Comfy Borderlands thread

Comfy Borderlands thread.

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Hey nerd, want some femdom

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You think future-HRT makes your dick shrink or is (s)he packin a maliwan?

of course i do retard

>Muscle woman
Choose one.

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Randy Bobandy
thought he was so dandy
drank a lot of brandy
had a little girl give him a handy

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Will she kill Lilith or just take her powers?

Source please

Vladof and Maliwan were good to begin with but they look like they're gonna be based as fuck in BL3.

Properly her stupid looking emo brother.

sorry but idk, i got it from another thread

Just take her powers.
She'll then die from not having them.

Axton and Gaige sitting in the tree !

>tfw can't decide who to play in BL2

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Krieg is a powerhouse and by far the least dependent on having good gear to do well.

Post your loadouts:
>Twister, Shock Fibber, or Shock Conference Call
>Shock Hail
>Shock Norfleet
>Magic Missile
>Black Hole or Blockade Shield
>Chaotic Neutral Nechromancer Mod
>Shock Bone of the Ancients

She looks like she fucks white boys

hopefully both

>tfw gonna play lesbian muscle babe with my gf's moze. Hope the cracked copy will allow Lan parties though.

post borderlands best girls

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I like how Atlas weapons look like they'll be strapped to the players arm/wrist. I wonder if that might mean you can have an Atlas offhand weapon and a normal mainhand weapon, which would of course allow dual wielding for everyone. Mostly though I hope they have better weapon variety than BL2 had- I want Torgue snipers, Vladof shotguns, Maliwan assault rifles, etc. And I hope CoV guns become like eridian/etech/laser hybrid weapons, both in effect and rarity.

Something that does stand out to me about the guns- no melee attachments are shown. Hopefully that means we'll have a more direct way to augment melee damage, I'd love to be able to punch people and light them on fire.

>Dahl continues being boring as shit


So what's the deal with this "Borderlands Remastered"? When I try to google it, I just get people talking about the GOTY, but that's already a thing. Is it a free update for the GOTY or something? Or is it some kind of epic store exclusive bullshit and I'd have to rebuy the game?

3 looks alot better than 2. Two the UGLIEST gun design in any video game.

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i hope high tier jakobs aren't plastered with gold again. the nickel plating and irregular wood grain looks great but the gold man, it's too much.

If you already had BL1 GOTY edition, its a free upgrade. If you didn't, its $30 USD I think. Presumably the old version isn't for sale anymore.

Sweet, thanks user. I'll give it a go. From what I've heard, it's an actual upgrade, and not a butchering like the Bioshock remasters, right?

From what I've seen so far, yea. Some QoL stuff like FoV slider, upgraded inventory/vending machine management, and an updated Destroyer fight spring to mind. They also have some new legendaries, all from the Destroyer boss fight, that scale to your level, and there's a method to easily farm them as well.

Same dude above shows off a few other things like the legendaries themselves, work a look on his channel for the remastered stuff.

>how dare you speak of a game on V instead of circlejerking the steam vs egs war, BEGONE!
the state of this place, really.

Didn't even need the old GOTY. You just needed base Borderlands.

Why is shock gaige so bad? I've been playing her on TVHM with a dash of anarchy on the side and she feels weak as fuck. Meanwhile hellborne krieg gets free damage, reload speed, 50% damage reduction, healing, fire rate, and bonus burn damage. All just for using elemental weapons.
They butchered the inventory and all shops to be like BL2's shit UI but other than that its all right. Have fun looking at identical pictures for SDU upgrades.

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I'm gonna play BL2 soon with some buddies of mine soon. I played Zer0 on my first playthrough, but I want to play Gaige this time. What's the best way to play her?

Jakobs/Tediore master race

Depends. Robot tree for leveling up fast low level, anarch once you get good loot and enough skill points to make a difference.

>want to farm for cool guns
>remember I need to be max level for them to be of any use
>remember that I'm only 2/3 of the way though TVM

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TVHM is all about rushing through the story though, it shouldn't be that bad.

Is there a definitively best Double Anarchy SMG? iirc they drop off Crawmerax, but what would be the absolute best damage number and attachments?

But there's stil UVHM

For starters you won't get the best Anarchy from Craw because he can't drop level 69 gear. Best possible is a Torgue Steel Anarchy.

I am dead certain I have had him drop max level double anarchies before, but that was years ago. Where the fuck do you farm them then?

I mean fuck, my old siren save is still up, I'll just go wave my gun at him for two seconds and see if he drops one

cute tummy

Only vending machines and loot midgets can yield level 69 gear.

