Why is Final Fantasy VII considered the best one?

Help a zoomer out Yea Forums. So far, to me, the best have been IX, VI, and XIII-2.

Is it just the character designs or something?

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It's literally not

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>gaming journalism


It's the first 3D one which was a big deal at the time.

I dont understand why hipsters love 9 so much. Everything sounds good on paper but when you play it its so fucking slow, in both gameplay and other aspects.

FFVI and Chrono Trigger are the only two on every list.

Gameplay is good. The world is big and full of secrets. Art style is great. Characters are interesting and they actually put effort into writing a good plot unlike a majority of the first 6 games (4 is good too)

I’ve played most Final Fantasy games, and VII is probably my favorite. They just got everything right

It's closest to being a flawless FF game from what I've played

Materia is fun allowing loads of crazy customization and bullshit without breaking the game. Art is one of the most unique anime style I've seen. The music while not the best, is very memorable and unique. Story and characters are engaging with Cloud being one best Jrpg protags I've ever played with. Battle don't take forever to load and they don't happen frequent. Battle system is really fun too. World is huge with loads of extra content , minigames, and secrets.

I'm not saying it excelled at everything. X has the best combat. lX has a better antagonist with the most content I've seen in a FF game.Vl is a hell of ride with its story with a better equipment system and loads more characters to play with.
It's that all of those games have serious flaws that hinder the overall experience.
lX combat is slow and unresponsive.
X is much more linear as a game.
Vl combat is easy, dull, and boring as all I ever did was spam the Figaro twin's special attacks. Those two break the game in half once you get them.

>not the best
>not the best antagonist

You wrong for this one, bro.

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Hi, Zoomer. 38 year old Boomer here. It's not the best one. I thought it was pretty mediocre even at the time. But for a lot of people a bit younger than me, it was their first experience with RPGs, so they have a lot of nostalgia for it.

You could always kill yourself with your shit taste, OP. Why does OP always turn out to be a faggot?

This list feels gay. Especially the Yea Forums one.

>Materia is fun allowing loads of crazy customization and bullshit without breaking the game
Did we play the same game?

It was the first 3D Final Fantasy so the advancement over VI really blew people away and made people hold it up as the greatest in their minds. It was also a lot of people's first Final Fantasy game. You are correct however that from a quality standpoint IX and VI are superior. I am quite surprised to see you list XIII-2 as one of the best as that is not a common opinion but I presume you have your reasons. And I'm in no place to judge since I consider VIII one of the best.

It aged like milk, having never played it as a child I can't go back and play it now, sprite based ff1-6 looks better. I'm waiting for remake so I can give a verdict on it. Honestly speaking no ff games are even good though

>Reddit's taste is better than Yea Forums's
How will Yea Forums ever recover?

>Castlevania Symphony of the Night
The fuck is this shit? Are these guys fucking trying to imply that just because a game has a fucking stat screen with numbers in it, it's a fucking RPG?

I don't understand why VI is praised so much. It's not even close to being the best FF game or the best JRPG. Sure, it was a good game, but I wasn't blown away by it like I was with FF4 or 7.

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Game's seriously underrated. Despise seeing fags on Yea Forums say shit like 8 is better. People don't praise it nearly enough as it deserves.

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>implying Yea Forums doesn't love new vegas

>Quadra Magic joined with Bahamut ZERO
>Use W-Summon on Bahamut ZERO twice
Will this summon it four, five, or eight times?

It was the first true cinematic RPG in terms of world-immersing story and visuals. For this alone it blew a lot of minds.

I was drawn to it because it was bleak and modern, which was a welcome deviation from "MAGIC FARAWAY LAND OF MAGICAL MAGIC." It lost me a bit once you leave Midgar but Cloud's arc kept me engaged enough to see it through.

Also haunting music is haunting.