I want Emma to sit on my face
I want Emma to sit on my face
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She won't because you are unattractive and out of shape and she's a doctor.
Are you jealous of my good looks?
The fact that you can drink with her tells me From is probably starting to wet it's toes on dating elements. Giving the fact that the game is selling well even slightly edging out DMCV I can only hope that we might get some dating elements in Sekiro 2.
You think offering someone you know a drink and hanging out together is equivalent to a date? Nigga.
but will the DLC include Emma face sitting?
Why's there a Japanese person called Emma?
Emma was actually a semi-common name in Japan back then IIRC
any tips for owl 2 on ng+? never fought him on ng. or is the only tip just git gud
I want to help Kuro open a tea house!!!!!!
Bruh he's going to be dead in the sequel.
t. didn't get the true ending
I want From to make a game where your assistant is male just to see how mad everybody gets.
Emma > Souls girls > Plain Doll
One thing I found very helpful was, when he combos into his sweep move, do not stomp him. He often follows up by going into a big overhead slash stance, but if you move away too soon he'll transition to another move. Stay under him till the last second so he'll actually follow through with the overhead slash, which leaves him open for two to three free hits. You can also get in two hits before dodging.
>plain doll last
either sour grapes or shit taste
Based. Op here, what do you think Emma's ass smells like?
This is feudal japan.
She probably has terrible hygiene, unwashed hairy vagina and asshole with crusts of shit glued in her buttcrack.
And when I say hairy, I mean really hairy as, never once shaved.
She would have the ass of a caveman.
But it's not Kuro, it's the Divine Child that Kuro can see through.
that's just how I like it
True Sekiro shipping is Kuro x Divine Child
stop, I can only get so hard
Have sex incel.
The Truest ship is Sekiro x Kuro & Divine Child at the same time.
you know hygiene was not just invented
They have hotsprings and shit that they would've bathed in, the only times people would be that dirty would be in places of war.
>would be in places of war.
You mean like where we are in the game? The Red Guard aren't coming to Ashina for a cup of tea you know.
shes a female doctor so she definitely had some sort of hygiene considering shes a noble of some sort, that being said is hair supposed to be a negative bro
nigga she is a doctor and royalty my dude, hairy at most
she lives in a fucking castle
A castle that's besieged
Emma isn't a part of the Ashina clan she's just Isshin's Doctor.
she is dougen's adopted daughter dumbass
near the end of the game, did she all of a sudden lose all sense of hygiene when the sun went down?
That doesn't make her royalty.
>taking any damage at all from the easiest end game boss
This. What kind of a stupid dipshit thinks people now are any different from people back then.
isn't dogen isshin's son?
This nigger 4 FUCKING PHASES. Jesus man, I ain't the best at fights of attrition. Someone listen to me venting.
if you're the opposite sex and you're drinking together, then yeah.
Where the fuck did you get that idea?
he takes reasonable damage to health and posture, relax.
Also genichiro is easy
How can someone who's the grandson of Isshin be such a little bitch?
I didn't, I fucking missed it. I heard you get to do hirata estate with all new bosses too.
she was literally raised by isshin and lives in the castle
I genuinely can't understand why anyone would want the old hag when Kuro exists. And don't give me that "I'm not gay" shit.
that is purification, not the true
this image seems to get worse in quality every day
it's not that he is a bitch so much as he is not as skilled as sekiro, seems like isshin respects sekiro much more than genichiro.
Hell isshin respects sekiro even more than owl and kuro.
He actually gave the fucker his name
Dogen raised her, Isshin took her in as the castle doctor.
>Played through the game blind
>Getting towards the end now and feeling majorly autistic about trying to get the good ending
>Backtracking through the whole map like a fucking schizo desperately trying to remember any npcs I've met
>Losing sleep over my npc decisions
purification is the most kino ending
Well the Owl is a fucking idiot and Kuro is just a child so it makes sense.
