undress skill


you get normalized to situations and behaviour that's non-autistic.

>Ragnarok Online

it was a wild ride. I miss the times before I found out almost everyone cheated

>It's also a zelda game with a Hold X to Automatically Win button for half the game.

The wolf isn't even half the game. Not even close. And even then, you only really need that move for the warp point fights and the, what, 2 boss fights with the wolf? That leaves the remaining 95% of the game.

>It also unironically has more cutscenes in it than Deus Ex Human Revolution, and half of them aren't skippable.

Unskippable cutscenes are a cancer and TP is rather cinematic in spots but honestly I've not played HR so I can't comment on comparison. Given your previous gross exaggeration though it's probably not true.

>I have no inherent problems with a linear GAMEPLAY experience.

Which TP is as it features some of the most creative sword techniques and dungeon gimmicks in the series. Items and bosses could've been a bit better but eh, can't win em' all.

That's a terrible analogy and interpretation of the score


>So who is the most autistic?
whoever's namedropping these people

Unironically that one faggot who keeps posting their steam URL.
Unless it's ironic in which case ... probably still that faggot. That's a lotta irony.

Not him but I changed all my slightlys to definitely and got the same score

DON'T unlock all the blades, you will get the same ending anyways

>got to the 5th question before i got bored and closed the tab
was it autism?

>tfw so autistic that I fit the definition for asexuality

>got 14 points like me
>also answered KH2
How queer.

Hi Doug

I find the Nethack community to be absolutely infuriating cancer. It's a shame, because the game has some merits.

No one is jealous of virgins

Nah, this one's a bit bullshit.

>I miss the times before I found out almost everyone cheated

So true. It didn't hit me just how widespread botting and client fuckery was until many years after the RO scene had died down. Not sure if I should feel proud or stupid for doing absolutely everything the legit way.


Nier: Automata

And yet, I get butthurt replies from random roasties reeing that I don't care about their contact.
Because that is the only thing they have, and I just denied it from them.
I'm sure you don't care about -unwilling- virgins though! Neither do I.

fave game is probably dmc4 still

Attached: Screenshot_20190412-003717_DuckDuckGo.jpg (1080x2220, 385K)

does anyone else hate being touched by other people including close family members
I haven't hugged my mother in 5 years

That sounds about right.

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I actually got the assburgers too, but I’ve been improving myself steadily for plenty of years and now I’m pretty well integrated within the confines of my social sphere.

Everybody loves me, but it’s also painfully clear I’m not completely normal. I blame this for my lack of gf.

team fortress 2

Diablo II

Attached: Diablo_II_characters.jpg (500x323, 43K)

Eh, depends on the person
If it's a non-gamer I'm cool with it.
If it's a true gamer that's a bit iffy because you don't wanna shit where you game
If it's someone with bad taste in games though ... don't touch me you filthy casual.

Would you say that Zelda is about dungeons, exploration and puzzles then?

BotW surely did add many more shrine puzzles, and has comparable exploration to TP. What sets TP apart is the integration of the world with the puzzles in a way that doesn't detract from what you are actually doing.

Those factors on their own are pretty definitive of Zelda for me, meaning that both games are pretty close to one another.

However, TP does have a core story which is quite interesting and provides for lots of lore opportunities. It may be a break from the conventions of Zelda a little bit, but so was BoTW, and I didn't mind that game, it just wasn't as good for me as TP was.

People treating a weird virgin like a weird virgin isn’t being butthurt.

Gfs are vastly overrated. Respec your autism tree and try to shuffle some points from "Bitter" or "Lonely" into "Proud" or "Imaginative".

Your fedora score is at least 45/50

I found out by GM'ing in a pserver. Got a bit ban happy too

How so? They can only be autistic about your wish choices or general strategies.

>Would you say that Zelda is about dungeons, exploration and puzzles then?
Bet your goddamn ass I would.
>What sets TP apart is its worldbuilding, atmosphere, context, lore, and story
In other words what sets it apart are the things OTHER than what Zelda is about. Thanks.
You're right in that some of the dungeons were pretty boss. The fights against the ... moblin boss? forgot his name. He rides a boar in the desert. Those were great stuff.
But my god the fuckin WordsWordsWords CutscenesCutscenesCutscenes.

My guess is you're not autistic but you have an anxiety disorder or depression

The thing is I'm not a virgin. I got laid. It was boring and a waste of effort and I'm ashamed that I ever fell for that meme.
Still, it's good to know that your failed attempts to shame me for disregarding you aren't butthurt, but instead come from a place of love and acceptance.

Huh, did they change? Because I remember there being a HUGE bunch of cocksuckers completely drunk on the social justice koolaid and going full "we don't need people in our community who make jokes about rape".

I'd argue that introvertive natures are caused by mild autistic traits. I scored 13, but goddamn do I get uncomfortable with heavy eye contact.

I dunno, I want sum pussy and like to cuddle. Fortunately, I’m not too bitter about it.

But fuck am I ronery.

My doctor prescribed me something for anxiety when I came in for depression because he said these things often go hand in hand and alot of people don't realize some of their symptoms they associate with depression are actually signs of anxiety

So does everyone. The key is to make them get uncomfortable first.

Starcraft 2

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pic related
Mario Party 1

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Well, I suppose if that's how it is, then that's how it is.
Personally I just don't understand the whole loneliness-love thing because I've literally never felt either and I'm pretty sure I'm incapable of it.

I only get lonely when I don't have anyone to play RoR2 with


>lying about not being a virgin
>claims others are butthurt

So the scores should be over 9000?

Interesting, because I play to RP and I'm less autistic than you.

Attached: asfdhg.png (1046x484, 25K)

>not lying
Roastie can't handle facts and has to invent a fictional world to live in
Bye bye roastie

Metroid Prime

Only reason its this high is because I find interacting with people to be a pain in my ass and prefer solitude.

7 as well
I'm honestly a little concerned mine was so high.

C&C (Red Alert 2 and Tiberian Sun)