Do you ever cheat in video games?

Do you ever cheat in video games?

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Used a CE table to create a mule in Dark Souls, but I wouldn't consider that cheating

Ya when I played ROTMG CE would work. Idk if still does but this was years ago

Yes all the time because fuck grinding

I grew out of it and became the guy who legitimately plays everything on the hardest difficulty
think I had more fun before

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I play most games on their hardest difficulty but even I aint dealing with shit like carry weight. Ill cheat that any day. I dont see the point in doing stuff like god mode, not really fun but I can get down with quality of life changes.

>CE maplestory boards got shut down by nexon becuase they were close to spoofing GM accounts
vacuum hacks weren't cheating

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>back in the day
>cheat engine comes out
>only cool kids and amateur coders know how to use it
>now since its been shilled everywhere, retards come in and beg for cheats non-stop that the ones who actually know how to code make money off retards

it always fucking happens, niche community gets a thing, they make things for free and internet points, retards come in and get exploited to pay for their work, no more free cheats

>tfw used this a lot in DragonFable
At some point parts of it just didn't work that I couldn't figure out, was pretty fun though. They changed some stuff in MechQuest though, when I tried the same things I used in DragonFable.

I cheat in mario kart

Maple story
Rumble fighter
Grand chase
Dragon Nest
Getamped 2

Yeah when I’m bored and just wanna dick around

Wait, CE actually worked for MMOs?

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Only for things that could be edited client side. You could change your money or stats.

all the time, when a game gives me legit bullshit i cheat my way out of that situation.

dark spirit has invaded? ha, eat shit faggot.


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like subtle things. Automatically picking up items. Automatically using pots so you don’t need to manually. Vacuuming monsters to one spot.

>for one reason or another lose a lot of progress in an rpg
>say fuck it i'll just use CE to give myself a little boost to get back to the state I was and do the rest legit
>beat the game with infinite money, every weapon and max level
I've just got no damn self control

using it to change my characters' height to satiate my fetish, yes

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Yea Forums is full of chinese, french, and brazil niggers. what do you think?

Only after Ive beaten the game fair and square.

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Among other things.

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yeah i cheated on dark souls because its fun to ruin honor fags times and i almost always cheat money in any rpg. also cheated on old rust because 2 10 year olds built a base right next to ours while hacking so i downloaded even stronger hacks and no clipped into their base while spawn camping them with an aimbot.

yeah the only game i ever felt cheating was ninjasaga, back when i first stumbled upon cheat engine 2007 and fiddler in 2010 i cheated the shit out of that game

Yeah, I grief in competitive multiplayer games, gotta cheat.

tfw there's a secret braaap cheat

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>tfw it's not even a secret sometimes

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cheating ruins games for me but i will mod QoL things like inventory size

it must get really sweaty and smelly after a long day of doing whatever the ladies of skyforge do

Why do you fucking retards come into every thread and ruin the place. Fuck you.

But damage hacks were actually a thing
It heavily depends on the mmo, I remember hopping maplestory servers with my damage hack on, testing which one auto bans me for it

I used cheat engine for facebook games when I was a kid, mostly pet society

In FFXIV you can teleport hack and as long as a player doesn't report you for it you probably won't get banned.

For shits and giggles? Yes
To beat the game? No

Only when the games break IE when plot items fail to spawn

You can also use it to fast forward cutscenes, so main scenario roulette becomes bearable

I only macro with semi autos

I've been writing cheats for games for about a decade now, never to "act good" or whatever retards do with them, but just to grief
I ended up working for a major game studio for a few years doing anti cheat work for them from what I learned

I use cheat engine all the fucking time. I used it recently to give myself infinite money, exp, and dragon tears in sekiro.

This. Fuck that noise unless the game does the grind fun and even so if it doesn't force you to overdo it.
Also on games I have already finished once properly and want to dick around.

Hi onlyafro

i used cheat engine to fuck with people in dark souls but not maliciously

Well you fucking suck at your job because i've cracked all anti-cheat protection

Only in singleplayer and that's when I get bored or just want to fuck around.

There's only so much you can do when you're restricted to non elevated usermode protections

I cheat to skip grind in japanese porn games and nothing else

the best thing about faggets that cheat in sekiro is getting bugged and losing all their progress at a certain part. Based dev if this was actually on purpose.

I gave myself infinite dragon tears too thinking this mechanic would suck ass but soon after the "just parry bro" mechanic clicked and I ended up not using more than two or three for the rest of the game.

Big head mode is fun.

But seriously, I've used Cheat Engine once for the now gone browser game, Marvel Avengers Alliance. Not for currency or upgrade points or whatever, but to speed up battles.

>Hyperdimension Neptunia 1
With no remorse.

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.

You didn't grow.
You didn't improve.
You took a shortcut and gained nothing.

You experienced a hollow victory.
Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.

It's sad that you don't know the difference.

So what? Find them yourself it's not that hard.

He probably had fun though. You sound like you had to convince yourself you earned all those things you listed instead.

Yes but only in singleplayer. There are times when I just want to vent and feel like a goddamn indestructible superhero.