This game is probably going to be a sub-par shooter with cringey dialogue but i'd walk a mile through glass while barefoot if it meant I could rub my dick on her abs

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Add Captain Scarlett and Amara to this list

holy fuck, who the hell is that ugly goblina?

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Are masher pistols and double anachies the be-all-end-all weapons of BL1? Seems every time I see a video of people doing playthroughs or what have you that's almost always what they're using/looking for.

>sticky bullets for torgue ar

the days of them bouncing away from enemies are finally over

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Do Atlas tracker tags work with other guns? I'd assume not

Why are you gay

Yes, anarchies and mashers deal like three times as much damage as any gun that's equivalent in level and quality. Someone at GBX must've thought that pressing your face against enemies to shoot them wouldn't be a good strategy.


I’m already dreading the writing of this game

I focused anarchy, with a dash of shock and it was pretty good.

so now that the dust has settled
are they good games or not

Please no (yes)

Shock is shit, Deathtrap is just okay. All of Gaige's best toys are in Anarchy, and you have no choice but to take the accuracy-penalty for that.

>an updated Destroyer fight spring to mind
It literally seemed no different from the original. The only addition is the presence of Rakk to Second Wind off of.

mmmmm, yes please

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Who is this character?

If you like loot-centric games like Diablo or Path of Exile you'd probably enjoy them. Borderlands is the FPS version of them.

Killed him, he dropped a level 69 pearl gun, and he dropped a several anarchy SMGs. I'm not sure which anarchy SMG he dropped though, as I was already holding tons.

Choose your character.

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fps diablo? sign me in

melee siren

i fucking love fl4k so much

I've only played the first game.
Are revolvers in the subsequent games?

Least fun character in each game?

Not as a separate weapon class.

The generic soldier.

moze is the only choice

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nope. repeaters for days. there are some repeaters that call themselves revolvers and pretend to look like revolvers but try to use one and you will understand that they are all shitty repeaters.

This and Moze are the only things keeping me even remotely interested. I don't expect to come out of this satisfied.

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Moze if she's not annoying and her mech isn't a gimmick. Aside from that almost certainly melee siren or gadget man are going to be meta shitters, so one of them.


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Can it be gentle femdom with hugs?

any male

Soldier guy

Except TPS, where it's aurelia

Anyone who wasn't Brick
Zer0 turned out to be pretty disappointing because of damage scaling on higher difficulties

>literally Sombra

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Finished Pre-Sequel for the first time 5 minutes ago, solo. It was pretty boring, I feel like oxygen mechanic is useless because everyone drop oxygen out of the wazoo and the low gravity was poorly utilized since outside of DESIGNATED PLATFORMING SECTION™ you can only use jumppads to get anywhere useful, hell even a lot of the platforming is just done with jumppads. I wish they redid the level design and included lower platforms and alternate paths that could be reached so I could actually use the jump to get a high ground advantage or maybe just made the boost bigger, as it stands the only use of it is to help dodging bullets I guess but since you're slower in the air in low gravity I don't know how useful it is. Guns and bullets are pretty much the same from BL2 with lasers, but lasers are super fun at least. Also cryo, didn't even bother with it much, shock and corrosion blasted through everything I needed to. Gonna start Holodrome and Claptastic Voyage after I rest a bit, might as well finish everything since I already started.

The robot, without a doubt.

She is not even remotely that attractive.

Only borderlands games I played are the first one and pre sequel and I only got it because I got to play as claptrap.

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>That song.
Closed the video after 10 seconds.

I've been digging the robo hobo since the leak, but I want to know more about their skills first

Sorry you're gay.

I just can't enjoy playing Salvador in BL2. His action skill is just really underwhelming to me. Everyone else gets something unique that changes the dynamics of the fight, Salvador just gets... an extra gun. I recognize that statistically it's the most broken skill of them all, and especially in UVHM the ability to slag and heal while doing damage with the Grog Nozzle in the offhand is incredibly useful, I just don't think it's very fun. His character is also the most obnoxious to me. I don't like anything about Salvador.

You're welcome to leave anytime. Just like your parents, nobody is going to miss you when you're gone.

I like them all

I'm wondering how many skill trees there will be. I definitely want to go down the Phaselock Amara tree

I want you to look at the character in the trailer, and then look at that fan art and tell me they're the same person.

I just wanted powerful revolvers. It's my fetish.

Loader Bot confirmed to use pets with AI so bad it made them delay their reveal. I'm so certain he's going to be shit it hurts.

I just need to see her without the helmet. Or maybe with a slimmer helmet. I like her face and her body, I just have a hard time looking at that helmet and not seeing a generic soldier goon. I also have a minor hair fetish so I don't like not being able to see her hair.

