Sekiro Assist Thread

Are you struggling user?
we will help you
you can do it! user!

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Attached: Sword-Saint Isshin PePe.jpg (1282x1080, 894K)

>Demon is no longer casual filter
at least 2 filters remains

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Attached: eric andre sekiro.webm (476x422, 2.13M)

Demon of Hate...fuck

Just got there. a Bloodborne monster in Sekiro is harder than I thought

get super close to him
remember 1/3 his health goes down
he goes on stun state
keep beating
save finger fweeeeee for phase 3

Is there a way to fight the Shichimen niggers that doesn't make me want to rip my dick off? I fucking hate those fucking Terror Ball spamming, teleporting ass, flying faggots.

i had a bit of joy sticking to it's right back leg. but only a bit. still getting molested

I used divine confetti and it trivialized the fight. You literally spam attack and run when they do their laser beam.


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use divine confetti or spill the spaghetti
use pink umbrella

Just use anti-terror consumables and spam R1 at them
Use ghost umbrella hat to block the lasers

parrying is ezier desu
after parry other beam is 0 dmg

The only guys I cant wrap my head around are the headless. Their moves are so fucking weird and I get wrecked as soon as I land hits on them.

Not that there's any tangible reason to even fight headless since they only give you shitty candy but you can cheese them by running behind them before they start up an attack, then moving with them as they awkwardly try to face you

I've got the sekiro achievement, how do I wait for sekiro DLC?

Go sit in a well for 3 years

i had more success being a spammy faggot than actually trying to a skilful nigga.


purple gourd, spam, deflect, spam, jump away, deflect, spam, jump away, purple gourd, repeat and use confetti when needed

Just missing all the skills. The grind is killing me inside.

I just kept NG++++++ing - bosses give you the most xp anyway and I'd get bored of just grinding an area away

They can do a weird spinning attack that hits twice. If you're too far, they disappear and travel behind you to do a grab if you don't hit them. Just be ready to turn behind you and spam attack to prevent them from grabbing. Maybe try coming back when you get the lilac umbrella and terrify gourd.

I'm ashamed to admit it took me 10 hours to get past this guy. I spent so much time playing like an absolute pussy, had to force myself to get in that ass and break him down. Fuck me this was masochistic, lads.

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Marathon strats make him trivial and enable you to no-hit him. The arena is huge, use it. Run from all his attacks, don't stay near him. Deflecting and staying on him won't make the fight fast. He has huge attacks that reposition him and force you to move around a lot. He has 3 healthbars. He is massive in size and your camera will freak out around him. Do not stay close to him and expect to have an easy time.
Stay away. Figure out how far you need to be to avoid his overhead arm slam and then be able to run back and slash at his leg once. He has massive recovery windows and he'll almost always hop away after a strike from you. First two phases do this and use the grapple opps to get in some extra hits. Third phase spam malcontent and make sure you stay out of the ring of fire. He can't do shit to you at range.
If you're having a hard time parrying/bocking, don't listen to the people saying you should hug his balls. He's not a boss built for the kind of parry fights you can expect from everyone else in the game.

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i dont really understand why people struggle on Isshin
you figure out his moves and the first phase becomes a cake walk, then its just getting past phase 2 successfully cause phase 3 is another cake walk if u get used to the electricity deflect

I haven't played the game since release day, got to the old lady and didn't get past the snek, haven't felt like playing it since neither of those are gonna be fun to get past.

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i'll give this strat a try tomorrow when i have a decent chunk of time. thanks.

>and didn't get past the snek
Jesus Christ dude

what the fuck user...

is it really just one eavesdrop that starts the purification ending? i don't wanna know where it is because i'm starting ng+ but is that all it takes?

No. Just google how to get purification ending because fuck me.

The snake was easy, run to the palanquin & hide in it, stab him in eye when he tries to look in, get out, run to cave, watch him try (and fail) to get you, voila

The problem with it is that it doesn't show the eavesdrop icon like every other eavesdrop spot in the game. It only shows up when you wall hug.

Is there a way to die for the snake? I always thought that was a cinematic passage kind of thing

For me it was just a matter of talking to the woman after beating Owl, and then following the questline along from there.

I did it without a guide on NG.

The first two phases were easy and after awhile I could get through them with nary a hit taken. His third isn't that bad at first but it's intimidating and a lot more punishing if you fuck up, which I think makes most people timid as fuck for the fourth stage. Especially considering he hits like a truck and it's a marathon to get his posture down during the last two stages.
The final stage fucked me up repeatedly because I was afraid to experiment after having come that far.

i gotta be autistic and find it myself. i only know that the ending exists and that there's an eavesdrop involved.

Anyone know how to deal with Genichiro judo throws?

if im at the depths village at the corrupted ghost monk
and I already completed sunken valley.

What percentage completion am i at?

dodge the moment he grabs u

like 60%

I'm about to fight the undead ape again, how far through the game am I?

Assuming you're already done with Senpou, you're at 2/3rds.
If not, more like halfway.

You only have two bosses left bro...

You're about 130% of the way in.

I only just fell through the bottomless hole.

That's the final boss

How do I beat genichiro on the roof?

You're close, maybe 80, 85% of the way.

Get in his ass. Block as much as you can and dodge the few attacks that eat up a ton of posture, like his overheads or second phase lightning.

Oh, that's about 5.078% of the way through the game.

hit him a lot, if he hits back deflect, if he jumps in the air dodge to the side and hit him. Don't let up, he wants to control the fight
The only thing that's dangerous is his perilous attacks and you have to just get used to those

i'd take about .004% off that

>that soccer okami on the sakura tree who zap you from miles away
Shit's crazy yo.

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Can I please get a non-meme answer?

Stick close to him, circle to your right, hit him a few times after he attacks.
Run around to dodge fireballs, run away to dodge the drop attack.

Should be easy this way.

Parry his attacks, especially his seven-nine hit combo. That really fucks his posture. Parrying the last hit will stagger him. In the first phase, when he does a jump, falls straight down, and chops, he'll do a thrust. You can mikiri that. In his second and third phase, he switches it up with either a thrust or a sweep. Look for the shine/sparkle from his sword, if it's stationary, it's a stab, if it travels horizontal, it's a sweep.

Third stage is fairly easy, he always starts with a jumping thrust that you can mikiri and smack him once or twice. He can jump up in the air and imbue his sword with lightning and do a sweep or chop. You can either dash under him or jump up when you see his sword charge with lightning, get hit by the lightning, spam attack to reverse it and unleash a lightning slash of your own. He takes his armor off and has piss for defense. If you hit him with the counter, you can wail on him for a 1/3 of his health.

>get all the way over there
>anti air deathblow

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Alright, so I got the Mortal Blade and monkey trouble's Lotus flower.

What now?

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just play the game, moron. knowing how much is left can only take away from the experience. let it happen naturally


Go jump in a big hole.

How the hell do I defeat that Jap on a horse.

are you still a puppy?

It's not that linear faggot. You could get to double apes right after Genichiro, which is around the start of the second act of the game. Or you could go fuck around in other locations after getting the white flower and progress the main story to see what else happens at the castle.

Go through the ashina reservoir, that place that you start the game in, through the other side of the abandoned dungeon, and jump down the hole. Be ready to grapple.

Parry his attacks and hit him with your sword.

Head to Gun Fort or Ashina Depths next. Make sure you got the Gun Fort key from Kuro’s room

Get the grapple attack for 1 skill point. If he's far away, you can grapple on to him, he's stunned, and hit him a couple of times. You can also buy a firecracker from a crow merchant and have the sculptor turn it into a tool. Costs five hundo, if you do use it, space out the firecrackers every 20 seconds because the horse is immune after it.

In general, you start by looking for hits where you can get them, usually as a punish at the end of one of their combos or firework abuse, then once their posture bar turns orange you either go hog wild or all defense depending on your skill set and their move set.
The important thing is that those 2 stages within each phase are completely different from each other. Some bosses barely have that 1st part, for other it's 75% of the fight, and for the big animals it's all of it unless you're really good at deflecting.
Go ask the kid, not Yea Forums.

Alrighty that actually helps because I was running ariund the arena trying to see if there was a trick to beat him I was missing.

Did that a while ago. Ended up in some Resident Evil village and fought the Shamisen ghost lady and an asshole ghost monk. Should I go into the cave thing it was guarding?

I took care of Butterfly after beating Gyoubu.

How many areas in game does Isshin in his tengu outfit appear in?

I know after the horse boss and at the sunken valley entrance.

Any other spots i may have missed late game?

The assault on Ashina Castle has already started, but I haven't given Kuro his rice yet. Am I fucked out of the Dragon's Homecoming ending? Also do you ever kill the 2nd serpent that had the dried heart? I've seen that one webm where it gets stabbed in the eye, but that never happened for me.

I'm and was being sincere, although your mileage is going to vary depending on how many mini-bosses you may want to do yet. After that there really aren't many areas left unless you got way out of the typical progress route.

Will do, thanks user.

You can deflect his terror beam to take no terror damage.

