Greatest Games Of All Time

Well are they right Yea Forums?

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>only 7
tell me the ones they put above it

Remember all game journalists scoffing at Nier Replicant and now relentlessly sucking off Automata?

Honestly trying to rate games (or any media really) in terms of "bests" is fucking retarded and an excuse to bicker over nothing.

There's good games, bad games, and everything in-between.

automata sucked dick
no they are not right
fuck all bullshit tier liests

How? It's a good game, best number 7 best of all time? Did this guy who make this list only ever play 100 games?

I swear to God if number 1 is some 2d indie pixel platformer about depression

>Four years doesn't sound like a long enough time to update a list
And it isn't, you only updated it with current popular games for ad revenue clicks, gaming "journalism" was a mistake.

So? They're two different games. Automata is a huge improvement in terms of quality of life.

Absolutely. The story was so breathtaking that you just had to play through the same game...with additional cutscenes added, at least twice. To take in the beauty of 9S's hacking minigames.

You know it's skyrim

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way to expose yourself as a retard

The ones you would expect
> 1. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
> 1B. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (2015 #1)
> 2. Red Dead Redemption
> 3. Final Fantasy VI
> 4. Super Mario Bros 3
> 5. Shadow of the Colossus
> 6. Chrono Trigger
> 7. NieR: Automata
> 8. Portal 2
> 9. Metroid Prime
> 10. Tetris
> 11. Resident Evil 4
> 12. Super Metroid
> 13. Super Smash Bros Melee
> 14. The Last of Us
> 15. EarthBound
> 16. Okami
> 17. Silent Hill 2
> 18. Super Mario 64
> 19. Final Fantasy VII
> 20. Super Mario World

It's impossible to rank games.

You can create tier lists though.

Nier is S tier.

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They are all console games?

> Gives Final Fantasy X a 5/10
> Calls FF6 & FFX two of the 19 best games ever
Defend this Yea Forums

>portal 2 above portal 1

Yes, first PC game was Planescape Torment which was ranked in the high 20s

joke list


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True. My simple mind played through for all 27 magnificent endings, with many being a single message.

6 is the best ff though, what's there to defend?

Warcraft 3 and that's about it. Everything else is currently busy stealing from it's modding scene.

The concept of ranking games in general (or pretty much any piece of media) into a concrete tiered list is pretty stupid idea and I absolutely hate lists that go up to 100 because you have the standard top ten that would be your mario or other dumb industry pillars and the following 90 places are a complete crap shoot with the author drawing random names of good games out of a hat to put on random places within that list.

Even then if you're going to use the excuse of numbering them for click bait if you condense shit into a top ten you can ignore numbers and write out lengthy blurbs to at explain why you think a game is deserving of being recognized as one of the "greatest of all time". But once you get to shit like literally 100 at best you'd get "game is good it shoot good got good story go play" copy and pasted for dozens of entries.

I, personally, didn't enjoy auto tomato greatly so I'd have a hard time going along with it being ranked at number seven but again these reasons why a game is "this number of great" are so nebulous you can make any reason why.

Yeah but FF7 is objectively inferior to FFX

The story was the worst part.

>super mario world
Fucking how? It's clearly a step down from SMB3.

Is it some gay fuck tradition that all of these lists have Ocarina of Time as #1? Its a good game, but I'd struggle to say its the best ever


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Yeah, replicant/gestalt
Automata is a B being treated as S

It's a decent list. Certainly better than that joke of a list from Edge that was posted a couple days ago that had zero classic JRPGs but THREE soulsborne games.

Automata is good, but it's not top 5 good. 7 seems about right even without seeing what's above it.

No, most Journalists nowadays have another Zelda game ranked #1 like ALTTP or BOTW instead of Ocarina of Time

T. Assmad boomer, it's not their fault that Doom, Deus Ex & Bloodborne weren't good enough to make the top 100

True, even normie journos have to be contrarians these days.

I found Replicant to be really boring though. And ugly. I'll try again.

>Its a good game, but I'd struggle to say its the best ever

It's a safe pick as are what account for most top tens. Universally regarded as fairly good on a legitimate game design level, iconic, beloved by an entire generation of kids, etc.

It's just an arbitrary answer to the question of "what be the best of the best" alongside mario or pong. Otherwise you have to set a very concrete definition like "I believe these games are designed the best" or "these games changed how game design has worked going foward" or some such. With these classics you just get to go "I mean it's OoT it's just good you know this and I know this".

7 seems high but it deserves to be on the list somewhere

I want to play automata so bad.
>only copy I bought was scratched and didn't work
Just port it to the switch to make my life easier dammit

No what we need is Mods to fix the awful PC port

Nier was better in very way

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Story, OST & Characters were better. Gameplay, Graphics & Level Design were all so horrible that they ruined the game

What makes it bad? I never really heard any about the pc port

>Movie games like Nier and Chrono Nigger above Tetris and Marios
Fuck this. Also it's sad MP games will never get the respect of mainstream as classics.

