*summons behind you*
nothing personnel, kid
*summons behind you*
Other urls found in this thread:
>4 mana for creature removal
user what the fuck
>gain board presence and kill their biggest thing
how's being in bronze going for you bud
>tons of walker support next set
>gods are coming back
>new uncommon walkers
>planeswalker deck gideon isn't complete utter trash
Fuck. Send help
negate is getting pretty large use, even in best of one. you can naturally see how this could be useful
>people unironically play a children's card game on a computer
It being on a creature gives it certain perks, like being able to cast it with Unclaimed Territories or flickering it to use the effect again.
But for the most part, it's overcosted as hell since it'll just eat a Spark or Divedown.
>he actually paid for mana for it
Lemme guess: you get mana fucked like 1/5 rounds don’t you?
I could do that without spending four mana and spawning a 2/2 though.
But then you have 2 less cards in your hand.
Is there a better feel than Graveniggering this back to your hand to cast again
Nigga this isn't Hearthstone, nobody cares about a 2/2
This is still essentially exactly how Teferi works
and what do you think of this card, user?
Neither of them but i personally don't think it's bad but iv never run it.
Do people play this outside of like Invasion block constructed or some shit? Even when it was time-shifted it went basically unplayed in TS block.
>2 mana 2/2
>2 mana destroy thing
>only uses 1 card
its literally the strongest card pound for pound in all of MTG and some of yugioh.
The new block looks pretty neat. B/W looks like it will be fairly strong too.
No that would be one of the power 9
>none of them are creatures
>none of them are of the horror or beast subtype which allows them to be buffed by all of the horror and beast buffs in the entire game
you don't understand
Do you play any decks exclusively to waste time?
Used to play a turbo fog deck explicitly to force my roommate to quit as they had to go to work.
I don't understand.
>like building decks
>don't like actually playing
why am I like this
It's the theory crafting and labbing that you enjoy.
>uncommon walkers
>a walker based set with proliferate
I haven't played magic in years, what the fuck is this cancer?
It's meant to be the summarisation of the plot.
Uncommon walkers are just enchantments with a - ability basically
I guess
not gonna lie the most fun I ever had with magic was when I went on some database, hit "random card" and tried to make a deck built around it. Forget what card it was, something from Zendikar that flickered lands I think. It ended up being a needlessly obtuse and most likely impossible to actually pull off combo but I named the deck "Land on the Run" and felt stupidly proud of that shitty wordplay and the fact that I could make anything out of it at all.
I dunno. I could probably use a counterspell with a separate 1/1 for less.
The problem is that if you're casting this on turn four then your mana pool is empty, which is important for dealing with other threats. I guess you could get it on the field some other way though. I dunno, the last time I cared enough to play was during the Onslaught block and in a completely casual capacity.
Yea Forums is horrendously bad at all games now, not just videogames
this dude literally thinks that counterspells are bad because you have to leave mana open for it
Goblin Tribal is fun.
Simic is fun.
Vampire tribal is fun.
Rare walkers have 2 abilities
Uncommons have 1 ability
All walkers have enchantment like abilities.
Try googling the term card advantage.
I want this card in arena.
Based illiterate user.
you sneaky bastard
What is the plot of MTG?
Why is Emakrul so based?
What the fuck are eldrazi?
The plot is some special people can travel between worlds. Each world (except dominaria) is the size of only 1 sub-continent and for some reason none of them are beyond renaissance tech. Lately some big evil dragon is trying to become a god and the not!avengers need to stop him.
Eldrazi might just be how the cosmos recycle planes
>What is the plot of MTG?
Justice League (Gatewatch) fighting Satan (Bolas). Liliana is a cunt and everyone is retarded.
Having someone exile it with a enchantment or creature and having it come back in to kill their shit again
Wheres Garruk?
Still dead?
What's your favorite card?
>What the fuck are eldrazi?
Big tentacle monsters that live in between dimensions.
>-21 instead of -19
we got confirmation in a recent blogpost by maro that his story is getting continued
ok see you in 3 turns
On New Phyrexia
fucking lol
Met your new red 5 drop mythic of the set
Big Pig fucking wishes he was as good as Thundermaw
my first set was RTR and this guy will always have a special place in my heart
they're doing way too much exile protection this set. There's a reason exile effects cost a premium
I like him because I like Etali.
Or this guy
Pic related goes in literally every deck I have that has white in it.
>God-type cards don't have indestructible or protection from everything
I see that they have built-in resurrection but still, it seems a little goofy to classify them as a God.
That would be too broken. Gotta give the opponent a chance.
It's only the Gods and Karn that do that, and those have reasons.
Gods are supposed to be super hard to remove. Theros ones sometimes weren't creatures and were always Indes, Amonkhet ones were indes, Hour ones came back to hand when they died, and now these go third from the top when they die.