Isshin is fucking my asshole something fierce, I just wanted to vent.

I'm struggling to even get the game RIP.

You're in the club and this motherfucker slaps your girl's rice and says:

"My Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa! As I breathe, you will not pass the castle gate!"

What do you do?

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hes tough, dont feel bad

Grapple onto his face and unload on his horse's ass.

Shinobi Dad Part 2: The Revenge

I've even beaten Demon of Hate and I can't beat him. He's just so goddamn fast and his attacks do so much posture damage... And then I get to phase 2 and he starts using that faggot owl and I just can't do it.

You can't help me because I have a rare disability where my joints dislocate every 5 minutes. Only FromSoft can help me by including an accessibility mode in their games.

Lot of spacing in his second/third phase. Make him come to you and only move in when you know what his next move is.
This has the added benefit of easy hits after his lame jumping attack.
If you make it to the last phase you're pretty much done.

Just be more aggressive you shitty stray dog, also phase 2 is easier because the flame owl is a free mikuri counter and his other attacks are retarded

Okay, thank you for making that clear. I'm just wondering how much would be left with all the bosses since some take upwards of a couple hours like Genichiro.

All I remember is the jump/mikiri combo move, which was easy for me at least. Does the owl even do anything else?

Breath down his neck, never stop attacking. Parry Parry Parry. When he throws the fire cracker dodge towards him and slightly to the right. I got posture kills on both his lives

>Should I go into the cave thing it was guarding?
The macguffin that Kuro wants is in that cave. It's empty otherwise. Oh yeah, Ashina castle gets upgraded with more difficult enemies once you get the flower and stone.

Probably. Can't hurt to try.
>second snek
Can't kill it.

Just beat the Dragon boss.

Demon of hate and Owl 2.0. which one should i take first?

Why does nu/v/ require validation for every small decision in a video game instead of just fucking trying it themselves

Demon of Hate is easier emo, very simple moveset but he hits like a truck. Owl is a pain in the ass if you aren't great at parrying

>tfw 50h in and still haven't finished NG.
Who slowbro here?

Anons are just bad teachers.
They know enough to tell other people the answer, but not enough to guide them to it naturally.
Someone can ask a stupid question and it's fine so long as know one gives a stupid answer.

When i thought it was looking the other direction i tried to sneak under it's head and got one hit killed.

Seven Spear keeps fucking reaming my asshole and his little Samurai butt buddy doesn't help, how the hell am I supposed to beat them?

It depends on the ending you go for as well. I would say by now you probably have a good enough grip on most bosses where only a few of the very end game fellas might wreck your shit for a few hours.
For what it's worth, most anons say they beat the game around high 30s to low 40s of total playtime.

Faggot owl is easy, when you see it on fire wait for the symbol and this jump and wait for the flash/sparkle of his blade when he does shadow thrust and mikiri him. If he throws firecrackers on you, dash right and his swing will miss. If he throws two shurikens, he will also jump up and do a falling chop. 80% of the time, the shurikens will push you out of range and you can counter. And never do a thrusting attack on him.

You could also just try holding the dash button and running away, this fucks with a lot of the AI for most enemies.

Puppeteer samurai dude

>Beat Owl
>Only took 3 tries
That it? Is his second fight harder?

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It's not that bad, From games are obfuscated as fuck and some people don't like to miss anything, hence a lot of questions about game routes or ending choices, shit like that.

You can sneak kill his buddy by using candy. Then use puppeteer on him and the guy that is just sitting there.

The Phoenix umbrella makes you totally invulnerable to all his attacks and the counter deals serious vit and posture damages after stocking just a couple of shots.

Puppet one of the guys on the ground. focus down the sword guy. finish him with the jump over back stab and puppet him. from there you can either wait for the guy to die than take over for him once he is dead or join the battle. be warned that his attacks will still hit you.

once it is just you and the boss you are gonna need to be on point with your mikiri counters.

Just use the game journalist mode.

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I see, could you give me an explanation of the ending requirements without spoilers if it isn't too much trouble?

He likes to do thrusts with his spear that you can mikiri. Most of the time he'll hold it horizontally on his left side (your right) as he charges before thrusting. They say to eat those buddha candies to make yourself harder to detect and puppeteer the katana samurai, but I was cheap and used the spirit emblem one and couldn't get it to work. I just stood on the tree branch and lured the katana one close enough to do a thrust attack till he died. Sometimes spear guy falls off and you don't get the prayer bead, but you can rest to spawn him again.

These are pretty gold

leave owl for later he's blast

I've only done one ending, and as far as I know the others require different choices here and there and the selective use of items. I'm not positive what they all are, but I don't think they can really be spoiler free.

don't forget to save it user
working on oldman isshin pepe now

Based on all the bitching, you should also make an Owl one as well.

Thanks anyway for all the info.

>mfw beat the game tonight
>mfw on crutches
>mfw literally disabled gamer beating Sekiro
Nothin' personnel, journos

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based and not hesitated

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For sure, user. Game is fucking great, what a fucking slog it was for me. Don't worry too much about endings, just play the way you want this time around and try the others some other run or in NG+.
Doing god's work, kind user. I thank you.

Did anybody else fucking lose it when Isshin pulled out his gat? Of course that motherfucker had a gun!

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I saw a webm of it posted,but how do you even get up to the roof where it has tp be done?

Headless Vs Winter Lanterns

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What are you stuck on

you need to be able to double jump

I would assume Guardian Ape

I am having monkey trouble

i finished the game and never saw an "anti air deathblow" the description made it sound like the best skill in the entire game

that skills ayte

I think I used it twice in the entire game. Once on a Shichimen and another time on the jumping spear monks

I've been stuck in Juzou's area for a while but decided to make the most of the situation. Being attacked by 3+ enemies at once used to mean instant death for me and these guys used to rape me but then I remembered I can use Mikuri Counter to thin them out and I don't have to parry absolutely every attack that comes my way.

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>most important male NPCs tower above Wolf
Is Wolf a manlet?

First phase: get in close and deflect everything. aim for the head for extra damage and the occasional stun. you want him to use his sword as much as possible, so keep baiting him into that
second phase: you want to wait for his huge wavering overhand and deflect it, this makes him fall down stunned and you can get in a few hit. same with his diving thrust attack, just sprint around him. in fact, get used to using the sprint button because you can run circles around him at this stage and you always need to be ready to just bail when he start telegraphing his terror area of effect attack
he's shockingly easy once you get the right strategy. good luck!

throw a firecracker at him

Look for a chance to get in close to him and hit a few times during or just after his animations. It takes time and practice to memorize his patterns and how to exploit him.
For the second phase, keep running around until he does the low slash that leaves him lying on the ground for a sec. That's the only chance I found to get a single good hit on him and I exploited the fuck out of it.

Is it work with lone shadow?

Thx I will try to beat it when I get back from the work

I hope in the dlc we get a gun prosthetic

>can take 3 enemies at once
>can't Juzou
let me guess you choke when you fight him?

whoever designed the snake eye minibosses needs to be taken out back and shot

the first one was hard enough, being able to stealth the nearby enemies and the first healthbar off
but second one being surrounded by snipers and being completely unable to stealth it fucking sucks
I'm seriously having more trouble with this rice nigger then every actual boss I've fought so far

when the fuck does sekiro get his arm mounted rifle dlc

I saw the prompt couple of times on Chichimen guy and okami. Never managed to pull it off though.

big boi

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From does this a lot. Wolf is human sized along with most of the human enemies he fights. Taller people are stronger or inhuman/magical than him. Much like the chosen undead and silver/black knights, Gwyn, Artorias, etc.

Parrying is easy and so is Juzou if you clear out all the enemies first and distract him with the other guy standing around.

He's hard to posture kill, so you need to treat his final phase as a soulsborne boss and whittle away his health.

I could probably take him now, I got close last time I actually attempted him and that was when I still struggled to understand having basic patience in combat. I just haven't attempted him yet because I wanted to perfect my mook game, pretty satisfied now though and might kill Juzou

Clear the gun fort before fighting her. If you come from behind, you can use a ceramic shard to make her move a little so you can get a backstab.

first phase is a vitality fight (oil and flame vent stun him and firecrackers) second phase is a posture fight focus on deflecting the big vertical attack, you know the one

And unfortunately there are no enemies back there anymore behind the gate.

i did get some iron scrap i missed first playthrough though,so it looks like if you missed some items back behind the gate you can still get them late game

>but second one being surrounded by snipers and being completely unable to stealth it fucking sucks
Unironically git gud. From the area entrance jump down and db the guy bellow. Grapple to the far side and db the guy on high ground. Then either get a sneak db on snake eyes then deal with the remaining canon guy or puppeteer the canon guy.

I don't get this image... why doctors?

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Those swordsman are really weak. Just attack three times and their posture is broken, even if they block. Axe guys are cunts and have poise. Shield guys, just use the axe and their shield and posture are broken. Bow guys get posture borked in two hits.

Super secret tip, hold dash to run. No enemy can run as fast as you. You can kite them. Never fight more than one enemy because they will attack through each other and fuck you up.

