So it's established that Sonic Mania was a great game; however...

So it's established that Sonic Mania was a great game; however, what do you think needs to be improved or changed in a sequel or follow up? What features and things would you like to see?

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Serious question because I am lazy to make a thread and I think people won't take me serious despite this being genuine: How do you enjoy this game?

How do you play it? It's hard to take any enjoyment out of it when the speed clashes with the obstacles around the level and it's hard to memorize the entire thing due to how fast paced it is. I always end up in the boss fights with 1 ring.

Make Metal Sonic playable

That's all I've ever wanted

Once you figure out how the mechanics work, pretty much every stage becomes a playground. If it's too fast for you, then the kind of gameplay Mania goes for is simply not for you.

It's perfect. Just make more just like it.

>How do you play it?
Like a video game.
The rings are there for a reason. Don't be afraid to make mistakes cause the game is super forgiving. If you're not confident in what's ahead, just let the level take you (unless of course there's danger in the immediate area). Just start rolling until you can get a handle on your surroundings; if there's obstacles the level design will naturally stop you, if not, you'll get carried along on a rollercoaster ride.

Add more mechanics to enhance the depth of platform such as wall jumping and other light parkour elements.

Roll all the time

At the moment, the only thing that comes to mind is this. If they keep the team up mechanic from Encore Mode where you can switch characters, you should be able to switch between all reserve characters, not just the two you have up front.

only playable characters are sonic and knuckles, as every other playable character concept is just a variant on these two or someone who skips all the levels with an overpowered flying ability instead of actually playing with the pinball physics/momentum that makes classic sonic fun

spend the time that wasn't put making a bunch of shitty furfag characters into the game further refining the gameplay of those two (knuckles glide works like 3 and he has a couple more perks like wall spindashing, sonic having all his abilities at one time isn't an elaborate cheat code, ect) and making more levels

I would like Super mode to be it's own button. I hate using super in levels.
Also make new zones, stop remixing Green Hill again.

Please give playable Metal Sonic.
His classic design was kino as hell.

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I miss Toei Sonic.
Hesse is great and all, but digital drawings just don't have the same SOUL.

I don't want any fixes, I only ask that they never add any modern characters like Shadow, Rouge, etc. I don't want my Peanut Butter mixed with my Chocolate. Or in this case, Peanut Butter and shit.

You know they're going to make Amy playable and break the one-button rule in her case so that she plays like in Sonic Advance.

Reminder this game sold poorly, despite being hyped up as the second coming of christ.


Fuck off, biblefag.

>I would like Super mode to be it's own button. I hate using super in levels.
They patched Mania since then (maybe around when Plus or just before before Plus was out) to have this.

Oh cool. Might play it again soon.

My only wish is to have more original stages instead of remixes from older games.

Features that, while not likely to happen, would be
>New styled sprites for Sonic and Tails
>Hand drawn remastered sprites of current cast
>Brand new stages based on a new location with a narration to it like the classic games had (South Island; stop Eggman from ruining Sonic's home, West Side Island; meet Tails and stop Eggman again, etc)
>Unique themes for stages
>Better zone transitions
>Not tied to 3D line of games

What was your first game?

Honest advice? Watch some people who know what they're doing play for a bit. There's a lot of small nuance to the game's mechanics you might not pick up on on your own unless you got a lot of time and not much else to play. Even I learned some shit from watching a few speedruns and I've been playing these games for years.
Also do what this guy says There's a lot of subtle cues in these games that let you know when you should be rolling and when a jump's coming up.
The thing about these games is you get better at them simply by playing them more, and the better you get, the more fun it is. If you don't like arcade style games that focus more on replay value and mastering the game, Sonic just isn't for you.

Playable Metal would make me happy. I also wish we got a Sonic movie done in the CD opening's style I love the OVA with all my heart but it doesn't have the same oomph

>someone who skips all the levels with an overpowered flying ability instead of actually playing with the pinball physics/momentum that makes classic sonic fun
>I'll take 'Things that never happened' for 500

Oh and two other things
>Amy and Nack the Weasal playable newcomers
>Amy's side adventure is her catching up with Sonic's footsteps
>Nack is essentially doing the same, only from the badguy side as he looks for Bean and Bark, probably mixing up with the Heavies illision tricks.

All original levels.