Gonna wait and see what their skills are like but right now I'm leaning towards fl4k or Moze since Gaige is my overall favorite Vault Hunter.

Roland and Axton

As someone who browses GameFAQs and YouTube's Alt-Right clickbait channels looking for Anti-SJW/Alt-Right audiences to debate with, I know about them all too well. These people have always been in our society but seek solace in gaming. Gaming is a fantasy lands that, in their eyes, should be a reflection of everything they've always wanted but can't get out of life. It was made with white men in mind, and now that it's starting to change to better reflect its audience, they feel like they're being attacked. Western gaming is taking steps to diversify their protagonists, diversify their developers, and create female characters that aren't grossly sexualized, and they hate it. So they move on to Eastern gaming while condemning Western gaming for its themes of progress.

What's interesting that I noticed about GameFAQs topics and stuff on Yea Forums, and how they align with the Alt-Right, is that you see this pro-Japan agenda theme frequently. It first takes the form of "Japan makes better games" or "JRPGs are superior." But then, it starts evolving into the fetishization of Eastern women, which is a common theme with the Alt-Right, due to fantasizing the submissive stereotypes of Japanese women. They then start talking about how Japanese gamers hate progressives in America due to censorship, and how their culture is really traditional is what makes it superior. Slowly, but surely, it evolves into a "this is why homogenous societies are better" argument, because the themes fill every checkbox in what interests them. Women, traditionalism, homogeny, white, etc..

I'm not sure what can be done about these people, honestly. To me, they're in the same category as the Alt-Right It's really hard to get into an honest conversation with some of them. Some of them have no intention of ever changing their views, even if they acknowledge they're in the wrong.

>Lilith in charge of not fucking up for the 50th time

Maybe losing her siren powers will keep her from ruining everything

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If someone reactivated Steele Trap would that count toward the number of living Sirens?

Always choose Druid

I mean, she was headed towards getting hooked on eridium like it's crack cocaine last I checked, so yeah not being a siren is a plus for her

Replaying TPS because I picked up Doppelganger, I forgot how fucking bad the game was
Gameplay is the best in the series but that doesn't save the atrocious writing and terrible quests, what a god damn waste, you can tell the environmental designer put a lot of effort into the game too

Gameplay wise, is the pre-sequel better than BL2?

Honestly they all look good and not as obnoxious as BL2 cast

I recognize that Corrompida pic.

Not really.

Not enough information but probably moze or fl4k

>liking BL3 cast
>thinking BL2 cast is shit
okay retard

I see a lot of people giving her shit, but I don't understand why..

I just wish Gearbox would kill Lillith already,not only Jack dindu nuffin but she is the reason Roland died

Without question, yes. However the level and quest design is worse so it kinda cancels out.

Slag is gone, which is good, Cryo is its replacement which is a little OP but still fun. With how the skill trees work, you are also able to get all 3 end-skills from each branch if you want (it's 22 points to get to the bottom of a tree as opposed to 26 in BL2). You also get your action skill at level 3 instead of 5 and you'll more than likely have it before you even finish the tutorial area.

>obnoxious as BL2 cast
How is BL2 cast obnoxious?

>she is the reason Roland died

No she isn't.

Salvador and Zero

>no S&S Munitions
Guess it was too much to hope for after seeing Atlas coming back.

Probably Brick because his ability is useless in the endgame. Roland lacked style but his turret had some really nice utility stuff like regenerating your ammo.

Probably Axton for the endgame because he has no real DPS boosting skills and his turret doesn't scale properly, but Salvador is incredibly unfun to level up even though he's OP in the endgame.

I dunno, maybe Aurelia? All the TPS hunters were pretty fun.

bro with the skag

Yes she is she was the Reason handsome Jack went insane, so he went from just being a dick that you like to a full blown sociopath

The bot or the biker.

>Presequel reveals that Lilith and Roland helped Handsome Jack before they decided to backstab him and try killing him
>Once you get into the Moon Vault, Jack gets an artifact that shows him shit. Lilith sneaks in and instead of just shooting his brains out easily, punches said artifact into his face, giving him the scar he hides behind his face now

Literally Borderlands 2 wouldn't have happened if she just killed him there.

How much of a faggot are you? BL2 cast was top tier, this cast is top tier too. pls kill yourself you zoomer :/

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Because she tried to kill based Athena.

Don't give up that last speck of hope quite yet. When the site launched, CoV was not present. They may update it with more.

>she was the Reason handsome Jack went insane

No she isn't you fucking retard. If you've played PS, you'd notice he himself slowly loses it as the game goes on.