Juzou is easy, he has a very high aggro range. If you slowly walk from the house near the river you can get him to come over to you alone. Then just bait him into doing two overheads slams and stab him after the second. He doesn't do more than two sword slashes unless you block him.

Also it's possible to run pass the one in gun fort and come back for a sneak db.

Firecrackers are great.
Firevent+Oil is also good but cost is high.
when he puts his hand behind him to shit in it run at him. hitting him in the head seems to stun him. when you see the red over your head run and jump away. both grabs are bullshit and his scream is annoying.
in phase 2 focus on parry til he does his big downward slash. avoid the attack and counter it. just run from the scream. have the purple gourd/sedatives ready.

purple shield makes the second phase a cakewalk, generally in the second phase if you get too close he will immediately do his terror scream which can be completely blocked with the purple shield

the gunfort one is best to run past them all to the rest area behind them, from there backtrack and backstab all the snipers/shotgun guys.(on a side note it is a great mid game farming area) once they are clear make your way back to the boss. when you get close use a stealth candy. from there deathblow her. it is the same fight as before parry her attacks. jump from her bullshit grab.

you cant get the purple shield til you beat him for the first time.

my bad, still good to know for double monkey trouble

Cripples you the man

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holy shit i finally did it

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it feels great when you get that old fuck down.
when i got him down i did it without dying after 1/2 hours of dying endlessly.

That's my boy.

What the fuck? I finally beat this asshole 2 hours ago after days of trying. Ya'll couldn't have posted this webm sooner? Now I'm struggling with Sword Saint. Is there a cheese for him too?

Where's the best place to farm EXP at endgame? I just need the all skills trophy at this point.

New game+.

he's ez
no need to cheese at all
as phase progresses
it gets ezier
idk y

u get moar exp
a lot moar

I'm in NG+ already. Where can I farm endgame in NG+?

Either Antechamber or Outskirt Stairway after Ashina is set on fire. The higher NG the better.

I guess I just gotta keep trying then.

You know i had to do it these one armed niggas

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proud of you user

There's a cave behind one of the waterfalls. You have to get up on top of the long hallway thing then jump to the waterfall closet to where you're currently at in that picture.

>Doesn't have bell demon curse
>Boasts about how easy the game is

if you go to the highest building in the area against the mountains . there will be a door that cant be opened from that side. facing the door go left look along the mountainside and you will notice a grapple point jump at it and spam your grapple.

Google Pot Noble Koremori Location.
It is a questline give you lapis lazuli.

Now go eavesdrop on Emma and Isshin for the real fight.


Why the fuck are you using divine confetti lmao

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You can lure Juzou to the side yard easily (he has better eyesight than everyone else) and stab him
His AI bugs out a bit too there which is retarded, From dropped the ball on pathing in this game

I've had so many instances where I've seen NPCs walk off ledges to their death while hiding from them.

You have to eavesdrop Kuro and then discuss it with Emma, before the Owl fight
Eavesdropping Emma and Isshin has nothing to do with it

Why didn't Sekiro just install a gun in his prosthetic and shoot everyone in the head?

He is demon of hatred

He thinks flamethrower is better at killing people.
Which is true but for some reason FromSoftware didnt think so.

I got it by sheer luck then

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speedrun strat and have him kill himself

>getting torn apart by Lady Butterfly
>oh I get it now
>I finally get it
>haha, I understand the combat system, finally
>I'm so good at this game holy shit, fuck, yes
>time to check out that three storied Padoga that looter was talking about
>get fucking murdered over and over

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>dying to a common enemy

hold on to your butts
those fuckers are common later
come in packs

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Those ninjas are harder than most bosses user don't feel to bad

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At least it didn't take you over a dozen hours just to figure out how to loot.

what about the ones that are minibosses

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literally those ninjas
but 2 health bar
dont worry
hesitation is defeat

meant to use pellet

Divine confetti and malcontent whistle fucks him up. 3rd phase use whistle to stun him 3 times just make sure he isn't casting or you will waste it. You can do it user.

That asshole took me as many tries as monkey trouble, so I would say absolute hell

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Endgame ashina. Outskirts stairway or sumthin
You can clear 95% of mob there in stealthblow for about 25k a run

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>tfw went until blazing bull before I realized I could run

Any chance of some cosmetic DLC? I wanna really feel like I'm playing bootleg Ninja Gaiden

so owl just has drunk guys on call, trying to get to owl 2 but that drunk fuck now has a poison purple foot man with him, any good way to seperate the two

The hooded ones are a lot worse and get hyperarmor
The baldies will pretty much die to R1 spam

I didn't even realize you could plunging deathblow that one to start off the fight, in retrospect it forced me to git gud

Trading hits works well with these types.
You need both the ascend/descend carps skills though.
It's how I got through Genichiro as well.
Fuck those interior ministers and white monkey though.

sneaky candy -> backstab purple guy -> puppeteer -> 2 v 1 the drunk fatty

Why doesn't Emma offer lap pillows?

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This one is inferior to raping the one ninja at antechamber over and over again, however it does eventually get you fulminated mercury so that's nice

We'll have to rely on mods for now, someone just imported Lady Maria but I'm not ready to hear her talking with Sekiro's gravely voice

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Emma isn't a slut, she only has eyes for sculptor

Is Kuro a boy or a girl?
I get the impression that he's a boy from the dialogues but one scene in particular makes me think otherwise.
It's when he asked wolf to close his eyes as he draw blood from his chest.
Reminds me of Dororo. Why from the chest though?
Why not cut his palms or fingertips?

>the hat naginata guys in sempou
>the silver monkeys
>the slower ministry guys with super armor
>the poison-using shinobi
>those wall-hiding faggots with spears

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My controller is a busted piece of shit that hits random inputs and disconnects constantly. How do I beat NG+ without Kuro's charm?

I really like how disgusting they made the bandits attacking Hirata Estate.
>no pants, just a nasty soiled thong
>unkempt beards
>fucked up teeth
>every single one sounds like an 80s anime mook
It's so satisfying to kill them.

Get distance, firecracker and R1 mash the second ape, it has ridiculously low posture.

Adopt some sort of drunken master playstyle

they're so fucking oily
and they drop a lot of oil too
must be ass bandits

>Corrupted monk
I don't get it, sometimes I'll block and she does no damage and other times she does like 2/3 of my health bar. Do I need to perfect parry her overhead attacks for that to not happen?

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>How do I beat NG+ without Kuro's charm?

Why would you want too?

So I have been playing about four or five hours now I suppose. Things I have learned.

>fight like a bitch. Kill one guy and run away, repeat works to clear out troublesome spots
>find the key item you need to beat the boss, which the game will not tell you about, you have to actually explore to find it
>you don't have to fight everyone

This about sum up this game? I died about ten times to the Chained Ogre before saying "fuck this, this should not be this hard, I need to explore the area more" and lo and behold here is an item that he is weak to. And then I beat him on the very next try.

Snake is pretty easy. Just hide in the grass and move after watching its animations and finding a gap. It usually moves into a position that it can't see you from for a few seconds.

Butterfly is actually incredibly easy. Get past the snake and go through the area. Beat the boss in the area after snake and explore around for some NPCs. One of the NPCs sells firecrackers, a Shinobi tool.

Buy the firecrackers and stock up on fistful of ashes. Go over to Butterfly and use firecrackers or ash after every hit. Alternatively, you can try to stun lock her by dashing to the side and counterattacking her then alternate the dashes left and right. She can escape from the counterattack stun lock but it takes her a while.

>Kill one guy and run away
Rarely necessary, most areas like the samurai dude after the ogre have a stealthy path to deathblow all the mooks. It's like figuring out a puzzle.

>find the key item you need to beat the boss
You mean kusabimaru?

The game is legitimately better with chip damage if you don't parry correctly. It punishes shitters that mash the parry button

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can somebody explain to me What the fuck that giant straw creature was and why he takes the player to fountainhead palace.

Deflect all of his attacks and kill him.

You should always be gunning for parries or partial parries. If you're having a huge issue with overheads, parry with the umbrella activation and its way more generation.

Kill all of the enemies around Juzou without detecting him. Ceramic shards are useful for luring enemies away and killing. After killing them, ask Samurai bro for help then just do Hit & Run strats.

>Having difficulty on the Owl fight
>Get down to about 1/3 health
>purposefully not use prosthetic tool
>Don't heal, wait to be killed to resurrect and then heal
>This forces me to learn his moves and parry at the right
>Haven't won yet, but got halfway through 2nd phase already in 5 tries

Feels good man. I'll win soon, but I want to earn it.

You can deflect most of her attacks. She hits like a truck so you better git gud with deflecting. At least her posture doesn't regenerate.

It's some Shinto thing about ropes being boundaries between worlds or something.

how the fuck do I beat Isshin in phase 2 and 3? I've gotten through phase 2 a few times by luck, but I'm having trouble being able to tell where the fuck his weapon hitbox actually is in the animation. He's holding a sword and a giant spear and swinging both around the entire time, so I find myself blocking way too often which ruins my chance at perfect deflects.
How do I see through the animations and know where his attack is actually coming from?

