Move out of the way, the best silent hill game is coming through

move out of the way, the best silent hill game is coming through

Attached: silent hill 3.jpg (800x1135, 265K)

Other urls found in this thread:!bVUCTJzD!PmnPw4S7fWGyvTjw9S0-RQdk7rRp2BQNuXJqRkZCZvk!rFcj1SIJ!47JH9M4OrzmQKuaiJ6IqUgmgz_SVNtk4LIYNSa-D-_8!bYcEnbhC!rYnhvcJiRC46T6yExS0Y61JHZ-5N3WxFvfZMI8xbyhE!2JNkgJ7b!nfPf5cIs6I5K-sdAs7RcnHvGA2hAvIGdpQuIoBhF3iE!GVVGRLpD!SyklVbuLIkc38ZYji5QL3sWHKtHt9-Bto700My8pH7c!Us1XTaII!cglH0dZOaH5yQEm4cnEh3eyUz4bIf6rACQqcVzkb4Hc

Great atmosphere and overall an awesome game but it was just blatantly rehashing the first two. 1 and 2 were both far superior in every possible way.

>teenage girl pregnant with God, seeing penis-shaped monsters everywhere

least relatable of all silent hills for me

Silent hill always looked like a shovel ware version of resident evil

OP here sorry wrong pic

Attached: s-l300.jpg (212x300, 21K)

One of the times the u.s. had a better cover

Attached: SH2.png (650x938, 777K)

cringe and bluepilled

Goes to shit about halfway through the amusement park. Church worst level. Come to think of it, the game starts going downhill once you actually go to Silent Hill. Everything beforehand is GOAT.

It had everything going for it but they really botched the narrative, so I find it hard to dig it too much.

Pretty much this

Is there a good way to play this on PC? I was able to get SH2 working at 1080p 60fps pretty easily, but for some reason SH3 is just being a pain in the ass, and the frame rate is total dogshit.

heather is cute

Attached: Heather_Mason.png (210x426, 82K)

1 = 2 >3 > 4
I like them all though.

*blocks your path*

Attached: sh1_ps1_us_01.jpg (997x1000, 248K)

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I like Resident Evil more but Silent HIll is also great you pleb

Silent Hill 4 is my favorite

Original Silent Hill - you can get close to the end of the game but not finish it if you miss an item earlier on, and you can't go back and get it

And last one for tonight, rhymes with 'beckon'


What is this?

This. The first half is so good, but the rest just fizzles out which is a shame because both SH1 and 2 kept going strong till the end.

Thanks user

it should be familiar to you cause you look at dicks all day

what the hell is up with that wall of save points outside of the pyramid head room?
is there some kind of secret meaning?

Attached: sh2sp.jpg (1000x563, 437K)

It would have been kino if the writers did something with this, but SH2 is still the best.

Attached: 6k9jxnqez72z[1].png (1920x1080, 2.8M)

what is that item? Im playing through the game right now so i dont wanna miss it

Mean to attach this pic instead.

Attached: Ma1Kb8s[1].gif (500x265, 999K)

means he got all his shit sorted back together

Nah read into it all you want but it basically means "you better save now or risk getting your asshole pushed through in the next room."

What was it?

Hunting rifle

Tekken 7

>didn't post with the best box art

Attached: sh3.jpg (800x1133, 118K)

How do I play Silent Hill 3 on PC?

There are 5 characters in this cover, can you find them Yea Forums?

The way Konami treats this series is a crime to humanity

Gillespie girl, wife, cop, Harry... What's the fifth? And don't day "silent hill" you fag.

step aside then

Attached: 1380304800729.png (510x546, 15K)

fpbp, but people who want to kiss Heather will never see reason

Daughter* not wife. Freudian slip, sorry boys.

legit bad

Look closer

SH copypasta poster, I SUMMON THEE!
there is a PC version, but I always played it on PS2.

Is there someone in one of the windows? I'm not seeing it but I admit I'm a brainlet most of the time.

It has the best horror imagery out of all the games. Yes the rest is superior, but it's pretty important since all silent hills are easy as fuck anyway. might as well watch the coolest shit

I liked the subtlety of the first two. I agree that it took the horror shit as far as it could go but I'd rather play the first two any day.


Attached: silenthill4cover.png (858x1199, 1.04M)

good taste

It's my new favourite one. Replayed it recently and was surprised about how I loved it.
Keep in mind my first SH is SH2 at release

Last time to save before judgement, without explicitly saying so. It naturally grabs your attention.