>yfw Lilith dies in BL3

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Tiny Tina was kinda annoying but this was pretty much Ashly Burch's first VA job and Tiny Tina was younger. Now the character is 5 year older and Ashly Burch has gotten better at voice acting so maybe she'll turn out better.

S&S wasn't very good anyway. Their only worthwhile guns were the Orion, Serpens, and Draco.

Jack has always been a dick ever since he locked his daughter up

Fuck Moze
Marry Fl4k
Kill Amara
Naked Wrestle with Zane

the "Punches an alien artifact in your face leaving you scarred for life" was kind of the tipping point and the reason why he has a personal vendetta against vault hunters.

Is Aurelia's cold money tree fun?

S&S snipers were great if you didn't roll a godly torgue. S&S shotguns were probably the best outside of legendaries.

She was my waifu in BL1. Broke my heart in BL2, riding nigga dick. Don't care what happens now.

First of all, it was all Moxxi's plan to have Helios sabotaged and Jack killed. Roland and Lilith helped, but she was the brains behind their brawn. And Lilith obviously was going to kill Jack in the Vault, but she fucked that part up and only made him mad.

And if you bothered to play BL2, you would know that Jack was nuts long before TPS. He was just better at hiding it.

Also, TPS takes place after Moxxi broke up with Jack, and according to BL2, Jack burned down her Underdome in retaliation for it.

Cold Money makes her Diadem fucking OP

Where is she?

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>People care about the story in these games

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Amara and tank girl.

The Crux was pretty fun too.

Probably at a workshop creating robots
perhaps she is vendor who sells you robots that digistruct as you throw them like grenades or sells you cybernetics so your character can stuff like run faster or have more accuracy
Sadly considering that every female aside from Maya looks inbred Gaige is probably going to get

I forgot about that gun.

>Least fun character in each game?
Salvador. Oddly enough he seemed the most interesting before playing.
I haven't played every character, but Athena was my least favorite of every character I played but I only leveled her to 18 or so. Nisha might be worse because I couldn't imagine auto aim shit being a good time.

Someone spotted an enemy Deathtrap in one of the trailers.

Get what?

Who should the DLC characters be?
>Loader Bot
>Mr. Torgue

Does that mean Gaige has decided to be a Bandit Lord like Brick was? Obviously, she'll become an ally once you've earned her trust.

>go to Eden 6 for some reason
>Have to deal with the police's shitty Crime Buster Bots

It's her best tree. I freaking love it. Only reason I enjoyed playing her.

Yes. Heros have more thought out skill trees, laser weapons are kino, and UVHM is better balanced because no Slag.

Fl4k is LB
One of the DLC hunters should be Fiona

oh wait, she was from Eden 5. Eden 6 has space vixens

>robot grenades
That would be fun. Throw a Robogrenade that explode when it dies and turns into 2 Robogrenades, which in turn also explode at death turning into 4 robogrenades, ad infinitum.

game wont be comfy if its another 3 tier talent tree skill system

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>Hyperion gets both a weapon shield and keeps accuracy with sustained fire
>Maliwan gets to hold 2 element types and charge shots
>Underbarrel rocket launchers with Vladof
This pleases me very much so

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Thats good. her sniper one looks a little bland and since im playing solo atm cause no friends felt like playing the co-op tree is a little useless.

Sorry forgot to type it
and by get it I mean shes going to look like frakensteins monster

>con-artist that confuses/charm/fears ennemy
I don't really see Fiona as playable character.

One of them should be Duke Nukem
lore in the game is already retarded so you might as well just do a cross over

The contract tree is reliant on having a coop partner so, yeah without friends the only two branches really worth investing in are her Sniper and Cryo tree.

There's a small handful from the Contract tree that are interesting (Increased damage with Blue and higher rarity guns, increased damage with non-elemental/cryo weapons

Is it just me or Jacks sounds pretty different in TPS compared to BL2? It's the same voice actor, right?

S&S had few "great" weapons to make a build around, but when you are speedleveling through NG on a new character and you just want any gun that isn't shit, S&S always has your back. Their guns are always at least decent.

>Jobbermon Raid Boss
>It uses an OG Conference Call + Bee Shield set-up (pre-nerfs to both).

Would that be a fun fight?

Tediore is always so stylish and slick.

I figure she'll turn herself into a full robot, so that may not be too far off.

>an even more cybernetically enhanced Gaige
Stop, my inner machine supremacist can only get so erect.

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The big guy with the mask looks like the only good character, tanky with a pet. Sirens and soldiers are boring, and sniper characters are underpowered. The best characters will probably be saved for DLC again.