I actually think Sonic Mania sucked because of the lack of new levels, really overrated game.

As pretty as Sonic Mania is, I'd like whatever comes next to distinguish itself a little more on an aesthetic level. I want something as different from 3&K/Mania as 3&K was from Sonic 1/2, maybe more so. All-new levels would be nice, too.

Came here to post this.
I’d also like it if we got more original zones over remixed ones, but if there are remixes in mania 2 I hope it’s of stages they haven’t done yet or advance/rush stages

It's overrated because you don't value the gameplay, but the content. If we didn't get 4 new levels at all and all old stages were one to one ripped from the genesis games with no revamped sprites for it, then I'd would agree with you.
Also it's all Sonic Team's producer's fault.

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Fix the crushing hitboxes
Better bonus stages or at least bring back the ones from Sonic 3
Hyper Sonic
More paths for Tails and Knuckles
Logical level progression that actually builds a narrative instead of playing out like a Sonic's Greatest Hits mixtape

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My first sonic game? Sonic 2.

No, I actually love arcade games and I really want to like this one as I really liked classic sonic and the colors and vibes in mania. I might just do this, thanks.

>Also it's all Sonic Team's producer's fault
Stop this. When Whitehead and his team took the game to ST and Iizuka the whole thing was reimagined levels. It was Iizuka that suggested new levels.

For some reason everyone that likes Sonic 2 just hates all other genesis styled Sonic games besides CD on occasion. Weird.

Maybe because it's basically the boost era level design of classic Sonic.

Well desu senpai I still think the classics are a little bit better than Mania and can't fault you for preferring them.


Sonic 1+CD+2+3+Knuckles plus Sonic World filled with adverts, trivia, design docs

I played sonic 2 first but I think sonic 3 is superior in every way and it has the best water level ever. I can't describe how happy I was to see hydrocity zone in mania.

I'm pretty sure it was the opposite, Whitehead and his team only planned on a short 4 level game to go along with console ports of the original games, but Iizuka suggested on letting them make a full game.

Yeah this, i don't know why Yea Forums constantly has whitehead's cock and balls lodged deep down their throats.

No, it's not. This was on the Sonic wiki
"After developing the game for a few months, Whitehead presented a prototype, which he called Sonic Discovery, to series producer Takashi Iizuka.[17] Iizuka was receptive, and suggested that it should include old levels from the early Sonic games it was inspired by, "remixed" in a way that felt new.[16] Iizuka conceptualized the title of the game after first seeing the demo of the game with a fully functioning Studiopolis Zone."

Unless this is false news, it's claimed Sonic Team wanted more older levels, which make sense since they did the same shit themselves in Forces. 4 of the levels are old levels, one of which was just renamed into a new one but it was basically Casino Night in a forest

>however, what do you think needs to be improved or changed in a sequel or follow up?

how about having 100% new levels instead of literally 75% rehashed levels? (of which all their Act Ones were the same)

Yeah we know. Anything else?

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Secret levels or alternating paths so it's not the same level progression with each playthrough.

What is the overall consensus regarding the new exclusive levels of mania?

>alternating paths
The games already have those

I just have some general gameplay requests:
>Add back in the panning camera from Sonic CD. There's no reason to not at least have this as a toggleable option. It's unironically a good feature and I've not experienced any motion sickness because of it.
>Give Tails/Knuckles new moves. Their flight gimmicks are both outclassed by Ray. Tails should get an instantaneous boosted flight from the ground, Knuckles should get a wall spin-dash. Also, remove Knuckles' stupid landing animation when gliding onto the ground.
>Add more zone splits. Makes the game more replayable. When going on one route, the zone that splits into two will have visual distinction on which route you're going on.
>Give each character their own exclusive act. Knuckles gets more love than Tails does.
>Reintroduce the Knuckles Chaotix bonus stages in some form. Side note but I was really disappointed with the Blue Spheres minigame in Mania, despite its additions in the extras menu version. I want something like the Blue Sphere game of yore.
>Make Amy join the main crew with a focus on disjointed hitboxes and a Piko Piko hammer super-jump, or just use that Amy in Sonic 3 romhack as a basis for her inclusion
>Rethink the Ring system, despite how iconic it is, as it makes it incredibly easy to cheese bosses to the point of non-challenge. Anything extreme I'd suggest would be met with harsh criticism, so I'll just say that holding onto a lot of rings should give you a subtle but useful speed boost to incentivize exploration and precise play.