Whirlwind slash isn't too bad to use on the openings since you don't want to risk doing stabs on him. Just keep pressure on him and remember the lesson of the fight, fight him on your terms not his.

Always assume the weapon is going to hit you and parry accordingly. During openings, 1 slash followed by a firecracker should help give a way longer window. Phase 3 is practically the same except Isshin JUSTS himself with the lightning move and gives you free damage.

Don't try to parry his whole combo. When you parry the first hit of his spear combo then just start attacking. When he backs off to breathe then hit him with the firecracker.

Mikiri his very telegraphed poke, obviously. He ends some of his combos with that. You can jump on his head when he's charging up his spinning whirlwind if you time it right also.

one two -> dodge -> one two -> dodge

>There are people who have trouble with Owl
He leaves so many opportunities to attack though

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How the fuck do i beat Sword saint's spear phase? He always catches me out and never lets me get a hit in.

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Currently using the first part of Ichimoji Double. Does good damage after his 2 ninja star and vertical attack

thanks lads, will try again tomorrow night probably

phase 3 is a victory lap if you got phase 2 down

took a few attempts but it worked quite well, thanks bro

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never seen art like this for ds3 or 2. Sekiro is truly kino.

>only 2.70% of players defeated owl 2 on xbox

>beat every boss
>can't get past SS Isshin phase 2
How did I even get this far

What is time window to firecracker brown ape?
I never use it in the fight so i have hard time agains 2apes.

I still cannot beat Juzou. I'm getting better slowly and the better I get the more I enjoy parts of the game but learning isn't fun. All the systems in this game are obtuse, combat is straight-up unresponsive and janky a lot of the time, grab hitboxes are a wild guess, and the only way you really learn or get better is by throwing yourself at the wall and dying over and over. Despite what your average Yea Forums shitter believes, this is not how a game is supposed to teach you how things work. This is not good design. It's lazy and I'm starting to find it tedious. There will probably be a point where I'm great at the game and can solo everything with no problems, and I'll probably find it a lot of fun, but I still would be hesitant to recommend it to anybody because of how shit the game is at both introducing the player to its systems and playing fair. Go ahead and reply to me with "le git gud" non arguments now you fucking redditors

Came here to post this. I also want to see more weird body horror and spirit realm stuff. Mibu Village and Fountainhead Palace were some of my favourite areas in the game thematically.

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You can fight it later.

>beat game on NG, only spending about an hour on SSI
>make it most of the way through NG+ without kuro's charm
>purple corrupted monk still slaps my shit for 3 hours


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filter'd by an easy earlygame miniboss
Personally I would be unable to live with that shame

I've mastered games harder than you've ever even touched so it doesn't bother me. That's why I'm not afraid to call out this game's bullshit, my ego isn't gonna be hurt by electronic toys

You can bully her with snap peas but it won't make you less shitty
She's one of the bosses I just dodge the fuck out of, limiting yourself to deflects just makes you fall into different traps

That sounded pretty butthurt and defensive user, you can try to hide your frustrated tears and pretend to be tough but nobody is falling for it
Sekiro isn't even hard son, the only flaw here is you

Throwing yourself at a wall is just wasting time, if you're really having issues why not play more patiently? Juzou for instance has a good amount of openings like drinking, spitting on his weapon and also the 2 hit combo if you're a bit out of his range that ends in a power slam, just keep an eye on the moveset and once you're comfortable just engage. It's how I approached most of the fights and I never had to do more than 2-3 tries for every major boss.

>owl 1 pulls out all the tricks
>owl 2 is way more defensive
2 seem way more determined to win for some reason, or is it just me

Don't listen to any of the replies telling you to get close. Here's how even a retard can beat Demon of Hate, it's the equivalent of pillar-cheesing O&S with sorceries:

Stay as far away as possible, out of the range of his three-attack flame lash combo. Run (as in, hold down Dodge and sprint) constantly around him out of his range like you were fishing for a backstab with the Washing Pole.

During his first phase, only one attack can hit you if you're sprinting and staying far enough away. You'll have plenty of time to hit Jump after his running swipe where he scrapes the ground. Wait for him to leap into the air and pound the ground, sprint toward him, hit two-three times, then sprint away and repeat.

You can also hit him safely when he jumps straight up into the air and unleashes a flame explosion if you jump and grapple.

During his second phase, when he does his long charge-up flame line attack, continue sprinting and press Jump. Don't grapple him. Now you're fishing for the Shichimen-like fire spirits. When he does that, continue sprinting around him at a slight angle so you're spiraling in toward him. Very rarely you'll have to switch directions mid-combo depending on the origin of the spirits, but I got hit once 3/4 times he did this which is easily covered by the Healing Gourd. You should be able to get 4-5 hits on him if you balance strafing and closing the gap correctly. Let him complete the move once to get a feel for the necessary timing if you have to.

During final phase, keep distance unless after he does his flame arena. You want to be outside it, circle the arena until it dissipates, then fish both the ground pound and the spirit summoning move.

You can literally be trash at the game and this is a guaranteed recipe for a Demon of Hatred kill. Journos BTFO by this one simple strategy.

>I still cannot beat Juzou.
You can fight him later. On my first playthrough I killed him maybe halfway into the game because I thought he had some gimmick to him. Now I just kill his guards, flee and wait for him to reset. Then I stealth his first health bar and go alert the npc to come fight with me. Then just blast his ass with the fire vent.
>All the systems in this game are obtuse
I think they're pretty straight forward. Use the practice npc at the Temple if you need to. Reading item descriptions is a great help too.
>Combat is straight-up unresponsive and janky a lot of the time, grab hitboxes are a wild guess
You're just saying that because you're upset right now and haven't learned the game yet. You also get new moves as you progress which make your movement less "janky" in a sense. Also don't dodge on incoming grabs. You're playing it like Dark Souls. You're supposed to learn to jump out of the way. It covers a longer distance and has i-frames the way dodge doesn't. Enemies also track to your jumps less than they do to you just dodging.
>and the only way you really learn or get better is by throwing yourself at the wall and dying over and over
Yes and no. You have the training dummy npc at the temple but you are also meant to learn the movesets and timings of most enemies. The satisfaction is then in learning these enemies and beating their ass consistently where they once cleaned the floor with you.
>This is not good design. It's lazy and I'm starting to find it tedious.
Again you're just saying that now because you're angry at Juzou

Being in the flame area feels way safer than being outside and having him pull some bullshit.

There's something weird about Owl but Owl 2 is specifically stated to be "in his prime"
Probably in the three years after, he started to slip and made up for it with cheap tricks. It also may have caused him to start hungering for the Dragon's Blood when the original Hirata invasion may have been a simple case of betraying Ashina for Ministry gold.

I just beat him nevermind. I still kinda stand by what I said and no doubt will hit other walls but that was nearly a perfect run so I'm happier now

You can sneak attack for the first and second phase instantly wiping out those two lives. Just use firecrackers and ash for the third phase.

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He literally can't bullshit you if you're out of his range, and he will not be able to keep up with a strafing sprint. If you follow that to the T, you literally can't lose. I only got hit by spirits because I was distracted as fuck, otherwise it would've been a perfect kill. It's cheesy as hell but it works like magic.

>game journalist mode

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>falls from a cliff

Ask yourself this, are traps girls?

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its still weird, owl 2 wanted sekiro dead but owl 1 at least gave sekiro a chance to side with him

Depends on where he starts with the jump rope, you get some real shit spots with it sometimes.

Dude just keep following what I said with patience, push them a bit but go back and forth with the blows and every fight is way more fair. Since you seem to have issues with grabs, definitely look into sprinting away during them. ESPECIALLY with the Guardian apes lunge grab later on, you'll know its coming if you keep your eyes on his posture. The game is very fair in every fight but you have to respect the rules it has.

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Owl 2 starts off the fight in absolute horror at what Wolf has become, I don't know what it means since he can't know about the Dragon's Blood
He then segues into being proud that Wolf is so formidable
The description of Owl's bell almost hints that he might have been saving it for Wolf, I don't even fucking know anymore

Well, Sekiro shouldn't even be there. There is some fushigi bullshit going on with the "memories" and Sekiro can really only be there to kill Owl. I mean, Owl did kill Sekiro. Old Owl(Owl 1) is really just too fucking weak. In the bad ending, Sekiro fucks him right in the ass and he didn't even see it coming.

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Battlefield has like three or four arenas worth of space. If you can't pull it off with that strategy, I suggest you stop picking up your friends' save files and near-final bosses.

Or maybe people should stop being pussies and go toe to toe with him in the arena of fire and get phase 3 done quicker instead of running out of it and having him do something stupid to them. It's safer and more consistent than running out of the arena. I agree Demon is a way easier boss than people make him out to be but running out is just inconsistent.

