Use your vidya knowledge to help Ratanon get the cheese

Use your vidya knowledge to help Ratanon get the cheese.

Attached: 13131313131.png (640x480, 11K)

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Just give him the fucking chesse.

Attached: 1555035295093.png (640x480, 6K)


Attached: tfm.png (640x480, 7K)

take out my credit card and buy the deluxe cheese starter pack

can't wait for the lewds of the cheese

Tell the cheese it can stop staring now.

So which one do we want to fuck?
The rat or the cheese?

I'm only here for the inevitability of sexualized cheese

Do it you fucking pussies. I dare you

>thinking those are the only two options
look at the curves on those cliffs bruh


when is Yea Forums going to play transformice together again

Abyss for me desu

It is MY cheese Brother.

Attached: Max's cheese.png (643x482, 71K)


Attached: rat.gif (83x88, 1K)

Attached: 1555035295093.png (640x480, 5K)

All those moistened holes? Unf, we cheddar get to fucking or its a swing and a swiss.

Attached: 1555035295093.png (640x480, 14K)

fuck OPs and Fuck faggots who don't play this "game"

>hating cheese
shit taste

Attached: el-rato-gets-the-cheese.gif (640x479, 11K)

Attached: 1555035295093.png (640x480, 19K)

No cheese for you! ^_^


How did I do?

Attached: cheese.png (640x480, 53K)

B b zr zr b and then fly across.

The cheese doesn't have tits, why should I bother?

So you can carve tits into the cheese.

The cheese stands alone.

Attached: Rat.gif (640x480, 131K)

but who was cheese

Attached: mouse get cheese.png (640x480, 20K)

Oh shit the cheese is fucked.

Attached: jdfj5.jpg (640x480, 39K)

You Is Cliff
Move right
You Is Mouse
Get cheese

Reminds me of transformice.
I miss playing that with Yea Forums

Attached: 1537087713920.jpg (607x607, 37K)

Got a chuckle

Attached: 1554169403809.png (640x480, 13K)

my nigger

Attached: 1555035295093.png (640x480, 29K)

god I miss transformice, bros
the friends I made in that public room on EN2 will never be forgotten

literally impossible

Attached: cheese.png (640x480, 13K)

Here you go Ratanon

Attached: 1124123157.png (640x480, 22K)

Here's a flash game crossover, none of you will get it though

Attached: 1555035295093.png (640x480, 11K)

I remember those crumbling blocks, but I'll be damned if I can Wait, Platform Racing?

That's the one.

Attached: pr2.png (1529x3078, 503K)

Attached: portals.png (640x480, 9K)

Attached: rat.gif (560x420, 7K)

Attached: g.png (640x960, 19K)

H-he's fast!




it's magic, I ain't gotta explain shit.

I'm lazy Kat carries mouse over but runs out of gravity juice because she smells and kills the mouse

Attached: (1555035295093.jpg (640x628, 25K)

How did the "Rats and mice just love to eat cheese" meme even start in the first place? Cheese is a human produced product that rodents would never eat naturally, but everyone just seems to have grown up on cartoons where this was just a thing and never questioned it.

in medieval times that's all the rats could get to
so people would always find the rats in the cheese storage

Y-you tried...

Gee Sid, do you really gotta?

Attached: 1555035295093.png (640x480, 77K)

is he using the cheese as an onahole?


jokes on you buddy the level wraps around

Attached: rat.png (640x480, 6K)

i see you

no you dont!

Is this like in The Incredible Machine? I'd put a plank across te void and a cat left of Ratanon

Rat uses reportal bug to gain momentum

Attached: rat portal.png (640x480, 6K)

Attached: Mouse.png (640x480, 11K)

whats that

Good effort, thank you.

Oh my sweet summer child.

its gonna be a hard jump, but at least he has something to grab.

Attached: Eedjajd.jpg (640x1138, 39K)


Attached: LAST ONE ALIVE LOCK THE.gif (640x480, 28K)

Attached: GRACIOUS GIFT OF CHEESE.png (640x480, 7K)


Needs more big cactus

Attached: chces.jpg (541x367, 13K)



Attached: 1552604046163.jpg (320x320, 17K)

Attached: ches.jpg (370x278, 8K)

based and cheesphiled

Attached: mouse.png (200x164, 43K)


Attached: ezmode.png (640x480, 8K)

Attached: Cheese.webm (648x402, 272K)



Attached: journorat.png (605x493, 10K)

Attached: oof.png (640x480, 23K)

based toon machine

now that's good

Attached: 1475468728320.png (945x709, 451K)

get his arm cut off and then give him a prosthetic with a grappling hook, easy.

>not just jumping to the underhang and using the walljump trick to get up


Fucking beautiful.

You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.

Should have used the gunboats
Or just the rocket jumper

Attached: ratnite.png (631x421, 241K)

I hope OP didn't think he had a foolproof version of this genre of thread. Emenius

God I sort of miss this game.