I should have said multiple level exits.

Play Kid Chameleon. That's the entire game.

In fact, I just remembered I had this video bookmarked whenever anyone states this false claim

So no, Taxman's original pitch called "Sonic Discovery" was going to be at minium a 4 level Sonic game that might have gotten expanded into a bigger project, and would have had the Sonic 1 / 2 mobile ports brought to Steam as a bundle. But Sonic Team wanted the classic levels remastered instead, so to not have the entire game old levels, they added 4 new levels with remixed old levels, and called it Sonic Mania.

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What's keeping the mobile ports from being released elsewhere anyway?

Finally a man with taste in this fanbase. Same here, as I said before this isn't even new, Knuckles in S3K was basically this. But now just make more of them instead of making them character exclusive, unless they kept the Encore mode of Mania Plus but make it default, so having the right character to unlock a hidden path with the right character, so you can explore other paths not native to the other characters, which could lead to a different area of the next Zone, again like S3K did and technically Mania for Knuckles's Mirage Saloon or Sonic's Encore version.

They're the best parts of the game.

I don't know if Mania did this, but I know the Advanced games made it so your rings bounce further away the more hits you take. You could probably just tweak this to be a little more extreme and no one would notice. Or just design boss sections that make it hard to recover rings.
I think what you're suggesting would make taking hits a little too frustrating. They already slow you down, now they slow you down more? Don't like it.

Some people state it's copy right shit with the music, others say it's SEGA just wanting to keep it exclusive for money reasons. But it doesn't make it clear why 3K port isn't done, or rather is it the music that's the issue or not.

all new stages, new mechanics if they want to with same characters. add amy dlc for depraved fags.

>Rethink the Ring system
There's already enough people that complain about getting punished for making mistakes without the game also being less forgiving in general.

>I don't know if Mania did this, but I know the Advanced games made it so your rings bounce further away the more hits you take.
No it doesn't thank god and I hate that shit. It got bullshit in Rush because it effectively punishes you for taking too many hits. At that point just have a health system.

All new zones and playable Amy/Metal Sonic. And I say twelve zones should suffice. Take cues from Knuckles Chaotix, too. That game's visuals were too beautiful for its own good.

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This is my theory: the people who develop their commercial Genesis emulators want to sell sonic 1 and 2 themselves.

>Iizuka was receptive, and suggested that it should include old levels from the early Sonic games it was inspired by, "remixed" in a way that felt new.[
His mind truly works in misterious ways.
May Mranria Tream rest in peace.

>Game is supposed to be a celebration of Sonic
>Only has stuff from classic and nothing from modern
I just want classic shadow

How about they give Sonic like a spinning attack and the ability or maybe even automatically camera movement so that you can see more of the screen as you go super fast? This would completely fix the issue many had with the games being too difficult and not allowing you to go fast. It would complement the style of Sonic extremely well too. He got attacks in Smash so having just one way to attack besides jumping goes a long way.

Please don't ruin this game.

>>Game is supposed to be a celebration of Sonic
No? It's supposed to be retro throwback. This ain't no Generations

> as it makes it incredibly easy to cheese bosses to the point of non-challenge.
Or, just make it where A: bosses have super armor/invincibility frames when damaged and B: they can only be hit by actually bounce outside of them, not inside of them. And maybe just add one extra hit point per each zone.

A: it referenced Sonic Colors for one
B: It's called Sonic Forces. Classic shouldn't have even be in Forces to fucking begin with, leave the two in their separate sub series ffs.

Shadow isn't a terrible idea for a character though, just poor execution. He should just be Sonic but slightly edgier as opposed to Metal Sonic which is Sonic but evil. Most of the time, though, they go too far with the edginess and never show any emotions with the character

>the people who develop their commercial Genesis emulators
Why the fuck did SEGA do this.
Just grab any Genesis emulator that's under a permissive license and call it a day. Would have saved them a lot of money.


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See , it's called CD. I just don't get how this is still a shitty nitpick when you got HD widescreen how. We will literally not get people to stop bitching until the camera unironically just the size of the whole stage at this rate.

I legit hate that game. It's kinda weirded me out as a kid and wasn't all that fun to play. Comic Zone is where it's at

I thought the whole point was to make bosses harder. How would a speed boost make bosses harder?