He's an adopted peasant, he did pretty good becoming Isshin's heir but the Interior Ministry outclasses Ashina so hard it's an impossible battle
Wolf is a little bitch too, he wouldn't be shit without the dragon's heritage giving him infinite tries
nigga i first tried genichiro and owl, don't tell me i need infinite tries
>good ending
feed rice to the old ladies and you can eavesdrop on kuro even when you don't get a prompt
Is the Interior Ministry Tokugawa Ieyasu?
Ah a fan of PCGamer I see
I'm free
And Isshin isn't a shura?
>you can eavesdrop on kuro even when you don't get a prompt
that's some nintendo power shit.
No you only become shura if you take killing people too seriously
Give it up wolf, Kuro is fucking Divine Child now
i don't get it
Dating seems kind of a stretch, don’t you think?
I honestly wish that is one of the endings in the inevitable DLC/Sequel. Everyone deserves some peace after all that shit.
It's possible
shura is far more kino
What does shota chest feel like?
>Kuro is fucking Divine Child now
It's funny because of the double entendre
Symbol on his do looks a lot like the Tokugawa emblem.
ehh you miss out on great bosses so nahh
Sekiro : Shogunate's Fall when?
>terrible hygiene
You know in Japan they’ve been washing their ass after they take a shit for millennia, something Americans STILL don’t have the decency to do.
>implying it won't be Sekiro: Imjin Expedition
like yours but without the manboobs or greasy pube like chest hairs
Christ you’re retarted
>kills emma
>kills isshin
>kills owl
>probably kills genichiro
>only getting to fight two of them
Oh yeah, I always forget to ask about this.
What the fuck do they mean by the Interior Ministry? Just whoever has the most power in Japan at that given moment?
>It can also specifically refer to Tokugawa Ieyasu in his time as the Internal Minister under the Toyotomi Administration. He was awarded this title by the Emperor's regent, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, in 1596 and used it as a representative name for himself.
I guess, What I want to know is who the Red Guard is.
It's a reference to his red armor
I want Kuro to sit on my face
I mean I'm all for drunken face sitting dates with Emma user, I'm only human after all, but it's a bit of a reach to assume giving sake for lore will equal dating sim gameplay in Sekiro 2. Miyazaki could probably pull it off though, and now I really want to see him try
You can drink with Isshin and Orangutang, give food to old women and rice lolis and eat rice balls with your shotalord. I don't think it has anything to do with dating.
This game seems to attract both lovers of little boys and gender benders. I probably shouldn’t buy this game
Wait you can give food to rice loli? Fuck I've been missing out.
Seems like you only become shura when you start killing just for the sake of it. Isshin is considered a killing machine because of his fighting prowess, and he only does what he’s good at so that he can get closer to his goal. People like Sculptor, as a shinobi, only killed because someone told them to, and at some point they kill so much that shit just becomes normal like breathing to them. Which is what the Shura demon seeks specifically in its host.
>trannies literally boycotting the game
Isn't Shura more akin to an evil god than a devil?
Gee thanks Sherlock, I'm asking what the Red Guard could be referring to in actual Sengoku Japan
anyone else playing with mods?
I'm sure it has some deep lore connection just like "Long-Arm Centipede Giraffe"
Dark Souls 3 let you get married. Albeit you were marrying a corpse but still.
That’s the point. It’s not like the devil in the sense where it goads people into committing more sin. It’s just a god, rather a god of bloodlust, that seeks out people who fits the criteria.
Do you like not talk to her at all?
A bit unrelated but I wish you could share sake with ALL the NPCs instead of the selected few.
Like a woman
I want her to toss me around
Do we know who's older?
That's probably just your projection since neither of those are remotely true.
What's wrong with a cuter Genichiro?
>Wolf can die twice trough Kuro's Dragon Heritage
>But William-sama can die anytime thanks to his Guardian Spirit's waifu always reviving him
I just went to her to get some rice, how was I supposed to know.
I would think the patron priestess of rice is older since the Senpou Temple experiments sound like they've been going on for a while.
not everyone is stuck in the friendzone bro
How come Emma never bothers to use her swordfighting skills until you've basically fucking everything up?
yes sir
She only learned how to fight in order to put down shura
>Sekiro 2
What would the subtitle be? Shadows die yet another time?
shadows die thrice