Join discord off Yea Forums

>join discord off Yea Forums
>most if not entirely all underage users

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no way fag

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>tfw a spic that orbits e-girls ruins an entire server

do you mean /vg/? What discord is there here?

Not surprised even a little


>tfw started browsing Yea Forums when I was 11
>currently 21 and a junior in college
Tell Confessabear how old you were when you came here

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>Go to a hangout of underage users
>Surprised to see underage users
That's like the time I went on a tour of a prison. Would you believe the inmates were all untrustworthy criminals?

I have seen plenty of Yea Forums servers, but they are all uncomfy

>joining a random discord instead of making one with your friends

name him

Fuck Shiina

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no way fag

You first

>join discord
See, there's your first mistake.
>implying it was a discord server made for Yea Forums users
And there's your second.
Perhaps you'll learn something from this.

With me

thanks for the free pass and games

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imagine my shock

>tfw a gay spicy taco attaches himself to you
> he's hugely depressed all the time and is really needy as fuck

i dont have any friends

gay virgin lol

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>joined a discord someone i met in an mmo made so we could communicate during a fight
>we're all good friends now and play different games together
sometimes it works out

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Most people on Yea Forums these days have only been here for a year or less

Dont you have an egirl to orbit?

>join server off Yea Forums
>mod is a faggot who orbits every e-girl he meets
>tried to offer mod roles to one in exchange for nudes
>starts banning everyone he doesn't agree with
>call him out on his bullshit
>sperglord deletes his server and shills a new one every week
Fuck you Shiina

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I'm 32 now

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Tell the story

How does it feel knowing you killed every server you started because you have turbo autism


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You sound like you would fit right in then.

Is this true? what da phuck

>join discord

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>using discord at all
>laughing mumble users

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The thread already turned into a circle jerk, that's trannies for you


30, I..I was a 9fag before.

>Join a discord server to talk about niche subject/game
>Everyone wants to voice chat
>Random ass friend requests
>Everyone is a wannabe mod
>Everyone expects you to be on all the time
>Everybody forms cliques and tries to be buddy-buddy with mods

I just want to take about niche video games

>I say "I don't play videogames" a joke
>"lol then fuck off" as he proceeds to remove from server

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>join Trumpkino discord
>underage users everywhere
>mutts everywhere
>people watching cuck porn together
this is not what I wanted at all

>Yea Forums
Why would you do that?

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Discord is ran by furry pedophiles and is used by sexual deviants to groom and mindrape children into their death cults. Stay the fuck away from discord and use Mumble or Teamspeak.

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>meeting with Yea Forums outside of Yea Forums
When will you tards learn?

Good job retard, I can't see shit in that pic

Based Discord devs desu.

have sex

Seven pesos shamalama ding dong

I'm 25 now
at least I haven't spent half of my life visiting this shit heap yet

>join discord
>Someone is spamming about how they love Kass without being banned

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Don't forget
>discussion constantly dissolves into RPing and meme-spouting

actually seething

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13. but back then everyone on the website was mostly late teens, early adult. now its probably mid-teens to early-adult

15. Now I'm 28.

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I am the old man in in my discord, but no member is underage. The age is 19 to 31. The youngest person we have is 19. He claimed I was cheating in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe I beat him several times. Doesn't take loss too well.

Kys fat spic

Started at 12, tried Yea Forums for a bit but shortly realized all those funny greentext stories rarely happen, so I started browsing Yea Forums, with the occasional /g/. Browsed /pol/ during 2016 primaries, then stopped after grobbled stump bombed Syria.
Just turned 18, this place has definitely impacted me, I would say more positive than negative though. Helped me become self-aware to how autistic I was.

16 in high school
Now I’m 19 with no direction with my life as a sophomore college student

>and is used by sexual deviants
Where do you think you are?

id rather be a loser than constantly conscious of your actions, then youre just noone

>there are kids ten years younger than me on Yea Forums
I'm getting old.

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stay mad e-begger

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Hello me

Holy shit it's been 8 years.

Yea Forums is already pretty underage, don't know what you expect when you install an app designed for attention whoring on top of that

>e begger
copepilled have sexpilled and living with my scrapspilled

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Howdy pardner!

15 or 16 probably.
I decided I preferred anonymous discussion over forums with a sense of identity, or political agendas

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I started browsing in like 2008, so I was about 15 or 16. Lurked in Yea Forums for a while (found dwarf fortress thanks to them) and then dropped it for Yea Forums.

based high res

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Now you can have your political agendas here in Yea Forums too

>started at 13
>now I'm almost 21
Just kill me

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cry harder

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For what? Free games and a pass or my new server which is boomin? Pick one fatty

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you are surprised Yea Forums is full of 12 year old autistic smash players?

isnt it obvious by now?

seems like the issue here is /r9k/ not discord
rent free snoy boy

Yea Forums quality has gone to shit since zoomers invaded this place. post quality and everything.

Well at least you got one of your wishes.

you misunderstand, the board is filled with underage faggots of all "fanboy" affiliations.

it's why you all bitch about consoles cause you are too poor to own more than one.

12 in 2010
I'm sure this place had has some sort of affect on my psyche but does it mattter

16. I turn 30 this year. How time flies.

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>join Yea Forums discord


fucking stop it already.

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I started browsing Yea Forums when I was 13, grew out of it and came here around 17
I'm 22 now

kids ruin everything. zoomers are unironically cancer relative to millennials.

>>join Yea Forums discord


It's actually very consoling to know that anytime you hear some lightspeed-retarded shit on this board there's an 80% chance it's being spouted by an underage Brazilian.

Same as you only difference being i didn't browse it 24/7 until i turned 16

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>Beat Anjanath without your help
Looks like the student... has surpassed the master...

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Kys leaf thanks for the freebies

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Quick rundown?

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>tfw joined and left
Immortality severed

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