I just want it to be loyal as possible with the classic timeline as mania is like a love letter to retro sonic, so, the less of modern era characters, better. I would rather have old chaotix, fang, etc.

They should handle it like Jazz Jackrabbit 2 did.

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That doesn't stop the point he shouldn't be in the past Sonic games before he was released by Eggman in SA2. "Muh canon" doesn't matter, it makes no logical sense because a released Shadow without the SA2 plot means he'd destroy the planet.

What speed boost are you talking about? I'm talking about when rings get sent flying the more times you take damage that I don't want back in Sonic ever.

It doesn't have to do this though. In fact they can also even do something where you get a warning right before the enemies or hazards come your way.

Why do you want sprites so small for? At best their solution should be just make the game's camera adjust to the resolution of your screen so you can see more without remaking the games with tinier sprites.

That speed boost the guy I replied to suggested who wanted to make bosses harder

At this rate just make a beginner difficulty instead of making it more casual for longtime players that don't have bad reaction times when playing the game.

If Forces can add a difficult setting, why not 2D Sonic for causals?

He should have stayed dead.


> so I'll just say that holding onto a lot of rings should give you a subtle but useful speed boost to incentivize exploration and precise play.
That's called the Boost Mode from Sonic Advance 2.

>If Forces can add a difficult setting, why not 2D Sonic for causals?
Because muh Sekiro elitism

Sonic 2 for Game Gear, though I was only borrowing it from a classmate.

Personally, I'd love for them to come back, even for just once.

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This may sound iffy but it's for people who enjoy thier anger and the subsequent release of getting better
The game is balanced enough to where screw ups always feel like it's YOUR fault and not the games

I vaguely remember one of those mini games in these retro Sonic games doing something like I said though. If it works there it could work for the main game as well. I like my ideas and would love seeing them implemented into a Sonic game.

Boost Mode is a far more dramatic change and would probably need levels to be built around it rather than it just being a reward for holding on to a lot of rings. That being said, it is a neat mechanic and deserves more attention.
The speed boost, at maximum, would give you a speed of like 75% of the Super Shoes' speed. Compliment this generally faster pace with the Sonic CD panning camera suggestion and I'd be happy.

To be fair, I am not saying the game's bad or blaming it and even asking how I get better at a point that I can enjoy it.

I don't think there's any classic game that does this, if anything it might have been Rush and not only is that game on a far smaller screen, this shouldn't be default in Sonic because any good player doesn't need them since 1991.

They should just add a difficulty setting like in Forces since I'd rather casualized gaming be segregated to casual players, not have more series get dumb down by normalfags.

They already fucking do that through it's level design. At some point you have to come to terms with the fact that you're just shit

If you seriously need a beginner difficulty on a fucking SONIC game, then you unironically have room temperature IQ

Sega is allergic to fun ideas. Especially fun ideas the west had.

Sure, if you're still living in april 2018.

He's lame as fuck as an optional playable character. Better as a rival that works against Sonic.

all new zones, metal sonic playable, routes that take advantage of each characters unique abilities, good music, you get it.

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Don't you start.

Why is it so hard to enjoy Mania, It feels like a Classic Sonic game, but it also doesn't.

>Metal and Shadow are in
>but they're just reskins
Would you be mad?

Why are people still insisting mania team is dead and can never come back? I swear it's the biggest meme surrounding this game.

I don't see how they'd work in a platforming game where no one talks.

>Make metal a reskin of Knuckles but without the lowered jump or climbing
>Make Shadow a reskin of Mighty
there you go.

It's you

>>Make metal a reskin of Knuckles but without the lowered jump or climbing
why not just make him a clone of tails instead of invalidating knuckles completely

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Iizuka fired them after Force's sord ress than Mrania.,..,.,

Why make metal playable when he works best as a boss?

Who are these people? I haven't seen these people I thought every one knew the work freelance.

Iizuka is a decent guy, but people need to stop acting like mania being mostly rehashes 'wasn't' his doing. Whitehead didn't even wanna do it, as he was apparently bashing green hill clones during Mania's development. But honestly, people make way too much of a big deal out of the returning levels. They're usually remixed in such way that they still felt new to me, especially the act 2s. And the game also plays great, so does it really matter at the end of the day? Sure it objectively would have been better as an all original game, but this was a far better example than either Sonic 4 or Generations.