>melee siren

play Gaige, she's cute and fun to play


>fps diablo
That exactly right.

I loved the games, just a real fun time.

It's in, you factually have shit taste. And you didn't answer his question, goober.

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Won't be comfy if it has a slag system* ftfy

How do I make a fresh playthrough in the prior games not boring? I hear the games come into their own during NG+ and NG++, but the campaign is commitment enough just to get to the meat of the experience.

It's basically the same shit, you just get more skills to play with.

I always go for the melee-oriented characters so I hope Amara is way better than Brick but not quite as good as Krieg.
I love Krieg but he’s so good that it’s a little boring once you get the cycle of “Get to low health, rampage, get to low health, rampage”

DON'T play Krieg first for shit's sake, it's like playing a Malk first

>the skag has a bandana
well, now I REALLY have to pick FL4K

The skag, fucking the siren and the Russian.

Are the drop rates for Gaige and Krieg increased or do I just have weird luck? I'm testing out a few characters to see who I like and it seems like actually good loot drops like candy when I'm playing them compared to Zer0.

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I like Gaige

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Low tier God went on HRT?


Gaige is my favorite VH of all time.

God she is so beautiful
I wish she had more good hats

because Krieg is too OP or what? you don't play Malk first because of story related foreshadowing and insight that I doubt applies to BL2.

It's because he's so substantially weird and different.

She was who got me into Borderlands.



Best girl.

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>You will never nap comfortably on her strong safe abs.



FL4K. Is he a robot or a cyborg. He has fleshy fingers.

Get a save editor, put your self at lvl 30ish and on NG+

The descriptions make me think the game will play itself, rather than players playing it.

Malkavian clan in Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, a whole other game.

I like the hat with the eyepatch the best I think.

>sets in motion the events of BL2
>instead of killing Jack right away she just leaves him scarred for life
>tries to take a moral high ground despite being a cold blooded killer
>goes to Angel's Chambers when told not to
>is a terrible leader
She deserves worse

Nu-Yea Forums

Isn't that almost every game nowadays?

Oh? It didn't fix it? You didn't make the board any better?

Wait? No one cares?

Oh no, that's terrible.

uvhm is impossible solo

>discussing video games is bad.

Every time I hear Pickle speak, I want to gouge out my ear drums

Is BL2 worth playing if I haven't played the first one? Friends are telling me to get it but I want some other opinions.

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>Moxxi would never lie to someone about a person she doenst like
Either way it was a situation that if they just sat down and talked on how he can do good without straying far,that he is going off on the deep end and that he needs help,that having a ally in hyperion with his resources is good on their end aswell

I hope they don't bring back the mechanic of having different manufacturer parts smashed together. Why have interesting guns when you can copy paste a predetermined set of parts together and give it a prefix.

his skill trees seem a little more complex than others but the guides and shit i've read haven't made him seem that outlandish.

If you’re gonna play it with friends it’s worth it.
At most you’ll miss some fan service but every character from the original is flanderized to hell already.

>a video game worth to be dicussed

i need 3 niggas to co-op borderlands 1, 2, the pre-equel and eventually, 3 with

I swear at one point it was said BL3 will have 13 manufacturers
Right now everything related to Bl3 manufacturers is buried under the ones they just announced, but I swear that was a thing.

Sorry I only own 2 of those.

Could Borderlands 3’s intro ever hope to be as kino as 1 and 2’s intros?



you know for a fact she'd slapped you senseless and probably claw your back

Is Moze related to the chick in caustic caverns?

>paying epic
OOF kys

I don't know, seems to me like the player will be more involved with how the guns actually work this time around, plus it seems like weapons like Atlas, Torque, Dahl, Maliwan maybe even Vladof will require a bit of multitasking or a bit of extra effort with how they work now. Remember that before this, all that mattered was pointing and shooting outside of some legendaries/unique blues.

Idk, game isn't out yet, so I guess we'll see.

Simply by running in more than 20fps and its kíno of the highest order.

I was talking with my brother about what I loved to see in BL3, and like half the shit we came up with is actually happen.

The words "underbarrel gender launcher", "guns that switch between fireing modes", and "gun that deploys a shields" (made by pangolin) were said.


Why would I want to use any weapon that isn’t Jakob’s?

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the lack of Angel porn is a crime

>tf borderlands will probably me mostly online coop balanced liked shadow warrior 2
>tf single player will suck


Were you having been going to do that?

Unironically can't choose. I usually pick the Siren class, but Moze/Zane/Flak all seem cool as fuck. Guess ill just flip a die.

