"get on discord lets play csgo"

"get on discord lets play csgo"

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>play GO with friends
>they play like shit because no one's played in years
>they all go full tilt half way through
>bail after first game
it's a fucking GAME you absolute niggerfaggots, calm your tits

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>thinking I'm going to play with a laptopshitter who doesn't even have a mouse

This happens with every game I play
>"Dude let's hop on PubG"
>15 minutes later
>"Yeah if we don't get a win on this one I'm out"
>Dude let's hop on R6S
>Win 10 in a row, lose one
>"Yeah I'm done"
>Play them in any 1v1 game
>Win too many in a row
>They never touch it again
Now don't get me wrong, I get fired up, and I rage a little bit if I get stomped, but I'm not going to stop playing because I'm not winning 100% of my games.

Im shiina. Cope losers

Please fuck my boy cunt.

You sound like a massive pleb anyways

Because I bought games like R6S and PubG to play with my friends?
That's weird.

>>Play them in any 1v1 game
>>Win too many in a row
>>They never touch it again
im afraid of this so i stop going as hard a few matches in to let them win and keep playing

It's the worst feeling, you can physically feel when a match has turned and everyone's burnt out.
I tend to stop when I start to get proper salted but even then, losing isn't the end of the world.

"Yea bro give me a minute my mom's asking me something"

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this is me right now but im asking my friend to play resident evil 5

is it just me, or are chads super chill to play with?

natty as fuck

>you can physically feel when a match has turned and everyone's burnt out.
I feel like this for a lot of shooters, but when I play CSGO, it just feels COMPLETELY random when the momentum of a match shifts, it's like you can sense the other team just fucking rage toggled.
It's REALLY tough for me to imagine a team that got stomped 7 rounds in a row suddenly learned how to hold an angle on round 8 and learned how to prefire and spray properly, it's what really pisses me the fuck off about the game, is that when you hit DMG, you can't count on fair games anymore, ever.

Chads are actually very likeable and friendly people in general, which is why they are Chads in the first place. Only insecure nerds with oneitis hate them.


A lot of people also mistake dickheads that are bigger than them for chads, I got bullied in school until I Lifted weights for the football program in 6th grade, and a lot of the "Dickhead Chads" are actually cowardly faggots who wouldn't DARE step to anyone near their own size, or won't put up with their shit, actual chads that would fucking destroy people in fights are the guys that are really soft spoken and nice people, because then they snap and fight someone, that person is getting fucked up, and they deserve it.

I don't mind, if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be playing these games anyway (Fortnite, Overwatch, whatever)
To me it's like putting aside what I actually wanna play for a few hours to queue a couple of games with a friend and once they get enough I'm good to stop at any time and go back to doing what I was doing before

>It's REALLY tough for me to imagine a team that got stomped 7 rounds in a row suddenly learned how to hold an angle on round 8 and learned how to prefire and spray properly
Nothing burns more than a team that just happens to be the best in the world half way through getting stomped, I held on to MGE through the rank nerf and after I just didn't enjoy the game anymore, now I mostly sit unranked playing with a few friends when the ask.

I remember when it was cool not to have friends. Now faggots have imaginary friends on the internet that pretend to enjoy each others' company as to not feel alone while they stare at a monitor for hours on end.

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>I remember when it was cool not to have friends.
You're probably mistaking that with the majority of people you talk to not having friends, same as people who are poorfags bragging about not buying any new games because "None of them are good anymore, only 5$ games from 10 years ago fulfill MY palette"
No one is fooled, there's a reason poorniggers invade every thread about hardware, figurines, and VR, and it's not because you don't care about those things, it's because you can't afford them.
It's not "Cool" you're merely a majority, and a majority wallowing in shit doesn't make it "Cool"

I don't hate chads in all honesty, friend of mine smashes regularly and has the build of a young Schwarzenegger but he still pays for beers every time we go to the bar.