Attached: 1550881165642.png (3000x3000, 1.65M)

I had to root around in the archives but I found it


SH2 DDL:!rFcj1SIJ!47JH9M4OrzmQKuaiJ6IqUgmgz_SVNtk4LIYNSa-D-_8

SH2 torrent:!bYcEnbhC!rYnhvcJiRC46T6yExS0Y61JHZ-5N3WxFvfZMI8xbyhE

>SH2 PC fixes site:
>tl;dr how to install this shit video tutorial + bare essentials pack:
>SH2 Audio Replacement:

SH3 DDL:!2JNkgJ7b!nfPf5cIs6I5K-sdAs7RcnHvGA2hAvIGdpQuIoBhF3iE

SH3 torrent:!GVVGRLpD!SyklVbuLIkc38ZYji5QL3sWHKtHt9-Bto700My8pH7c

SH4 DDL:!Us1XTaII!cglH0dZOaH5yQEm4cnEh3eyUz4bIf6rACQqcVzkb4Hc

Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
DON'T use W10's own virtual disc app! Don't install under C:\Program Files\ !
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.

All the info & links you'll ever need:

Follow the SH2 widescreen fix site's instructions to the teeth, and you should be fine.
For 3 & 4, check the Guide.

Play the games in release order, and don't play on Easy mode.
Multiple playthroughs per game is very recommended.
Lower the in-game Brightness, crank up volume.
Turning OFF flashlight helps a ton!

Attached: wanna play SH 2018 update.png (1281x5453, 1.82M)

>keep in mind
I don't understand, is that supposed to make your shit opinion valid? I rode my bike 15 miles to kaybee toys to get SH on its release date but that doesn't make me an expert on which games are best.

>tfw going to eastern europe soon and laptop's mobo died so I can't replay them all while over there

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based and heatherpilled

>tfw there will never be a remake of any of the first 3 Silent Hill games in the similar vein as RE2

Because I do believe people that played SH1 on release when they were used to horrible visuals still have it higher on their tier list than me

pls no bully I'm drunk and just want to talk about silent hill

Thank God. They don't need remakes, and there aren't any devs with the chops to do them justice.

I just want a MGS:legacy collection tier SH bundle

I just can't believe anyone can say the room is the best silent hill. Even my fairly uncritical, stupid 19 year old self thought it was abysmal.

fucking idiot
silent hill was inspired by resident evil, but ended up improving on it
the story is a million times better than the b-movie schlock of re

don't worry user I'll keep you safe.

Thread theme

SH 3 is the only one that actually makes me feel bad playing it.

1 and 4 are the only games they should try to remake. 4 could use some more polish and events in the apartment, while 1 would be really fun to see

In a good way?

i liked the setting taking place in the apartment complex, feels comfy

I was as stupid as you when I was young, but I grew up.

>silent hill
It was an okay game but silent hill isn't supposed to be comfy. The room was such an obvious cash grab.

I'm pretty okay with that. Imitation meat will never compare to the master works that Team Silent created in their prime.


I'm genuinely interested. Can you elaborate?

I don't like to spoonfed, but today I'll make an exception for you, user.

Attached: SH1 faces on cover.png (997x1000, 1.57M)

Sh4 was different but I don't think it was a cash grab.

I didnt say it was the best, why are you putting words into my mouth? I said it was my fav. Its more fun to relplay for me, initially it was 2 but its too easy and has little challenge
Also 4 feels very unique

Please don't touch the low poly haven that is SH1.
>tfw have to post shitty screenshots taken from google images to make my point

Attached: 30602-silent-hill-playstation-screenshot-bloody-scenes-will-never.jpg (720x576, 47K)

I dont know exactly why, but its the only SH game that really makes feel scared. Once I almost had a panic attack playing it. And I hate that fuckin Pendulum fucker holy shit

I love SH3 to death, but I agree the narrative, especially the latter half, didn't match the caliber of the series transition from the nuanced, serene dread of SH2 to shit like the mirror room in SH3, and its other world that was like an orgy of orange and red eye-floaters on walls and floors.

That being said, I recently saw an article where a staff member revealed that SH3 was originally going to be an on-rails shooter, and once they gave up and changed course, they had eaten into their time and money budget on the SH3 we know. Maybe that's why it kinda just "stops".

>Subway/Sewers fun
>Latter half bad
Yeah I disagree.

Yea I'm a brainlet.

The chapel in 3 is the only place i feel tense now in silent hill
Sometimes theres so much red shit on the screen you cant see shit and there are missionaries and cancers chasing you around

sorry man. I know my cousin went to england for IT work and used a raspberry pi along with leaving his computer up so he could stream whatever he wanted. I don't think he used it for games but he said he could. don't think it would work so well even though he has fiber at his place.

Cmon user, don't act befuddled that I would confuse favorite for best. It's the same fucking thing.

>Daughter* not wife
why not both?

Fucking sewers are pure trash and 3 is my fav

holy shit i never realized the other faces being there.
i mean comfy as it reminds me of the first apartments i lived in.

Looks fuckin rad to me even in that shitty screen.

the sewers were complete shit when you were in the actual sewage parts but i liked the subway and parts of the underpass

There are some games I love to play but know inside theyre not really good games
Mgs2 is my fav to play but I know all things considered 3 is the best.

That's why they should try to remake, though. If it turns out to be shit we can just pretend it never happened, like the HD Collection

I only played through the series 5 or 6 years ago because I bought SH2 on release on a whim and was too stupid to figure out where to go after the hospital and never finished it. loved 1. it's my favorite.
4 on the other hand I hated almost everything about it. the apartment was the only good thing about the game, and I'll admit it's great, but it's just surrounded by a pile of shit.