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t.anti Ridleyfag
But for real, tbf he's been playable in SA1/2 and Sonic 4 as well, so there's that. And by that argument Knuckles should stay as a boss like in most of S3K.

Because they're stupid. If they make another playable character it should be someone like Fang, not another Sonic.

I've never understood this complaint, I always assumed it came from people who hadn't actually played.
Sonic doesn't even go all that fast unless you're in one of the specific sections where he's supposed to.
Just play the game like any other platformer.

>he's been playable in SA1/2 and Sonic 4
And he's a bland footnote in those games because when he's playable he's just another Sonic. However in Sonic CD, as a villain, he is memorable and unique.

>Only 5 retro stages one from each game no double dipping and can be from obscure titles the rest all new stages for a total of 12
>Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Mighty (wall kicks), Ray, Metal (uses Vector's air dash from Chaotix), and Amy all playable
>Sonic R minigame where you can race a buddy or AI's through special stages.
>Knuckles Chaotix mode with the rubberbanding mechanic.
>An actual good final boss
>Time Travel through warp rings and have special stages happen at the end of the zone as to minimize grind and not break the flow of the game.
>Boss Rush that has all the bosses from both mania games.

how about new levels entirely with new set pieces and sounds?
i feel so autistic when noticing they reuse an old sound effect on something new instead of making a new sound.

also as classicfags we don't have to pretend to like mania anymore
sonic 3 air released

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He doesn't care about the gameplay, he just wants them for the sake of it. Good thing ideas like his never come to fruition.

>sonic 3 air released
Who cares

Sonic 3 Complete came out years ago

The level design is not as good, and the gimmocks are mediocre.

>And he's a bland footnote in those games because when he's playable he's just another Sonic. is Shadow. So does it matter? No one cares when Smash made echoes, if people want Metal why should I care? I'd take him over Shadow and he really shouldn't even be used as a boss every other game ffs. Give me Nack or something. Just make it like 4, a mirror mode version of the game.

He was pretty neat in SA2, he just also so happened to be the worst character to pick for competition

I've still yet to see how the level design is "bad" to be honest.

Nice falseflag, I rather have the four new levels exclusive to Mania. I don't even need "HD 3K" because the original is perfect as is.

Everyone know Shadow is an embarrassment and Smash doesn't matter.

They should cannibalize some of Ray's mechanics and give them to Knuckles, because his gliding being practically fixed-speed and impossible to act out of clashes with the momentum-based feel everything else has. Maybe also limit his climbing somehow and make it more fluid, like he can only climb so far before he slows down and starts slowly sliding back down, but if you build up speed and launch yourself against a wall at an angle you can use the speed to climb faster and thus higher.
Also Sonic should have Drop Dash and Insta-Shield by default, just make tapping jump in mid-air Insta-Shield and then if you hold it you Drop Dash.

we never pretended, asshole

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because he doesn't work best as a boss. in mania he chased you with shitty little game gear metal sonics and turned into a massive fucking robot or chases you with a wall. in 4 he shits energy at you at fucking dies. in cd he races you and fucking dies. in generations he shits energy at you and fucking dies. in heroes he goes fucking insane and tries to become mechagodzilla, shits energy at you and fucking dies. it would be cool to see backstory to him instead of just being a setpiece for you to jump on 8 times. at least thats my fucking opinion, i'm just a bitter autist on a shitty 2ch clone. form your own fucking opinion

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They say it's "romhacky" or something. Like "it's not professional" apparent, when some of the old designers of Sonic actually did help make the game, at least when the behind of scenes of Mania Plus was done. I've played 3K enough to say Mania's solid. Anyone that usually hates Mania's design are Sonic 2 fags I've noticed.

Which is... odd. Usually Sonic 2 purists are all about speed, and Mania rewards speed so much if you actually know what you're doing.

He didn't say it was bad he said it wasn't as good.
I think it has a little too much hold down to awesome level design personally. It feels a bit more automated.

I... also don't get this. Rolling was an integral part of each of the old sonic games, they also had plenty of their roll to witness the spectacle moments. Chemical Plant, Ice Cap, Starlight Zone?