Karn getting artifacts can be flavored less as retrieving them and more as he made you a new one, since he's pretty much the best artificer in the multiverse now that Urza is dead.
the bug gods didn't have indestructible
This card is shit but I'm still gonna run it as often as I can.
Runners up are descent into madness and smokestack
honestly I'd just -5 four times in a row instead of going for the -21.
I am a man of simple tastes
there's also kaya's ghost form
so like 5+ cards that ignore exile seems a bit much for one set
I'm an MtG newfag but I love this card
Teysa is a close second
>killer art
>from an amazing set
>with one of the coolest designs I've seen of a horror entity
Is it good? Not really.
Is it awesome? You bet your ass it is. Allow me to show you M:tG writing when it was actually good: The Seer's Parables.
back to /tg/ angelfag
good luck, I'm behind 50 Angels, Demons, and Dragons, and they're all indestructible and you can't cast white spells and you can't activate abilities and also the dragons are multiplying exponentially
Innistrad was in that weird area where it was right when I started playing less magic but still kept tabs on it a lot and I always remembered really wanting to build something around pic related and just never getting around to it.
And then it was all ruined when that bitch from Zenikar brought Emrakul to their plane. Way to go MtG. You had a great plane with a cool flavour and killed it off.
Is Kaalia the worst designed commander of all time? Completely anti-fun in casual groups, but not even close to good enough to be used in high level EDH matches.
she's Timmy incarnate
>Way to go MtG. You had a great plane with a cool flavour and killed it off.
To be fair that's how I felt about Zendikar too.
Like I wasn't pissed at Rise since that was inevitable but something about returning to sick-ass adventure world only for it to be a dogshit "shit's still fucked brehs" world hampered even more by the fact that everything was focused on that faggoty-ass gatewatch shit just made me wonder why I was still wasting my time on this game. The fact that they did it again one block later cemented it in my mind.
Teferi, mage of Zhalfir
>tfw no emo daughteru who protecc you and all your permanents
begin at the beginning
students placed at the top of the school? (rankings)
when you receive the card you can retaliate against the card.
are you going to a union?
none of this shit is english motherfucker
This bad boy right here.
my plainsnigger
I forgot how based TMaw was. What an awesome card.
At least Zenikar gets saved. We see Innistrad get saved in its first set only to have everything be undone that just makes the first story seem so pointless.
Pure sex, wish I had one in foil.
Regular Odyssey Plains 333 is almost $2, foil is almost $50 now.
There's no reason to play it over Frilled Mystic outside of mana fixing limitations.
I think WOTC just has a boner for making cool planes and then ruining them
>if you're casting this on turn four then your mana pool is empty, which is important for dealing with other threats.
Do you say this any time a bluebitch spends their open Mana on an opponents turn for a counterspell? They get a creature out, counter the enemy's spell, and they'll soon have their lands untapped.
>Find new game
>Gravitate towards unbalanced and broken choice
Every single game, I should develop this skill.
Look, I just wanted to play in the kitchen with ever-recurring zombie plants and creature removal, I wasn't expecting to see the game being broken in half at the same time the multiverse broke in half.
Sure it's useless in serious play, but I had a blast playing it in a deck that was I made with the only purpose of making the opponent think twice about every move
I'll just make a second Teferi
I can't believe Gideon is fucking dead
Good, now if we could just get them to kill fucking Marty Stu Jace and the rest of his shitty Jacetice League.
it's been run through Google Translate a bunch of times
i love this little fella.
you cant believe WotC killed a heroic white man?
I can
The quintessential goal of the game is to minimize losses while maximizing gains. I could lay down a 2/2 for 4 and destroy a key enemy creature or invest in something better, which is usually the case for me. Leaving all lands tapped puts me at a disadvantage for the foreseeable turn. The same goes for turns 5 and 6. I wouldn't bother dropping this unless I was in dire need of immediate removal, but even then, there are better alternatives.
Does this actually change the mana produced or does it just affect counts of "for each Mountain Land in play"
This was a nice read, thanks for the link
they lose all other abilities and gain T: add R
It's great with bounce cards in edh
pic related or anything with a wheel effect
is there a single blue planeswalker that isn't some kind of faggot? only one that comes to mind is venser and hes dead.
>Liliana doesn't get her beefslab
This is going to be how Wizards will justify Lili not suffering any consequences for any of the shit she's pulled
He is way better, but then again, we all know Yea Forums is terrible at magic.
In Pauper theres this deck that aims to stack a whole bunch enchantments like Fertile Ground and Market Festival to have one land produce 7 ish mana. It then uses the Arcane spells Petals of Insight and splicing Psychic Puppetry (which untaps a permanent for U) to loop through your deck while untapping that land, netting you 2-3 mana each time. You'd generate infinite mana, allowing you to cast a Fireball of some kind to win.