I like the fact that the Atlas changes is specifically because of Rhys not knowing how to use a gun

Nobody thinks you're cool, fuck off.

onslaught/metal storm axton
slagga on 1
bitch on 2
DPUH on 3
whatever else on 4
storm front
heavy shock trooper mod +6onslaught +5 metal storm (11/5 total)
shock bone of the ancients

Tell me everything you know about her pubes.

holy fuck pre-sequel is short

The games tend to offset the abilities by being absolutely horseshit

Don’t worry about that at all

Pretty sure 2 of the characters are Loader Bot and August.

DLC characters should be Mr. Torque and Robo Scooter ;-;7

>Pretty sure 2 of the characters are Loader Bot and August
What the hell would possibly make you think that?

>tfw doing it while doing as little side stuff as possible
>underleveled as fuck
>people join my game
>they leave within 5 minutes
>i end up beating the game like this

I didn’t recognize the dude next to Hammerlock and his sister in the trailer, am I supposed to know who he is

Did you not play 1? How the fuck do you not now who Terrance is

>looked at borderlands 2 goty all week on steam
>only 8 bucks this week
>finally decided to buy it yesterday

i know its my fault, but i cant help but feel incredibly angry at steam

pirate tales of the borderlands

Cant help you then

So, do you just enjoy having bad opinions. Or is it just that Yea Forums is where you people eventually end up after being kicked out of other sites because of your contrarian bullshit

Beastmaster and sniper dude look like Loaderbot and August respectively.


I already played it, still have no fucking clue

I'm enjoying the remaster more than Reborn.

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>a video game worth to be dicussed

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Also whatsherface looks exactly the same and that bothers me

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What about some eridian mutant with abilities based around that

That's because she's an alium.

He's a big guy.

Marcus...lay off the pizza...

>Marcus somehow got even larger

Marcus looks like a serious case of buffat

The leak for borderlands 3 mentions that she’s not what she seems

It might be a copy or something

When did Yea Forums start actively hating borderlands? I don't get it, the games seems ok

White wood and gold all over whilst being huge as fuck. The traditional look is gone.

I’m assuming the girl moving closer is supposed to be Moxie?

She somehow became an even bigger whore, especially after her son fucking dies, what a bitch

Set up a VIP account bros, it’s seems like gearbox is trying to get some account shit rolling across all games. You can link profiles to get points, but there isn’t anything worth spending these points on yet until they add rewards in the game

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It was a spoiler, not a leak wasn't it?

When Randy and Anthony both became living embodiment of autism.

I like borderlands, I just hate everyone directly involved in it that I know

Nah that was some Battleborn easter egg.

I'll just use cheat engine, thanks.

BL: GOTY is so fucking broken on PC, why hasn't there been a fix for this shit alreayd? it's been a week

Every one mourns in their own way.

>giving those jews and chinks your personal info
lmao no, cheat engine + pirate day 1.

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Why is she so great?

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>She finds hammerlock attractive
>She finds herself close to Axton

>Both turned out to be gay

Why would you cuck Gaige of all people

because the only good thing about playing as her is hearing her sweet screams as she burns alive.

There's a tram/crate mover that travels over the water. Hop in and stay crouched the whole time.

Reminder that you are a fucking retard if you buy this day 1

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Yes, it's worth it.

Writing is horrible and its made by shitbox

Axton is bi and turretsexual.


Axton is bisexual and used to have a wife

Reminder that you're a retard if you buy at all.

Just don't forget the aftercare.

my nigga. got so bored farming legendaries so i used cheat engine to spawn them all cause im a lazy fuck

>the lines where she calls the weapons sexy and purs
>was it good for you?

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No such thing. He's fucking gay.

Axton or Gaige if you wanna solo and experience all the quests without getting rushed.

I'm sure like BL2, BL3 will have local couch co-op.


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>Machine Cult Leader Gaige
How can my wife get more based?

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She's not. Gaige is for pedos and shitters.

>tfw Gaige

>tfw max Anarchy with ricochet homing bullets and faster fire rates


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What's her appeal lads?
Would've you still liked her if she was older?

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>for pedos

I’m anxiously waiting to see her older like everybody else’s in 3

I’m planning on choosing Moses because of my experience with Gaige

Marcus is seriously starting to look like Joe Ligotti

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BL2 didn't have local on PC. I actually ended up buying a second copy for 360 a few years later because I wanted to play local.

I just hope they don't fuck her up
so far every female aside from Maya looks like a crack head

Post yfw every Vault Hunter we haven’t seen so far dies in the initial fight against 3’s villains.

Everybody is focusing on Muscle girl Arab and not enough attention is given to Angry Russian midget

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salvador is the best vault hunter in 2. wtf you smoking i need it

Dumb helmet.