>new title, not "Mania 2"
>HD sprites
>Sonic and Knuckles are playable at the minimum, with Tails and/or Metal in addition
>10 or so brand new zones, no returning zones, first zone is neither green nor a hill

Yeah no shit I'm saying there's more of it in Mania and you just listed off the two levels I find the most overrated.
Starlight is bretty gud tho.

>first zone is neither green nor a hill

>first zone is neither green nor a hill
So Tan Dune Zone? Or Blue Lake Zone? Red Mountain Zon-
Oh wait that one is off limits.

Do you guys think they should copy from the Adventure games and give Sonic/Tails/Knuckles completely different levels? As in, visiting completely different zones.

All new zones, that's LITERALLY all it needs.

Mods like this were made specifically for brainlets like you:

>inb4 that's still not enough

SA2 only really did that and that's heavily story related. I'd rather have none of that. SA1 isn't that much different from the classic style, just linked via hub area instead of zone to zone. I don't think this would be all that bad, but Advance 3 basically did this and I honestly think this hurts making the game feel like an environment imo. In 3D this works, but in 2D, it makes the game feel like video game levels Mario style.

>been putting off playing this game since it came out
>kind of tempted to get a physical copy of Mania Plus for the PS4
Does it run at 60 fps on here?

Attached: image.jpg (815x1410, 67K) does on every platform, yes.

I want Not City Escape zone


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Original zones, fix Mighty, add some more characters. That's it.

Did this crap game even sell more than 2 million units

It sold better than Forces, which is all it needed to do

Knuckles was literally playable before he was a boss

>inb4 people come in with those ps4 trophy leaks
one system does equal entire sales.

Metal rules and the sooner he's finally playable again the better.

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I am not saying the game is hard, I was saying the game wasn't fun. I asked how people played in a way that they had fun with it.

>HD sprites, though not really necessary
>Playable Metal sonic and Playable Amy
>Chaotix easter egg (alongside other sega characters)
>Alternate Soundtrack like a Mega Drive soundtrack, Synth soundtrack, Rock soundtrack, or Orchestral soundtrack
>Expanded multiplayer
>Original zones, If old levels are recycled then get them from non-genesis games Like Sonic Chaos, Knuckles Chaotix, Sonic 4, Sonic Advance,[/Spoiler] or any other GG sonic game
>New Special Stage
>Boss Rush Stage
>Animated cutscenes resembling DBS broly, Film grain and all
>Make it harder to die from crushing
>Endless mode where you play the entire game with only one life and each act is random
>No input lag

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I understand this sentiment, it's mainly toning down the more slower and, depending on who you ask, "clunkier" aspects of Sonic 3s level design in order to make everything more consistently paced. And while I prefer Sonic 3 for having a more even distribution of slower paced sections, I wouldn't call Mania's level design a downgrade whatsoever, since there's still plenty of platforming that's far less obstructive compared to Sonic 3, lending to a quicker pace reminiscent of Sonic 2's straightforward design.

Are modernfags the most autistic people to ever live?
the most popular console on the market is a good indication of how well it sold. At most, the switch version did slightly better.

>New Special Stage
>Boss Rush Stage
>Animated cutscenes resembling DBS broly, Film grain and all
>Make it harder to die from crushing
>Endless mode where you play the entire game with only one life and each act is random
>No input lag
I don't know why the spoiler tag began to flip out like that

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spoiler tags are shitly coded, don't use them in lists

Not if you played Sonic 3 before S&K

You play for the momentum, not the speed. Play Advance 2 or Boost games for raw Sonic speed.

You don't fight knuckles in Sonic 3

Unfortunately, some fans just don't care about that.

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The bosses.

He still was your rival throughout, with that perceptive Metal Sonic isn't even a boss in CD because he's only racing you.

>It's ok for Sonic to not play like Sonic
>it's ok for Sonic to play like Fucking bootleg Mario
Then why is it called Sonic FOUR ffs? Are DeviantArtfags this retarded?

Bosses should all be more like the death egg robot in green hill act 2, or the peanut mech from mushroom hill zone. Incorporate movement into the fights.

>shitty fucking controls just like every goddamn attempt to make a 2d game these days

Seriously, do modern developers even PLAY old games to see how to make good, tight controls?


It plays 1:1 like old sonic, samefag.

Dude stop arguing semantics

He's one of 'those' sonic fans who loads their gallery up with image macro memes, I wouldn't expect any less.
I already know you haven't played it then.