The cult is such a turn off for me lore-wise. I love how they left it out in 2

What are your favorite songs from the series?

I think I shared your experience and that's a reason I love it so much. Going out on a limb, but the 'slurpers' ( the ant-eater mouthed things that crawl on the floor ) made a repetitious noise that dominated any area you shared with them, and I think I remember the Pendulum having a similarly repetitive sound.
Just out of curiosity, do you have an anxiety disorder, too?

Pendulums are the biggest assholes in the series and I hope the guy who pitched the idea for them feels bad

Its ok
In fact, ive had a live and hate relation with the game for years until i gave it an honest go knowing all the flaws and ended up loving it. There are a lot of dumb shit though

Hands down, I Want Love ( Studio version )

who thought the fucking loud screeching buzzing from the Pendulum was a good idea should be put in jail

How about the telephone ringing near the end of SH4?

are all these links still good? i feel like this exact post has been floating around for ten years

Too many to list, so I'll praise of my favorite unsung parts: after James learns the truth, the monster encounter music changes to the Pyramid Head boss music theme

Attached: basement.jpg (1440x1080, 122K)

Step aside pleb

Both are good, but I like the Silent Chill music more.

oh nice, a Silent Hill thread
does any one of you have that faceapp pic of James Sunderland with a shit eating grin?

Attached: faceapp-Silent-Hill.jpg (1280x1280, 71K)

Attached: θΆ‹.gif (207x240, 173K)

yes this is the one, thank you user!

Silent Chill doesn't have 45:33

SH2>SH3>SH1>SH4(still good tho)

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I... I loved Shattered Memories...

Attached: 73459.jpg (552x553, 198K)

It's definitely the best non-japanese attempt at SH.

to my knowledge they work
>i feel like this exact post has been floating around for ten years
I don't think it's been quite that long, but it keeps getting updated with new links. that one is not even a year old.

I was never sure what the red squares were meant to represent in general, apart from the guess that it's Mary's last letter stained with blood.

Attached: ph2.jpg (1024x874, 204K)

That's not the Silent Hill 4 cover

i made a newer one a while back

Attached: 1531843547479.png (1281x4913, 1.91M)

SH1 is the most oppressive and the most tense
SH2 is the most atmospheric and has the most interesting narrative
SH3 is the scariest overall

Glad we can all agree.

Attached: doghouse.jpg (750x556, 38K)

SH1 also has more environments in general which makes you feel like you're exploring the whole town, but your description in pretty accurate

I think SH3 is great and has some of the most nail-biting set-pieces in the whole series, but I think some of the Otherworld sections push the gore and noise so hard that I got numb to it after a while.

Stanley's diary got to me more than all the walls turning into strawberry jam for half an hour.

Attached: Hospital Diary.jpg (800x480, 102K)

How do you guys think she would turn out later in life after what she witnessed? Barfing our a fetus and seeing another chick shove it into her mouth must be pretty traumatizing.

>Probably became a broken down whore turning tricks after all the events

Pretty sad


I love this song.

She seemed pretty chill about it at the end honestly.

Attached: 74650984.jpg (500x327, 38K)

thanks, saved. I need to delete the others ones I have.

I think 1 was scarier just because I get more frightened by horror that isn't completely in your face about it.
otherwise I completely agree and think 1-3 do something better equally.
4 Might not be the best game but it has my favorite soundtrack

she really is

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Surprisingly nice feet

that's all i've got sadly

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I know the artist who makes those feet pics. He does great ones.

i haven't seen anything new from him in a long time

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... I think I need to process this. I never fucking noticed the faces all these years. Thought it was just Harry in the fog. I'm completely blown away


this is was always out of place with the game, for some reason.

Ideally how would a good Silent Hill game for the current gen even look like? The series has had more bad games than good ones unfortunately. Also because of this and the movies I would say most have a misconception about what this series even should be. The company itself and just about the only ones who would know is the die hard fans at this point.

we almost had one with kojimbo, but who knows how the full game would fare against pt

All 4 really needs is more open/varied level design. They created it as a hub but there's no reason to go back anywhere save for when the worlds get corrupted. Puzzels, bonus content, or secrets that required you travel between them to find it would've really solved a lot of the issues. In addition, changing the worlds more on the second return would've sold the otherworld strangeness a lot better. The only world that really pulled this off was the Apartments.

While I think it would have been the first good game the series had in forever, I don't think it would have ended up matching the old games though. Definitely would have probably been very different to.

It's the most relatable for me.
I actually looked exactly like Heather when I was 16. Same hair and everything.
Still, Silent Hill 2 is my favorite.


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1 > 3 > 2 > 4 = 0 > SM

Didn't play the others

Why is she so rape-able?

This. I love the others but none topped the way SH1 introduces the mystery and atmosphere.

calm down stanley

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