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Yeah no shit you got bullied because you're a diffident beta bitch and the only reason anyone might ever hesitate to run up on you is the size difference. There are plenty of little guys who never get picked on

This is why I like co-op games like Deep Rock and Vermintide. My friends aren't ever really interested, they'd rather play Csgo or Overwatch and then get pissed and rage quit. I don't understand

This, and online friends are still friends. It's better to be able to meet friends in person, you can form deeper connections and do much more, but online friends are still friends and better than no friends

So many underaged on this board, only explanation

I get burnt out on TF2 pubs. I've been playing for about two years and for the most part, its alright. But man, oh man does it fucking blow when no on your team is coordinating anything and we're getting picked off by the same stereotypical Unique Strange killstreak sniper.

I legit lived in an 80% black shithole that had niggers that fucked with whites because all the black chicks were attracted to them (Surprise)
Turns out niggers don't like fighting fair or going near someone that could dead lift more than 80 pounds their body weight.

How do fingers even get like that?

How do I stop this. I have people pick on me all the time.

I literally saw this thread on the homepage. Videogames are for children, and I may not not have friends, but if I did, I wouldn't be wasting my time playing games like a fairy retard.

You're truly a pathetic person.

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Just be yourself™

stand up for yourself mate, its not hard

>LITERAL friendless loser trying to actually push 90's grown female mentality in 2019 on someone who isn't a friendless loser.
God help you if you only have a high school degree and you're talking to me like your opinion matters.

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I'd rather do something different with him if you know what I mean

did he died

>I literally saw this thread on the homepage. Videogames are for children, and I may not not have friends, but if I did, I wouldn't be wasting my time playing games like a fairy retard
>This was posted on a board about video games
What exactly are you trying to prove?

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probably otherwise he's just out of action for a few months

It's generally more enjoyable to play against real opponents. Playing against AI just isn't as challenging or satisfying, most of the time.


"dude get on Uplay we need to play WoW"

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Wait, your wrists can actually get bigger?

What do I say though.

"Fuck off"
But if you can't pull it off convincingly you're going to get fucked with more.
Honestly if you're actually getting bullied and can't handle it you either need to bring a force equalizer (Mace, tazer, GUN) or get someone in charge to stop it.

This chad joke was funny until I noticed the apple laptop
alright, pack it up, NEXT

>That webm

>Before and after fapping

That I agree with. I guess the highs of winning are worth the lows of the rage

I went to university and got my degree, not like that matters. And I used to have friends, but dropped them because they were bad influences.
I get you want to fit in, but you should try to tone it down a notch; I'm not like one of your pushover, imaginary friends on Discord who goes along with whatever you say.

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That I hate kids who use discord and play videogames.
You people are cancer and deserve to die of starvation when the war breaks out.

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>I get you want to fit in
>I literally have 0 association with this board, I merely gleaned your post from the home page.
Trying WAY too hard bud.

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>Oh I'm an ebin troll and if he responds I win
good one chief. go back to your discord for your immediate satisfaction and little bubble of delusional happiness.

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What are those things

Did you not literally say you're an outside to this very board?
I'd say LURK MOAR but the concept probably eludes your ass, you are trying so hard to look like some internet bad ass, but you also can't decide if you want to pretend you're some epic oldfag or merely a passerby.
There's 0 reason to bother replying to you seriously because you're flip flopping due to being afraid of getting ass roasted on an anonymous board, bitch boy.

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"Open up TeamSpeak bro. The clan's playing Forgotten Hope 2."

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Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong board.
/pol/'s 2 blocks down.

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God I wish some one would say that about Splatoon 2 with me

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I get it dude, you're being ironic. How very unique and original of you.
Even creating this thread makes you a fucking faggot.

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sorry bro, i have to sleep early tonight, have to get at work tomorrow early, how about tomorrow night?

>Even creating this thread makes you a fucking faggot.
Not even OP, my insecure friend.
I can call you friend right? That won't get you mad right?

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How are they picking on you? And how do they get away with it?

lift weights and be of age

Stay in shape
Make friends
Charisma's a trained stat

Speaking as someone who used to harass sad chumps from time to time, I always had respect for the smart ones with fun personalities who could just laugh it off. If you go around crying all the time, threatening people and tattling over dumb shit, people just get mad and start messing with you even harder. I can spot the type of dude who does that shit from a mile away and so can every chad

Basically just be yourself