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It counts so yeah. Knuckles still was a villain first before actually playable as intended, considering S3K is suppose to be the real full game.

He does release before Sonic 4, Advance 1 was considered "the 4th one" right?
Guess you're right.

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Good, but switch CD and 2

and 3K = M

I blame modern controllers for having shit dpads

>have a valid fucking argument
Fucking hell, kids.

Why not prove that Sonic Mania controls worse than the originals, then?

Next game needs to be 100% original levels this time, no more dickriding the Genesis' identity. Otherwise just be steady about new characters and it's good.

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Oh fuck off Knuckles was planned to be playable from the start

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They don't even have to do this though. Let us just move camera with the shoulder buttons.

This or any other "second side to the story" mode.

The first level they pitched was Studiopolis. So the 4 levels they pitched were obviously the new ones. And the old ones were the ones sonic team demanded. So you just disproved your own point.

This. 3 and 3K were only initially separated because of technical limitations.

>he's still fishing for (You)s

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The 4 levels they pitched were the only levels they were planned to make. Saying Sonic team "demanded" all the old zones be included is disingenuous and implies they stifled the devs creative vision when it was literally the opposite

How does it, the argument was Taxman added the classic levels in as of , which I desproved. Pay attention. They were tasked to make a full game and as to not have a game full of classic stages they used their 4 stage idea from Sonic Discovery and went from there, it's literally in the video. How was one level going to be worth an actual played Sonic Title? You'd just say "i mucked around and made Studiopolis, not "I wanna make a game called Sonic Discovery, here's the only level I made that's planned for the game."

They need to add comic characters haha

I couldn't finish Sonic Mania. The last boss was too hard, and, I played a LOT of Sonic growing up. I bet if I grinded against it for a day or two I could do it, but I just found the idea of beating the final Robotnik fight with like, 3 rings to be preposterous

You mean the true final boss, right? That was easier than many other fights imo.

I don't think so. I mean the Robotnik fight where you'd sporadically get teleported into the two alternate areas

Can't remember it.

It's this one:

Maybe my reactions just aren't what they are now that I'm a bit older, but it was SO hard. I also don't play that many games these days, so who knows

you're talking about the one where eggman is in that dumb looking ball suit and bounces around right
that would be the not-true final boss

Yeah man. I found the fight to be kinda long, and I just couldn't keep up with it.

All I remember about Kid Chamleon is skipping right to the last level and to this day I'm still not sure if it was a glitch or intended.

user, I hate to break it to you, but you might be bad at videogames

There's no concern about breaking it to me user, I know I am. Part of it comes down to having a job and not getting much time to actually sit down and play games. By the time I get home from work, I'm exhausted because of the intensity of my job, and I just kinda watch stuff.

Weekends are better, but I tend to play JRPGS due to their ease of access

Oh. Eh, the teleport bits can be off-putting if you don't know how to handle it but I didn't find it all that difficult. Like with most Sonic boss fights it's more about good positioning and movement around the space than reactions. You could see in that video that the player just couldn't handle the spring and got hit several times in a row when he could have easily just jumped right before hitting the spring.

I think a big bit for me is how long the level itself took. It was like a 20-25 minute level before you could even fight the boss, and I remember it being a pretty tricky level.

At this point, the only reason I'd be going back is for the PS4 trophy, and who gives a shit about that

But you respawn right before the boss and by that point you should have like 20 lives

Ah, yeah it's a bit of a slog if I recall correctly. I've played the game a whole lot and can breeze through it but I do remember the first time being fairly longer than I anticipated.
Doesn't matter, the loss of stamina already happened.

Original zones
Starting zone isn't fucking Green Hill
Playable Metal
Other than that the game was pretty solid

>all those shorts with Amy and Metal Sonic
>totally felt like lead up into Metal Sonic and Amy inclusion
>just ouright tweet they're not gonna be playable


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If glide were any faster, it'd be broken. A central problem when it comes to balancing is that it's all built around Sonic, who, in spite of supposedly being the "fastest character", has relatively few options for getting onto alternative paths or skipping sections of the stage compared to other characters. Both Knuckles and Ray would have the potential to be significantly faster than Sonic (and Ray, in fact, IS faster than Sonic) because Sonic is the character who is most bound to the ground.