The people that like her frequent cunny threads and my best friend that really liked her turned out to be an IRL pedo.

That's because she's going to be a worthless gimmick class

he literally says hes into women and men,bissexual,or as one would say,a faggot who still fucks women

nice boobulars

He's just being a retard.

Nah, that's just a confused person. If you're into dudes you're fucking gay. End of story.

Right because everyone is your pedo friend. Idiot.

Get off my lawn, punk.

>It's either black or white
If things were only so simple.

If you've ever sucked a dick or had your dick sucked by a dude, you're gay. Bisexuality is just an excuse.

Ugly pug dog face.

Gaige players are EITHER pedos or shitters. Possibly both. But they definitely fall into one of those two groups.

I reckon Tina will be a DLC character.

Remind me again. TVHM scales to your level, but you are capped out at level 50, right? So if I really don't like UVHM I can just dick around in level 50 TVHM and enjoy myself?

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Isn't she 17 or 18? I don't think you know what pedo means.

yeah If you're not using slag

>dude change it to japanese it's sooooo much better gaige's per-pubecent voice makes me cum buckets
So you're a shitter. That's okay.

You're retarded.

Says the moron using the literal girlfriend character.

Loving the Design, don't think much about the ricochet other than I guess they wanted more gimmicks and couldn't think up of one for Jakobs.

Not all that impressive, It's the same mechanic as 2, but with a shield I guess. Also I hope that's not the sniper rifle I see, that is comically bulky.

Looks meh. Like Bandit it'll probably have the shittier stats brand wise

I like the idea, and I wonder if Atlas will come back to being "Better overall gun stats wise".

Unless I'm not seeing things, that is a Tourge Sniper rifle and I have no idea how that would work. Otherwise the Sticky thing sounds kinda ok.

Not much to say, same as Borderlands 2, 'cept the gun chases people. Sounds cool, but doesn't sounds too effective.

Hell yes to the toggle weapons. It means shock finally becomes a bit more useful when you can switch to fire afterwards for a one two punch deal. Charge sounds nice too.

I wonder if with the Augment thing, it means we can choose the under barrel shit? Other than that, I'm glad the spinigun looks more natural.

Fucking yes. I enjoyed Burst fire, but I'd rather choose how I want my fire mode, than leave it base on whether I'm aiming or not.

T word

Borderlands 1 had the best atmosphere and feel, and writing fuck everything after it for feeling "le so epic and wacky XD"

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The DLC for Borderlands 1 was where the "le so epic and wacky XD" really started.

But she's not even a loli?

What's a good build for Gaige? I'm currently level 10 doing Ordered Chaos.

Am I allowed to like the first Borderlands? The first game is on the PS4's PSN and I'm curious.

Marcus is fat as hell now, but I honestly think he looks better like that. Maybe it's the new haircut?

He's just a retard who doesn't know what words mean.

like what you like faggot. Don't let a Japanese flower arrangement board dictate your taste

I'm kinda excited for the game but hate I hate Epic, might just buy it on console.

It's preferred by most people here, so yeah.

>being this shit at borderlands
Build your character better

No shield is best strategy.

I use this:

This is more of an endgame set built for OP 8 with a Chaotic Neutral Necromancer mod. It focusses entirely on Gaige's DPS because DT is trash on UVHM and above. But for Normal and TVHM speccing into DT is probably better since he wrecks face on those difficulties.

just pirate it
if you want to play multiplayer think of it like you getting a preview of the game six months early
just please don't subject yourself to an FPS on a console

I see they're just blatantly ripping off ideas from the Resistance games now. I can already tell they won't be as fun to use though and more like what this user said.

Robot rampage isn't good?

What ideas were those?

No. DT is little more than a decoy to draw fire by the time you hit OP8.

oh god

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Roger That

What are Krieg's best and worst skill trees?

Shut the fuck up pussy.

Reminder to idiots: she was ugly as a child, she continues to be ugly as a teenager.

>projecting this hard

Oh. Well can you just reset all your SP?

welcome to eb games

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>already pleased with Amara's tasty abs
>Maya didn't lose that excellent hip window
>now notice Moze is also teasing a bit of midriff
Good yes

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>Nobody choosing Big Boss
why not? Maybe he'll be voiced by Hayder.

she's got a thicc midriff
good taste though fellow midriff appreciator

Her head looks like a loli's

Deathtrap doesn't scale properly on OP 8 so he's little more than a glorified meat shield even with a ton of skill investment, so it's better to just focus your build entirely around DPS skills for Gaige while ignoring DT. Axton's Turret suffers from the same problem but worse because Axton doesn't have much in the way of good damage boosting skills so he has to rely on the Bee for damage on OP 8.