Guy that bitched about Juzou here
>Get to Lady Butterfly
>Job the first time
>Remember what the loading screens keep telling me about shuriken
>It clicks
>Absolutely rape her with shuriken the second time
>Feel pretty good about it, like the game proved me wrong and I made up for Juzou
>Suddenly second phase
I should have expected this but man this game can't let me have anything

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Snap peas, or ignore the summons, notice the old hag is passive. They eventually turn into bullet hell and the fight is normal for another few minutes.

Can I get more peas? I did die but the illusions didn't seem that impressive. I only had the one the guy gave me

There should be a few by the first snake encounter area in a bush.

Just run around for 15 seconds and wait for Butterfly to turn them into magic missiles, it's annoying but snap peas tend to only banish some of them
You can also kill them for spirit emblems aka more shuriken spam

How do I defeat Seven Spears? They're kicking my dick in.

mikuri and then mikuri
don't forget to mikuri

Don't get tricked by their fancy moves, deflect their response to mikiri.

>skipping two thirds of the boss
Why not just watch a youtube video at this point?
Who would be dumb enough to pay $60 for a game and then avoid as most gameplay as possible?

me too user. me too.

Where can I buy Gachiin's sugar?

How do you reach that small area on the cave ceiling of the Guardian Ape's Burrow? I'm at the end of the game, killed the shaman that appears there too and still don't know.

>not enjoying the sensation of stealth deathblowing a recycled boss

Look left on the way there, like the second you leave the snake eyes area look up and left.

The average person playing completely blind would never stumble upon the purification ending. Eavesdropping on Kuro isn't going to cross their mind.

Could any anons please post the kino sekiro webms?

They drop frequently from shorty assassins at Senpou
You can farm 4 of them quickly at the memorial mob idol

>about to kill Isshin
>take a few steps back to heal
>fall off ledge and die
Is this the only place in the game where you can WALK off the ledges?

>Is this the only place in the game where you can WALK off the ledges?

I like the experience of thinking so I won't ask directly for help but is it normal to get stuck often?

I mean a boss is too hard and you don't really have any other ways than harder bosses? So i either get gud or find an item or get better as my options.

Beat owl 2 in like 15 mins with bell
Second playthrough tough

This one?
When the other isn't attacking. For example after you make him fall over. He's rather passive in that fight so you should be able to find an opening.

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>the meme made it to japanese fandom

>monkey booze
Exploration rewarding as ever in this game, but I still feel the need to pick absolutely everything up, so thanks. That and the small area with the other pot guy in Fountainhead are the only things I couldn't figure out on my own, didn't even get to meet the poor guy before I accidentally killed him.

>the shame of defeat

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Not him, but she's pretty different from the first time and 3 health bars sort of makes up for Corrupted only having one. I didn't know about the stealth cheese at all and fought her proper, it was stressful and took a few attempts but I'm glad I didn't rob myself of the eventual satisfaction. To each their own though.

That path branches and the other one takes you to a prayer bead or something on top of Buddha's head

>take a break from Sekiro for a few days due to Demon of Hatred
>come back and beat him without even using any Gourds
Is there a better feeling

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oh I fought her legit and didn't even imagine you could deathblow her
It wasn't hard since her moveset is identical to the illusion ver until phase 3 where like many other bosses she implements a new attack that only serves to fuck herself up
Honestly the worst part about that fight is how easy it is to get greedy, she does hit hard as fuck

they needed more variety of okami warriors
Palace as stage could've been magnum opus area of Sekiro

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Umbrella shits on this guy

>tfw no okami gf
god i wish i was takeru

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being able to backstab twice makes this fight a joke. Still died once because I was retarded and burnt through my resources, but still.

what the fuck happens to their toes

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imagine their stamina
these warriors would totally suck me dry
and im fine with it

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I don't want to grind for skill points. Sad.
Might cheat for them desu.

because he has magic shurikens, but a gun upgrade would be cool.

I hope we see non-granny Okamis if there's DLC.
>Isshin says Tomoe had eyes like getting lost in the ocean

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Holy shit guys I'm having so much fun. I got pretty far into the Senpou area before noping the fuck out at Headless. Is the bell there like the champions covenant in dks2? I've heard d demon bell mentioned in that context so I'm pretty afraid to ring it. I gave the sad guy the white pinwheel but can't do anything else, also I bought rice for 1600 to give to that old lady but apparently it's the wrong kind. Could I get some vague hints on what to do and is it related to the kite? I also ventured under the castle before seeing a magic spewing boss in the dark and leaving. I then fought Genchiro on the roof and MAN that's a fun fight. Easily one of my favorite bosses in all the souls games so far, playing aggressive and constantly parrying was so intense. After that I went to the sunken valley and explored for a bit before calling it a night. I was pretty skeptical at first and thought it would be yet another souls rehash but it's the most fun I've had in a game in a while

man i beat Oldman Isshin and SS Isshin
and headless still scares the fuck outta me
I gotta face my fear later

I got this by accident the second time, I just sorta accidentally deathblow'd her after jumping at the branches and then got the second deathblow almost back to back. Felt pretty good.

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You have to finish Senpou temple to get the rice.

It's not as extreme as bell
The real 'hard mode' is unlocked after you beat the game, it adds chip damage to blocking so if your parries aren't on point you're going to get worn down

You need to talk to exhaust Kuro's dialogue choices and do some rather easy chores back at Senpou's main alter

Just make him fall off the ledge

I have 9 gourd seeds and I'm not getting the achievement. What gives? Is there a secret 10th? Because every site tells me there's just 9.

There are 9 seeds but if your gourd has 9 charges that means you're missing a seed

Do you have 9 gourd SEEDS or 9 gourd charges? Because if you upgraded your gourd 9 times you ought to have 10.

What a fucked up convoluted and scrub way to deal with the boss. Do people seriously fight bosses like this? I would never have enough patience to fight that way

>Was getting my ass handed to me pretty much every fight at first
>After a week of constant playing I got up to Genichiro, couldn't beat him
>After spending a few days going through the caves, I got to Senpou Temple but reached a dead end, got frustrated and quit
>3 weeks later I turn the game back on
>Promptly curbstomp Genichiro, easily defeat the Folding Screen Door Monkeys, and obtain the Mortal Blade in one sitting
What happened to me

I know that From have gone on record saying that Sekiro has nothing to do with any of their other games, but the Mibu village is Fishing Hamlet pt2 and the Okami nobles look exactly like those goo guys at the university in BB. The old dragon dudes you fight before the divine dragon look alot like the Orphan.

I'm not usually a lore fag grasping at straws like Vaati, but this game seems like it is chock full of BB references and meant as a spinoff/sequel

I wish there was a rendition of the Tenchu boss theme playing for the Owl fight.
He even does something similar to the Wrath of Heaven's first boss begging for his life.

>Sekiro/Bloodborne crossover DLC is announced alongside Bloodborne PC port
A man can dream.

You acquired more proficiency by playing the game.

Some call this gitting gud not that the monkeys had anything to do with it
Don't worry, Genichiro was the tutorial boss

You didn't even mention Old Hunter Yamamura and his centipede chasing confederates?
Maybe Sekiro's DLC will give us a hint as to Miyazaki's next project. Expecting mechas.

Really hoping for some good music mods, Sekiro's music is so flat and unremarkable compared to Tenchu.

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The truth is that From are lazy hacks that cannot put together a finished game to save their lives. It's reused assets, no lore connection. Please don't give them the credit, they already expect their fans to make up the lore of their games for them. I noticed that the animation where Wolf thrusts open heavy double doors is 1:1 with the same animation from Bloodborne and I find it appalling.

Hmmm maybe it's more that Fromsoft likes to reuse assets between their games to save up on development time instead of any real lore connection between the games?
Or maybe I'm wrong and the basic dregling sword flailing animation present in all Soulbornekiro games means all of the games are just canon DeS sequels.

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Where can I get Fulminated Mercury as fast and as easy as possible? I have 6000 sen and I REALLY don't want to lose it dying to something.

mmmm I LOVE Yea Forums contrarianism. So good.

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farm the red samurais

Fuck off, reused assets and animations save up development time they need to actually finish the games on time.

How to kill the crazy flying lady that REEEEEEEEEEEs when you go by past her and the jocosity monk? Just got there but at a loss on how to proceed, specially the woman

It has a rare chance of dropping from ministry red bois so farm them from ashina outskirts stairwell. You can deathblow 5 of them quickly each run

Stand still and deflect her fancy bullshit and occasionally jump on her head
If you jump on her head (no kick) when she's still friendly, you can deathblow her

>doing NG+ with both debuffs
>all this fucking health and posture damage on the final few bosses
Is there ever a point to prosthetics here beyond weaknesses? Some anons were saying shit like Sabimaru wrecked but poison does fuck all against enemies beyond Okami women and shit especially with you being animation locked during attack animations.

oh sweet, thanks user!

I'm not being a contrarian, just saying that it's all there is to it, asset recycle to save up on dev time and also maybe in part to keep some familiarity between the games for the veterans of the franchise. I find it pretty charming that you have the same audio / visual cues for a lot of shit between Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro. But lore wise the series are not connected beyond cheeky references.