I cheat in hentai games all the time

You don't grow or improve by watching some numbers go up by repeatedly clicking a button. You just wasted time. Some people just want to use cheats to remove tedium from bad game design.

>replying to a copy pasta

I don't know jack shit about coding but cheat engine is so easy to use if you just wanna manipulate numbers.
>search number from game in cheat engine which brings up list of numbers
>change number in game
>search the new number to narrow the list down to one
>change number in cheat engine
It's fucking easy, a toddler could do it.

Literally the only time I've ever cheated is in games where you can't change your appearance after your character is made. Every hindrance that people complain about is there for a reason. The game was designed with those in mind and they should be played around. People who cheat in infinite money or some other such nonsense because, "bro, I've got a life to lead" aren't appreciating the game properly. Sure they can play whatever way they want, they're right after all, they've only got one life and it's better not to waste it on things you dislike. But I feel, personally, that they're cheating themselves out of the full experience.

those are games without anti-cheat or made by incompetent people who simply don't care, which is why 4 bytes/double always work. Games with anti-cheat and thousands of different results that constantly change made to throw you off take longer to make a trainer for this is fun for people who like to analyze anti-cheat methods.

I only use cheat engine for singleplayer games, do those ever have anticheat?

yes there are over 100s of singleplayer games that have it but i find its mostly autistic devs that want to force people to play it their way.

Resident evil 7 just blocks the use of CE but you can bypass that using an unsigned version

i agree grinding can be fun, but when you burn out and this will cause you to drop the game for months is the worst feeling.keep in mind that gacha data today is made to waste your time and is being implemented in hopes you'll play more for the sake of gacha.

I recently looked into using Cheat Engine cause someone on Yea Forums recommended me to because you have to grind on final fantasy x for a certain part I think? Grinding really gives me a headache so i'm about to consider it if the time comes.

To avoid mind numbing grinding I do.
I recently used CE for AC Odyssey so I could get the store items. Fuck microtransactions in a single player game

this. I use to use cheats in Fallout and elder scrolls games all the time to beat them and discover tons of different dialogue and shit. After a while it got boring so I started playing all my games on the hardest difficulty. Bethesda games are kind of trash on the harder difficulty though, so I just download combat mods.

>using cheat engine to give yourself mils in runescape
>tfw all of it disappears when you try to put it into a bank account

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CE is essential for shitty grinding games.

ESSENTIAL, there is some completely bullshit drop rates.

Only after beating a game legit

good boy gamer.

>first person mod for ds3 vouches you wont get banned
>use first person mod
>play for two days, avoid online
>get banned

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Yes. Most commonly the speedhack to cut down monotonous shit, and I usually ever do it to certain games where there's a lot of farming involved.

Always when I have a chance.

Yeah, in most RPGmaker porn games I play. I did play and beat a few of them legit especially if there was some novel mechanic, but the mechanics of most of them are the same so its unbelievably tedious without save editing.

I cheated near the end of Sekiro to get all the skills because I was starting to get bored of the game but that wasn't enough to get me to finish it.
I always find myself dropping From Soft games near the end, the only one I was able to beat was DS3.

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After completing MGSV twice and ranking up my enforcer, I started a new playthrough and gave my motherbase S++ female soldiers. Pretty cool too since the radio chatter and HQ are all female voices

Did that completely ban you from playing or just online?

How the hell did any of that shit work anyway?

You'd only need to do this if you want min/maxed overkill characters for penance but don't want to spend 40 hours fighting the same blob superboss over and over for the items you need.

I speed up a lot of games like Grim Dawn for example. It's a blessing for games with slow running speed.

From online play.

also unskippable credits but i've started to notice now many games use a video file for credits instead so you can't speed through it and using CE crashes the game.

To elaborate further it banned my account not just the character. You can just family share on steam and start fresh, though, so it wasn't a problem.

all the time

used it to play around in binding of isaac

If only that shit on PS4.

Single player games i will cheat to bypass grinds that are desgined to be time gated and make you waste hours, good example is mon hun with some mats being super fucking rare taking 10s of hours just to get one. Or i use it to dick around in a game. Although ill only cheat once i actually beat the game at least once as i do like the challenges they provide.
Multiplayer games i will only ever cheat if i say join a server that has them or is a cheat vs cheat one, and never against people who for all i know arent

Wait what? Haven't followed the scene in forever but even did that happen? I just remember that when I quit everyone was using BT.

It's not cheating if I directly alter game files, so no. I just modify games to my liking.

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Autistic question, but does CE stop Steam achievements? I'm looking to 100% it but avoid the grind.

idk, I was playing a pirated version

i used it in the past for screenshot porn before photo mode became prevalent. it's great for unlocking cameras, extending the fov way beyond what the game normally allows, turning effects on/off, etc.
for actual cheating last time i used it was for mgsv because i got sick of waiting for all the materials to get refined and unlocking all the items and shit.

have sex

>cheating is encouraged

name 500 games where this happens

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A lot, mostly to skip grinding.
Developers don't respect my time but I do.

No. You can get achievements fine. Just don't do it on VAC enabled games and MP

I used a CE table in Dark Souls to make a thin/buff looking Smough once

As someone who as only used it for changing health and money values how hard is it to change stuff like fov and camera angle with it?