His design is boring compared to the others. He looks like a generic soldier grunt.

the only problem is the soldier characters are always a little boring, but it seems like he's the sniper this time? and I always snipe, so maybe.

Being standard military is their thing I guess, I like it

but Borderlands snipers are b0ring
the only thing even resembling an exception is Mordecai but that's more for his Revolver skills than anything

gonna disagree with you there he looks pretty snazzy but I'm 100% going with Flak

Better hope I don't find you and suck your dick then dumbass.

Moze is the soldier and FL4k seems like the sniper

So far his gadgets that have been shown are holo decoys and a drone. Both abilities have already been done in the series, and were not that amazing.

>2nd most powerful character in the game
>bad scaling

When playing as Aurelia if you dont have a gun that does Cryo yet is it worth getting skills like avalanche?

Why is claptastic voyage so good? It has no righg being that good considering the game it's attached to.

>mfw playing Mordecai
>mfw using Mashers
>mfw the noise Crimson Lance soldiers make when they die from corrosion damage
too bad we won't be able to experience any of this in BL3

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Fun fact, Marcus claims he got fat because while they were married Moxxi told him to present himself in a way that would make people underestimate him

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Anyone enjoy the Physics?

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Gaige and Krieg are so fucking 1 trick its boring as fuck
Go Axton, Maya or Zer0 for a good time. Mainly Zer0

I once accidentally dropped a purple I was carrying in Sanctuary and it fell through the floor.

>We'll never get to kill Tannis
it's not fair bros

>When the stupid fucking low gravity in pre sequel causes an epic or better weapon to float off the map

Can I just respec when I get to higher levels?


>when the Crimson Lance sees my Pestilent Defiler
I will literally never forgive Gearbox for removing revolvers in 2, my anger and hatred will last long after my death

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What did they change with the borderlands 1 remaster? I heard they changed the moon too look like 2 and added new legendaries. Anything else? What ARE the legendaries? Also I heard the menu is shit now.

She's a furniture-fucking sperg whom you shouldn't trust to take care of anything.

When will BL let you pimp your ride fully? I want more than just skins.

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I don't mind 'em.

Nova Star and Hypnosis.

The menu is changed, a minimap and a few new orange guns are added, the Destroyer now summons Rakk for Second Winds, and you get loot from it when killed. Other than that, it's the exact same game with all its glitches and graphics unchanged.

not much at all, there's a new legendary of each weapon type, the revolver and combat rifle are especially fun
the menu is cleaner and a little less text-heavy
the most important change of all is that they finally added a FUCKING FOV SLIDER JESUS CHRIST IT'S BEEN A FUCKING DECADE

kinda lost its iconic plasticy look to it, used to be a gun thats recyclable-friendly now its just generic as fuck

>Go Axton, Maya or Zer0 for a good time. Mainly Zer0
Could you elaborate about what makes these characters fun to play?

I think that's the idea, that's it's the "Walmart gun brand" of the future.

I dgaf about that musclegirl, or millions of guns, or any other bullshit.
I just want sfm of the little Russian girl.

Axton is great for solo play since the turret is backup. Said turret, from the different trees, can have missiles, attack to ceilings and walls, spawn two sentries at once, or even long bow it to cause a nuclear explosion!

Maya is crowd control at it's best. Lock up the scary big guy, and whittle him while immobile. That and heals and elemental fun.

Zer0 is fun either for Ninja stabby stabby time, or just if you want to snipe the enemy camp from afar.

You could also melt enemies with Hellfire SMGs since the DOT stacked rapidly and melted just about anything.

Yes. Focus on DT for Normal and TVHM then respec for an Anarchy focused build when you get to UVHM.

>tfw randy loses a USB with the alpha build of Borderlands 3 and legit CP at Casa Bonita .

his voicelines are so fucking annoying. after angel and tina he's the worst character. also fucking useless in raids. zer0 ftw

>his voicelines are so fucking annoying
Glad I am not the only one who thinks that. His voice is also unpleasant to listen to.

What's even the point if you don't have a nice revolver at your side through the wastelands?

>his voicelines are so fucking annoying
were you born to just hate fun

>the grip on that skag
you just know


God Tier:
>The Doppleganger

Great Tier:

Above Average Tier:

Average Tier:

Below Average Tier:

Shit Tier:

Probably Zane unless they make him an extremely flamboyant homosexual or something.

Fl4k is my back-up.


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Gimme the robot with the timbs

How would you rank BL2 characters for solo stuff and another tier list for co op?

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