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>Is there ever a point to prosthetics here beyond weaknesses?
Not really, no. Which is really disappointing.

Mibu Village is most likely another Innsmouth reference but you're kind of reaching with the nobles and dragons. The old dragon dudes are supposed to be tree like, since the Divine Dragon is just one big ass tree, the only similarity is they have old faces and white skin like Orphan. The nobles are only similar in your mind because they're 1. Hunched over and 2. Wear a robe. Other than that they're pretty different from each other.

The corrupted monk can be beaten with snap seeds, crackers and ash. Make sure to buff your sword with confetti beforehand, but otherwise the fight can be safely cheesed.

Post best Tenchu tracks

>I'm not being a contrarian
>I'm just being a contrarian!

>tfw ripping through NG+
I mean fuck, I just 1shot Ape. Am I finally gud fellas?

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Can someone post the
You did well wolf picture?

Sabimaru is terrible even against the few enemies its good against (Snake Eyes) and Okami are just lol anyway
Shuriken is always good for breathing room, throw one out and you get to heal safely.
Shield can be great against a shitton of tricky attacks
Double flame absolutely wrecks a ton of minibosses

Disagreeing doesn't make one a contrarian, you just sound butthurt people don't fellate your lore theories built on very shaky ground.

Fighting miniboss will change your mind.

>I have 6000 sen and I REALLY don't want to lose it dying to something.
You can buy moneybags from vendors and essentially "bank" that sen

Notice how Yea Forums started hating Souls lore the MOMENT Souls games became popular?

Really makes you think.

what miniboss? Not him but im also ripping through ng+

Not unless you took off the training wheels.

That's not an argument fag. FromSoft are lazy. I'm enjoying Sekiro but they stopped trying a long time ago when they realized retards like you would defend them no matter what they put out. Have some objectivity.

How are they reused assets? None of those enemies even share skeletons or pieces of their models with the ones the original guy brought up. The nobles have more limbs, and the dragons don't even have legs.

I don't think I dissed Souls/borne/kiro lore in general, I actually like the lore. I just don't think your theory is valid and the way you're pushing and acting massively defensive of your theory is obnoxious.

Is it humanly possible to switch from a sword to a bow and shoot an arrow as fast as Genichiro?

Reused assets save up on dev time and add familiarity which helps the returning players.

>Just bought the game after finishing something in my backlog
>Play through tut and first areas
>"Wow this is cool, it's like Souls meets Tenchu or some shit"
>Go into the memory as soon as I get the bell
>Struggle against the drunk
>End up stealth killing his first bar of life and then using the "NPC Summon" to distract him while we take down his second
>Get to Madame Butterfly
>Game tells me to posture break her instead of trying to deplete her life bar
>Start Parrying and countering so many combo strings that Stains of Time should have started playing in the background
Been stuck on her phase 2 for an hour though. What's irritating is not only there no "soul recovery" so I permanently lose XP and money, but they have to go ahead and add some lore bullshit that I'm killing off the NPC's with how shit I am. I devolved into homeward boning or quitting to main menu every time I neared death because I thought the NPC's would straight up die until I finally called it for the night and read that it just makes it so I can't progress their quests until I heal them.


do a single one of you motherfuckers know what a reused asset is

That's one way to spin it, but wouldn't you rather they take a little longer between releases, add a little more polish and make everything feel wholly fresh?

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This is the same place that unironically calls Gael a reskin of Artorias. No one knows what they're fucking talking about.
it is

Congrats on beating Buho holding back traidor.

Beat everyone up till Ape, who am I waiting for?

>Game tells me to posture break her instead of trying to deplete her life bar
It tells you the EXACT OPPOSITE
Phase 2 butterfly is easy, she starts doing this long as fuck combo that ends in a sweep that you can headstomp for major posture damage
And use your shurikens you cuck

Okay, Yea Forums.

>Your favorite boss
>Your favorite area
>Your favorite shinobi tool

Not really? FromSoft will always be like this and honestly it's kind of charming. I was worried Sekiro would be too different but it was like coming home. I don't really care if they repurpose assets or animations from their old games just as long as it's not completely excessive.

ah shit boy
filtered by Mada Mada

If you cant beat those shinobis somewhat easily you still dont get it,

Dont worry user, Genichiro will teach you how to play.

>SS Isshin
>Laz Shrinken

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Owl (Father)
Hirata Estate
Raven Mist


Owl 2 and Genichiro
Ashina Castle Rooftops
Lazulite Shuriken

You stopped hesitating.

Just do this. Sorry for reddit, but you know how it is.

>Sword Saint Isshin
I love fghts where you have to go up against someone that has multiple movesets from the game.
>Fountainhead Palace
Game needed more big lakes. Being full of qts is a bonus.
>Loaded Spear
Surprisingly good for rushing in for an attack if you have the follow up attack skill. You can get Spiral Spear pretty early, I fucked Genichiro up with it.

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>Dying a fuck ton to corrupted monk
>Eventually beat that ass and move on
>Get to Lighting Man Genichiro
>Beat him in 2 tries

My head hurts. I'm going to sleep.

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i gotta try spear more
only used for based ape

It's got great range so you're guaranteed to land a charged thrust almost every time, good posture and vitality damage if you need to close some distance. Also tears apart regular enemies. On top of that it's suuper cheap emblem wise.
Just don't use it on Owl.

It said something along the lines that the lower her health, the slower her posture regens. I've even managed some no hit runs on her phase 1 but I've always posture broke her before she's even below 75%.

That headstomp's a good tip since I rarely use it. I have been using shurikens though. Everytime she goes for her grab I've used them since she'll track my dodge mid-air if I do it too early. The shurikens don't always hit though and I've taken damage from grandma fucking falling on me.

So where did the centipedes come from? How come Hanbei and Ape has it but not the Fountainhead Palace fish people or Mibu villagers?

>tfw beat steve spears 2 on first try
>got rolled by owl 2 for 15 deaths

two different immortality
1.centipede(can't die, mental state seems stable)
2.rejuvenating water(can't die, never ending thirst leads to insanity)

I...I don't fucking understand. I can access the Leaping Flame upgrade, I have the sen and the materials, and it STILL says I don't have the prerequisites to unlock it. Why?

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u gotta get all sidearm for prosthetic

Posture regens based on vit so for butterfly you need to nick her before you go crazy with the deflects or she'll just regen it all every time she starts hopping around
I wouldn't interrupt her big jumping perilous because that's so easy to punish
Other than that you can get a lot of free hits on people just by poking them

Who fucking knows. One thing this game lacked was any sort of explanation. I can understand how the Mibu people got it (water from the fountainhead palace dripped into their river and contaminated it, giving them bastardized immortality), but the Mukade? The only hint we get is that the monks were searching for immortality, and they happened upon the centipedes that gave it to them. Where they come from, I'm not sure. You can see what looks to be them in the lake where the dead carp is (they're all cyberpunk neon shit), but idk.

There are four different kinds of immortality in the game, and hopefully the DLC will shed light on it more. Most likely more questions than answers.

Look closer at the branches connected to it.

So is it possible to be locked out of accessing certain gourd seeds when you're near the end of the game? I need one more, but I just can't for the life of me find it.

theres actually centipede yokai that hunted dragons in japanese folk-lore
hope we get to see the master of scheme in future dlc..
also Shuten-dōji

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fought the rapeape duo today and actually found it to be stupid easy. did i git gud Yea Forums?


Centipede, waters, blood and what else? The red lumps? I think those just made you large and angry.

>You can see what looks to be them in the lake where the dead carp is (they're all cyberpunk neon shit), but idk.
I'm not sure what they are
The centipedes strike me as very old judging by who has it
The rejuvenating water seems to "dissolve" people into mist nobles the purer they drink
Then there's the rejuvenating sediment which Genichiro resorts to
And that's not even getting into stuff like carp immortality or black mortal blade immortality

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Funniest part is how you can cheese young ape with charged shurikens then pummel headless ape the good ol fashioned way

Been thinking if I actually slowed down and played more defensively I'd be doing better. The game half teaches you differently though and even the loading screens even crap along the lines of "Shinobi go balls to the wall, attack nonstop and parry everything"

When I hop back on I'll try some different approaches and try to treat it more like a standard Souls experience of "Block, roll, poke" instead of an Action game. Maybe experienced players can play it that way but God knows it's not working out for me.

Sticking to one approach all the time makes some fights needlessly hard
Some of the hardest bosses have huge bags of tricks that they will use to run a train on your ass unless you chase them down and wiggle your sword in their face
Butterfly forces you to play at her tempo since her disengage is so good (you only have so many shurikens) but ultimately she's an extremely weak boss with huge punish windows. It might not seem like that right now but you'll see.

>Been thinking if I actually slowed down and played more defensively I'd be doing better.
Do the opposite.

>that pic
Those things are spoopy. When I go there to loot the chest I expected them to suddenly start moving and chasing me. I was prepared to nope the fuck out.

