Borderlands 1 >>> Borderlands 2

Borderlands 1 >>> Borderlands 2

Change my mind.

>That desolate wasteland style atmosphere
>Minimal amounts of meme garbage and cringey dialogue compared to 2
>Good amount of loot that mattered instead of weapons becoming outclassed almost immediately after getting them.

It's just all around far more enjoyable.

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I never finished 2. I went back and loaded up the updated Borderlands 1 last week and had a blast. I dunno if it's just the writing I hated in 2, but something didn't sit right.

is PS4 matchmaking still broken?

>That desolate wasteland style atmosphere
Eh, kinda iffy on that one. There's only so much wading through a scrapeyard aesthetic you can do before it gets repetitive. Agree with the other two, though.

Kinda hard asking a lot of people with the same opinion to change your mind.

It's more that 2 is shit in the areas you mentioned rather than 1 is good about it

Don't forget the detail in enemy deaths they threw away when moving to 2. You could blow off limbs and pop skulls in 1 -- everything's a generic death in 2.

I really liked the aesthetic. Sure it was samey, but that fit the theme. It was consistent and didn't jump from crazy situation to crazy situation every 3 seconds like it was attempting too keep the attention of an ADHD child or something. The whole thing felt empty enough for it to feel like it really was mostly just you out there, alone, with no one to help you.

The soundtrack worked well with it too.

I understand this is subjective though.

I'm gonna wait until someone tries to use "zoomer" like it's a downvote and reply to it with "lol".

Both have good points but I give it to 1 for having better loot generation. Less guns in 2 was a mistake.

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I had a friend in highschool who loved border lands 1

He later became a heroin addict
Once he was robbed and nearly killed

He then robbed a women with her young daughter and went to jail

He then killed himself while in jail

Well rip george I never really liked you oh and I would finger pop that fat gross sister of yours when you slept.

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I honestly couldn't get through playing BL1 for more than 30 minutes with my friend before we both got bored. Everything is so fucking bland it's not even funny. Borderlands 2 is alot more fun with a buddy. Pre-Sequel is fucking gay and not good even with a friend, we quit after the intro

He went full Bandit
You never go full Bandit

I already liked the first Borderlands way more than the second, but dear god the enhanced edition.
It's perfect. Absolutely perfect. Only problem I've had is that entering Berserk as Brick fucks up your FOV when it's over, hopefully that'll get patched, but everything else is taking a game I loved and making it so much better.
Been playing it with a buddy and all we've been doing is gushing over how much fun it is.

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I just wished they fixed the SDU drop chance shit and removed the potential of gimping your character.

I bet you're the kind of idiot who finds claptrap funny and entertaining, and laughs at all the now outdated references and le epic memes XD and shit.

OP is not a fag

Is that a thing? I've never heard of that, but I never encountered any bugs in my vanilla playthrough.

>Pre-Sequel is fucking gay and not good even with a friend, we quit after the intro
are you sure it wasn't just because it got you all horny and ready for shared handjobs?

Borderlands 2 plays better and is funnier

Basically you can permanently gimp yourself out of inventory space because some of the claptraps have a 50% chance to drop a useless grenade mod instead of an SDU, and since you can't rescue them again, you're stuck with less space. It's not a huge deal really, but FUCK that.

1 was awesome

2 was ok

Well shit, I'm gonna have to worry about that now, be a real bummer if that happened in multiplayer.

1>pre seq>2

stay safe dude

I have some freeze while playing the enhanced edition, I don't know if this was present in the original since I dropped it back then.

both are pure garbage


I'll keep this in mind for when we get to the DLCs, thanks for the heads-up.

It's the loot. The game shovels you green after green that sucks super hard. You need to farm for the good shit, and then the game gets pretty good. The post game like OP levels and the headhunter packs are very fun

Well of course. 1 had revolvers.

The problem is that even a lucky legendary or purple wont even be held to long due to the exponential scaling that quickly gets bonkers. Meanwhile in 1 a well rolled green or blue could last you for quite a while. Even a white could hold you over for a bit if rolled right.

>a well rolled green or blue could last you for quite a while
First playthrough I ever did, I found a Maliwan revolver, two shots, but like x5 explosive damage. I used that thing from level 15 to 25.

All of the driving sections sucked massive horse weiner. Granted I've only played the first game, but I hated all of the driving segments.


borderlands 2 is a million times better
>meme garbage
only bothers you if youre a #2cool zoomer
its not meant to have good writing
its meant to be fun
and it delivers

You're right though
That said, the start of BL1/2 always gives me gas because of how shit the guns feel (aka how they have the accuracy of a blind man with parkinson's)

BL2 starts you with laser precision pistols and shotguns you can hipfire almost exclusively until you get to three horns


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shows how long its been since I played BL2, then

Have sex

>blue-purple guns felt powerful
>no meme humor that was outdated the year it came out
>10/10 atmosphere
>loot system didn't shit you whites and greens 60$ of the playtime
2 may have improved things in some areas but fuck me they ruined most guns with the brand gimmick

I got a blue Hyperion Rocket Launcher on Brick from 15 that I carried well till the early 20's in New Haven. Always feels good to get a nice roll like that.


why do you even need that much space anyway?

You don't, but the idea of having a character that's permanently locked out of their max potential in a game that you may be playing for hundreds of hours REALLY fucking sucks for some people, myself included.

>playing for hundreds of hours on one character

There's the whole base game, four DLCs, loads of achievements, and multiple new game plusses, why WOULDN'T you play hundreds of hours on one character?

why the hell would you do all the DLCs more than once

The game is literally built around grinding and getting the most powerful possible character. Playing hundreds of hours on 1 character is encouraged.

