What the fuck is this shit?

What the fuck is this shit?

Attached: wtf.png (356x437, 43K)

With reps having to investigate every instance of “toxicity” (aka saying “good game” in chat, or playing the game too well), queue times have gone through the roof.

They are patting down all their users for contraband "OK" hand gestures

Is this the face of Overwatch being dead?

Theres a thread on FFX1V being DDOS'd earlier
Holy shit lads
Is Lizard Squad back!?

Mandatory penis inpsections done in person via sebcam.

They've had to take some servers down to update their information about their pregnant workers

>"OK" hand gestures

Blizzard doesn't have anyone to run their servers anymore, its why they had to downsize WOW from an MMORPG to a single player online game where you occasionally get invaded by other players who tag your mobs.

Blizzard banned it since they believed /pol/ when they said it was a white supremacy symbol

What? You mean the hand gesture that divers make to signal that you're okay?

>he doesn't know

Attached: 1554671993593.png (800x547, 360K)

You're OKKK? Fucking REPORTED
Blizzard heeeeeeeeelp

Naturally, since black people can't swim all the white supremacy leaders meet underwater

>I actually didn't know
Holy shit... This is a new level of pathetic for the industry.

They just claimed the rainbow and thumbs up too, at this rate before long every symbol will be a white power symbol

I just can't believe they pissed off so many people by claiming clowns
I thought people hated clowns but apparently the left was very attached to them

the ride has only begun my friend, buckle up for the next couple of years.

ehhhh. Its more like that dumb kid from grade school that decided to use "naggers" instead of niggers. Then was shocked when he got in trouble since it wasn't a bad word and he totally wasnt only saying it to the black kids.
Except if it caught on and more people started using it seriously/unironically.

When they get hormones and reassignment surgery turned into alt right symbols then maybe you'll understand

>the state of humanity
Imagine being an alien and seeing that.

>nightclub is empty
>close the doors so a queue forms and people think it's full, driving more people in

You know that feeling you get when you run into with an old acquaintance and find out they're still telling the same jokes, still playing video games or watching anime, and have the same opinions and perspective on life? Like some lukewarm mix of nostalgia, pity, disgust, and sorrow?

That's how aliens must feel about all of humanity.

that's because the left are clowns

The network team all had to dilate at the same time, it happens.

Poor indie company can't afford decently sized servers.

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Unironically, what's happening? I literally don't play any of their games.

They're cutting down server farms along with customer service

Maybe people should stop nagging and we wouldn't have to call them naggers. But who am I? I'm too niggardly to stage an awareness campaign to retake words. If only they knew how my grandmother used to call us little porch monkeys for hanging out on the steps in front of the house all day.

>playing Blizzard's games

Your fault retard