Anonymous Agony steam trailer
SMOOTHIE TIME. Thread theme:

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I need it

My heart can't handle any more waiting

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>think they're going to put my favorite line in the trailer
>cuts a little shy of it
Almost kino.



>tfw anonymous agony's new trailer has to be bumped

Cool voice acting

I can't believe this will be out some day. It feels like forever since that fateful streaming.

Wait, this game wasn't already out? I remember seeing screenshots of some of the awful dialogue what seems like years ago
>it has voice overs
Wow it's even worse than I remembered

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>>it has voice overs
I'm pretty sure it's always had voice overs

the first two parts were leaked, which led to the creator throwing a fit and hiding underground, and apparently is now rewriting the whole game

Like I said I only saw screenshots. Show me a still image with audio and I'll promptly apologize.

I would, but those days are long behind us now

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Pretty sure that was before I even had my own computer so I couldn't even participate in those threads. fuck getting older

So, are we the only ones interested in that trainwreck

Is this gonna be for our own personal pleasure

Have you checked yours recently?

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It pretty much always was, though I don't know if the creator is aware of it. Hopefully he isn't because the greatest quality it has is that it's 100% genuine.

>these voices

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The creator is fully aware, and loves it apparently.
RealFaction even joined a previous thread with a trip

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That's a real bummer, nothing good ever comes of shit like that.

It's like Tommy Wiesau after embracing the real reason everybody loves The Room, everything made after it won't be coming from the same absurd, self-unaware place that made the original so magical, and I fear it'll be the letdown of the decade when the few middleaged-fags who remember AA finally get a hold of it.

Nah. This won't be a Wiseau situation. The worst part of it was waiting I 7 years? Hopefully the worst is behind us, I'm hopeful. I just wonder how the sequel is gonna play out, but file 1 has a new scene and opening from what the creator was saying.

I remember that, apparently the creator wasn't too happy about that either lmao.

Ducks bite



If I subscribe to their youtube channel, will it come out faster? No, seriously though, they've been updating a lot lately, starting to think this means something.

Can you fuck the sister?

>wanting used goods

>steam trailer

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It's been years. Let it go.
The threads won't be as fun like they were in the past nor will the game be as hilarious.

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I beg to differ. Still not tired of it yet, oddly. Also curious to see what file 2 is about after this one. They're working on a new game that isn't anonymous agony from what the creator says. Should I be worried or excited?

>Haze has a new voice actor
at least we'll still get nieve r-right?

Last I checked, they still use that song in their podcasts and one of the other trailers, I would say so. At least we still get Haze's original voice actor in file 1, I guess we'll see how the new guy does. He's got some big shoes to fill.