Probably immortality pede larvae. The great carp probably has something to do with their life cycle which is why the great fountainhead is the source of them. Also explains why the pot noble who turns into a crp still wants more scales. He still has red eyes and isn't fit to become a host for them.

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>Demon of Hatred
>Gun Fort
>Spring-Load Flame Vent

So far
>favorite boss
Gayniggiro, Owl 1 and Guardian ape after
>favorite area
Aesthetics wise Boddhisatva valley
>Favorite Shinobi tool

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>check mods
>it's all meme skins and hud changes
>no mods that give combat arts a designated button, or separate lock-on from camera reset and give free aim during lock-on
why can't people make mods that actually fix the game

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Because unlike model swaps those require actual knowledge, skill and effort to implement. If even possible.

Because meme skins and hud changes require nothing but a paint program while all that other shit takes extensive programming experience

quite literally hit him until he dies. just get him in a corner and give im the good ol in n out.

>favorite boss
Genichiro, he's the most plot impactful boss and forced an honest no cheese duel that filtered you if you didn't understand the game's mechanics. His moveset is badass samurai shit and doing lightning reversal for the first time was pure kino.
>favorite area
Hirata because you're avenging all the dead villagers and killing bandits who deserve to die. The mix of gore and corpses and burning houses at night was a great setting, and deathblowing enemies while their blood splatters all over the tatami mats and paper walls is satisfying. So many great moments, from the dying samurai who tells you to get the axe from the temple and split the bastards' heads open, Inosuke hyping up the end boss, and the transition from the quiet room into the burning buddhist temple to fight Butterfly, who has one of the coolest movesets in the game.
>favorite shinobi tool
Umbrella because it's pure fun, especially with the follow-up attack.

How complicated can it be to swap one of the item cycling inputs with the combat arts one?

Gosh I dunno Mr. Programming Genius
Be the change you wanna see in the world instead of whining about ahegao kimonos

Interesting lore regarding this guy.

>A hero from the line of the Minamoto called Tawaratoda
>When the dragons and ocean gods heard of this great deed, they came to the hero, praised him and told him that he would live for a long time. They also prophesied that his kin would have the greatest might on earth.

There might be a link between Fountainhead and Minamoto clan, there's a dragon in game and some nobles were turning into sea/ocean creatures.

Oomukade might have snuck into Fountainhead via Tawaratoda somehow and started to corrupt from within, spreading centipedes everywhere.

The black mortal blade that rips people out the underworld.

Like the other anons said, actual gameplay mods take time, but on the plus side people nowadays have more idea how to do it so the wait for things like Sekiro randomizer will probably take less time than the other games.

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The fountainhead palace in Japanese has the same kanji for Minamoto in it, so you're most likely spot on it's a reference.

The story of this game seems to be a mixture of Bloodborne and Dark Souls.

>The powers of an ancient monster (divine dragon, great ones, the dark soul) have caused immortality
>The world is stagnating because of this immortality.
>This is bad.
>Use environmental storytelling to show how immortality has brought the downfall of a civilization.

It's your typical From Software story. But hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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Don't tempt me.

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>how immortality has brought the downfall of a civilization.
Don't know about that but it seems before Isshin started his whole "muh independent Ashina" shit everyone was happy.

He himself mentioned the good times Sculptor, Owl, Takeru, Tomoe, Emma and he had if you gave him the Dragonspring Wine.

So what's the exact timeline of Sekiro?
Did Owl adopt Wolf before Isshin's uprising or after? Same question for Orangutan/Dogen/Ema.
Did Isshin cut Orangutan's arm before or after that?
When did Takeru and Tomoe first arrive to Ashina? When did she sever Takeru's immortality?

I'm pretty sure the "good times" were when Ashina was free, not right before the rebellion.

I want to see Dogen in a DLC

Nah, Ashina had been originally conquered because they were "heretics" that worshipped the water. Isshin and friends won it back and shit was fine for a while but they never stopped fighting; Orangutang almost became Shura, Owl betrayed Hirata while its samurai were away on campaign, Dogen and Dosaku delved into the secrets of the water and who knows what happened there.
I feel bad for Genichiro, he inherited a fucking mess

>divine confetti

They weren't conquered "because" they were heretics. They were conquered because it's fucking Sengoku era and everyone's fighting everyone. Or rather it's the end of Sengoku, and Ashina is opposing the unification of the country, hence why the Internal Ministry is the main enemy.

Apparently it gives you some bonus damage against every enemy, it's just far more effective against the apparitions.

>That Shichimen warrior in Fountainhead Palace
>Narrow as fuck
Impossible to dodge there. Had to rely on the umbrella.

well. first we need to know how old Emma and Kuro is. She said she was there when Lady Tomoe tried to kill her self. So it was in her life time but not in Kuros.
id say those were 20-30 years ago.

I just beat NG+ Owl in Hirata, missed him on NG, this has to be the smallest roster of bosses in a From game, there's so many repeats. But they're all so good I don't mind.

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>do NG
>Give kuro's charm back
>Lose fight to genicihiro at the start
I'm fucked aren't I? Now I really need to git gud.

You guys are right, I forgot about the conquering part. There isn't much to go around, and my sengoku history of the Yamato province is up to par.

Dogen,Sculptor's Kunoichi friend,Tomoe, Leader of Ministry Ninjas(currently he's mad as fuck because wolf took a lot of elites) etc

but they are so limited pre true monk. Ako's sugar would be a better choice.

It's actually easier to dodge there, because there are only two spawn points, so you can just start sprinting to the opposite corner the moment it starts disappearing and get there just in time to sidestep the beam.
There isn't enough space to keep running in circles around him, true, but you can just start running the moment before the beam hits, and you will still have the same angular speed that lets you dodge it.
Or you can deflect it, even with the sword, not just umbrella, because apparently it's just one damage tick, and you're fine after that.

Why not both?

you guys in this thread seems alright
dont go to Ashina Castle tomorrow

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>Your favorite boss
Sword Saint
>Your favorite area
Hirata Estate
>Your favorite shinobi tool

So what's Genichiro's power level?

Ako's last less

Also this but with Yashariku's, red lump and bestowal ninjutsu.

man how do you use that thing
emblems run out like a mother fucker
i love the concept but i wish whole combo used one emblem

>Fools who wouldn't let go of their cross-spears while they drank...fools who would steal sake using illusion techniques...fools tinkering with half-finished prosthetics, sake cup in hand. And even...the cunning owl, who despite his size would turn bright red after the first drop!

So that's Gyobu, Butterfly, Dogen and Owl.
>mfw killed 3/4 of them

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Fuck you Owl, you treacherous old cunt.

mainly because before getting true monk down confetti is better saved for headless/Shichimen

And you're going to be killing Tomoe in the DLC too.

If he's not dead, I'd like to fight him in the DLC or something. Maybe him as a mechanical monstrosity.

I love its aesthetics mainly, having Sekiro all strapped up with a katana, odachi, and tanto-flick knife is so indulgent. Outside of Fountainhead it sees limited use though.

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OR you can save Headless/Shichimen until after the True Monk.

Is there even any reason to fight the headless than just for fun? The items they drop aren't really useful. Same with the Shichimen, the only one you want is the malcontent one and maybe the lapis lazuli one. I have never even used the spirit tanto.

Guardian Ape hands down
Fountainhead Palace
Flaming vent

We'll be killing her memory at best, she and Takeru are taking dirt naps at the Old Grave.

He's dead

>for fun
What the fuck

I like the way you think.

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seems like you wold run out of them pretty fast.

how the fuck do you beat that snake eyes bitch
I swear I'm having the toughest fucking time fighting her, I'm so fucking tilted right now from dying over and over again that I'm legit not making any progress in the boss fight, just taking dumb hits over and over again and wasting 4-5 healing items for every hit I get off on her.
The arena you fight her in is annoying as fuck, her attacks keep clipping through the tent and hitting you, she keeps attacking or shooting me at moments when it seems like she shouldn't be able to, she tanks pretty much every hit and keeps swinging, I'm at my wits end what the fuck do I do? I'm so fucking tilted right now I can't even fight regular mobs without taking hits. I had no problem with lady butterfly but this is just so fucking awful I hate it I hate it I hate it


thank me later

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There's an idol in the back of that room and you can sneak around the edge and shank her
She only has a handful of attack patterns, you can pretty much just back and forth. Just avoid the throw.

Deflect her melee hits and hit back.
DODGE the shots and dodge-attack, do not deflect or block, because it doesn't drain her posture, only yours.
Iframe through the grab, if your timing is good. Dodge/jump back preemptively to get outside of the grab's effective range altogether, if you're timing is shit.
That's all there is to it.
Backstab the first health bar.

This. I beat it on my second try, the brown ape is super weak.

How do I get to that idol on the far top left of the fountainhead area past the bridge that gets broken by the fish?

outside of the stealth one they are pretty useless. the fights are not fun at all.
insta death from insan i mean terror
slow floaty attacks
slowing shit
the underwater ones are not too bad.
as for Shichimen. I think the items they give are useful.
the upgrade mats speak for them selves.
Tanto allows you to get crazy with the attacks/ninjutsu/tools

this is beyond stupid. Just stay close to him and circle around him whenever he does his stomp attack, move away only when he jumps, or jump when he does his dash attack

Is this possible or are you fucking with us?