>Movie game
>Chrono trigger

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Wut? Metroid Prime has a 97 on Metacritic & gets circlejerked by literally every website & Journalism outlet 24/7

According to Polygon...

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Diablo 1 or 2 should easily be in top 20.

>Zelda number one yet again
I swear journo faggots just put that there because they loved it as a kid. The game is lacking content, has a threadbare plot, large fields of nothing, simplistic combat and even fanboys admit the water temple was tedious.

Darksiders 1 was a better Zelda game than that shit.

jesus christ this list is awful

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Ending E honestly makes it. I've never had an experience like that in a video game.

Zelda is genuinely a masterpiece though, everyone's first Zelda or Mario is usually what their consider the best game ever made

>portal 2 at 8
How do they keep doing it?

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It was always a bit rubbish, and Cavia.
But in my opinion it's better than the shallow Automata, who people only like because of the story, others force themselves to like it because of waifufags and Taro being a hack pandering to them.
Gameplay wise and that's what matters, both have pretty big faults.

it is pretty bad dude
if Super Mario Bros 3 has no reason to be there
when there are so many better Mario games after it
if its their cause history or some shit, you should also put in Doom or Quake

i'm not even going to go into detail on everything else wrong with this list

lmao fuck no, Ocarina of Time was one of my first game and i ended up preferring Star Fox 64 any day

You missed SMB3 literally being there and way above World?

> Doomfag
> Shit Taste
Every time

hey nintentoddler you can play all Dooms except the worst one on Nintendo consoles

>if Super Mario Bros 3 has no reason to be there when there are so many better Mario games after it
Nope, Super Mario Bros 3 being there and being placed as high as it is literally one of the few things that list gets it right. I wonder how much of a dysfunctional brain one must have not to notice SMB3 is one of the best examples of how to make a sequel in any medium ever.

Go back keep crying that your shit Game wasn’t good enough to make the top 50. I will keep smiling at my favorite games being at the top of every list

Let me guess, 50% of the listed games are from the past 10 years

And don't judge me


Don’t listen to them, The average age of this board is 20. It’s literally just zoomers LARping as Doomfags in a attempt to fit in

doom isn't even one of my favorite games, its just one of the most influential games every made and deserves recognition for that

>Zelda is genuinely a masterpiece though
Like I said, Nintendo kids first game and without much competition in Nintendo's walled garden it ends up being their benchmark of quality.
The puzzles are too simple for a puzzle game like Myst, the combat too basic for a character action game like DMC, the world interactions too thin for an RPG like Gothic 2, the writing too weak for CRPG's like Arcanum. The exploration and sense of progression too limited compared to Metroidvanias like Hollow Knight. The difficulty to low for catharsis after bosses are defeated like the Souls series.

Zelda is a hodgepodge of elements grabbed from various genres making a competent albeit bland whole. Anyone who develops a specific taste will prefer to play any of the games which focus on a specific genre rather than this Jack of Trades series.

It can't be the best of any list because it can't claim to be the best of any genre.

Deserves #1
>2 zeldas at that

Influence is irrelevant if the game aged like Shit, notice how Super Mario Bros 1 isn’t in the top 20?

Seething contrarian you are trying way to hard

this is honestly my biggest beef with seeing zelda games that high

Might as well kill yourself because they always be considered the best of all time

never fucking say how the switch is a good console when you also have a PC

>Influence is irrelevant if the game aged like Shit,
>OoT is #2

i see

RDR is extremely overrated and it is especially clear if you play it after the 2nd one. OoT is outdated and is only no.1 in the context of time.


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Seething, OOT is a flawless game outside of the unskippable cutscenes. Just keep crying, no amount of contrarianism will change the fact that it aged well & will always be considered the GOAT

>Ocarina of Time isn't leagues above Majora's Mask for once
Nice. I'm impressed.


Why do people have such a hard on for Melee? At this point, I find Ultimate to be the better game.

I love Gestalt/Replicant but you're off the goop if you can't see why it didn't get lauded. Its gameplay is painfully basic and lacks any of the fluidity or QoL improvements
>but Automata is also basic!
compared to other Platinum games, yes, but it was never aiming to be the next Bayo or MGR. It was just a Nier sequel with comparatively endless combat depth, a middleground between Gestalt/Replicant and Platinum fare if you will

>no SOTN

the absolute state of listfags

It was 26th behind Mass Effect 2, A Link To The Past & Max Payne

>Red Dead Redemption
I'll never understand what people see in this game from a gameplay perspective. Bully did the GTA-with-a-theme thing better.

pro players love it because its exploitable and basically cheat to win. They use modded controllers which I don't even understand why they're tournament legal in the first place.