You do nothing for the first 3-4 turns except enchanting a single land and trying to Fog your way out of an early loss, and then turns 5 or 6 you're just sitting there Storming off all by yourself in such an obtuse and difficult manner with a decent fizzle rate. Your opponent could wait 5ish minutes only to find out they won cuz you fizzled. It's one of my favourite decks and the reason why Pauper is one of my favourite formats. It even employs the goddamn splice mechanic as if to give Wizards the finger for giving it such terrible support.
The deck is colloquially known as Petal Festival or UG Arcane Storm.
Assuming you're looking for the /pol/ friendly answer of "straight white males that don't look like NPCs":
Dack Fayden, Ral Zerek, Will Kenrith
If you'll accept females:
Kasmina, Kiora, Tamiyo, Mu Yanling
Lili literally canonically has a huge crush on Jace. She doesn't care at all for Gideon.
You turbofog players are alright. God speed you magnificent lunatics.
Lili only cares about Jace the same way a Gold digger cares about their mark
Jace got wise to this and got addicted to snake pussy, meanwhile Lili has a slight thing for Gideon now since he was the only person who didn't abandon her on Dominaria after Amonkhet
What is it with Wizards either ruining or killing all their good walkers while letting the shitty ones just run rampant
>Dack Fayden, Ral Zerek
>not faggots
Firstly, please join the 40% you fucking abomonation.
Secondly, monoblue.
Other than Avacyn who are the others?
I remember liking Tamiyo back in the day
Gisela, Bruna, and Sigarda
seems a fair trade off as they also come back from exile, something that would outright stop the older god cards.
>Gisela, Bruna, and Sigarda
they all get corrupted
>all his angel waifu harem is kill
feels bad man
So is he dying now or in Endgame?
>Lili only cares about Jace the same way a Gold digger cares about their mark
>Jace pops in during Dominaria to tell everyone shits about to go down in Ravnica
>See's Liliana and pauses
>He then goes on a rant about how she's a slimy two timing bitch that shouldn't be trusted
>Jace pops out back to Ravnica
>everyone looks at her
>mfw Liliana doesn't deny a single thing
The three lower-tier angels weren't actually his harem, and didn't even know Sorin made Avacyn.
I hope you're not implying Gideon is a 'good walker'.
this is Endgame
Who is that beautiful ayylmao
Did they really keep the day/night card effect?
a bit too easy to deal with so you never would get to see its mechanics play out but still fun and has good art on it.
Dead, but that isn't that much of a handicap for Bolas
A single regular chink managed to kill him once and he came back
it only came back for the Innistrad redo, it represented Innistrad critters getting corrupted by Emrakul
step aside
He "got better" back before the mending happened and the nature of the planeswalker spark changed.
So death might be more permanent now
Any spoilers or guesses on whats in Core Set 2020 and beyond?
my soldier deck was a force on the kitchen table
daru warchief is a close 2nd
Shadows over innistrad had traditional werewolves that flipped over and flipped back under certain conditions
in Eldritch moon shit was corrupted by eldrazi and couldn't flip back once you flipped it over, and things other than werewolves flipped into corrupted shit.
its my favorite block
Karn nuking New Phyrexia off the face of the multiverse with the Golgothian Sylex
this guy is an absolute house in EDH
gay because phyrexia is freaking cool and i wish daddy yawgmoth was still alive
Cunning Castaway will finally have a purpose, to make more Nicol Bolas.
As an SCG tour grinder hes nowhere near hellkite but k
You should see the big daddy version
Sounds like Infinity war desu
With all the sparks being stolen for a great magic finale (snap)
My guess its that most dont die and just planeswalker lose their sparks and become regular wizards
Then hijinks ensue and Nicol Bolas is defeated
Magic seems to be pretty cool. I like watching my friends play but i don't play myself. What is a relatively cheap but fun starter deck?
I've read this a billion times and every time I read it again I lose my fucking sides. Every sinlge line is pure fucking golden.
>Dog 4(Is a defender of every animal that is attacked every four times.)
oddly specific
Now that's a good ability to have in a card.
>Ulam is all of the attacks, four to twenty players vanish.
a little bit overpowered
>It's just more ugly as time goes by.
perfect description
>you got a lof of damage and have a 7-inch in your hand.
>For a long time, every form of credit card is accepted
let me pay the mana cost with my credit card then
>If you can not control the referee next gaming, the players die.
Fuck you either I win next game or everybody dies
>It's a real disaster
>Simply, run
>If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us or contact us
>It's easy to understand
very easy
>Just imagine it's over
that's what I'd do if I saw that thing
>Your enemy can not cry
What format do your friends play
>What is a relatively cheap but fun starter deck
play Arena, your wallet will be forever grateful
Pàuper, they're all poorfags
Is Elenda any decent in standard? She's fun
download one of those duels of the planeswalker, it's a good place to start
not a good place to start for a beginner and arena is pay to win unless you grind for months every single fucking day to craft one single top deck
Did you not read the "flash" part of Mystic Snake?
what's a good way to just do online shitbrewing and playtesting