Isn't the gachiin one precisely the only one that you can stealth deathblow or did I just not find how to do it with the other two?

Tanto is awesome
headless idk i got 4
and i'm not gonna chase other 3
im good

You drop down there from the upper area, not climb up from below. Get to the top of the long stairs first.

if you go to the highest building in the area against the mountains . there will be a door that cant be opened from that side. facing the door go left look along the mountainside and you will notice a grapple point jump at it and spam your grapple.

You didnt hesitate user. Well done

Was the only miniboss I had to do multiple times, not sure why cause its pretty easy actually.
Learn the timing of her attacks, deflect all those, build up that posture while getting the hits in. Usually you can get hits in if you're quick enough during the combo, but to be safe do it when the combo is over. In particular, learn to look out for when she points the bottom of her weapon at you to dodge her ranged shot, you can also parry it, but guarding it without good timing will fuck up your posture. And besides that, look for her grab which gives you the kanji indicator. Either sprint away, or dodge that as getting hit by it will either kill or almost kill you. Having to back up and gourd during this fight is awful as with most bosses/mini-bosses. The hitbox is pretty weird so I suggest just full sprinting away from it rather that time a perfect dodge.


Stealth all the jobbers, then come back and backstab Juzou

Kill the snipers first, come back and stealth her, then use Sabimaru because both sisters are EXTREMELY weak to poison

I have no idea. I just ran in with my Mace windu sword and swung it until the headless was dead.
them and and monk have the same issue that i hate. the attacks are so slow and floaty.

What do I do after genixhiro? I should have payed more attention and I'm too lazy to just search around

>read that the sunken valley/gun fort snipers are descendants from okami women who sabimaru was used against
>do a full combo against the snake eyes
>no fucking effect
Granted it was unupgraded, but I wouldn't call wasting 6+ emblems for a brief stun and a weak dot effect very effective.

Be a good boy and do what your master tells you.

Ask your lord you dumbass

>demon of hatred
What an embarrassing clusterfuck of a fight from an otherwise great game.

Once you upgrade it to about tier 3 you'll see the difference.

can we admit that Icchimoji double is really good for most bosses?
once i started to use it i was able to get bosses down before them hitting zero HP.

Yeah, but at this point I've already beaten the game.

I beat Owl with bell demon (unintentionally) on my 5th try and that was my first time getting to his 2nd phase too.

Shuriken + gap closer is OP.

Its crazy how much you can get away with spamming L1, I've made an effort to not do that and only press it for a perfect timing, game is way harder but more satisfying.

Your little shota lord should give you pointers. Talk to Kuro.

NG+ is the best i can give you on that one. Maybe DLC?

>slash, slash, parry
>if he does high monk start parrying and then mikiri the final attack or jump depending on which it is
Incidentally these guys are also vulnerable to high monk.

Near fucking impossible (for you).
Understand that model/texture swaps just change the file the code references, they don't touch the code. What you want is a direct change to the code.

I beat NG++ already, although I haven't tried Sabimaru against them since NG.
I'll probably start another save file for the DLC though, because I missed Owl 2 on NG, and deficit of Attack Power seems like a huge liability in Sekiro.

posture reduce is just too good to pass

It's a boy, it's a he.

it looks cool as fuck too, so there's that in its favor as well

>already on NG+5
>gonna have to download a save to do DLC because all mobs hit like trucks

I thought he was trying to kill himself there and then, now that he had the mortal blade, which apparently wasn't enough to kill a Divine Heir without the dragon tears, unlike the other immortals.

>using game mechanics
>not even exploiting anything
>avoiding playing
Imagine being this dumb.

A shinobi would know the difference between honor and victory.

Chest is where the soul is or something
Idk still mulling that bit over myself

I'm soon at the end of sekiro and let me just lay out howyit is straight. From obviously designed the prayer beads, and ability to perfect deflect to replace the normal growth in soulsborne rpg. If you can't beat a boss you have to progress elsewhere until you're stronger. With enough posture you can perfect deflect about every enemy and boss until you get openings or posture build up. By genichiro something just clicked, I thought I was deflecting but it was all just about perfect timing. Also you can bait enemies into attacking the same for perfect deflects. Furthermore most bosses can also be dodged out of reach of attacks, not running but kind of backing up. Jouzo especially.

Tldr; perfect deflect + baiting + posture upgrades literally the key to the whole game.

grinding with the dragonmask should help that but i get not wanting to farm.

talking about DLC.
I just have Sword saint left. Should I start a new NG+ or wait for DLC so I can do it at a normal level to learn the fights?

Everyone knows it, most people in the threads don't seem to think that the other weapon Arts are worth using

user you can have multiple saves. You can make a run with everything except One Mind without going into NG+, no charm included since that gets added to NG once you finish the game once.

Even single is pretty good if you dont have double yet. Its really good because it also reduces your posture.

High monk is good too, I only don't use weapon arts because they feel clunky and unsatisfying

Just do whatever you feel like, user.
But just in case, FYI: after you beat the game once you get an option to part with Kuro's charm, and it's not limited to NG+, you can do that if you start a new save file after beating the game as well.

the bosses before him all seemed about teaching you how to use your tools. Genichiro like you said is that first fight that makes you get a hand of the finer parts of combat in the game. like using Icchimonji double as much as you can.

Bullshit, after invisible walls in souls and introducing turning walls in sekiro, you'll be damn sure I'm going to hug every wall consistently.

Havent gotten high monk yet but ashina cross is badass if you have emblems to spare
I like floating passage too

unironically i found that the best thing to counter him is the spear prosthetic, give him a taste of his own medicine. if you have it upgraded to spring loaded and have the skill that let's you slash right after that fight becomes easy as fuck. just keep backing up and spamming it. either he'll get multi-hit by the spear while he's out of range to hit you and then you can slash to hurt his posture or he'll be forced to block the spear but when you do the slash he'll take damage. rinse and repeat until he dies.

Do you anons think there's a point in grinding for skills during the mid game? Not stuck, but I'm looking at skill trees and there's so many cool skills I see that I want to get and try out but I'm worried that I'm going to finish the game without ever getting enough skill points to get anywhere close to most of them, especially considering that I'm about halfway through the game and only have a handful of the skills I want.
Did anyone else just sit down and grind for a few hours so they could unlock everything they wanted skill wise and then continue playing the game from there? Or is it best to save that kind of shit for a NG+?

>minibosses are harder than bosses

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Literally the only must have skills outside of the obvious ones like mikiri are deathblow heal and the posture passives
Everything else is meme tier with the exception of double ichimonji or high monk, both of which are unnecessary

I'm not even asking from a "must have" perspective though. I mean I'm seeing a lot of skills that I want to try and play around with ingame against bosses and the like because they seem like a lot of fun to use judging by the description. But the rate at which I'm currently getting skills being halfway through the game (and it looks like it gets harder and harder to get skillpoints as the point requirement rises) makes me think that I'll either get nowhere near enough of the ones I wanted to try out or if I do start getting them it's going to be at the very end where if I did enjoy a skill I'm not going to be able to use it for much longer. So I'm wondering if anyone else here just sat down and decided to grind for a few hours to try all of them out.

Sounds like you haven't gotten very far

>air block and air prosthetic

The only skills that add mechanics are blue ones. Red ones are special attacks and yellow ones are buffs of some kind.

>have to explicitly list all the non-meme ones
use ur brain moran. Ones that add basic functionality are obvious, ones that slightly improve drop rate of shitty items or some active skill that costs 5 spirit emblems are worthless

Divine confetti + anti-air deathblow
Literally one shots them, don't even have to lower their posture or anything

Id get the stealth ones.
Shadow Rush maybe. its great for closing the gap.
Whirlwind is ok. makes Miku Village a breeze. keeps mobs from swarming you.
projected force is pretty fucking good. living force looks like it might be good to.

It is a little hard to get them to do it and get to them in time safely outside of the 3rd one.

>fought horsey chink
>and the shinobi hunter
>and the good boi snek
>the normal miniboss generals are by far the hardest fights
it has something to do with the fact that they're not special at all.
with bosses it's like "you need to do one of 2/3/4 things to actually damage them."
but with the minibosses it's "everything can damage them, but they are so much faster and more robust and more varied and adaptable."

Point stands, you haven't even beat tutorialchiro
You have seen nothing

still waiting on that mod giving multiple (10+) deathblows to everyone, even crickets

They just attack relentlessly with normal attacks. they dont have special attacks.
Bosses and more unique mini bosses have flair to them to their attacks are BIG n showy and they have large recovery times that are punishable.

>You have seen nothing
now you got me all excited

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Sword samurai minibosses are so fucking passive you can charged thrust them after every whiffed overhead and the most aggression they can muster is to jog after you like an angry child once in a while
It's actually hilarious you guys are pretending this is at all menacing. Play the game.

I literally bought it 10 hours ago chill