Why would you not?

my only gripe is the skill trees 2 is more varied.

I finished both games at launch many years ago.
The second game is vastly superior, and I played both alone. Yeah the first has less bullshit humour but it's also pretty fucking bland on so many levels. A couple of good DLCs though

>implying 1 didn't have references

It did, but easily 10 times less than 2 did. It was annoying, but never quite reached the point of game ruining, unlike 2, which just makes you want to stop playing at times.

borderlands 2 has krieg who is a better version of brick

>more varied
The classes are widely unbalanced through. Borderlands 1 was pretty balanced. Even though Siren was considered to be the best, you could be very powerful as any character and justify picking any of them. In 2, several of the classes are just shit and are far harder to work with than others.

The soundtrack is what made it work. I can’t wait to go back through it on ps4, just waiting for my mate to buy it before I start. Be nice for a nostalgia hit.

Completely agree, fuck BL2 it is SJW.

thats just Yea Forumseddit contrarianism

I just remember the quests in Borderlands 1 being way more generic and fetch quest-ish than 2. But I remember liking 1's atmosphere more.

yea kill 10 of these, collect 20 bottles of beer

i need to get the remaster and the gold, but my ps4 will explode from how much space both would take, that and i still have to transfer the ps3 version data, meaning i have to set up my ps3, i'm thinking it might be better to start over

i got a level 25 hellfire at the very start of my second playthrough and it lasted me till i was level 50.

in bl2 i'd of been lucky if it had lasted 5 levels

>After 1 the series gets preachy and pandering
>In the same games, you have enemies that are called midgets, considered an ableist slur
>Same game has a walking Irish sterotype whose name (Mick) is also a slur for Irishman
>Same game has tribal enemies that are caricatures of tribal Africans
The people who write for this shit are hypocrites of the highest order.

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>non-robotic enemies who posed a real threat
>exciting level up message

Borderlands 2
>the same robots pasted everywhere in the latter half of the game
>reward messages for almost every kill, dulling any sense of accomplishment
>ellie’s missions...

2 was really fun with friends but shows its weaknesses alone.

Axton is the only bad character. Every one else is fine

Both have fetch quests. It's just 2 is trying to cover it with shit and stuff. 1 Was like "hey man fetch me 20 fishes and 10 beers". While 2 was like "TAKE THIS MATCHSTICK, TAKE HIM TO THE OTHER END OF THE MAP AND BURN HIM THERE".

Crimson lance were much better then loaders because they are humanoids. And the humanoids are way more fun to fight then anyone else

Not to mention that 2 has a quest where you literally just stand around for 3 minutes while a timer counts down.

Currently playing through borderlands 1 for the first time and I am positively shocked by the gore when killing enemies. Is there a mod that brings this to the latter borderlands games?

satire look it up

you do realize that quest gives you like 5 xp and is purely there as a joke right? i get that not alot of people like the humor in 2, but that quest was not a serious thing, and you arent behind in levels if you just ignore it

I don't remember how that shit was in 2 but I just finished playing through 1 again and my biggest complaint with the "go find the echo recorders" type quests was that the waypoints always crisscross you across every fucking map back and fucking forth every fucking time and it just gets tedious as shit.

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What's the best way to go about the dlcs in borderlands 1?

>you do realize that quest gives you like 5 xp
fucking really?

I stopped reading after a certain point because it just made me sad. They fucking got me.

Borderlands as a series is criminally overlooked in the world building department, every game, even TPS, has a really "lived in" feel.

Ned, Robot Revolution, Knoxx.

Underdome is whenever you want.


I thought most people agreed with this?
I definitely agree, I was actually able to finish Borderlands 1, but I got bored with Borderlands 2 part way through more than once. I tried playing it with my brother so we could help get each other through the game but we both got bored with it and dropped it.
I need to Borderlands 1 again, its been a long time.

bl1 feels like an actual video game with progression, like a classic mmo, and real guns, and just fun gameplay

bl2 is just too bloated and tedious with all the shit weirdo guns and constant meme jokes

It doesn't make it any less hypocritical, given the social topics played straight.

>finishing one game of a 4 game soon to be 5 franchise

2.5 games and a movie.


so satire which is done for fun, is hypocritical? guess you hate gta5 also

>Change my mind

Truly the thought process of someone who values their own opinions too much. I don't give a fuck what you think, nobody does.

Why would I keep playing when I the second entry was just too uninteresting to me to even finish? Granted I never tried The Pre-Sequel, but it just looked like the same shit to me.
Don't even talk to me about that Telltale game, I might have thought the second was boring, but that shit might put me in a coma.

If someone who is willing to have others change their mind values their own opinion too much in your view, does that mean that someone who refuses to change their opinion no matter what DOESN'T value their opinion to you? What kind of logic is that?

>explosive went from a great element...

This definately

What classes are shit

>tfw had an explosive sniper rifle that held me for a good ten levels in 1
>tfw could never ever get it again in 2
>quickly learned that the rocket assault rifles were trash and needed to get out of my inventory as fast as they could

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Glad I never played past 1 then. It's so damn empty and boring. MMO-grade "kill X things" quests without the MMO interaction.

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My nigga.
Straight man Timothy better come back in 3. He was great because he was the only sane one in the borderlands.

The worst thing about 2 is still the retarded level scaling, where you consistently get weaker every level and have to replace your entire arsenal every level up later as the jump between levels is so great and the numbers have climbed to numbers far beyond any reason.

Given their choices of what to satirize and what not to satirize, I would question whether or not it was done for fun.